August 9, 2023

Every person is unique. The uniqueness can be in a positive way and can be in a negative way as well. There are various doings a person can be habitual of. One of such habits is lying. Lying is a common act and we see it in it every day. Some people lie without its need. This is often referred to as pathological lying. Lying is intentional telling of false statements. We shall discuss the condition of Mythomania in detail and its management in the contemporary system of medicine and in the traditional system of medicine as well. Let’s discuss!!
Mythomania, which is also called pseudologia fantastica and pathological lying, is a constant conduct wherein the individual routinely or urgently/compulsively lies. There is no significant reason for lying but to look like a victim or a hero using the circumstance. It can be defined as a persevering, unavoidable and frequently urgent pattern of extravagant lying behaviour that prompts clinically huge and significant impairment of working in social, occupational, or different areas; causes marked distress; poses a risk to oneself or others and occurs for longer than a year. Now let’s see the causes, classification, features, management and ayurvedic aspect of the condition.
Causes of Mythomania
The exact cause of pathological lying is unknown and even it is not clear if it is a symptom of underlying disease or a condition itself. Though some of the causative factors that have been somewhat related to pathological lying are as follows
- Genetic or biological causes
- Childhood abuse or neglect
- Low self-esteem
- The presence of personality disorder
- Substance abuse
- Frontotemporal dementia
Signs and symptoms
- Person lies a lot without any significant reason
- Due to lack of trust, relationships and friendships of pathological liars’ fail.
- High levels of self-assurance
- Lie detector tests shops the patients with mythomania shows arousal, guilt and stress from their lying
Differential diagnosis
- Factitious disorder
- Personality disorders
Management of Mythomania
- There is no management available for the condition of mythomania.
- Counselling can be done.
Ayurvedic aspect and management of Mythomania
In Ayurveda, there is mention of sharirik (bodily) and mansik prakriti (mentally nature). There are basic three types of sharirik prakriti namely vataj, pittaj and kaphaj. There are other prakritis that are a blend of the basic prakriti. In Mansik there are three types of prakritis namely satvik, rajasik and tamsik. Satvik prakriti is pure and devoid of any fault or disquality. Whereas, tamsik and rajsik are the mansik prakritis that are considered to be faulty and are known as mansik doshas. So people with these dosha tend to lie for their benefit or for no reason at all.
Even if no such correlation is available, the condition resembles the mansik dosha. Because mana is what makes the decision thus lying is also ruled by mana thus it can be correlated with manas dosha.
There is management protocol and way of managing the condition which are regarded as sattvavjaya and ashwasan chikitsa. These are compared to counselling and reassurance. The patient should be told about the badness of telling lies unnecessarily and its adverse impacts on his/her relationships and bonds. Further the patient should be given assurance that the condition shall be improved super soon if he/she follows the management plan properly. Physicians must give patients a ray of hope and help them to always speak the truth.
There are various herbs mentioned in Ayurveda that are helpful in correcting these conditions of mind and psyche. These includes yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), mandukaparni (Centella asiatica), shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), jyotismati (Celastrus paniculata), guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), vacha (Acorus calamus), brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). kushmanda (Benincasa hispida) and others.
There are some herbal medicines available that calms the mind and promotes a good and positive thinking. These include saraswatarishta, brahmi vati, kalyanaka ghrita,sidharthaka ghrita, maha paishachaik, puranghrita, ghrita, brahmi ghrita, lashunadya ghrita, mahakalyanaka ghrita and others.
Sattvavjaya Chikitsa
The Sattvavjaya word implies supporting the satva. Satva is mana (mind) that is the underlying driver of the psyche. The psychotherapeutic method for managing the illness has been portrayed under Sattvavajya Chikitsa. Aacharya Charaka describes it as a methodology for controlling or withdrawal of the mind from innutritious objects (Arthas). It zeroed in on the control of the mind that one should move himself along in his/her own oneself ensuring to know the genuine substance of his/own soul and accomplishing the degree of supernatural quality and giving certifiable inspiration to life. As per Aacharya Charak it infers keeping the brain from the longings of unwholesome articles the development of Janan (insight), Vianan (common information), Dhairya (tolerance), Smrti(recall) and Samadhi (yogic psychotherapy). Samadhi insinuates practising yoga and thought to lessen the waverings of mind finally inciting a focused and tranquilised mind. This huge number of measures assist in making with telling over the Manas or mind, which is reliably unstable. Hence, an individual ought to be informed to do normal yoga and meditation that will ultimately assist patients with Mythomania or pathological lying.
Herbal Remedies for Mythomania by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a well known GMP certified, ISO 9001:2015 certified and US-FDA registered Ayurvedic Company, which adhered to the aim of manufacturing quality Ayurvedic products as mentioned in the various ancient texts of Ayurveda. formulations are manufactured without additives and preservatives and other kinds of chemicals or artificial flavouring agents which causes a number of side effects on the human body. Products prepared at Planet Ayurveda are pure and do not contain any kind of adulteration. The products are purely organic and vegetarian and gluten free. Planet Ayurveda presents its products which are beneficial in Mythomania.
Following is the list of products that are great in managing Mythomania
Products List
- Gotu Kola Capsules
- Neurogenie Capsules
- Sarotovahi Capsules
- Mahakalyanaka Ghrit
Product Description
Gotu Kola capsules are enriched with the mind relaxing and nervine tonic properties. It is composed of the standardised extract of the herb gotu kola (Centella asiatica). The herb is known as medhya which helps in improving intelligence and intellect. In addition to this the capsules also channelise the thoughts in a positive way. Therefore Gotu Kola capsules are of great help and provide a good result in Mythomania.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day.
Neurogenie capsules is a product of Planet Ayurveda which is composed of the herbs which are mentioned as medhya in Ayurvedic texts and promote and improve neurological and mental functions. The formulation contains the herbs brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) and ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). These are useful in promoting wellness of the mind and coping up with stress. And also helps in channelizing the mind in a positive direction and elevates the mood. With its mind calming actions, Neurogenie capsules are helpful in Mythomania.
Dosage: Two capsules twice a day.
Srotovahi capsules is a product of Planet Ayurveda which contains the standardised extracts of herbs such as shilajit, guggul (Commiphora mukul), haridra (Curcuma longa), vidanga (Embelia ribes), maricha (Piper nigrum), dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and tulsi (Ocimum sanctum). The formulation aids in removing ama dosha from the body that is the main cause of obstruction in any of the srotas (channels of the body). It promotes the normal functioning of all channels by wonderful properties such as ant-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, digestive and induce digestive fire. It acts on manovaha srotas and helps in its abnormal or negative thought functioning. Therefore, it helps in Mythomania.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day.
Mahakalyanaka Ghrit is a classical formulation which helps in coping up with the psychological and psychiatric issues effectively. Mahakalyanaka ghrit is enriched with mind calming properties of herbs such as krishna sariva (Ichnocarpus frutescens), shweta sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), haridra (Curcuma longa), prishniparni (Uraria picta), daru haldi (Berberis aristata), tagar (Valeriana wallichi), manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), kapikachhu (Mucuna pruriens), ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum), vidanga (Embelia ribes) and many others. Mahakalyanaka ghrit helps in coping with mythomania disorder as it relaxes the mind and manages the symptoms associated with stress. Hence, Mahakalyanaka ghrita is a product of choice in Mythomania.
Dosage: One tsp twice daily with warm milk
Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604
Lying is common and is defined as intentionally/willfully and knowingly making a false statement. Normally people lie to avoid the circumstances that could erupt from speaking the truth and are usually defensive. But in some cases a person lies to avoid the circumstances of speaking the truth but when a person lies without any valid reason then the condition is considered as pathological and hence called pathological lying. Though, this condition can be corrected with proper counselling and psyche changing herbal medicines efficiently. Whereas in the modern system of medicine, there is no management available. But herbal medicines amazingly help in pathological lying by its mind calming and relaxing properties. Herbal products of Planet Ayurveda mentioned above are capable of managing the pathological lying or mythomania effectively.