What Are the Things Responsible For Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver and Ancient Remedies for It?


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is not a single condition but a term which is used to denote a specific range of ailments that are caused due to building up of fat in one of the most important organs of the body, i.e. liver. This article is all about the termed disease and specifically the factors responsible for it along with the management with ancient herbal remedies.


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is defined as the accumulation of the fat in excessive amounts in the liver resulting in the damage of the particular organ. The pathological changes are similar to alcohol abuse but the disease occurs in those who do not take alcohol heavily or are not heavy drinkers. Liver is one of the most important organs in the body which works to facilitate the digestion, storage of energy and removal of end products (toxins) from the body. Normally there is some amount of fat found in the liver however it is known to be fat if the amount of fat exceeds 5-10%.

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver


NAFLD is a complex disorder for which the exact causes are not clear. However there seems to be certain factors that contribute to the cause of the disease. Specific genetic factors as well as environmental factors play the vital role behind this disorder. Let’s learn about some of the major points about it.

  1. Genes play a major role in NAFLD. Inheritance works through the transfer of these genes so if they are affected which means if you are having someone who is suffering from NAFLD or had it in your familial chain then the chances of you having it increases. However the pattern of this inheritance and certainty is not clear.
  2. Obesity is widely associated with the higher risk of developing NAFLD. Obesity means excessive deposition of fat throughout the body which results in eventual accumulation in the liver as well. Steatosis which means abnormal accumulation of fat within an organ or cell is one of the common complications of obesity and the liver is the commonest organ affected by it.
  3. Type 2 diabetes also increases the risk of developing NAFLD and vice versa. This is as common as half of type 2 diabetes people having NAFLD. The main factor here which is responsible for both to have connection is insulin resistance which disturbs the lipid metabolism and hence leading to excessive accumulation of fat in the liver.
  4. High blood pressure also increases the risk of a person to develop NAFLD. Increased blood pressure alters the ability of the liver to function and hence excess amounts of fat start to deposit over there eventually leading to pathological changes in the organ.
  5. High levels of cholesterol leads to increased accumulation of the cholesterol in the liver due to its altered homeostasis and transportation. This free cholesterol causes damage to the hepatocytes (main functional cells of liver).
  6. Presence of any metabolic syndrome like diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure (as already discussed) increases the chance of developing NAFLD.
  7. Smoking is also a culprit in the development of the NAFLD as it affects and damages the liver function through the inflammatory pathways. Smoking disturbs the enzymes of the liver and increases the action of C-reactive protein.

NAFLD usually does not cause any signs and symptoms in the early stages however as the disease advances one may notice the complaints like pain which is aching and dull in character around the upper right side of abdomen, great tiredness and weakness, and weight loss without any obvious cause.

Unfortunately, there are no specific medicines in the conventional system of medicine for NAFLD. However certain drugs are used to treat the present complaints and eventually surgery is recommended in most of the cases. In case of liver failure one may require the transplantation of the organ.


Ayurveda is the ancient system of medicine originated in India and is being practiced and used in various countries of the world today. There are certain herbs as per Ayurvedic literature which have therapeutic effects on the liver. Numerous patients have been treated through these herbs worldwide suffering from liver ailments. In Ayurveda natural herbs and other natural compounds are used to treat the disease and no chemicals are included.


Planet Ayurveda is one of the known names in the field of herbal pharmaceuticals which indulges in the production and further distribution of various herbal supplements, medicines and products to treat a wide range of diseases. All of these products are free from chemicals, preservatives, additives, fillers, dye, colors and yeast which make them more safe and efficient for a person to use. For NAFLD also Planet Ayurveda offers a group of herbal remedies which helps in treating the disease naturally and its effective management.

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver

Herbal Remedies for Liver Disease

Product list

Liver care pack

  1. Echinacea capsule
  2. Yakrit Plihantak churna
  3. Phyllanthus niruri capsule
  4. Liver detox capsule

Product Description

1. Echinacea Capsule

Kalmegh or Indian Echinacea (Andrographis paniculata) is a well known herb which has been used to treat liver ailments since ages. Indian Echinacea in its standardized extract form is used to prepare Echinacea capsule which helps in maintaining a healthy functioning of the liver and also prevent it from the damage caused due to various drugs and infections.

Dosage– Take 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water

2. Yakrit Plihantak Churna

This herbal churna is an amazing medicinal mixture of various therapeutic herbs like Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri), Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Makoy (Solanum indicum), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) etc. Yakrit Plihantak churna helps in removing excessive fat from the liver and also acts as a diuretic. It also helps in treating hepatitis other than NAFLD.

Dosage– Take 1 teaspoon twice daily after meals with plain water

3. Phyllanthus Niruri

As the name suggests these herbal capsules are prepared from standardized extract of Phyllanthus niruri or Bhumi amla. It helps in restoring the normal liver structure and function and also prevents it from certain infections and diseases. Phyllanthus niruri capsules are amazing herbal supplements to enhance the action of the liver.

Dosage– Take 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water

4. Liver Detox formula

Herbs like Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), Kaasni (Cichorium intybus), Makoy (Solanum indicum) etc. are used in the formulation of Liver detox formula. These herbal capsules are used to detoxify the liver and clean it naturally. Liver detox capsules help to eliminate the toxins and excessive fat from the liver and facilitate its normal functioning.

Dosage– Take 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water


NAFLD is much more common than you think, and it can be life threatening if left untreated. Now as we know from this write up about all the things which can lead to it, hence hope this will help you in keeping a check on them. I will close this now just by reminding once again that nature and natural methods are always better than other options hence go for herbal remedies in order to get gentle and proper treatment.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan


Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com.

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