March 17, 2018
Permanent Cure of Ulcerative Colitis with Diet and Home Remedies
Medical science has advanced a lot in all spheres of diseases, but in case of ulcerative colitis, modern medicine has made little progress. The present management of ulcerative colitis by modern medicine remains unsatisfactory. The modern physicians are far more able to control the disease than to cure it. Antibiotics are the chief medicines available for the control of diarrhoea. The introduction of cortico-steroids was thought to revolutionise the management of this disease, but the side effects of these drugs are as serious as the disease itself, while their control of the primary condition remains poor but this disease has been widely described in the classical Ayurvedic literature.
Though ayurvedic medicines as well as home remedies are capable of regularising the digestive fire to normalcy, various yogic exercises by virtue of their specificity work as catalytic agents for stabilising the digestive fire at a higher level. According to Ayurveda, the disease can only be considered to be cured when the agni (digestive fire) is balanced without the use of any external medicine and it is quite possible.
Ulcerative Colitis is a syndrome in which the agni, digestive fire is supposed to be fault. When digestive fire becomes depressed, ama dosha (undigested waste material) accumulates and is passed in the stools with bleeding in stools is an additional feature. So, the aim of ulcerative colitis treatment in Ayurveda is to enhance the potency of digestive fire, thereby reducing the formation of ama dosha.
What are the causes of Ulcerative Colitis?
- Eating fast food
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Irregularity in diet
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Eating late nights
- Excessive heat or exposure to the sun
- Skipping meals
- The psychological aspect of colitis is also significant. It must be noted that stress and strain are the major contributory factors in causing and aggravating the disease. So, in Ayurveda, psychosomatic nature of the disease is also kept in mind while undertaking its treatment.
What are the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis?
- Irregular bowel movements
- Bluish or yellow undigested stool
- Unexplained fatigue
- Blood in stools
- Diarrhoea
- Weight loss
- Rectal pain
Home Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis

Pomegranate Juice
- There are only a very few fruits as nutrition loaded as pomegranate. The pomegranate is used for its health benefits for thousands of years. It improves digestion power of stomach. Pomegranate juice balances the digestive fire, provides virility, and relieves vomiting, inflammation and checks bleeding in stools. Take 1 glass of juice pomegranate juice regularly in the morning. It also improves physical energy which is generally lost in the patients of ulcerative colitis and cures anaemia as well. It also induces quick healing of wounds. It has calming effect on the stomach.
Fenugreek Seeds-water
- Because of high mucilage content, fenugreek seeds are helpful in treating diarrhoea associated with ulcerative colitis. Soak a few fenugreek seeds for a few hours and consume the water. Fenugreek tea can also be prepared and consume it warm.
- Bananas are the good source of potassium, a mineral that is helpful in balancing electrolytes. Bananas also contain a great amount of pectin that helps in treating diarrhoea. Eat 2 bananas daily or add chopped banana slices to a cup of yogurt. Eat them regularly as they also help in giving nutrient boost.
Coconut Water
- Coconut water is a wonderful remedy in treating ulcerative colitis as it reduces the aggravated Pitta in the body. It also helps in reducing the burning sensation as well. Consuming this on regular basis for every 2-3 hours to replenish the body with lost nutrients.
Barley Water:
- Starchy liquid like barley water is very effective in treating ulcerative colitis. Barley water can be prepared at home by boiling a cup of barley seeds in a ½ litre water. Cool down this solution and drink it. Consume this water frequently to keep the body hydrated. Prepare fresh barley water and don’t consume packaged barley water as they contain artificial sugar and preservatives.
Carrot Soup:
- Carrot soup has properties that are helpful in treating ulcerative colitis. it has lot of nutrients that help in keeping the system hydrated and also provides a lot of nutrients. Cook a cup of carrots in a ½ litre water. Add little salt and pepper. Drink this soup regularly even after recovering from ulcerative colitis because by regularly consuming carrot soup gives a bunch of nutrients because all the nutrients get depleted in ulcerative colitis and body becomes weak. Carrots are the good sources of anti-oxidants as well as nutrients.
In addition, various yogic exercises such as: Bhujangasana, Mayurasana, Sarvangasana, Pranayama are also recommended.
- Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated, particularly during the bouts of diarrhoea.
- Eat several small meals each day rather than the large ones.
- Eat a low fibre diet like cauliflower, broccoli, whole grains, corn, nuts, seeds, and popcorn may worse the problem.
- Reduce the consumption of greasy and oily foods.
- Avoid milk products because many people suffering from ulcerative colitis are lactose intolerant.
- Include spices such as cumin seeds, coriander seeds, fennel seeds etc. in your diet.
- Consume the vegetable like radish, round gourd, ash gourd, pumpkin, bitter gourd, bottle gourd and ridge gourd.
- Consume the fruits like pear, apple, banana, Indian Goose Berry and pomegranate (without seeds).
- Include spinach, mustard leaves, fenugreek leaves in your diet but in moderation
- Take Cow ghee, daily 1 tsp. in your meal.