February 3, 2021
Prevention and Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Skin is one of the largest and important outer organs of our body. It plays an important role in protecting our body from water loss and pathogens. It helps in regulating our body temperature and stimulating us for any kind of external cause which might cause damage to the skin. Every person has different types of skin like some have oily while others might have dry and some are a combination of both. Some people have very sensitive skin like even a simple ant bite can lead them to rashes all over the body. Itching is also one of the symptoms presented by the body in response to pathogens and one of those skin conditions is Atopic dermatitis. In this article, we will discuss about atopic dermatitis and its ayurvedic management in detail.
Atopic dermatitis also is known as Eczema which is an inflammatory condition of the skin. It is one of the most common disorders which occur throughout the world. Here Atopy is related to hypersensitivity and allergy which is connected with Asthma, inhaled allergens. Atopic dermatitis is represented as a rash all over the body with a history of Asthma. The skin becomes extremely inflamed and itchy resulting in the formation of blisters, swelling, redness, and crust formation. People who have dry skin are mostly seen with atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis can occur at any age but Infants or Children are mostly seen with the disease. It may carry on to adulthood with ups and downs of the symptoms like there are times when the skin starts to itch and form crust all over the skin and after some time all the complaints go and this goes on repeating itself.
- Men and Women are equally affected by this disease
- Children are most likely to be affected by Atopic dermatitis.
- 65 percent of the patient shows symptoms in the first years of their life while other show symptoms after the age of 5.
- Symptoms shown after the age of 30 is very rare and uncommon
- People who live in areas with high humidity have a higher risk to develop atopic dermatitis.
The symptoms differ from patient to patient depending on their skin. The most common symptoms presented are:
- one of the marking features presented is the Itching.
- The parts that are mostly affected are the fold of the body like armpits, back of the knee, wrists, etc.
- Intense scratching which makes the skin inflammation worse.
- Atopic dermatitis patients have more sensitive skin as compared to others and they scratch more and for a longer time sometimes until they bleed.
- Due to itching especially during the night it is difficult for them to sleep which leads to disturbance of sleep cycle.
- It can also be noted on the skin around the eyes, eyebrows, and lashes. Due to extra the fold of the skin under the eyes atopic dermatitis is common to find here
Features of Atopic dermatitis on Skin
Following are the features of Atopic dermatitis:
- Ichthyosis where the scales appear on the legs
- Raised bumps called papules to appear on the skin which may get infected.
- Itching and rubbing on the same part of the skin causes to appear a thick raised patch called lichen simplex.
- Dark circle under the eyes.
- Warts may also be seen due to continuing picking of skin.
- Raised red bumps or hives shown on the skin called urticaria.
Following are the stages seen inatopic dermatitis
- The symptoms appear in newborn children from ages of 6 to 12 weeks
- Firstly it appears on the cheeks and chin. appearing as a facial rash that progressively becomes red and oozes out.
- the skin is infected
- When the child starts to crawl the areas like the knee and elbow also start to get infected.
- The child starts to become irritable and restless due to itching.
- Most of the children after 18months of the age start to get better, but children with dry skin have a greater risk to develop later in life too.
The cause for atopic dermatitis is not known yet but it is believed that it occurs due to mutation of certain genes or due to some external or environmental factors. But one thing is common that hypersensitivity increases with high itching of the skin. It is said to be associated with Asthma and Hay fever.
Some causes which may result in atopic dermatitis
- Filaggrin a form of protein present in the skin is decreased. Its main function is to hydrate the skin.
- People allergic to certain types of food are also affected by dermatitis.
- People who have weak immunity.
- Stress or Emotional factors also play a role in causing dermatitis.
Physical examination:– Atopic dermatitis patients can be easily diagnosed by the external appearance of the skin. Skin appears red and itches with inflammation. Skin becomes very dry and scaly.
Skin biopsy: – Sample of skin is taken for pathological examination.
CBC (complete blood count):- Which might show high levels of WBC (white blood cells)
IgE test: – The test might show some elevation due to the infection.
Prick Test: – The skin is pricked with a certain type of substance which is considered to be the cause for allergic reaction.
Herbal medicines provided by planet Ayurveda for Atopic Dermatitis are 100 percent pure which includes Psora care pack which also includes oil to apply to soothe the skin and decrease the itching. These medicines are free from preservatives and chemicals which help the patient to treat naturally without causing any harm. These herbal medicines do not irritate the skin. Further are the medicines which help in treating the Atopic dermatitis
- Radiant Skin Hair Nail Formula
- Navkarshik churna
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Lippu oil
- Vetpalai Thailam
- Mandarian Orange soap
1. Radiant Skin Hair Nail Formula
It is a formulation of herbal extract which includes Pitta papda (Fumaria officinalis), Ghritkumari (Aloe barbadensis) and many more. This formulation helps in reducing the itching and redness on the skin. It helps in boosting the immunity and stopping the pathogen from entering into the skin. It makes the skin look better and healthy.
Dosage: – One to two capsules daily with water.
2. Navkarshik churna
It contains herbal extract of Amla (Emblica officinalis), Bahera (Terminalia bellerica), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) etc. All the herbal medicines help in removing all the toxins from the body and reducing the infection which causes dermatitis in the skin. It reduces the itching and inflammation of the skin.
Dosage:- One teaspoon with water after meals.
3. Gandhak Rasayan
It is formed from purified sulphur. Sulphur has been found very useful in any kind of skin disorder and helping the skin to get normal. Sulfur removes all the ailments related to atopic dermatitis. It helps in making the skin beautiful and healthy.
Dosage: – One to two tablets after meals daily with water.
4. Lippu oil
It is the herbal oil which helps in soothing the skin and reducing irritation. Applying it will help the skin in skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. It will provide hydration to the skin and is especially recommended for people with dry skin.
Usage: – Apply directly to the skin with the help of cotton swab.
5. Vetpalai Thailam
It is an herbal medicine that is only for external use. It should be applied on the affected part of the skin to maintain a healthy appearance of the skin and get rid of any foreign body irritating the skin.
Usage: – Apply directly on the skin and gently massage it.
6. Mandarian Orange soap
It is a herbal soap which is especially recommended for people who have sensitive skin. This soap can be used by any skin type of person. It is free from chemicals and it won’t dry the skin.
Usage: – Directly use it on the skin just like other soaps.
All the Ayurvedic medicine mentioned above will help you in treating skin problems. It is safe to use and will not irritate the skin and is suitable for any skin type.