March 10, 2023
Radio Taiso Exercise Treatment By Herbal Remedies
Lifestyle is a way or routine followed by individuals, groups,s and nations that may vary from geographical as well as economic perspectives. In simple words, it means day to day behavior of an individual in diet, work, and activities. In the present world, every single person is influenced by a more leisurely lifestyle that leads to a wide range of changes in people’s life. So many people are following unhealthy lifestyles which act as a magnet to illnesses, dysfunction, and even death. People are becoming more prone to metabolic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, skeletal and joint issues, being overweight, and so on. An unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol, drug abuse, malnutrition, and stress is a more prominent forms of lifestyle. Emerging technology is making people paralyzed since they rely more on them and physical work has been reduced. Therefore lifestyle plays a significant role in the physical and mental health of human beings. Here in this article, we shall be discussing the radio taiso exercise technique, its origin, its benefits, and in addition to this Ayurvedic herbs to strengthen muscle mass. So let’s get started on our journey to maintain health.
Radio taiso exercise is known to be a Japanese exercise but it has its origin in America in the 1920s. It was brought to Japan from America. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. invented Radio Taiso as Radio calisthenics to inspire Americans to begin their day with a few light and healthy exercises. It was introduced to Japan in 1928 to crown Emperor Hirohito. It was introduced to keep Japanese soldiers as well as children and women fit and healthy at home. It was temporarily banned in 1945 after Japan’s defeat by the opposition. But later in 1951, it was reintroduced by Japan’s public broadcasting network. For more than 70 years Radio Taiso Exercise was a popular morning activity. Now in modern day Radio Taiso is broadcasted every morning at 6:30 without fail to keep the Japanese healthy and active. A tender but upbeat male voice starts the steady exercises, instructing listeners to jump forwards and backward, stretch their joints and rotate their hips to the beat of a cheerful piano tune.
The exercises consist of simple calisthenics which can be done by any age group. It consists of two sets of exercises, Radio Taiso number 1 and Radio Taiso number 2. Each set is about 4 minutes long… It consists of 13 steps:
- Stretch your whole body
- Stretch arms and legs
- Arm Rotations
- Chest Stretches
- Bend to both the side
- Forward and Backward Bending
- Twisting body
- Arm Stretches
- Forward Bending
- Rotating the whole body
- Jumping
- Stretching arms and legs
- Deep Breaths
- Radio Taiso 1 focuses on exercises that can be done by any age group starting from very young to very old age. The movement of muscles and the whole body in a slight rhythm is done.
- Radio Taiso 2 generally focuses on strength training. It is particularly designed to strengthen muscles. It involves some dynamic movements which make muscles and articulation flexible. It stimulates blood circulation that leads to active internal organs.
Exercise is a bodily activity maintained or enhanced that provides physical fitness as well as overall wellness. It provides numerous benefits as follows:
- Effective weight management
- Strengthens the muscle mass and bones
- Improves effectiveness and inability to do work
- Increase the health and reduce the risk of getting the disease
- Helps in managing chronic illnesses and disabilities
- Increases the life span of an individual
- Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases or other metabolic disorders like diabetes hypertension
- Provides stress-free life
- Balances the body’s hormonal levels
- It aids in digestion
- Splitting the word Ayurveda we get “Aayu ” means gaining age and “Veda” refers to Atharva Veda. Combining these two terms we get that ayurveda is a “Science of Life” which helps in enhancing age by following dinacharya (daily regime) and ritucharya (seasonal regime).
- Vyayama (exercise) is a part of dinacharya added by our Aacharya thousands of years back. In Ayurveda, Aacharya Charak defined vyayama as any physical activity which is beneficial and is able to bring stability to the body and increase its strength of the body. Okayama (Physical exercise) always has to be done in proper measure or amount without exertion. People who do vyayam on a regular basis do not attract old age, it makes one’s body beautiful, enhances the digestive power, and so on. According to acharya’s amount of exercise should be half of the total strength (aargh bala) otherwise it will be harmful. Along with a sound body, vyayam provides a sound mind as well.
Planet Ayurveda is a GMP-certified herbal company that prepares pure and natural Ayurvedic formulations in many forms like Powder, liquid, tablets, or capsules. Products manufactured in Planet Ayurveda are 100% pure and made from herbs that are potent and hundred percent effective. Our products are free from chemicals, binders, fillers, and dyes and free from any side effects. Our company works globally and medicines are delivered worldwide. Planet Ayurveda has been manufacturing various preparations of natural herbs and these all are prepared under the proper guidance of experienced MD Ayurvedic doctors. The formulations prepared here, are strictly according to the Classical texts and are very effective in promoting patient health. The herbal products made with love by Planet Ayurveda to strengthen muscles and the body are discussed below in detail.
Product List
Products Description
Musli strength capsule is a herbal product from Planet Ayurveda. It acts as a superfood that makes the person stronger. It contains herbs like safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) and Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). Both the herbs are sweet in taste (madhur rasa) and possess cold potency (sheet virya) that makes them brian dravya (helps in weight gain and strength). It supports endocrine health as well as balances all the stresses to the body as well as the mind. Thus strengthening the body and mind.
Dosage one tablet two times a day with plain water.
Telomere bootup is a herbal product by Planet Ayurveda that contains tremendous herbs that work on the nucleus of the cell by providing nutrition to the cell that are the pillars of the body. The herbs it contains are Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), moringa (Commiphora wightii), amla (Emblica officinalis), grape seed (Emblica officinalis). It is very effective in strengthening the muscle cell. It is a superfood for each and every cell.
Dosage one capsule two times a day with plain water.
Tribulus power is a herbal product formulated by Planet Ayurveda. The herb it contains is Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). Gokshura is Madhur (sweet) rasa dravya and has cold potency. Madhur ras tends to possess properties of brihana (nourishment). It strengthens the body. It also enhances the agni (digestive fire). It is helpful in gaining muscle mass. Tribulus power is really effective in strengthening the whole body. It makes an individual powerful inside as well as outside.
Dosage 1 Capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.
Our body and mind work in harmony when we include physical exercise in our daily routine. In the present day, making exercise an everyday habit is a necessity for surviving a healthy life. Radio taiso exercise is one of the types of exercise that is explained in this article that can be done by people of any age. It provides flexibility to the muscle and the whole body as well as strengthens the muscle. Ayurveda herbs prove to be potent to increase immunity and strengthen the muscles that provide a healthy body along with exercise. Hence exercise should become part of one’s lifestyle. For booking the online appointment and other queries visit us at