October 25, 2019
Remedies for Skin Discoloration and Pigmentation
Melanin is a pigment that gives color to the skin and protects it from rays of the sun. When there is an overproduction of melanin, skin discoloration is the result. There are some special cells in the body, which make melanin when these cells get affected melanin production gets imbalanced. The reason could be inflammation of the skin; other reasons like internal or external factors of the body can be the culprits of this problem.
Pigmented birthmarks, port wine stains, muscular stains, hemangiomas are some of the common types of pigmentations, due to which our discoloration of the skin occurs on our body.
Due to the difference which occurs in melanin levels, skin patch occurs on certain part of the body or on all of your body.
Types of Skin Discoloration Or Pigmentation
Vitiligo mainly affects the loss of color in blotches, any part of your body can be affected with this problem, most people with dark skin tend to get this problem with their skin, as far as this problem is concerned it does not harm you any other way than skin discoloration but its stressful kind of situation for person suffering from this problem as he feels bad about him/herself. The reason for this problem is when cells that produce melanin stops functioning hence discoloration occurs.
It is a condition that causes discoloration on your skin. As it’s known as “Mask of pregnancy” too, when it occurs in pregnant women, the condition is much more common in women, but men can get it too, brownish color skin patches can occur on cheeks forehead, bridge of the nose or on the chin. Though it will not do any harm, you may feel self-conscious about the way it appears on your skin texture.
Hypopigmentation is patches that are lighter than your overall skin, the problem with melanin can cause you this condition of hypopigmentation. This condition can also be due to the injury as it can develop into hypopigmentation.
Solar Lentigines:
It’s a patch of dark skin, the cause of this problem is UV (Ultraviolet rays), due to which local proliferation of melanocytes happens and leads to the accumulation of melanin within the skin cells (Kertinocytes). People over 40 are prone to be under the umbrella of this condition of solar lentigines.
Freckles are the brown spots on fair skin people, who are the victim of this problem, due to UV (ultraviolet) radiation stimulation. Genes such as MC1R or sunburn can be the cause of freckles.
Causes Of Discolored Skin Patches
Sunburns can be the cause of damaging your skin and some time some other factors which lead to burns can also damage your skin, hence it tends to get patches on the skin.
Skin Cancer:
When genetic material in the skin is damaged, this can cause cancer, which can change the color of skin and texture of the skin. Long term sun damage and exposure to chemicals can also be the reason for skin cancer.
Some Types of Skin Cancer
It’s the least common type of cancer, but if not treated, it can be dangerous also. Mole on the skin when it gets triggered which is also a cause of melanoma. Place of their occurrence in men is on chest and back. In the case of women, they appear on legs.
Actinic Keratosis:
It’s a condition where crusty or scaly kind of spots on hand, arms or face appears. It’s a precancerous skin problem. These spots are brown-gray or pink, the area affected with this problem tends to itch or even burning sensation is felt.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma:
It’s a type of skin cancer that begins in squamous cells, due to this disease sores and scaly patches can be seen. Squamous cells make an outermost layer of the skin.
Basal Cell Carcinoma:
Due to this condition, painful bumps in the early stages are making the patient irritate as they bleed, it also affects the top layer of skin. The appearance of this kind bumps are shiny or with scar-like looks.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Skin Cancer
Ayurveda can help us to treat these problems we face due to skin discoloration and pigmentation. According to Ayurveda, “Subdoshas” like ‘Pitta” and ‘Vatta” are the main factors due to which color of skin gets affected.
In Ayurveda, we not only treat with medicines for skin disorders but we include different procedures to overcome the problem of skin discoloration, by diagnosing the nature of the problem. We apply the procedure to treat it from the root. All these procedures are natural and without any side effects.
It includes the following herbal and home remedies:
Home Remedies for Skin Discoloration and Pigmentation
Changes in Lifestyle:
For combating with pigmentation on any part of the body you have to control the base of the problem that is causing an imbalance in Pitta and Vatta, hence lifestyle changes are required to do away with this problem. Exposure to the sun and wearing dark color clothes that absorb heat quickly are prohibited in this condition, due to it, stress meditation is required to keep you calm and relaxed.
If you are habitual of smoking then it’s very difficult to treat the problem of skin discoloration, as it increases the free radical content in your body, thus aggravating the factor of skin discoloration.
Detoxification of Body:
Water, which is essential for all living beings on earth, proves to be very beneficial in skin discoloration problems. With the help of Water therapy, which is known as “Usnodaka,” which is a very useful therapy for skin discoloration, the patient is asked to drink boiled water, which is a technique proven to be best for detoxification of all bad elements in the body. Apart from this, the patient is advised to drink 5 to 7 cups of boiled water on a regular basis on an empty stomach, till the Ayurvedic therapy is going on. Apart from this the Ayurvedacharya by examining the condition of the problem, can also recommend some other procedures as done in Ayurveda.
Herbal Remedies
Fruits like plums, peaches and fruit juices are recommended to hydrate your body and give you a good skin tone.
Cumin seeds, coriander, and fennel seeds are some of the seeds, when mixed and boiled in water, helps you to get relief from skin problems, you can take bath with this boiled water after cooling it and bringing it at room temperature. Herb like Manjhsthia helps you in relieving the skin disorders as it’s a blood purifier and it’s an anti-allergy herb, which can do wonders for your skin.
You can visit our website for more information.