May 19, 2022
Alternative Treatment of Sports Injuries with Herbal Remedies
Sports injuries are generally referred to as any injury that occurs while taking part in any sports or performing any exercise. It is better to perform sports or exercise in day to day life as inactivity places a huge burden on the overall health and people who are inactive in their life are usually affected by lifestyle disorders. So being a sports person is a good choice as well and this makes you free from all kinds of lifestyle disorders, makes your health active and disease free. Through this study we are going to discuss what are some common sports injuries and how Ayurveda benefits you with that.
Sports injuries are the injuries that one may experience while performing any physical activity, exercise and sports. If you are a sports person or you perform any kind of exercise day to day here you are going to have some knowledge about the injuries occurring while you are performing any of the mentioned tasks. Most commonly sports injuries occur in children but it can occur in adults too. And you all are at risk of occurring these injuries if you are not practicing regularly, don’t warm up before performing activity and play some sort of contact sport. And if someone has a concern of sports injury must read this article with proper attention as through his study you are going to have a solution for your injury with Ayurveda.
Types of Sports Injuries
- Tennis elbow: This injury is the injury that occurs after longtime. The condition is generally seen in tennis players that’s why it is named as tennis injury. It involves the inflammation of tendons outside the elbow joint which occur due to small tear
- Sprained ankle: It occurs when the ligament supporting the ankle joint gets overstretched
- Plantar fasciitis: This condition occurs when there is inflammation of the ligament connecting the heel to the foot front
- Pulled muscle: This condition occurs with the muscle sprain (overstretched and tear in the muscle) which includes the symptoms such as pain, swelling, weakness, difficulty in performing their functions. The most common sites included in muscle sprain are claves, quadriceps, groin, quadriceps, low back and shoulder
- Torn ACL: The condition includes tearing of anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint. The tear generally occurs when a sports person lands on the wrong way, changing direction quickly or from a direct blow.
- Torn MCL: Medial collateral ligament is a ligament which attach the femur to the tibia around the knee
- Shin splint: It also comes under the repetitive injury and mostly occurs in the runners and the one who is an exercise beginner. In this condition there is inflammation of the muscle and tendons around the tibia
So these are some common types of sports injury occurring while playing sports or doing exercises.
Conditions Associated with Sports Injuries
- Sprains: Tearing or stretching of the ligament
- Strains: Stretching or tearing of muscles and tendons
- Swollen muscles: Swelling of muscles associated with pain and tenderness
- Fractures: Broken bones
- Dislocations: Bones dislocate from the normal position
Some Steps to Prevent Sports Injuries
Usually you must take care of yourself while performing a sports task so that you save yourself from the injuries while you are performing the task. First of all you need to warm up and properly stretch your muscles before doing activity as warm muscles tend to be more flexible and absorb all the bends, quick movements, jerks, bends, thus making injury less probable. Here are some steps you need to follow to avoid the injuries.
- You must follow the proper technique while performing the sports activity
- Wear the safeguards that are must for performing that particular activity
- If once you get injured don’t perform any kind of activity that will harm the affected part of your body, you must get healed and then perform the sports activity
- Must cool down after performing your sports activity
- If you are recovering from any injury, you must perform some activity from the injured part of the body so that it may recover faster as it relaxes the tight muscles.
Ayurveda & Sports Medicine
Ayurveda deals with sports injury especially as a separate field. It is the best science dealing with sports injury since ancient times. As there is no direct reference for sports medicine in Ayurveda, people think there is no significance about the treatment of sports injury. But here are some facts that make Ayurveda medicine significant in the treatment of sports injuries. The contribution of dinacharya and achara rasayana plays an important role in the science of sports. Here are seven dhatus in our body and in sports injury mamsa (muscle tissue) and asthi (bony tissue) dhatus are involved along with that updhatu (essence of dhatus) such as, snayu (ligaments), kandra (tendons) takes part in sports injury.
As Per Ayurveda here are some Common Sports Injuries
- Bhagna: Bony injuries
- Sanayu gatavata : Ligament and tendon injury
- Vrana : Wounds
- Vrana Shotha: Inflammatory conditions
- Sadhyo Vrana: Acute wounds
Ayurvedic Management of Sports Injuries
Sports injuries as per Ayurveda have different contexts like bhagna, snayu gata vata, vrana, vrana shotha, sadhyo vrana, etc. All these included various healing processes some of them are mentioned next: The common goal of treating the sports injury call for rehabilitation of injuries, passive mobilisation, active mobilisation, boosts up tissue healing, strengthening, fixation of dislocated part and managing pain. All these mentioned are the objectives that have been achieved with the various ayurvedic medications with that of physiotherapy. Mainly the medications used for sports injury are those which involves brimhan dashmanigana (boosts muscle), jeevaniya dashmani gana (imparts energy), balakara dashmani gana (promotes strength), so these categories have been used to cure sports injury and to boost up the performance of sports person. There are different health types of ayurvedic procedures that are to be used in the management of sports injury. Let’s have a look at those processes.
- Alepa/upanaha: In this process the herbs are made into the paste form and applied over the needed area. So in sports injury applying it over the affected area manages pain and promotes the tissue healing process.
- Agnikarma: In this process a specific amount of heat is applied to the concerned site of the body with a specialized instrument and in sports injury it gives an instant relief in pain along with the improvement in limited movements on the affected site. Especially effective in managing the back pain and muscular pain.
- Raktamokshana: Raktamokshana is the process of blood letting and in sports injury it provides instant relief from pain along with regaining normal functioning.
- Bandhan: This is the process of bandaging as per Ayurveda. And this Bandaging with the herbs helps in alleviating inflammation and pain in the affected area.
So these are some procedures in Ayurveda that promote the health of sports injuries. Now let’s see how Planet Ayurveda heals any kind of sports injury by herbal remedies.
Herbal Treatment by Planet Ayurveda for Sports Injuries
Planet Ayurveda is a clinic that provides you with great treatment with miraculous results for every health concern. The formulations provided by Planet Ayurveda are made under the proper guidance of the M.D. Ayurveda Doctors And all these herbal formulations are free from any type of added preservatives and synthetic materials like gums, resins, starch, fibre, colour, etc. So feel free to get the treatment of your concern by planet ayurveda’s herbal medications. If you are having any type of sports injury or recovering from the sports injury, you must go for the treatment line provided by Planet Ayurveda for sports injury. Planet Ayurveda gives you treatment of four herbal medications for curing this condition. So let’s take a view on all the herbal medications and how they work in curing any of the conditions related to sports injury.
- Joint Aid Plus
- Boswellia Curcumin
- Cissus Power Capsules
- Yograj Guggul
This herbal remedy is available in capsules forms and consists of nirgundi (Vitex negundo), shallaki (Boswellia serrata), guggul (Commiphora mukul), shunthi (Zingiber officinale) and ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). All these herbs make this herbal remedy best in dealing with any bone and joint injury. As the formulation includes the herb that is anti-inflammatory, promotes the strength of the bone and muscles, and induces tissue regeneration with their special anti-oxidant effects. So adding this herbal remedy will boost up the healing of the fractured bone and tissue rupture of the muscles.
Dosage: 2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
Boswellia cucumin formulation is also present in capsules form which includes the standardised extracts of boswellia (Boswellia serrata) and curcumin (Curcuma longa). Both these herbal extracts are very good ayurvedic analgesics and anti-inflammatories. So taking these capsules in sports injury will improve the overall pain and inflammation in the affected part. Add these capsules for having a great relief in pain and inflammation.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
These capsules include the standardised extract of hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis). Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis) is very effective in fortifying the bones and joints as this herb is loaded with calcium and magnesium. Also it possesses the bone cell growth qualities and good in regeneration and proliferation of cells as well. So it is beneficial in promoting bone and muscle health in sports injury.
Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
This herbal remedy is available in tablet form and includes several ingredients such as guggul (Commiphora mukul), amalkai(Emblica ofifcinalis), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), pippali (Piper longum) and some other herbs. It is very effective in easing the pain and induce the secure movements of the joints as well. This formulation also strengthens and rejuvenates the skeletal system and pacifies the vata dosha that helps in alleviating any nerve injury in sports. So due to these properties yograj guggul is also considered supportive in the management of any type of sports injury along with the above mentioned herbal formulations.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.
Sports injuries are generally referred to as any injury that occurs while taking part in any sports or performing any exercise. There are different kinds of sports injuries and as per Ayurveda it has been classified too. If someone among you is facing any difficulty in recovering from a sports injury they must follow ayurvedic herbal medications for better recovery as ayurveda have different procedure such as alepana, agnikarma, raktamokshana, bandhan, etc along with that having very beneficial herbal remedies by planet ayurveda which you can use for getting better recovery along wit some physiotherapy. For more queries you can contact us on