Ayurvedic Herbs to Manage Blood Sugar Levels
In this shloka the symptoms of madhumeh are
- One who passes the urine which is astringent by nature , sweet, pale and rough should be diagnosed as a case of madhumeh which because of the vitiation of vata dosha.
(Reference: Charak Samhita (Nidan Sthan): Chapter- 4 and Shloka-44)
As per Ayurveda Aspect:
- Diabetes is correlated with madhumeh or prameh. It is described by Acharya charak in charak Samhita Nidan sthan. Prameh is a tridoshaj disease but initially, it starts with the derangement of Kapha Dosha. Excessive intake of kapha prakopak ahara vihara can lead to the vitiation of Kapha Dosha. Symptoms related to prameha are krisha (asthenic), Rauksha (dryness in the skin), Bahu pipasa (Excessive thirst), sthula (obese) and bahuasi (Excessive hunger).
Aetiological classification of diabetes (prameha):
- One type is Sahaja meha which is hereditary and another one is apathyanimitajja which is acquired.
Types of prameha according to Acharya Charak:
Aphaja Prameha:
- Udakameha, ikshubalika, sandrameha, Sandera prasadameha, shuklameha, shukrameha, siktameha, sitameha, shanairmeha and alalameha.
Pittaja prameha:
- Kshurdrameha, kalameha, nilameha, lohitameha, manjishthameha and haridrameha.
Vataja prameha:
- Vasameha, majjameha, hastimeha and madhumeha.
As per modern aspect:
- Diabetes is a condition which impairs the ability of the body to process blood glucose and is a group of metabolic diseases marked by the high blood glucose level resulting from defects in insulin production. Lack of insulin production affects the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins which in turn causes disturbance of water and electrolyte homeostasis.
- Having pre-diabetes can put you at a higher risk of getting type2 diabetes. Diabetes can damage your nerves, eyes, and kidneys and may also cause heart disease.
What Are the types and Symptoms of diabetes?
Diabetes can be of three types:
- Type 1
- Type 2
- Gestational Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes:
- This condition is also known as juvenile diabetes and can occur when the pancreas fails to produce insulin due to loss of beta cells. An individual with type 1 diabetes is mostly insulin dependent, which means the individual must take artificial insulin to stay alive. So, it is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM).
Type 2 diabetes:
- In this condition, the pancreas still produces insulin but fails to resists the insulin properly, unlike in type 1 and it affects the way the body uses insulin. It has strong links with obesity and lack of exercise. This condition is also referred to as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or adult-onset diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes:
- This occurs in pregnant women during pregnancy when the body becomes less sensitive to insulin. It does not occur in all pregnant women but when occurs, then it usually resolves after giving birth.
In type 1 diabetes mellitus the symptoms may develop rapidly (weeks or even months)
Symptoms related to diabetes are:
- Blurred vision
- Excessive thirst and hunger
- Frequent urination
- Restlessness
- Fatigue
- Blurring of vision
- Slow healing of wounds
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Skin infections
- Tingling sensation in hands and feet
- Darkening of skin complexion
- Irritability
- Excessive thirst and hunger
- Weight loss
- Pain in upper and lower limbs
Ayurvedic Herbs to Manage Blood Sugar Levels
Gurmaar (Gymnema sylvestrae):
- In Hindi language, gurmaar is known as “The sugar killer” and it has been used in Ayurveda since ages for controlling the blood sugar level Extract of this herb plays an important role in reducing the craving for sugar.
- Some researchers have shown that it contains molecules of gymnemic acid in the intestines and also inhibits its entry into the bloodstream.
- It is the best and effective herb for the controlling of blood sugar levels that may contribute to insulin secretion and also cell regeneration that may contribute to blood sugar lowering capabilities.
Karela (Momordica Charantia):
- Karela is also known as a bitter guard or bitter melon and is a unique vegetable-fruit that can be used as a medicine or food. This fruit has long been used as herbal remedy for a range of ailments, including type2 diabetes. It contains an active substance called charantin which has anti-diabetic properties which can reduce the blood sugar levels. It also contains vicine and an insulin-like compound known as polypeptide and these substances work either individually or together that can help to reduce the blood sugar levels.
Vizaysaar (Pterocarpus marsupium):
- The bark of vizaysaar is useful for diabetes. The bark of the tree is used to make a wooden glass and this glass is termed as “The miracle care for diabetes”. It increases the digestive fire and also increases the insulin production in the body.
- Pour some water in the wooden glass and keep it for overnight and the water is consumed by the diabetic patients early in the morning on an empty stomach. The color of the water changes to brown and change this wooden glass after one month until the watercolor does not change.
Saptrangi (Salacia oblonga)
- Saptrangi is a wonderful Ayurvedic herb used for diabetes. Its bark is very effective in controlling the diabetes. The main constituents of this herb are kotalanol and salicin which acts as glucose inhibitors. These inhibitors lower the risk of complications caused by diabetes mellitus.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
- Ashwagandha is an effective herb which is especially used for diabetic neuropathy, fatigue, weakness and weight loss due to diabetes. This herb is adaptogenic which relieves stress and anxiety. Some researchers said that this herb is used to lower the blood sugar levels in the body by increasing the insulin secretion and improves the sensitivity of insulin in the muscle cells.
- It can also reduce the cortisol levels because increased cortisol level may lead to high blood sugar levels in the body. Reduced cortisol levels help the body to deal with stressful situations and keep the sugar level under control.
Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)
- Tulsi is popularly known as the holy basil and is known to be a significant part of ayurvedic medicines. Its leaves, seeds, and stems are edible and are used in various Indian delicacies. Being an anti-inflammatory, it can prove to be a cure to several diseases.
- Tulsi is said to improve the pancreatic beta cell function and insulin secretion that further increases the uptake of glucose by muscles. Leaves of Tulsi has hypoglycemic properties which lower the blood sugar level and prevents further complications related to diabetes.
Fenugreek (Trigonells foenum graecum):
- Fenugreek can improve the metabolic symptoms associated with type 1 and type2 diabetes. It contains high soluble fibers which are helpful in lowering the blood sugar levels by slowing down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. Its seeds are the richest source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, which help to protect the cells of the body from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals.