Tag: Ayurveda for Somatoform Disorder

Ayurvedic Treatment for Somatoform Disorders – Somatic Symptom Disorders (SSD)


Somatoform disorders are commonly known as Somatic Symptom Disorder. It is considered in psychiatric disorders and involves physical and mental illness. Somatoform disorders include different types of disorders such as somatization disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, conversion disorder, pain disorder, hypochondriasis, and body dysmorphic disorder. The symptoms are unexplained and found in early patients. If the patient has a somatic disorder and experiences physical and mental distress the treatment can cure the symptoms and improve the quality of life of the patient.


In Ayurvedic terms, the Vata Kapha dosha and tamas guna are responsible for the somatoform disorder. The symptoms involve one or more organs or body systems such as Pain, Neurogenic problems, and Gastrointestinal complaints. Somatoform disorders occur in 0.2 – 2 % of women and less than 0.2 % of men.

Somatoform Disorder


The Cause of somatoform disorder is unknown but some risk factors are there which cause somatoform disorder. The risk factors are follows as

  1. Genetic and biological factor
  2. Emotional stress
  3. Childhood trauma
  4. Childhood illness
  5. Mental health condition
  6. Anxiety
  7. Depression


Somatoform disorder with the following symptoms

  1. Pain in any part of the body or the whole body
  2. Shortness of breath
  3. Anxiety
  4. Abdominal pain
  5. Altered bowel habits
  6. Digestive problems
  7. Abnormal movements such as tremors and seizures
  8. Blindness
  9. Hearing loss
  10. Loss of sensation in the body


  1. Somatic symptom disorder (SSD):- also known as somatization disorder. The disorder occurs between 18-30 years of life. More women than men are affected. The cause is not known but affects the person’s day to day life activities. The diagnosis is difficult as there is no physical cause for the symptoms. Some Somatic symptoms are diagnosed when the person has excessive thoughts, behaviour, and feelings relating to physical symptoms without a medical condition such as pain, weakness, and shortness of breath.
  2. Conversion disorder:- Also known as functional neurological symptom disorder. it occurs between the ages of 18 to 30 years. It is a condition where a person has symptoms that suggest serious neurological diseases such as brain or nerve diseases. For example total loss of vision (severe sight impairment), deafness, weakness, numbness, or paralysis of arms and legs. Symptoms appear for a few weeks but in some cases, it appears for a longer time.
  3.  Pain disorder:- It is a condition where a patient has persistent pain but not attributed to a physical disorder. Due to pain patients experience stress and discomfort. It is due to psychological factors. The severity and duration of psychological factors will affect the severity and duration of pain.
  4.  Hypochondriasis:-  Also known as anxiety illness disorder.  People think a normal symptom is a sign of a serious disease. For example -they believe that a common headache is a sign of a brain tumor, and a normal skin rash is a sign of skin cancer. Normal body sensations such as tummy rumbling may be thought of as a symptom of serious illness. The disorder is similar to somatization disorder but in this condition, people may accept that the symptoms are minor but fear they are caused by serious disease.
  5.  Body dysmorphic disorder:-  It is a condition where a person spends a lot of time worried and concerned about their appearance. A person spends most of the time thinking of minor or imagined defects in the body. The patient frequently examines their appearance in a mirror, consistently compares their appearance with others, and avoids social photos and communication.


  1. History of many physical complaints – Any drug or alcohol abuse, stress.
  2.  Physical examination – Pain, sleepiness, and fatigue that cause distress and have a negative impact on daily functioning.
  3. Psychological examination – To talk about symptoms, fears, concerns, stressful situations, relationship problems, and family history.


  1. Psychotherapy:- It includes cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or Trauma therapy
  2. Medication:- Antidepressant medication
  3. Relaxation therapy- It includes deep breathing techniques, meditation, massage, and music therapy.


In Ayurvedic aspects, Somatoform disorders come under Manovikaras. Due to an increase in vata kapha dosha (sharirik dosha) and rajas guna (mansik dosha) mental illness will occur.As Acharya Charak explained in Dashavidha pariksha and tells about the bala (strength ) of a person in which  Avara sattva people are commonly affected with somatoform disorder. Some symptoms are seen such as Anidra ( insomnia) due to vata dosha, Murcha due to  Pitta dosha, tandra, and nidra (sleep) due to Kapha dosha.

Causes of somatoform disorder according to Ayurveda

  1. Mithya aahar ( improper diet )
  2. Mithya vihara ( improper activities)
  3. Ratri Jagran ( inability to sleep at night )
  4. Manashika hetu ( psychological stress )


In Ayurveda, Manovikaras are treated as follows

  1. Daivavyapasraya chikitsa ( A Spritiual therapy ):-  It includes Mantra, Mani , Aushadhi, Bali, Homa,  Upahara, Upavasa, Niyama
  2. Yuktivyapasraya chikitsa ( A Logical therapy):- Administration of medicine such as nasya, Shirolepa, and as well as diet.
  3. Satwavajaya chikitsa ( A Psychotherapy ):- It is an Adravyabhoota chikitsa.

Other treatment strategies

  1.  Medhya Dravayas:- A group of brain tonics that help improve memory and keep the mind in a state of balance. For example- Mandukparni, Yasthimadhu, Guduchi, Shankhapusphi.
  2. Chittodvega chikitsa:- Refers to a set of anxiety disorder
  3. Unmada(Insanity) /Apasmara(Epilepsy)  chikitsa
  4. Atatvabhinivesha chikitsa:- It means lack of judgment and loss of discrimination between which is good or which is bad.


Planet Ayurveda is an ISO-certified company. It deals with the manufacturing of different ayurvedic products which are available in the form of tablets, syrup, capsules, and decoctions. Planet Ayurveda products are totally herbal and free from any type of adulterant. The preparations prepared by Planet Ayurveda are potent and used in various conditions. The formulations offered by Planet Ayurveda for somatoform disorder are follows as

Product list

  1. Boswellia curcumin capsules
  2. Neurogenie capsules
  3. Phyllanthus niruri capsules
  4. Kalyanaka ghrit
  5. Saraswatarisht

Herbal Remedies For Somatoform Disorders

Herbal Remedies for Somatoform disorders

Product Description

1. Boswellia curcumin capsules

Boswellia curcumin is a useful ayurvedic capsule that contains curcumin (Curcuma longa) and shallaki ( Boswellia serrata). Curcumin boosts the brain and nervous system as curcumin regenerates and protects the cells of the nervous system, uplifting mood and improving brain health. Both herbs have analgesic properties. As patients suffer from anxiety and stress that causes recurrent headaches so for that Boswellia curcumin helps the patient.

Dosage:- 1 capsule twice daily, after meals with plain water

2. Neurogenie capsules

Neurogenie capsules are pure extraction of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). Ashwagandha and Brahmi provide relief from stress, and anxiety and are useful in enhancing memory and instantly giving memory alertness. Ashwagandha is useful in managing anxiety attacks, stress, and post-traumatic disorder. They calm the nervous system and increase the physical and mental performance of the patient.

Dosage:- 2 capsules twice daily, after meals with plain water

3. Phyllanthus niruri capsules

It is an Ayurvedic formulation that contains a pure form of Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri). To prevent gastrointestinal symptoms and hepatic damage these capsules are given in somatoform disorder. As capsules are anti-fungal or anti-viral they prevent the body from infections.

Dosage:– 1 capsule twice daily, after meals with plain water

4. Kalyanaka ghrit

Kalyanka ghrit contains Badi elaichi ( Ammonium subulatum), Hariaki (Terminalia chebula), Vishala (Rakta indravaruni), Devadaru (Cedrus deodara), Bhibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica),  Elavaluka (Prunus avium), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Ghrita ( cow ghee)  and many other herbs. It balances vata and pitta dosha. It boosts memory and mental health and relieves stress so it is useful in somatoform disorder. It is also useful in convulsions, tremors, psychosis, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Dosage:– 1 tsp twice with milk (warm)

5. Saraswatarisht

Saraswatarisht is a great medicine that contains Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa), Harad (Terminalia chebula), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa), and many other herbs. It is helpful in acute anxiety, partial loss of memory, fatigue, and depression. As the vitiated vata dosha is responsible for the behavior of the patient it pacifies the vata dosha and helps in relieving symptoms.

Dosage:– 2 tsp twice daily

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214040


Symptoms of the somatoform disorder cannot be ignored because it affects the physical and mental health of the patient and decreases the quality of life of the patient. The exact cause is unknown but some risk factors are there that cause somatoform disorder. In Ayurveda, there is no direct correlation of the somatoform disorder, but as Acharya Charak mentioned Avara satva patients are commonly affected by this disorder. In the ayurveda aspect Satwavajaya chikitsa, Daivavyapasraya chikitsa, and Medhya Dravayas can be effective and in modern cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy can be given.

Ayurvedic Overview and Treatment for Somatoform


Somatoform is a condition of mental disorder associated with unexplained symptoms. It involves various disorders. It is classified into a group of psychic disorders. It experiences that the physical signs and symptoms are nearly related to the stressful life and emotional conflicts. Its incidence occurs mostly in females than males. Usually it is chronic due to being diagnosed late. So today we will read about somatoform disorders in brief in this article.

Ayurvedic Overview and Treatment for Somatoform


Somatoform is a disorder of mental illness that is distinguished by physical symptoms like fatigue or pain which leads to emotional distress and impaired functioning. It involves various disorders such as somatic symptom disorder, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, factitious disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, etc. The patient experiences extreme psychological signs and symptoms. People who are suffering from depression and anxiety are more susceptible to somatoform disorders.


The exact cause is unknown. Other causes are given below

  • Genetics
  • Learned behavior
  • Sexual abuse
  • Stress
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Child abuse or childhood trauma
  • Family influence
  • Pain sensitivity increased
  • Ignored during child phase

Types along with their symptoms

Conversion disorder

  • Pain
  • Seizures/tremors/paralysis
  • Weakness
  • Dysarthria
  • Dizziness
  • Dysphagia


  • Sleep disturbed
  • Spending most of the time searching related signs and symptoms on the internet.
  • Consultation with multiple health professionals
  • Overthinking of having serious diseases

Somatic symptom disorder

  • Breathlessness
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Disturbed bowel habits
  • Fatigue
  • Pain in whole body or localized in any fragment of body
  • Overthinking
  • Events of anxiety attack
  • Lightheadedness

Body dysmorphic disorder

  • Comparison
  • Taking stress about body appearance
  • Over conscious especially for face

Factitious disorder

  • Short temperament
  • Self harming
  • Facking symptoms


  • Not obeys the doctor advise
  • Attention seeker
  • Falling sick to prevent from work


  • Psychological evaluation
  • Physical examination


  • Relaxation therapy
  • Supportive psychotherapy
  • Family therapy
  • Behavior stress management

Ayurvedic overview

In Ayurveda, we can correlate this somatoform disorder with vatagata vyadhi and anubandha of vayu (Association with vata). It can also be closely related with manovikaras. There are three mana dosha:- Satva, Raja and Tama. Vitiation of these three mana dosha leads to somatoform disorders. Vitiation of Vata dosha along with these three gunas (mana dosha) develops symptoms like unexplained pain, visada (Depression), altered gut movements, excessive overthinking, brahma (Confusion), chittodvega (Anxiety), worrying, anxious behaviour, etc.

Samprapti of vata vyadhi

Vata prakopa due to dhatuksaya

Because of intake of katu rasa (Pungent), tikta rasa (Bitter), kasaya (Astringent), dry and light foods, dry vegetables, millet, leads to the ksaya (Decline) of the dhatus (Body tissues), the srotas (Channels) becomes rikta (Vacant) and vata gets imbalanced or vitiated. This can be correlated with the degenerative changes of the nervous system that may cause multiple nervous disorders.

Vata prakopa due to margavarna

Causative factors such as ama (Undigested toxins), vegasandharana (Suppresses natural urge), marmaghata (Injury to vital points), vistambhi (Constipated diet), etc cause margavarana which means the obstruction of the path. Here the obstruction may be complete or partial leading to riktata (Vacant) of the srotas (Channels) beyond the site of obstruction and leads to vata prakopa.


Treatment of manovikara given following

Daivavyapashraya chikitsa (Divine or spiritual therapy)

This treatment is done by mantra ucharan (Chanting of mantra), niyama (Practice of healthy habits), mani dharan (Wearing precious stones or auspicious gems), prayashchit (Atonement of bad or evil deeds) and yatragaman (Visiting sacred places of pilgrimage).

Yuktivyapashraya Chikitsa

It is the treatment involves nasya (Medications through nasal passage), takradhara (Pouring medicated buttermilk on forehead), shirodhara (Pouring ghrita, milk, and medicated oil on the forehead), shirolepa (Apply paste on the head), virechana (Purgation), vaman (Emesis), etc.

Other herbal medicine

  • Ghrita:- Kalyanaka ghrita, Panchagavya ghrita, Brahmi ghrita
  • Arishta:- Ashwagandharishta, Saraswatarishta
  • Rasayan:- Kushmanda rasayan, Brahma rasayan
  • Vati:- Brahmi vati
  • Powders:- Jyotishmati powder, Jatamansi powder, Shankhpushpi powder

Herbal remedies for Somatoform disorder by Planet Ayurveda

Planet ayurveda is a huge manufacturing unit of various herbal remedies for various types of diseases. The company strictly follows all the principles of Ayurveda given in the ancient textbook of Ayurveda Samhita. All the herbal remedies are GMP certified and are safe to consume. All the herbal medications are free from chemical, additives, yeast and other preservatives and have no side effects. Herbs which are used to prepare medications are high in efficacy, pure, natural and all the preparations are 100% vegetarian. Planet Ayurveda provide herbal remedies for somatoform disorder which are given below

Products List

  1. Neurogenie capsules
  2. Boswellia + Curcumin capsules
  3. Phyllanthus niruri capsules
  4. Kalyanaka ghrit
  5. Saraswatarisht

Herbal Remedies for Somatoform DisordersBuy Now: Herbal Remedies For Somatoform Disorders

Products Description

1. Neurogenie capsules

This capsule is a polyherbal containing brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), and ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). It is sweet, astringent and bitter in taste. It is slightly hot and light in effect. It is a pacifier of all the three doshas– vata, pitta and kapha dosha. It possesses various antioxidants and enhances learning power, memory and concentration. It binds the brain to bring cognitive functions and intellectual pursuits. It is a tranquilizer, a muscle relaxant, an antipyretic, an anticonvulsant, carminative, digestive and a good blood detoxifier. It is a choice of medication for vitiated vata dosha that governs the nervous system. It has salutary effects in depression, insomnia, hypertension, anxiety, insanity, hysteria and mental retardation. It is beneficial in all types of epilepsy. It is indicated in splenomegaly, asthma, senile debility, skin diseases and ulcers.

Does:- 2 Capsules twice daily

2. Boswellia + Curcumin capsules

It is a polyherbal capsule containing shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and haridra (Curcuma longa). This medicine is pungent and bitter in taste. Its effect is dry, hot and light. It contains volatile oils, protein, vitamin A, carbohydrates and minerals. It is a known anti bacterial, anti-allergic, diuretic and antioxidant medicine. It alleviates kapha dosha and vata dosha. It acts as digestive, astringent, anti-diabetic and helpful in blood formation. It is used for skin also. It is indicated for pimples, acne, blemishes, burns and liver diseases. It is a natural antibiotic and applied on bruises and cuts. It is used in chronic pruritus and urticaria.

Dose:- 1 Capsule twice daily

3. Phyllanthus niruri capsules

It is a single herbal capsule containing bhumiamla(Phyllanthus niruri). It pacifies vitiated pitta and kapha dosha. It has analgesic, digestive, carminative, hepatoprotective and antispasmodic properties. It is used in hepatitis, skin disorders, hypertension, diabetes and anemia.

Dose :- 1 Capsule twice daily

4. Kalyanaka ghrit

It is described in the ancient textbook of Ayurveda which contain amalaki (Emblica officinalis), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), devadaru (Cedrus deodara), manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), etc. It is astringent, antiseptic, carminative, digestive and an hemostatic agent. It improves the complexion, intelligence, memory, appetizer, a booster of hematopoietic system, a blood detoxifier and purifier. It is bitter, astringent and sweet in taste and dry, hot and heavy in effect but it is a pacifier of all the three dosha- vata, pitta and kapha dosha. It has anti-inflammatory properties and uterine stimulant properties.

It is a medication used to manage the raised uric acid and gouty arthritis, glandular swellings and recurrent skin infections. It is indicated in uterine and urinary infections, dysentery, chronic fever and diarrhea. It helps to gain lusture, smooth, glowing skin and aids to remove discoloration, freckles and pimples free skin. It promotes the healing of skin tissues damaged by infection or injury.

Dose:- 1 Tsp twice daily with milk or warm water

5. Araswatarisht

It is described in ancient textbook of Ayurveda which containing brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), adrak (Zingiber officinale), etc. It is katu (Pungent) and tikta (Bitter) in taste and light, hot and unctuous in effect. While pacifying vata and kapha dosha but aggravating pitta dosha. It is a digestive, producing saliva, carminative, diuretic, demulcent and anti-colic. It is a good cardiac stimulant, aphrodisiac and anti rheumatic properties. It helps to nullify toxins produced in the body due to improper digestion. It is very good for controlling the mucus coming with stool. It increases perspiration and stimulates the circulatory system. It relieves congestion and sinusitis. It maintains the hormonal balance and helps in maintaining normal pregnancy. It reduces the general debility in the body. It improves learning capability, memory and concentration power.

Dosage:- 2 Tsp twice daily

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604


In this article, we read about different types of somatoform disorder which is related to mental illness. In Ayurveda we relate this disease with vitiated vata dosha, association of vata and manovikaras. We can manage this disease by various herbal medicines like brahmi ghrita, saraswatarisht, kalyanaka ghrita, brahmi vati, Neurogenie capsules, etc. In other, we can advise the patient to do meditation, yoga, chanting mantra, etc regularly to keep the mind calm.