Tag: Ayurvedic medicines for ulcerative colitis

How to Treat and Prevent Ulcerative Colitis Flares Naturally


It is inflammatory disease which includes colon, rectum along with a small part of small intestine. Ulcerative colitis comes under the category of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Crohn’s disease comes under the second category of inflammatory bowel diseases. It can sometimes results in serious problems, as it is a chronic disease.

Due to changing eating habits as well as changing lifestyle, abdominal problems like- gastritis, bloating, constipation are becoming most common. These issues looks quite simple to handle but if not diagnosed or treated early may results into a disease called as “Ulcerative Colitis”. From the past few years, there is a rise in number of patients suffering from ulcerative colitis. Unfortunately, according to modern medicine, it is considered as incurable disease.

It is also known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) which is regarded as a chronic ailment of colon. According to modern medicine, it is believed that food allergy, intake of certain medicines for a long duration, intake of antibiotics for a longer time, incompatible food, eating late nights can result in developing this disease.

Ulcerative colitis treatment in ayurveda

According to Ayurveda

  • As Ayurveda believes in curing the disease from the root, this problem has a proper solution. According to Ayurveda, it initiates with mild diarrhea then leads to stools with Ama [toxic substances] then results in constipation.
  • In Ayurveda, it is also known as pittaj grahani.

Classification of Ulcerative Colitis

It is the most serious & common disorder and is classified into 3 types on the basis of severity

  1. Mild
  2. Moderate
  3. Severe

MILD– The characteristic features of mild ulcerative colitis are-

  1. Four or less than four stools per day
  2. Stools may with or without blood
  3. No systemic disturbances
  4. No change in the ESR value [erythrocyte sedimentation rate]

MODERATE- The characteristic features of moderate ulcerative colitis are-

  1. More than 4 stools daily
  2. Few systemic disturbances

SEVERE– The characteristic features of severe ulcerative colitis are-

  1. Not less than 6 stools daily
  2. Stools with blood
  3. More systemic disturbances like fever, anemia, tachycardia
  4. Greater changes in the ESR value[ erythrocyte sedimentation rate]

Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

Commonly the patients have ulcers in their inner lining of the colon who suffers from the ulcerative colitis shows symptoms like:

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Stool in blood
  • Diarrhea
  • Pain in rectal area
  • Increase in bowel sounds
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Malnutrition [poor health]

Symptoms vary with the location of ulceration:

  • When inflammation occurs in rectal along with sigmoid region then sufferers have symptoms of urgency, painful feeling during defecation, bleeding in the rectal area.
  • When inflammation occurs in rectum with left part of colon then sufferers have symptoms of pain in left part of abdomen, abdominal cramps, weight loss, watery stools mixed with blood.
  • When inflammation covers whole colon then the individual have symptoms of fatigue, fever, night sweats, abdominal pain and abdominal cramps.

Diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis

As ulcerative colitis involves only colon and rectum, it is easy to diagnose. Some of the diagnostic tools are as follows-

  1. Flexible sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy– colonoscopy is the preferred choice as it can be uses to see the whole colon.
  2. Biopsies which are collected during the procedure of colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy
  3. x-ray of abdominal area
  4. Stool analysis
  5. Barium enema
  6. MRI or CT scan
  7. Urine and blood test to check for inflammation, anemia and malnutrition.

Natural Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis with Diet

As a healthy diet which is rich in all vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats prevents in remission of ulcerative colitis, so diet is a crucial factor in the patients having ulcerative colitis. The diet should include various foods:

Low-fat dairy products

  • The dairy products can be consumed in moderate amounts until unless it does not cause any trouble in the digestive tract.
  • A low quantity of milk does not harm stomach.
  • If milk leads to trouble in digestive tract like gas, bloating, or a stomach upset, then start drinking soy milk or lactose free milk.

Fruits and vegetables

  • A diet including variety of different fresh fruits is very much beneficial for patients who are having ulcerative colitis.
  • So fresh fruits which provides greater amount of vitamins, nutrients, water but less fibre are doing wonderful job to prevent pain in abdomen, abdominal cramps and disturbed bowel movements.

Fresh fruits that are easily digested in the patients suffering from ulcerative colitis such as bananas, avocados,cooked apples, seedless grapes, peaches

  • Healthy fats like vegetable oils
  • Fish, Lean meat and poultry
  • Vegetables but without seeds

Soft Bland Foods

  • These kinds of foods are very beneficial in some of the digestive tract problems such as ulcerative colitis. Soft bland foods which can be used in ulcerative colitis are oatmeal, puffed rice, hominy grits, wheat cream, boiled eggs, gelatin, mashed potatoes, cooked vegetables such as asparagus, mushrooms, carrots and spinach and brown rice.

Natural Herbs for Ulcerative Colitis

Aloe Vera:

  • Aloe Vera helps in the treatment of ulcerative colitis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. According to some studies, it is believed that patients having aloe Vera for 4 weeks shows better results rather than people who are not having.

How to Use

Mix aloe Vera gel into a glass of water and then drink it on the daily basis before going to bed.

Andrographis paniculata

  • This herb helps in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. This herb is most commonly used to treat this disease.


  • This herb helps in the treatment of ulcerative colitis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. This herb helps in protecting our body from cells of ulcerative colitis.


  • This herb’s abilities to reduce cytokines and interleukins associated with inflammatory bowel disease, helps in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. According to some studies, it is believed that if patient continue to have curcumin or turmeric on daily basis, will show betterment of symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Ulcerative Colitis Treatment in Ayurveda-Diet & Home Remedies

Ulcerative Colitis: General idea

Ulcerative Colitis is a commonly-occurring inflammatory bowel disease which can result in the formation of ulcers, thereby causing the swelling of the colon (the large intestine). The condition is debilitating, and it can basically incapacitate the affected individuals, making it difficult for them to perform day-to-day routine activities.

In Ulcerative Colitis, the inner layer of the colon gets inflamed due to harmful bacteria. As a result, the intestinal area of the sufferers becomes quite narrow, and they experience a lot of discomfort and difficulty in passing stool.
Ulcerative colitis natural remedies

Ulcerative Colitis can trigger the occurrence of several chronic issues like severe diarrhoea, joints pains, vomiting, inflammation of the colon, soreness of the digestive tract, and digestive problems. The condition can also result in the scarring of bile ducts and pancreas; and, in some cases, it can even lead to potentially life-threatening complications.

The onset of Ulcerative Colitis is mostly quite gradual, and the condition can worsen over a period of time. The symptoms of the condition can undergo a change over time, and can range from mild to severe. The most common indications of the disease include abdominal pain, gastrointestinal problems, fever, blood or pus in stool, urgency to use the bathroom, anaemia, poor appetite, weight loss, and rapid heart rate.

Diet & Home Remedies for Ulcerative colitis

Dietary recommendations for patients of Ulcerative Colitis

  • The patients of Ulcerative Colitis are advised to consume some specific foods to remain nourished and healthy; and, at the same time, avoid certain foods which can make their condition worse. Specifically, some of the dietary recommendations for Ulcerative Colitis patients have been listed below:

Eliminate foods which can worsen inflammation

  • Ulcerative Colitis patients should not eat foods which can increase inflammatory symptoms and cause further discomfort to them. The foods which should be eliminated from their diet include white bread and other refined carbohydrates, packaged foods, processed foods, trans fats, and sugar. In addition, spicy and junk foods should also be avoided.

Increase the intake of Phytochemicals

  • The symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis can be significantly reduced by consuming a diet which has abundance of ‘phytochemicals’ (chemicals which are found in plants). A phytochemicals-rich diet ideally includes apples, bael, Indian gooseberry (amla), green tea, olive oil etc.

Eat a low-fiber diet

  • For relieving the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis, the sufferers of the condition should eat a low-fiber diet and avoid the consumption of buttery and greasy foods, fruits with seeds, citrus fruits, ginger and garlic. Moreover, since most of the Ulcerative Colitis patients suffer from ‘lactose intolerance’, the consumption of milk and other dairy products should also be avoided.

Overall, the diet which Ulcerative Colitis patients need to follow should include vegetables like pumpkin, bottle gourd, ridge gourd, ash gourd, and round guard. Furthermore, a balanced diet for these patients should also contain proteins, complex carbohydrates, essential minerals, fats, vitamins and other nutrients in adequate quantity. The sufferers of this condition should eat several small meals a day, and also drink plenty of water in order to remain hydrated, especially during a bout of diarrhoea. Since the condition can lead to deficiency of calcium or Vitamin D (and bone loss), the sufferers should take a natural calcium and Vitamin D supplement.

Home Remedies for Patients of Ulcerative Colitis

  • Ulcerative Colitis symptoms can also be effectively relieved with the help of some simple and time-tested home remedies. A few common home remedies which can be very beneficial for Ulcerative Colitis patients are:

Herbal tea

  • Herbal tea is an excellent home remedy for managing abdominal pain, acidity, bloating and some of the other symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis. For best results, the sufferers of this condition should consume a cup of herbal tea once or twice a day. The tea should be prepared using cumin, fennel, cumin, and thyme.


  • The intake of apples is also a useful home remedy for Ulcerative Colitis. The disease can drain out a lot of blood from the body of the patients and can, thus, result in loss of iron. For replenishing the lost iron, the consumption of apples can be very beneficial because apples are a rich source of iron. Eating apples after meals can prevent Ulcerative Colitis symptoms like bloating. Boiled apples can also be used for desired results in managing the disease.


  • Eat two bananas daily or add chopped bananas slices to a cup of yogurt. This will help in boosting nutrition and treats diarrhoea.

Pomegranate juice

  • Another beneficial home remedy for Ulcerative Colitis is the consumption of pomegranate juice. This juice can provide relief from pain, bleeding and other symptoms. The patients suffering from Ulcerative Colitis are advised to drink at least 50ml of pomegranate juice two times a day.

Goond katira

  • It is another wonderful home remedy for the same. Soak a piece of it in a glass of water for few hours and mix well to drink later.

Rose petals juice

  • Another amazing home remedy for ulcerative colitis is here. 2 tbsp daily, twice can also help in an effective way to deal with bleeding and burning feeling.

Beneficial herbs

Certain useful herbs also have proven properties to relieve most of the painful and inflammatory symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis. The herbs which are particularly beneficial for the patients suffering from this disease include: Kutaja (Halorrhena antidysentrica), Musta (Cyprus rotundus), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), and Patha (Cissampelos pareira).


  • The dietary recommendations and home remedies discussed above briefly mean that the patients of Ulcerative Colitis should eat foods which can reduce the symptoms of flare-ups, and avoid the consumption of unhygienic food items.