Adrenoleukodystrophy & Its Ayurvedic Treatment With Herbal Remedies


Genetic disease comes into play when there is an altered gene inherited from the parents to the child at the time of conception. Genes are the proteins in our body which play an important role to pass on any kind of information in the body that is required to control the body’s development, growth and functioning. So if there is any kind of alteration in any of the genes then it is definite to develop health conditions in the body. Many conditions run into the families among which today we are going to discuss Adrenoleukodystrophy. This condition affects brain health which is very important to be maintained as the brain is the one which regulates our whole body functioning. In the below study we will discuss this disease in detail along with its Ayurvedic management.



Adrenoleukodystrophy is a condition that causes a mutated gene transfer from the parent to the child which means it is hereditary in nature. This condition leads to damage of myelin sheath due to various factors. The gene involved in this condition is X-chromosome. It affects males more than females. The main thing that happens in ALD is there is prevention of breakdown of VLCFAs that further leads to build up of fatty acids in the brain, N.S (Nervous system) and adrenal glands. In Ayurveda it is correlated to beej dosha (defect in shukra (semen) and shonita (ovum). This is some brief information about ALD so let’s discuss this condition in detail with its Ayurvedic management.


Some facts about ALD that one must know:

  • ALD was first recognised in the year 1923.
  • It is also known as sudanophilic leukodystrophy and schilder’s disease.
  • It is a progressive disorder.
  • It may lead to a long term coma.
  • After arrival of symptoms one must live upto maximum 10 years.


ALD is caused by mutation in the X-chromosome and the gene involved is ABCD1. As the female has 2 X-chromosomes so if a female inherits a mutated gene then she is still having 1 X chromosome to balance the mutation. On the other side males have only 1 X chromosome so if it gets mutated it will lead to the abnormality causing disease. In each pregnancy the female ALD carriers may have a 25% chance of having daughter and son carriers, that is 1 in 4 cases.


Generally the symptoms used to begin between 4-10 years of age but sometimes present in later life. Following are the most common symptoms of ALD.

  • Learning disabilities
  • Loss of vision
  • Seizures
  • Dysphagia
  • Weight loss
  • Deafness
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of coordination
  • Intermittent vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Lack of appetite
  • Muscle weakness
  • Darkening of skin
  • Headache in morning
  • Low blood glucose levels


First thoroughly evaluate the medical history of the patient and if the doctor evaluates that it’s ALD then he will refer you for some other additional tests. These tests include blood tests for measuring the levels of VLCFA. If these levels are high then it must be a diagnosis of ALD. To confirm it more a genetic test is to be done. If a person is diagnosed with ALD then the parents of that person must be recommended to get the genetic testing done.


As per ayurveda ALD is correlated with beeja dushti (vitiated gamete). Beeja dushti can occur with ashuddha artava or ashuddha shukra (vitiated female gamete or vitiated female gamete). There are a lot of conditions that occur due to vitiated gamete including jataja prameha (congenital diabetes), sahaja arsha (congenital hemorrhoids), kushtha roga and even ALD. Beeja dushti is due to the fact that the mother conceived when her uterus or gamete is not only vitiated but troubled by the imbalance of doshas because of the intake of improper diet. If the beej bhaga (sperm or ovum) is vitiated then it leads to beej dushti which will cause deformity in the fetus like the above mentioned congenital conditions. As it is an inherited or genetic disease, we may alleviate the symptoms of the disease and improve the quality of life of the affected person. For the purpose of managing the symptoms of ALD, Planet Ayurveda provides the Ayurvedic treatment that we will discuss further.


Planet Ayurveda works in regardance to Ayurveda – A holistic science. This is a GMP certified and ISO certified company which formulates their own herbo-mineral supplements. The products are formulated under the strict observance of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. These supplements not only prepare for the promotive health purpose but also provide the preventive effects. The herbo-mineral remedies are prepared by 100% pure herbs and minerals. These supplements are devoid of any kind of resins, fillers, gums, colour, additives and preservatives. It may deal with all kinds of health issues and the same is for ALD. ALD being a genetic disease can not be alleviated from the root but we may improve the quality of life of that person and may increase the life span of that person. For this Planet Ayurveda provides the following herbal remedies.


Herbal Remedies For Adrenoleukodystrophy



Brahmi Capsules by Planet Ayurveda is a herbal remedy prepared by standardised extract of herb Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). This herb has vata pacifying and nervine effects which helps in promoting brain health. As vata dosha aggravation initiates the degeneration of myelin sheath. So brahmi herb by pacifying vata dosha prevents the further degeneration of the myelin sheath and manages the symptoms of ALD. These capsules can also help in improving cognitive functions.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Ashwagandha Capsules are the capsule formulation by Planet Ayurveda which includes the standardised extract of herb Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). This herb consists of adaptogenic effects that help in preventing any kind of stress in the body. It consists of Rasayana properties which help in the rejuvenation of all the body cells. The balya properties of Ashwagandha aid in providing strength to the weakened muscles in ALD. Also it is effective in preventing weight loss and alleviating fatigue in the patient.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Gotu Kola Capsules is a herbal formulation consisting of standardized extract of mandukaparni (Centella asiatica). These capsules are prepared by Planet Ayurveda under the strict regardance of M.D. Ayurveda practitioners. This herb is one of the four medhya rasayana, the herbs that help in improving cognitive functions. So this herb by improving cognitive functions helps in improving the symptoms such as learning disabilities, lack of coordination and various other symptoms associated with the brain.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Rasraj Ras is a classical ayurvedic formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda as mentioned in classical texts. This remedy has been used since ancient times for alleviating various neuromuscular disorders. It includes various ingredients such as parada (Purified mercury), swarna bhasma (calyx of gold), loha bhasma (Calyx of iron) and various others. It is a miraculous vata pacifying remedy which helps in preventing the deterioration of myelin sheath. The rasayana properties of Rasraj Ras aid in managing all the symptoms of ALD as well as improving the quality of life of the affected person.

Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meals.


Giloy Capsules, one of the formulations prepared by Planet Ayurveda with the standardized extract of giloy herb (Tinospora cordifolia). Giloy herb is considered as amrita which means it acts like a nectar for the body. This herb is tridosha shamaka and consists of antioxidant properties. These properties of giloy help in preventing the further deterioration of myelin sheath by preventing the free radicals and reducing the oxidative stress in the body. On the other side, the immunomodulatory effect of these capsules helps in boosting the immunity levels in the body.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Spirulina Capsules is a single ingredient remedy which is formulated by Planet Ayurveda with the standardized extract of spirulina, a blue-green algae. It is known for its best antioxidant action. It is effective in reducing the fatty acids build up in the brain which is the main cause behind the symptoms of ALD disease. These capsules by preventing the oxidative stress in the body helps in alleviating muscle weakness and due to the abundance of nutrients it aids in preventing weight loss too.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Adrenoleukodystrophy is a condition that causes a mutated gene transfer from the parent to the child which means it is hereditary in nature. The main thing that happens in ALD is there is prevention of breakdown of VLCFAs that further leads to build up of fatty acids in the brain, N.S (Nervous system) and adrenal glands. The disease is associated with genetics and brain health. As our brain is responsible for the overall functioning occurring in the body so it is important to take care of brain health. The main cause of ALD is mutated genes and the symptoms may include Learning disabilities, Loss of vision, Seizures, Dysphagia, Weight loss, Deafness, Fatigue and various other symptoms associated with the brain, N.S (Nervous system) and adrenal glands. As per Ayurveda it is correlated to beej dushti i.e vitiation of sperm and ovum at the time of conception. This condition can be managed and the lifespan and quality of life of a person can be improved by Ayurvedic medicines. For this Planet Ayurveda provides various herbal and herbomineral remedies that can alleviate the symptoms of ALD.