Migraine Treatment In Ayurveda with Preventive Tips
Migraine is one of the most common diseases among adults. According to the National Institute of Health Migraine affects 1.7-4% of all the world population. According to the Journal of Headache and Pain, the number of migraine incidence increased from 62.6 million in 1990 to 87.6 million in 2019. The rate of incidence increases every year. Women are more prone than men. Migraine becomes a suffering schedule yet it can be handled with some self care remedies and by making simple modifications in lifestyle. It is triggered by coke, chocolates and citrus fruits, stress and hormonal changes. On the whole, maintaining the proper schedule, healthy weight, regular and healthy meals, regular sleeping pattern and most important stress free attitude in life is the way to recover and make things easier. In this article we will discuss the signs, symptoms, causes, prevention according to Ayurveda and modern point of view.

Migraine is a type of headache characterized by throbbing pain in one side of the head that can last for a few hours or even days. It is a neurological disorder that can cause several symptoms. It is often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light. Migraine attacks are complex brain events that unfold over hours to days in a recurrent manner. Migraine attacks generally activate the sympathetic nervous system. Migraine pain commonly happens on the forehead area and pain may start out as mild but it can become moderate to severe. There are many myths about the migraine headache. Many people consider a common headache to be migraine. But there is a lot of difference between a simple headache and migraine. A big difference of normal headache and migraine headache is the ordinary headache is dull pain or usually hurts both sides of the head while migraine pain is continuous throbbing; pulsating pain usually in one side of the head which felt with the each beat of the heart and it is similar to the knife being stabbed continuously in the head. The ordinary headache pain is tiring but not as severe as migraine.
The symptoms of migraine are classified into four stages
- Prodrome (Before onset of headache) : This phase of migraine begins 24 hours before the onset of headache.
- Aura : It is a group of sensory and motor symptoms and acts as a warning sign of headache. This phase lasts up to 60 minutes.
- Attack : A migraine attack lasts up to 72 hours.
- Postdrome (after headache) : This stage lasts up to a few hours to 48 hours after the onset of headache. It is also known as migraine hangover.
Symptoms are : Constipation, mood changes, fatigue, trouble sleeping, etc.
Symptoms are : numbness, ringing in ears, Vision changes, etc.
Symptoms are : nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light.
Symptoms are : muscle cramping, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating and dizziness.
The exact cause of migraine is unknown but environmental and genetic factors play a role in migraine. Some believe that this condition is due to abnormal brain activity that causes imbalance in brain chemicals and affects nerve signals. Some factors and medications may contribute to the development of the condition. They are
- Sleeping problems i.e. insomnia
- Hormonal imbalance
- Indigestion
- Alcohol intake
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Sleeping pills
- Some birth control pills.
Factors that triggers migraine
Some things that can cause migraine to start and these are called triggers. Some most common triggers of migraine are
- Stress
- Not eating properly
- Chocolate
- Weather changes c
- Overexertion
- Exposure to bright light and loud noise
- Certain medications.
Migraines will likely be diagnosed based on medical history, signs, symptoms and physical examination. Several methods are used to find out the main cause of the pain that are
- MRI scan (A Magnetic Resonance imaging scan)
- CT scan (Computerized Tomography)
Risk Factors
- Age : Adults are more prone to migraines.
- Sex : Women are more likely to have migraine
- Family History : if family members have migraines, there might be a chance of developing migraines.
- Hormonal Changes : Women who have migraine headaches might begin with the onset of menstruation and also in pregnancy.
Frequent headache may cause many complications include
- Migraine triggered seizures
- Migraine Infarction
- Status Migrainous
- Mood disorder
- Depression
- Work disability
- Mental health issues such as panic disorders, bipolar disorder etc.
Preventive measures
Migraine can prevent by
- Avoid consumption of the foods that trigger headaches that are caffeine, coke, and citrus fruits.
- Maintain sleeping schedule
- Avoid alcohol intake
- Take a balanced diet
- Avoid skipping meals
- Do exercise regularly
- Magnetic Resonance imaging scan
- CT scan (Computerized Tomography)
Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies
- Cold sponging: Put an ice pack on your forehead and scalp to get relief from pain.
- Dark and quiet room: Loud noises and bright light make headache worse. Staying in a dark and quiet room provides relief from pain.
- Regular Exercise: Regular exercise can prevent headache, it releases endorphins that can prevent pain.
- Regular sleep: By maintaining a regular sleep pattern will reduce the onset of migraine.
- Regular meals: Do not skip meals and eat healthy meals at regular times.
- Reduce stress: Stress is the main trigger of migraine.
- Plenty of fluids: Stay hydrated might help.
- Yoga and meditation.
- Peppermint: Drink peppermint tea with sweetened honey, it has an anti- spasmodic and calming effect.
- Drinking a cup of coffee helps in reducing the symptoms of migraine.
- Coriander seeds: By pouring hot water on fresh seeds and inhaling the steam might help in migraine headaches.
- Cabbage leaves juice also helps in migraines.
- Massaging the head will reduce the symptoms as it blocks the pain signal sent to the brain.
- Lemon peel: grind it and make a paste, apply it on your forehead. Let it dry and then rinse it off with cold water.
- Eating apples can also reduce the symptoms of migraine attack.
- Ginger is also useful in migraines as it blocks the prostaglandins.
- Ice packs are one of the most used home remedies for headache, for better results use peppermint oil and lavender oil in water for compress.
- Grapes juice, drink it without adding water into it.
Ayurvedic Overview
According to Ayurveda it is known as Ardhaavbhdedak as per Sushrut Samhita in Uttar Tantra chapter 25 and Sooryavarta as per Sushrut Samhita in Uttar-tantra chapter 25.
यस्योत्तमाङ्गार्धावमतीवजन्तो: संभेदतोदभ्रमशूलजुष्टम्।
(Sushrut Samhita Uttar Tantra 25/15)
The above shloka explains, “Ardhaav means half and Bhedak means breaking pain. The breaking, pricking pain in half side of the head that happens suddenly in periods of 10 to 15 days is known as Ardhaavbhedak.”
Due to pain in half of the head in Ardhavabhedak, it is correlated with migraine in modern science.
शीतेनशान्तिलभतेकदाचिदुष्णेनजन्तु: सुखमाप्नुयाच्च।
(Sushrut Samhita Uttar Tantra 25/ 11-12)
This above shloka means “Soorya means sun and avarta means blockage. The headache that worsens on rise of sun and peaks during noon and reduces after sun sets.
The main symptom of migraine is sensitivity to light, and in Sooryavarta pain increases with the rising of sun, that’s why it is correlated with migraine in modern science.
As we all know about the Modern and Ayurvedic point of view. Now we’ll discuss the preventive and herbal measures.
Ayurveda uses natural methods to treat migraine Such as
- Panchakarma therapy – It is a therapy used for detoxification and Purification of the body. Some Panchakarma procedures are helpful in Migraine. They are
- Nasya karma: It is used to remove toxins from the head and the neck region by administering the medicated oil through the nasal cavity.
- Shirodhara: It is a technique that involves slowly and steadily pouring medicated oil, Milk etc on the forehead.
- Yoga
- Pranayama
Herbal Remedies for Migraine by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a GMP certified company that offers a comprehensive array of herbal supplements and wellness products formulated using traditional Ayurvedic recipes and potent herbs. In modern science migraine is treated by Analgesics (NSAIDS), Anti- depressants, Anti- emetics. But prolonged use of these medicines can cause many complications like indigestion, stomach pain, decreased alertness etc. As we know that Ayurveda does not cause any side effects and lead to a healthy lifestyle. For better treatment Planet Ayurveda has migraine care pack which contains five formulations that are
- Bramhi Capsules
- Ashwagandha Capsules
- Pitta Balance
- Arogyavardhini Vati
- Medhya Churna

1. Brahmi Capsules
Brahmi Capsules contain the extract of Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri). It has a calming effect on the nervous system that helps to reduce the headache due to its cold potency. It is useful to enhance memory and gives mental alertness. It helps to remove pitta aggravating factors.
Dosage : 2 capsules two times a day with warm water.
Ashwagandha capsules are prepared using extract of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). It is used as an adaptogen and has an antioxidant property that helps with memory and sleeping problems. It can reduce cortisol levels and improves stress and also relieves pain.
Dosage : 1 capsule two times a day with warm water after food.
Pitta Balance contains Praval pishti (Coral), Akik pishti (Agate), Jawar mohra pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Mukta pishti Pearl, Giloy stava (Guduchi). It balances the pitta dosha and reduces headache. It is also useful in indigestion that is caused by the migraine.
Dosage : 1 Capsule two times a day with warm water after a meal.
Arogyavardhni vati is a formulation prepared using many herbs such as Amlaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalis chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalis bellirica) Chitrak Mool (Plumbago zeylanica), Kutki (Picorrhizakurroa), etc. It balances three dosha Vata, Pitta, and kapha. It enhances the effect of other medicines.
Dosage : 2 Tablets two times a day with warm water after food.
Medhya Churna is a formulation of many herbs. It contains the extract of 11 herbs such as Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus prostrates), Ashwagandha (Withania somniferum), Vacha(Acorus calamus), Marich (Black pepper), Pippali (Long pepper) etc. it has a property of neuron protector. It also works on pineal gland, and is helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. It maintains a healthy mind and body.
Dosage : ¼ spoon once a day with warm water.
Migraine is a common cause of headache. It is a neurovascular disabling disorder which is closely related to Ardhaavbhedak and Sooryavrata in Ayurveda because its main feature of pain usually occurs in one side of the head. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment will enhance the quality of life. It also prevents conversion of acute migraine to chronic migraine. Planet Ayurveda opens a new gate for treatment of migraine through their holistic approaches in an era where there is no permanent cure for migraine.
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