Tag: Causes of Asthma


How wonderful would that be if you could enjoy the winters without having to go breathless

Winters are the spectacle seasons of the year with white speckled creations all around us, it is just one breathless sight. For some people constantly troubled with lung disturbances, this season truly becomes breathless, for all the respiratory trouble that they have to  go through. One very common respiratory snag suffered by a major section of the society is  Asthma, an inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory tract. for some individuals asthma is just a minor nuisance while for the others it is a complex condition that hampers their day-to-day chores. Asthma is comprehended as a manageable disease with due course of time with modern medications. 

Let’s take a deeper peek

As it becomes an inflammatory condition affecting daily activities, it is important to know the basic respiration to understand the method of manifestation of the disease. Normally while we inhale, the air goes through the nose down the mouth to the throat and finally to the lungs, this pathway has minute airways that help to deliver oxygen to the entire body at the same time. In asthma these minute airways are seen as narrowed with swelling creating tighter pathways for the air to move down. Phlegm or common mucus then fills up the areas, further diminishing the air entering into the lungs. 

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How do we understand its presence

The signs do vary from individual to individual yet, Wheezing, squeaking or whistling sound while breathing is the most common sign of asthma seen across various age groups. Coughing especially at night, while lying down or while doing activities is yet another common sign. Other symptoms include tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, difficulty while talking, fatigue, and cough attacks worse in the presence of a respiratory pathogen like cold or flu. If you suffer from these signs and they do worsen with time with decred intervals between two episodes, it is vital that you get a respiratory check soon. 

Systemic involvement and managements

Asthma can occur due to a few major reasons. Allergen induced asthma, occupational asthma and finally exercise induced asthma. Exercise induced asthma is the most common and is affected by climatic changes. Allergen induced asthma is due to an allergic trigger which may be a food or inorganic object like pollen, even the smell of certain substances. Finding a method to stay away from them is the best method of management as well. Occupational asthma is triggered by the place of work of an individual which may be fumes, dust particles, organic substances, etc. Some researchers believe that the fourth variety of asthma is due to GERD or other abdominal disturbances. The general treatment method adopted include breathing exercises, long term oral medications and often oro-nasal medication mists are preferred.

Understanding  Breathing Disorders In Ayurveda

The age-old science of ayurveda understands and comprehends the etiopathogenesis of a condition with the doshic predominance prevailing in the individual and in the disease corresponding to the seasonal fluctuations. Ayurveda terms all breathing disorders under the umbrella term Swasa. Among the different varieties of breathing difficulties, Tamaka Swasa is the best concurrence with modern asthma. The condition is primarily due to vitiation of the Kapha entity.  The phlegm deposition on the narrowed airways can be understood as the surge in Kledaka type of Kapha entity seen as a result of entire compromised immunity or due to impoverished bodily entities. Ayurvedic folklore corresponds to this type of swasa as a result of past life deeds.

The classical and the most effective management of Tamaka Swasa is to manage the Kapha while introducing fiery herbs that can reduce the swelling. The treatment protocol initiates with optimising the Agni or the digestive fire, who’s disturbance is the origin for all flaws within the body, later the entities are normalised and finally the Ojas or the quantum of immunity is restored. 

Planet Ayurveda For Your Support 

Planet ayurveda has introduced some wonderful herbal combinations that help to minton the vitiated Kapha entity and provide the much needed support for your respiratory wellbeing right from nature’s basket. These are purely natural and free of any chemicals, synthetic dyes or preservatives. The asthma care pack consists of

herbal supplements for asthma


1. Aller-G care

Among the different origins of asthma, this polyherbal combination is ought to help you with the condition triggered by a forgein allergen. This mystic combination has the potential to maintain the optimal function of the respiratory system, especially the lungs. One main ingredient in this formulation is the extract of Neem or Azadirachta indica, the village pharmacy which is the best ayurvedic drug that offers support against any allergens.We advise you to not consume any citrus material while undertaking this medication for your prime safety.

Dosage- It is advised to consume 2 capsules twice daily after meals or as directed by your ayurvedic health  care practitioner for better management of the malady. 

2. Praanrakshak churna 

This unique multidrug authentic ayurvedic formulation mentioned in the classics meant to establish  homeostasis between the Doshic entities and the immunity coefficient of the body. The availability of extract of Kantakari or Solanum xanthocarpum in this formulation is the best drug that helps to eliminate recurrent cough. Moreover, the rightful combination of Twak (Cinnammonum zeylanica) and  Vaasa(Adhatoda vasica) has wonderful abilities to uplist the undermined digestive power as well. 

Dosage- It is advised to consume 1 teaspoonful twice daily with plain water after meals or as directed by your ayurvedic health care practitioner for achieving optimal homeostasis. 

3. Tulsi capsules 

Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is one herb considered as a god in Indian myth for its wide range of disease curing capabilities. Traditional Indian medicines claim  it as a wonderful cough combined with expectorant properties. It has an astringent flavour with the same metabolic end effect with slightly hot to cold potency that helps to  remove the exaggerated Kapha from its site and expel it outside the body, reliving the condition and reducing the recurrence of it’s onset. 

Dosage- It is advised to consume 2 capsules twice daily after meals or recommended by your ayurvedic physician for better management of the malady. 

4. Shwas Kuthar Ras

Shwash Kuthar Ras is a Herbo mineral classical formulation. This formulation is really effective in almost all the respiratory problems but has it’s best result in Asthma.

Dose – 1 tablet twice daily with warm water after meals.

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214030 Or Check Website – www.PlanetAyurveda.com


The rightful management of Swasa begins with the identification of the Doshas at surge. Asthma may be triggered with emotinoalfluvations as well, hence to obtain the much needed health, it is important to keep the Manas or mind engaged in positive thoughts. With the right medical supplements and following the ethics of ayurveda, any malady can be dealt with by ease. Choose ayurveda to choose a better way of life. 

Asthma Herbal Supplements – Diet and Home Remedies


Asthma is disease of respiratory tract disorder in which there is an obstruction of easy flow of air in lungs. Bronchial tubes are inflamed, obstructed and there is swelling in the inner surface. It is a chronic obstructive disorder of the airway of lungs. This causes breathing difficulties and wheezing. Due to exposure at work place to particular chemicals, dust asthma is becoming common these days. High risk includes occupation at mines, timber cutting, flour mills etc. There are various asthma herbal remedies which provide permanent relief from the disorder as natural remedies work on the root of the disease.


Asthma is classified depending upon

  • Forced Expiratory Volume
  • Peak Respiratory Flow Rate

Asthma is of two types

  1. Atopic – Symptoms arise due to allergens.
  2. Non- Atopic – Symptoms arise due to non-participated by allergens.

Asthma according to Ayurveda

  • Asthma is termed as Pranvaha Sroto Vikaar. It is caused by Vata prakopa and Kapha prakopa. Vata is mainly imbalanced by vitiating aahar(diet), dry foods, intake of cold water, excessive salts, heavy dinner, living in cold, dump or humid area. Kapha dosha gets imbalanced by diet and activities that leads to increase in Kapha are- heavy dietary foods, bananas, black grams, sour, non-vegetarian food.
  • As per Ayurveda, increase in Kaph dosha causes blockage of channels of respiratory system which leads to Vata dosha obstruction. This blocked Vata dosha moves in reverse direction. Vata dosha increases dryneses and the natural smooth passage of air gets disturbed. This disturbed pathway causes difficulties in breathing. There may be heavy breathing, interrupted breath, prolonged upward breathing, darkness behind the eyes.

Types of Asthma according to Ayurveda

  1. Santamak – Associated with fever and generally aggravated during night.
  2. Pratamak – due to physiological factors
  3. Kshudra Shwasa – subsides by itself.

What are the symptoms of Asthma?

  1. Shortness of breath
  2. Coughing
  3. Wheezing
  4. Chest tightness

What are the causes of Asthma?

  1. Allergens
  2. Exercise/ Exertion- Due to heavy exercise, broncho constriction appears in the professional athletes and cyclists.
  3. Intake of aspirin for long time may induce respiratory tract disease.
  4. Alcohol is found inducing asthma in some persons.
  5. Hereditary- 40% patients have this reason for developing asthma.
  6. Intake of preserved foods
  7. Air irritants
  8. Smoke, strong odor, mosquito repellants
  9. Sudden changes in climate, trauma to chest, throat

Home Remedies to treat Asthma

  1. During attack rub nilgiri oil on chest and get fomentation, inhale mint and camphor.
  2. Boil black pepper, sunthi, cloves in water and take this decoction.
  3. Take 10 tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaves, add a pinch of turmeric, boil and take it.
  4. Take warm milk boiled with garlic at night before sleep.
  5. Paste of black resin, dates, long pepper, licorice must be taken with honey.
  6. Take licorice with ginger in warm water.
  7. Take a walk before sunrise for fresh air.
  8. Take a cup of fresh wheat grass juice.
  9. Nadishodhan Pranayam, deep breathing, Kapalbhati pranayam, pavanmuktaasan are recommended for asthma.

Diet for asthma Patient

  • Drink warm water
  • Avoid sour food, processed foods having preservatives, curd, rice, buttermilk, lentils, cheese, heavy foods like- bananas, over-eating.
  • Maintain a gap of an hour in between dinner and sleep.

Asthma herbal Remedies

  • There are various cases of asthma that are successfully cured by Planet Ayurveda. Planet Ayurveda offers unique Asthma herbal remedies which help to cure asthma naturally.
  • The allergies are usually caused due to imbalace in Vata(air) and Pitta(fire) . The imbalance in Air and Fire element lead to all types of allergies. The major principle of treatment of Allergy in Ayurveda is alleviation of Vata and expulsion of pitta from the system and restoring the balance


  1. Aller-G Care
  2. Praanrakshak Churna
  3. Tulsi Capsules
  4. Shwash Kuthar Ras

Asthma Care Pack


  1. Tulsi Capsules : Take 2 capsules with lukewarm water daily after meal, twice.
  2. Aller-G Care : 2 capsules  daily
  3. Shwash Kuthar Ras : 1 tablet twice daily
  4. Praanrakshak Churna : Take daily 1 tsp. with honey or lukewarm water after meals, twice

Product Description

1. Praanrakshak Churna

Praanrakshak Churna is a classical combination of special Anti-Allergy herbs. It is useful for all types of allergies and asthma.

2. Tulsi Capsules

Tulsi is worshipped all over india for its healing properties. It is an age old herbal remedy for cough, sore throat, allergies. People chew leaves of this herb to combat infection and cough. It’s very effective in viral flu, influenza and other acute respiratory tract infections. Tulsi has been found to be very effective herbal remedy for asthma as well.

3. Shwash Kuthar Ras

Shwash Kuthar Ras gives relief in asthma and even acts as a preventive measure for the further attacks. 2 Capsules twice daily are excellent herbal remedy for allergy of any type

3. Aller-G Care 

Aller-G care of Planet Ayurveda is purely a herbal formulation without any chemicals added to it. The ingredients are frequently used in Ayurvedic system of medicine since 5,000 B.C. without any side effects.

Herbs in Aller-G Care

Herbs Used

  1. Haridra (Curcuma longa Extract )
  2. Neem (Azadirachta Indica Extract)
  3. Shirish (Albezzia Lebbock Extract)
  4. Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera Extract)

Other ailments like Chronic Rhinitis and Chronic Sinusitis also respond very well to this herbal formulation. Increased Eosinophils (allergic eosinophilea) responds very well to our Aller-G Care product. It can be used alone or with Pran rakshak Churna for added advantage, without any side effects. It does not have any contradictions nor does it have any side effects. It is a totally natural product for asthma and various other allergies.

All the products of Planet Ayurveda are safe, pure and effective. Chronic disease like asthma and all allergies can be completely cured by herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda along with the recommended diet plan for asthma and by adopting some changes in lifestyle.