What is Charley horse? How can Ayurveda help?
There are 600 muscles in the human body. The muscular system of our body has various functions ranging from supporting the body movement to lifting body weight to giving childbirth. Some help us move, sit or lift things. Some help us breathe, see and pump the blood. Hence, it is very important to keep the muscles strong and healthy. In this article, we will take a look at Charley horse, a painful condition of muscle spasm and how Ayurveda can help deal with it.
Introduction-What is Charley Horse?
Charley horse is a painful involuntary cramp in the legs or foot that may last from a few seconds to a day. It is another name for muscle spasm, when a muscle suddenly tightens up on its own and cannot relax. During the spasm, muscle becomes hard and tight and may even become tender to touch. These cramps can happen anywhere in the body but are very common in legs and feet. These cramps can strike at any time of the day even when the person is sleeping.
While there are no definite causes of charley’s horse, there are some factors that may trigger it.
- Overusing the muscle
- Dehydration
- Stress
- Poor blood flow
- Standing or sitting too long.
- Malfunctioning nerves
- Pregnancy
- Infections
- Medications such as Furosemide, nifedipine, statins etc.
Some of the typical features of Charley’s horse are
- Sharp pain in the affected muscle
- Lump of knotted muscles underneath the skin
- Tenderness
- Tightening of the muscle groups
Most of the cases of Charley’s horse are minor and can be treated with basic stretches and home remedies. Some of the treatment methods used
- Physiotherapy massages
- Ultrasound therapy
- OTC painkillers
- Muscle relaxants
- Hot compressions
- Cold compressions
- Oil massages
- Stretches
Ayurveda Perspective and Management on Charleys Horse
Ayurveda mentions muscle cramps as Masagat vata and mamsaashrit vata. This is considered as the result of prolonged factors which vitiate the vata dosha. The aggravated vata dosha takes shelter in the weakened muscles and vitiates the kapha dosha in the weakened muscles. That is how when the muscle strength is reduced spasms occur.
Ayurveda management of muscle spasm includes pacifying the aggravated Vata dosha. Along with the Vata dosha, Kapha dosha should also be pacified to give strength to the weakened muscle tissue. In case of severe prolonged illness, Pitta dosha gets involved as well. It is also pacified with the help of manda(slow) and sthir(stable) substances. Along with the herbs that balance all the three doshas, rejuvenative herbs are used as well.
Ayurveda Herbs That Help in Charley Horse
Ayurveda mentions various herbs that help treat the muscle spasms in case of charley horse syndrome. Some of the herbs that help in the the holistic treatment approach in this case is
1. Curcumin (Curcuma longa)
A great herbal alternative to modern medications in this case is curcumin. Curcumin is the active ingredient of turmeric and has been used from the time immemorial. It has antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces the inflammation and pain in the body.
2. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Withania somnifera has withanolides present in them which work as natural adaptogens. This herb works as a natural steroid and helps provide strength, stamina and nourishment to the body and nervous system. It has antioxidant properties and has stress relieving properties which is why it is beneficial in almost all kinds of disorders.
3. Rasna (Alpinia galanga)
This herb is considered as one of the most useful herbs in case of vata disorders. It has excellent vata balancing properties. Rasna stimulates digestion, has antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties which makes it useful in joint disorders, nervous disorders and muscle spasms.
4. Chandan (Sandalwood)
Chandan or sandalwood is a cooling herb that pacifies the pitta dosha and has antimicrobial properties which makes it a perfect choice for this disorder.. This herb is Pitta pacifying, has cold, light and dry properties and manages the associated weakness and fatigue.
5. Amla (Embilica officinalis)
Amla or Indian gooseberry has antioxidants and helps prevent the body from the attack of free radicals. It is a great source of vitamin C and a huge immune booster. It has a combination of five tastes in Ayurveda and helps prevent bacterial and viral infections. It has cool potency and a sweet post digestive effect which helps in dealing with inflammation in tonsillitis.
Herbal Formulations for Charley Horse by Planet Ayurveda
Planet ayurveda is a GMP certified authentic ayurveda company that manufactures best, 100% pure ayurveda products under the supervision of MD doctors. Planet ayurveda manufactures some of the best herbal alternatives to chemical drugs that also find its mention in ayurveda. All the formulations made by planet ayurveda are 100% vegetarian formulations which are free from chemicals, preservatives, starch and additives. Some of the formulations that work well for Steven Johnson syndrome are
Product List
1. Boswellia Curcumin:
Boswellia curcumin capsules by Planet Ayurveda are a formulation that has 250 mg of pure standardized extract of Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) and Curcumin (Curucma longa). These herbs are mentioned in ayurveda textbooks to treat pain and inflammation. This formulation is rich in antioxidant properties and has a neuroprotective activity. This is majorly used for pain, swelling, cardiovascular health and joint health.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily
2. Daily Essentials
Daily essentials by Planet Ayurveda is a capsule formulation that has a correct combination of the ayurveda herbs which fulfill the daily essential requirements of the body. The prime ingredients of this formulation are Grape seed, Cow colostrum, Phyllanthus niruri and green tea. It boosts the immunity, removes the toxins from the body, provides longevity and delays the aging process.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily.
3. Ashwagandha capsules
Ashwagandha capsules by Planet Ayurveda are prepared by 500mg extract of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Ashwagandha is known as Rasayana in Ayurveda. It is an immunomodulator, increases the cell count and reduces the inflammation. It also helps in rejuvenation which makes it a perfect formulation to increase the strength of the weakened muscles.
Dosage: : 1 capsule twice daily.
4. Dhanwantharam oil
Dhanwantharam oil by Planet Ayurveda is an oil preparation that is used for local massage. This oil helps in muscle cramps, swelling and helps restore strength of the muscles. It is formulated with various herbs that provide complete nourishment and healing to the body. The prime ingredient of Dhanwantharam oil has bala (side cordifolia) among many others such as Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Shoyanaka(Oroxylum indicum), brihati(Solanum indicum) etc.
Dosage: Massage locally for 15 minutes.
Modern medical science has treatment for almost all the diseases that we see in today’s time but there are many side effects that occur along with the treatment which then gives rise to another set of issues in the body. Ayurveda, a 5000 year old medicinal system has solutions to the root cause of the problem with negligible side effects and hence it is beneficial to always look for natural and herbal solutions that are safe and treat the disease from the root cause.