Chikitsa Sutra and Management of Vridhi and Kshaya of Doshas
Our healthy state of mind and living depends on our healthy lifestyle, diet and equilibrium of Dosha , Dhatu and Mala.But today due to sedentary lifestyle changes , it also affects on our triad of Dosha-Dhatu-Mala which leads to severe diseases.(SU. UT.66/6-7). Daily intake of processed food, burgers, pizza ,oats, unhealthy snacks and not following the regimens i.e, dinacharya,ritucharya etc which causes vitation of doshas and leads to asadhya rogas.
According to modern science , an increase in levels of toxins in the body causes diseases but as the same in Ayurveda, vitiation of tridosha , interrupts the triad of our healthy living and causes rogas.This report aims to summarise and review Ayurvedic scholars’ accounts of the hypo and hyper functional states of Tridosha (Dosha Kshaya-Vriddhi), as well as propose some objective criteria to determine Tridoshas functional condition.
Healthy and unhealthy state of a human being depends on normal and abnormal functional state of Tridosha i.e. Vata , Pitta, Kapha which plays an important role in maintaining the homeostasis of the body.Acco to Ayurveda “Dosha Dhatu mala Moolam Hi Shariram”. Means the whole body is created by Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. Imbalance in between these tridoshas, mal, dhatu causes various disorders. Tridosha remains in three state i.e Sama awstha (balanced state), Kshaya (hypo functional state), Vriddhi (hyper functional state).Tridosha are main entities formed from Panchmahabhuta(Ch.SU.26/11), responsible for regulation of all body functions.Excess of everything in body causes various disorders same as in ayurveda vitiation of doshas causes Kshaya ,Vriddhi in the body which leads to moderate and severe diseases. When tridosha are in prakruit avastha ,they maintain a healthy state and are called as Dhatu. When these doshas are in kshaya vriddhi state it vitiates the Mala in body and vitiates the whole dhatus and uppdhatu’s.
KSHAYA | Reasons- dried ans lesser food intake, intake of only one type of Rasa, overfasting, concentrated alcohol intake, senile degeneration, excessive exercise etc. Symptoms– Physical and mental illness,weakness,low appetite,lethargy ,loss of interest to talking to people (As.Hridya. 11/15) |
Symptoms- decreased body heat and digestive fire, loss of complexion,feeling of cold etc. | Symptoms– Dryness, burning sensation inside the body, emptiness of kapha sites,looseness of joints, thirst,loss of sleep, vertigo and heart palpitation.(As.Hridya. 11/16) |
VRIDDHI | Reasons- Dry,cold,light food intake, Night awakeness,day time sleeping,distressed, depressed, hyper aggressive, fasting, holding the urge, weakness, margavaran through ama, kapha etc.(ch.chi.28/15-18)Symptoms-hoarseness of voice,blackish discoloration of skin,tremors, desire of hot things, sleeplessness,, constipation, lack of strength,loss of sensory organs, delirium, vertigo.(As.Harid.11/5-6) |
Symptoms- yellow tone of skin, increased body temperature, unconsciousness, loss of strength, weakness of sense organs, yellow discoloration of stool,urine and eyes, excessive hunger and thirst, burning sensations in the body. (As.Harid.11) | Symptoms– white tone of skin, feeling of cold, stability, heaviness, depression, stupor,excessive sleep, flabbiness of bone joint, suppression of digestive fire, nausea, laziness,dyspnoea and cough (As.Harid.11/7) |
In decreased dosha, if there is kashaya of one dosha then simultaneously increase of other dosha with opposite properties to that of dosha. Eg. when Kapha decreases, vata increases their actions. Increased doshas do not always produce diseases,they might be cause some disturbances in the body. After following causative factors, the doshas initially undergo increase and accumulate in their dominant sites (Sanchaya- accumulation of doshas)
When not unfollowing causative factors which causes disturbances in body and sanchaya of doshas , then doshas gradually and slowly increases and get aggravated on their own sanchaya site (Prakopa- stage of vitiation of Doshas. Sanchaya and prakopa of doshas takes place normally until an impact of season not comes and shows different lakshana of dominant doshas
When ritucharya regimen are properly followed ,the doshas get settled down in next season or when causative factors are avoided (Shamana). When ritucharya regimen is not properly followed or continuously following causative factors , the doshas proceed through other stages of pathogenesis (Kriya kala )
Dosha pareeksha by evaluation of different Lakshana in body which generate due to kshaya vriddhi of doshas.if doshas are in samaya awastha they do their functions properly but in abnormal stage of doshas their functions become improper and show different kshaya vriddhi lakshana.To examine Dosha , normal functions of doshas , kshaya vriddhi of doshas must be known.
Always follow Nidana Privarjana- means avoidance of causative factors
Follows 3D rules which are- Diet, Drugs, Disease.
- Intake of that healthy diet which helps your doshas to remain in samaya stage -less intake of sugar ,salt etc.
- SAY NO TO DRUGS which causes our triad of doshas which leads to further diseases such as obesity, diabetes,fatty liver Hep B etc.
Shodhana and Shamana chikitsa
Treatment of vitiated doshas should be carried by shodhana -expulsion of doshas through Panchakarma which mainly deals with vrddhi of doshas. In Shaman chikitsa – use of pacificatory medicines, balanced and nutritious diet,healthy lifestyle should be taken to prevent recurrence of diseases and to enhance immunity (by taking rasayans-zinc, shilajit, abhrak etc)
Samanya Siddhanta Chikitsa
1. Tridosha Kshaya chikitsa
- In vata kshaya – intake of vata vardhak ahara vihara
- Katu-tikata, kshaya rasa pradhan( pungent-astringent taste like)
- Dry,minute,cold properties.
- Intake of vata vardhak ahar until getting samaya stage.
- In Pitta kshaya – intake of Agni mahabhoot pradhan food.
- In kapha kashaya – intake of fatty substances
- Prithvi and jala mahabhuta pradhan food.
2. Tridosha vriddhi chikits
- Vata dosha vriddhi -oil massaging + fomentation –> purification of body
- nirahua or anuvasana basti
- Nasal insufflation
- Intake of sweet,sour,salty Rasa +hot and delicious food.
- Pitta dosha vriddhi-purgation or blood letting procedures with cold herbal paste for massaging sweet,bitter,astringent taste like food, milk or ghee can be used
- Pitta shamak medicines can be used- chandana, mukta, praval etc
3. Kapha dosha vriddhi
- Fomentation, emesis and by nasal administration of medicines to remove doshas from head
- Fast acting purgation
- Akash, vayu,or agni mahabhuta dominant medicines
- Pungent,bitter,astringent taste food
- Do exercise, dry massaging
- Use of panchakola, Triphala, vallipanchmoola ingredients.
All with that you have to enhance your immunity or immune cells to easily cope up from diseases.Always follow Sadvritta behaviour( Code conduct for healthy life).
In the end we concluded that when doshas are in normal stages they do their functions properly. But in dosha vaishmayata (increased or decreased doshas) their functions become improper and show various lakshanas. Acc to Kriya kala if diseases properly not managed at proper stage causes chronic or asadhya treatment and diagnosis of increased doshas should be carried out in an initial stage which gives better results.