Dercum’s Disease – Causes, Symptoms and Ayurvedic Treatment
Dercum’s disease is a rare disease of unknown aetiology. It is characterised by painful, multiple fatty lipomas (subcutaneous deposition of adipose tissues) on the body. This disease is likely to be more common in women after menopause, especially obese women. Lipomas are located primarily in the trunk region and on the extremities close to the trunk of the body. Dercum’s disease is a chronic condition, which means that it is a long-lasting condition. This article covers important information regarding the disease and its management in both modern and ayurvedic aspects.
Dercum’s disease is also known as Adiposis dolorosa, Ander’s syndrome, or Dercum Vitaut. This disease is generally characterised by the development of painful subcutaneous adipose tissue of different sizes, multiplicity, and localization. Dercum’s disease is a rare disorder that appears in almost all adults and is predominant in individuals aged 35–50 years. Fat tissues are known as loose connective tissue, hence it is a disease of loose connective tissue. People with Dercum’s disease have many painful, fatty lumps that grow just below their skin.
The causes of Dercum’s disease are not clear yet. But some of the causative factors are:
- Hereditary factor
Some experts think that this disease may come from a mutated gene that is passed down in families.
- Autoimmune disorder
Others think that it is an autoimmune disorder, which means that the immune system is not working properly.
- It may be a result of hormonal or nervous system problems.
- Fatty tissues may appear all over the body.
- Weakness and pain (burning and searing types) on the lumps.
- Obesity
- Mental issues like stress, depression, or feeling confused
- Pain in fatty parts of the body that lasts for more than 3 months
- Patients may feel bruises, headaches, and stiffness after resting.
- Lumps are soft and well-demarcated.
- No signs of skin pigmentation or cutaneous breakage
Although there is no specific management for Dercum’s disease, it is managed symptomatically.
- Medicines: Some drugs are helpful to ease specific symptoms. Diuretics (water pills) are sometimes prescribed to reduce swelling. They help the body get rid of extra water. Some of the painkillers help reduce pain.
- Emotional support: chat with friends, family members, or a mental health provider. They may help you cope better with this chronic disease.
- Eating healthy: Fatty lumps likely won’t go away with diet and exercise, but an improved lifestyle could also be helpful.
It is comparable to Medoja granthi in Ayurveda. The vata becomes vitiated as a result of exposure to the etiological causes. The vitiated vata causes the kapha, meda dhatu, rakta dhatu, and mansa dhatu to become vitiated as well, leading to the raised, rounded expansion of the body. Meda makes up an enormous quantity of the Granthi.
The aggravated vata adi dosha contaminates the rakt (blood), mansa (flesh), and meda (fat) dhatus, which results in the formation of a knotty and rounded inflammation called granthi.
Sushrut Nidan, 11/7
- Smooth to touch
- Big in size
- Itching
- There is no pain
- After rupturing, there is an oily discharge (like ghee).
Herbs used in the management of Medaj granthi
- Haridra (Curcuma longa)
- Shankhini (Euphorbia dracunculoides)
- Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum)
- Chitraka ((Plumbago zeylanica)
- Arka (Calotropis procera)
- Kustha (Saussurea lappa)
- Vamana (induced vomiting)
- Virechan (induced purgations)
- Lepa (coating of medicated herbs)
Planet Ayurveda is an herbal pharmaceutical company that formulates and prepares herbal medicines. All the products are herbal and free of impurities and any kind of adulterant. The company is GMP-certified. Qualities of products are checked by the doctors thoroughly. Planet Ayurveda provides some of its best medicines for Dercum’s disease. Here is a list of the products used to manage Dercum’s disease.
- Medohar Guggul
- Arogyavardhini vati
- Agnitundi vati
- Navkarshik churna
- Kaishore Guggul
- Mahamanjisthadi kwath.
This is an excellent classical preparation which has ingredients like Amla (Emblica officinalis), Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), Pippali (Piper longum), Mustak (Cyperus rotundus), and many others. Medohar guggul stimulates fat metabolism that burns excessive body fat. It also improves digestion. It has an impressive effect on obesity.
Dosage: 2 tablets daily with lukewarm water.
This vati is formulated by Planet Ayurveda and contains components like Triphala (three dry herbs), Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), and others. Because of its shodhana (detoxification) character, this extraordinary preparation helps to regulate body weight and other digestive system issues by enhancing metabolism and eliminating waste items from the body. It effectively reduces obesity. Obesity is the outcome of the buildup of ama in the form of excessive fat, an imbalance of meda dhatu, and the accumulation of ama. Due to its deepan (appetiser) and pachan (digestive) characteristics, Arogyavardhini Vati is an Ayurvedic remedy that effectively reduces body weight by lowering ama (toxins that stay in the body as a result of incorrect digestion). It is beneficial.
Dosage: 2 tablets daily with lukewarm water.
This formulation is prepared by Planet Ayurveda and has ingredients like Amla (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bahera (Terminalia bellerica), Vacha (Acorus calamus), and many others. This is an amazing product that acts as an immunomodulator. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It gives relief in pain and strengthens joints and ligaments of the body.
Dosage: Half or 1 tablespoon twice daily with lukewarm water.
This is an amazing preparation by Planet Ayurveda, including ingredients like Triphala (3 dried fruits of amla, haritaki and bibhitaki), Gandhak (purified and processed sulphur), Visha (Aconitum ferox), and many such others. It is an excellent vata Nashak herb. Agnitundi vati has the specific properties of Deepan (Appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties that imbalances the doshas of the body. It also increases the digestive fire which results in the increase of appetite.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily with lukewarm water.
These are the capsules formulated by Planet Ayurveda with ingredients like Amlaki ( Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia billerica), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), and many others. It gives support and balances the tridoshas of the body. It is also helpful in low digestive strength. Kaishore guggul has some anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce swelling and pain.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with lukewarm water.
This is the manufacturing of Planet Ayurveda, which has ingredients like Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), and many others. It is a detoxifying herbal medicine that cleans the blood, brings a glow to the skin, cures inflammation, and prevents infections. This formulation has no side effects. It is helpful in reducing obesity and has a great effect on rakta vaha and medovaha srotas.
Dosage: 2 tablespoons twice daily with lukewarm water.
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This article includes all the main content regarding Dercum’s disease. This is a rare disease that has no specific causes or management. Dercum’s disease has only symptomatic management as per modern aspects. Moreover, Planet Ayurveda provides the best medicines to aid this chronic disease.