Tag: Fullerene

Significance Of Molecular C60 In Medical Science And Its Relevant Ayurvedic Herbs


The molecule C60 also called fullerene is an entire carbon molecule in the form of a sphere, ellipsoid, or tube shape. The existence of C60 was divined by Eiji Oswana in 1970. Molecule C60 has the highest density of all known structures. It is very tough and is thermally stable. It can be compressed to the maximum without losing its carbon cage. Whereas, Molecule C60 is insoluble in water and cannot conduct electricity. It is used as an antioxidant in medicines and also has anti-viral properties.

Types of Molecule C60

  • Buckyball clusters
  • Nanotubes
  • Megatubes
  • Polymers

Uses of Molecule C60 in Medical science

  • Molecule C60 acts as a photosensitizer and due to this property, it is used in photodynamic therapy (PDT). Molecule C60 is used in anticancer drugs. It has biological impacts on nucleic acids or protein so is used in anticancer activities.
  • Molecule C60 has antiviral properties that are used in the treatment of autoimmune viral disorders like HIV infection, Hepatitis C, and many other viral infections.
  • Amino acid derivatives of Molecule C60 are found to inhibit Human cytomegalovirus replication and Human immunodeficiency virus replication.
  • Molecule C60 has antioxidant properties that prevent cell growth from various toxins. The Molecule C60 can react with several superoxides without being consumed. It can localize within the cell where in a diseased state, the production of free radicals takes place. It has been described as the world’s most efficient radical sponge. The brain contains several different fatty acids and aerobic metabolism, the brain has limited or no ability to regenerate damaged tissues and is a very sensitive organ to oxidative damage. Molecule C60 can inhibit free radicals to attack fatty tissue chains of the brain and protect the person from neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.
  • Molecule C60 is also used for cytoprotective action against Ultraviolet A radiations.
  • Molecule C60 helps to transfer drugs and genes into the cells by crossing three membrane barriers. Four major groups of drugs and genes transferred are – organic cation carriers, viral carriers, proteins, and inorganic nanoparticles. Molecule C60 forms a protective sheath around bound DNA, which increases the lifetime of DNA. They do not induce oral toxicity or genotoxicity.
  • Molecule C60 in the form of endofullerences is used as an imaging contrast agent in MRI, X-Ray, and radiopharmaceuticals. In MRI it has both diagnostic and therapeutic functions. It kills cancer cells by rapid induction of apoptosis after illumination.
  • Molecule C60 is used in various cosmetics to slow down the aging process of human skin.

Molecule C60

Adverse effects of Molecule C60

Molecule C60 has many adverse effects on your body. They localize in the liver, and lungs of humans and cannot be excreted easily. Toxic actions can cause lung fibrosis, liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, and cancer. It can cause DNA damage. It can cause coagulation and inflammation in various body areas that can cause severe damage to other organs. It can also have adverse effects on the cardiovascular system.

Relevant ayurvedic Herbs

Many ayurvedic herbal medications act as antivirals and help in eliminating viral toxins from the body. Most of them are available in our kitchen – Haldi (Turmeric), tulsi (basil), methi (fennel), Adrakh (Ginger), Neem, Lashun (Garlic), Peppermint, Oregano, Dalchini (Tvak), etc. Always try to add these antivirals to your daily veggies and on a regular basis. Along with this, some medications that help to recover better are described next.

Oral Herbal Medications

Planet Ayurveda is a herbal medicines manufacturing company whose all remedies are 100% pure and are formed under the guidance of talented MD doctors. Medicines here are made without additives and other harmful chemicals, so we can proudly say that we treat you herbally and naturally for various health conditions without any side effects.

Planet Ayurveda Herbal Supplements

Planet Ayurveda Herbal Supplements

1. Spirulina Capsules

These capsules are made from standard extracts of Spirulina (Spirulina plantensis). These capsules boost the immune system and increase blood hemoglobin levels. It also cleanses the blood and enhances energy levels in the body by increasing essential nutrients and vitamins level in the body. It also has rejuvenating properties and delays aging.

Dosage – Have 1 capsule twice daily with water.

2. Brahmi Capsules

Standard extracts of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) are being used to prepare these capsules. Brahmi has been primarily used in various mental conditions to enhance memory, learning skills, and cognitive behavior of the person. Brahmi is considered rognashni (destroys diseases), dirghayu (provides long life). It helps by enhancing the activity of the brain and also repairs damaged brain cells. It is a brain tonic (nervine tonic) and enhances nerve impulse transmission in the brain.

Dosage – Eat 1 capsule twice daily with water.

3. Ashwagandha Capsules

These capsules are manufactured with the standard extracts of the herb Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). This herb increases body strength and enhances immunity to fight against the disease. Ashwagandha is a very potent herb and has remarkable results in various diseases. These capsules will balance tridoshas in the body and relieve symptoms of pain and irritation and improve the overall condition of the patient.

Dosage – Eat 1 capsule twice a day

4. Amalaki Rasayana

It is a single herbal classical preparation made by using Amla (Emblica officinalis). Amla pacifies and balances all three doshas. These amla capsules are made from pure extracts of amla and are a rich source of vitamin C. No extra chemicals or preservatives are added to these capsules. This rasayan due to vrishya, kanthya, vayastaphak properties has rejuvenating effects on the body.

Dosage – Eat 2 capsules twice after meals.


Molecule C60 has unique physical and chemical properties so is being used in medical science. It has a broad spectrum of commercial applications such as – anticancer drugs, cosmetics, antioxidants, etc. In the coming future years, Molecule C60 is going to contribute a lot in the industrial field with a rapid decline in its prices. Our aim should be not to depend on these chemicals and limit their usage. The above-described ayurvedic herbs with antiviral effects are much more potent to treat diseases without any side effects. Chemicals however are efficient in curing and managing certain problems but they always come with uninvited adverse effects. Why not replace them naturally if you have had an option? Do not play with your life and do not get played. Indulge yourself in an herbal environment and for any queries related to these herbal replacements contact us at www.plnaetayurveda.com

Significance of Molecule C60 In Medicine Science Or Are There Any Relevant Ayurvedic Herbs ?


Fullerenes have stood out in various areas of science since their revelation in 1985. Examinations of the physical, compound, and organic properties of fullerenes have yielded promising data. It is gathered that size, hydrophobicity, three-dimensionality, and electronic arrangements make them an engaging subject in therapeutic science. Their extraordinary carbon confinement structure combined with massive extension for derivatization make them a possible therapeutic agent. The investigation of natural applications has drawn expanding consideration notwithstanding the low solvency of the carbon sphere in physiological media. In this article, we shall discuss the significance of the C60 molecule and the relevant Ayurvedic herbs. Let’s get started !!

Significance of Molecule C60


C60 molecules have 60 atoms of carbon. Carbon 60 is a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals and aging signs. The C60 fullerene has a soccer ball-like structure and it is the third carbon allotrope. The C60 molecule has been discussed on a large scale for its usage in medicinal terms. Though some of the studies have suggested its uses in medical terms and rewarded the same with certain but effective properties. But on an extensive scale, the research regarding the same is lacking. But there are ayurvedic herbs that are very effective and the results are proven. We will look into the amazing herbs that best replace the C60 molecule. Let’s have a look at the health benefits of C60 molecules so far that we have been acquainted with recently !!

Health Benefits of C60 Molecule 

Antioxidant: Carbon 60 acts as a potent antioxidant as it is used for fighting aging signs, acne, human immunodeficiency virus infection, and other skin diseases. It thus prevents all age-related diseases which are neurodegenerative, muscular degenerative, heart-related, etc.

  • Cognition Booster: Carbon 60 is effective in enhancing cognitive functions. It increases attentiveness, sharpens the brain, and improves overall brain functioning. 
  • Muscle Relaxant: It alleviates fatigue and muscle weakness. 
  • In Diabetic Complications: It acts as a neuroprotective and nephroprotective in the condition of diabetes. 
  • Cancer: Carbon 60 has been explored if it is of benefit in the management of cancer. 
  • Inflammatory Conditions: Carbon 60 has shown results in inflammatory conditions such as arthritis etc.

Side Effects of C60 Molecule?

Recent evidence shows that C60 is not toxic in human beings. And according to a 2016s study, the application of C60 on the skin does not cause any unwanted or allergic, or harmful reactions.

What Ayurvedic Herbs Provide The Same Benefits As That Of Carbon 60?

Ayurveda is a traditional system of Indian medicines that has been providing health benefits to humans since ancient ages. Ayurveda uses plants and mineral-based materials to fight various health conditions. There are a number of herbs that nature has blessed humans with. These herbs possess various medicinal properties and help in sustaining life without diseases. Like the C60 molecule, we are looking to use it due to its various health benefits whereas there are herbs that wonderfully do the same functions and benefit humans. Like we can see there are various health condition categories so does the medicinal classification of the herbs. Here we are going to discuss various medicinal herbs with the functioning that the C60 molecule is believed to do.

The herbs

  • Brahmi
  • Ashwagandha
  • Amla
  • Shankhpushpi
  • Mandukaparni
  • Guduchi/Giloy
  • Patla
  • Jivanti etc

In Charak Samhita, Acharya Charak has mentioned four medhya rasayan, though there are many others. Sholaka 30 and 31 of Chapter 1.3 illustrates that juice of mandukaparni is to be used, powder of yashtimadhu is to be consumed with milk, juice of Guduchi is to be consumed whereas shankhpushpi along with roots and flowers to be taken after making it a paste. These four rasayan provide long life, kill diseases, increase strength, and digestive power, the texture of the skin, soften and soothe the voice, and enhance memory. Among these four herbs, shankhpushpi particularly results in boosting memory and retaining power.

1. Brahmi

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is a herb that belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae. It is also known as water hyssop, thyme-leaved granola, Indian pennywort, and water hyssop. It contains an alkaloid named Brahmins. It pacifies the kapha and the vata dosha.

As per Ayurvedic texts, Brahmi is one of the medhya herbs. Medhya is an herb that enhances the functioning of the brain and boosts the memory and intellectuality of an individual. It helps in managing anxiety, depression, and mental retardation. In mania, Brahmi is a most useful plant. Brahmi has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Due to its astringent property, it helps in managing diarrhea. It has cardio-tonic activity. It also has a diuretic effect.

In Sri Lanka, Brahmi is used in pyrexia. It also promotes the growth of hair.

Formulations:  Brahmi panak, Brahmi taila, Saraswatarishta, Saraswat ghrita, Brahmi ghrita, etc.

2. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is one of the most known shrubs due to its strengthening properties. Ashwagandha belongs to the family ‘Solanaceae’. It is known as ‘Winter cherry’. It contains chemical constituents namely anhydride, tropine, cuscohygrine, etc. It pacifies the vata and kapha doshas.

Its activities include alleviation of inflammation, reducing pain, and purification of the blood. It acts as an appetizer. It acts as a potent diuretic. It soothes the brain and mind. This increases the functioning of the brain and improves intellect and sharpens memory. It helps with shortness of breath. It improves vigor, and strength and helps in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It also alleviates the pain related to the vagina and uterus. Further, it benefits an individual with skin-soothing activities. It acts as a sedative and is useful for insomnia. It acts as a nerve tonic. Ashwagandha boosts immunity and acts as an aphrodisiac.

Formulations:  Ashwagandha churna, Ashwagandha rasayan, Ashwgandharishta, Ashwagandha ghrita, Sukumarghrita, Saubhagyashunthipak, Aksandpak etc.

3. Amla/Amalaki

Amla (Emblica officinalis) is one of the greatest herbal compositions of Triphala. Amla is one of the immunity-boosting fruits and it is being used in all the immune boosters available in the market. It contains a number of chemical compounds such as tannic acids, gallic acid, vitamin C, calcium, etc.

Amalaki is considered an elixir due to its mind-blowing actions and properties. Amla pacifies all three doshas. It promotes hair growth, cools the body, and is good for the eyes. It provides strength to all five senses and boosts memory and sharpens the brain. It provides strength to the nervous system. Furthermore, it acts as an appetizer and promotes digestion. It supports the health of the heart. Further, it helps in bleeding disorders. It works as an aphrodisiac and helps in male and female infertility. It is a diuretic and helps in managing diabetes. Moreover, it is of great benefit in skin-related disorders. It further possesses anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities. In the end, Amla is a rasayan and provides good health and longevity to life.

Formulations:  Chyawanprah, Brahma Rasayan, Dhatriloha, Amrutprash, Amalaki Rasayan, Dhatri Rasayan, Chandan Amalaki Chatan etc.

4. Shankhpushpi

Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) is one of the medhya herbs as mentioned in the ‘Charak Samhita’. Medhya herbs are those which enhance intelligence and intellect. It pacifies all three doshas but mostly it balances the vata and pitta doshas.

Shankhpushpi is known to be good for skin disorders and it helps in the growth of hair. It provides strength to the nerves and nervous system. Further, it promotes the functioning of the brain. Further, it acts as an appetizer and aids digestion. Further, it reduces blood pressure and results in the clotting of the blood thus helping in bleeding disorders. It acts as a diuretic. It increases fertility and helps in a healthy conception. Further, it is of great benefit for skin diseases. It also has antipyretic activity.

Formulations: Medhya kshaya, Shankhpushpi Panak, etc.

 5. Mandukaparni

Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica) is one of the medhya herbs as described by Acharya Charak. Medhya herbs are true, great herbs that boost the functioning of the brain and boost memory, and prevent aging signs as well.

Mandukaparni is a creeper belonging to the family ‘Umbelliferae’. It contains an alkaloid named hydrocortisone. Its leaves contain fats, tannin, sugar, gum, aluminum, valerian, asiaticoside, etc.

Mandukaparni pacifies kapha and pitta dosha. Being a medhya enhances memory. It helps in the management of a weak brain, epilepsy, and hysteria. Bitter taste mandukaparni increases appetite, thus useful in anorexia and loss of appetite. Due to its cold nature, it also helps in the management of sprue and diarrhea. It is a cardiac tonic and fights edema. It is helpful in coughing, colds, and asthma. Furthermore, Mandukaparni helps with dysuria. Moreover, Mandukaparni causes vasodilation and promotes the cleaning and healing of the skin tissue. Due to its bitter taste, it acts as an antipyretic. Further, it has rejuvenating properties thus providing strength to the body and promoting longevity. In addition to this, it is used in general debility. It is well-used for insomnia and calms the mood.

Formulations:  Brahmipanak, Brahmi taila, Saraswatarishta, Saraswat ghrit, etc.

6. Guduchi/Giloy

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) is one of the famous herbs. Everyone knows about the universal antipyretic property of Giloy. It belongs to the family ‘Menispermaceae’. It contains chemical constituents such as berberine, groin, starch, etc.

As per Acharya Charak, it is a medhya herb with a number of health benefits. Guduchi pacifies all three doshas. It acts as a potent antiseptic and analgesic. Guduchyadi oil soothes the skin and prevents and manages skin disorders. It enhances the retaining power and boosts memory. It acts as an antiemetic and excessive thirst. It acts as an appetizer, digestive, anthelmintic, and antacid.

It has anti-inflammatory activity. Furthermore, guduchi is an aphrodisiac. It has antidiabetic action and thus is beneficial for diabetes. Due to its antipyretic property, the herb is regarded as ‘Sarvajwarhar’ which means it reduces fever of any type.

Formulations:  Guduchyadi churna, Guduchyadi kwath, Guduchi loha, Amritarishta, Guduchi taila, Giloyghan vati etc.

7. Patla

Patla (Stereospermum suaveolens) is one of the main herbs of dashamoola. It belongs to the family ‘Bignoniaceae’. It is a big tree. The flower of the tree contains wax, albumin, mucilage, and sugar.

Patla has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Patla pacifies all three doshas. It has wound-healing properties. Patla works as a potent appetizer. It is anti-dyspeptic. It works well in hiccups. Being a diuretic, Patla is of great help in the management of calculi and dysuria. Flowers are aphrodisiacs and are thus used in the debility of semen. It is also used as a febrifuge.

Formulations:  Dashmoolarishta, Brihat panchmooladi kwath, etc.

8. Jivanti

Jivanti (Leptadenia reticulata) is a slender creeper that usually grows in the rainy season in west and south India. Jivanti belongs to the family ‘Of Asclepiadaceae’.

Jivanti pacifies the three doshas, particularly vata and pitta dosha. Jivanti is anti-inflammatory and helpful in bleeding disorders. It is good for eye diseases. Jivanti soothes intestinal mucosa and helps with IBS, IBD, and constipation. It helps with bronchitis. It is an aphrodisiac as well and works on the semen quality and helps in spermatorrhoea. Being a diuretic, it is of great help in dysuria, pyuria, and burning micturition.

Formulations:  Jeevantyadi taila, Jeevantyadi ghrita, etc.

Planet Ayurveda and Its product that results as good as C60 Molecule 

Planet Ayurveda is an ISO, USA-FDA company that is spreading the wisdom of Ayurveda and that is its sole motto. Planet Ayurveda’s products are the purest ones as they are not contaminated or adulterated. They are available in various forms including tablets (vati), capsules, jams (valiha/crash/pak), syrups (asava/arista), and churna (powders/pak). The products are formed on the lines of various Ayurvedic texts and Ayurvedic pharmacopeia. The products are purely herbal and gluten-free and halal-certified. Planet Ayurveda’s products that are single herbals are really helpful in providing the health benefits as that of molecule C60 and can be consumed as an alternative or substitute for molecule C60. Following are some of the products from the Planet Ayurveda store that will replace the benefits of the C60 molecule.

Product List 

1. Spirulina Capsules

2. Brahmi Capsules

3. Ashwagandha Capsules

4. Amalaki Rasayan

Herbal Remedies For Molecule C60

Herbal Remedies For Molecule C60

Product Description

1. Spirulina Capsules

Spirulina capsules are filled with Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis), a cyanobacteria species, which is used in various health problems. Spirulina is known as a ‘superfood’ and also known as a ‘miracle from the sea’. It is useful for a wide range of health issues. Spirulina boosts immunity and helps in conditions that are of autoimmune origin. It increases the production of white blood cells. Furthermore, it is enriched with vitamins B6, E and C. Spirulina increases the blood hemoglobin levels that are lost in excessive bleeding. Spirulina capsules boost immunity, purifies the blood and maintain high energy levels in the body.

Dosage: 1-2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.

2. Brahmi Capsules

Brahmi capsules are filled with the herb Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). Brahmi has a number of health benefits as it is one of the main medhya herbs. Brahmi relaxes the mind and brain and promotes healthy functioning of the same. Therefore, Brahmi is used in a number of conditions related to the brain. Brahmi is a brain tonic and cardiotonic. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity. In conclusion, Brahmi capsules are a perfect replacement for C60 molecules.

Dosage: 1-2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.

3. Ashwagandha Capsules

Ashwagandha capsules contain the standardized extract of the ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Ashwagandha is a well-known herb for its amazing benefits. Ashwagandha provides strength and vitality to the body. It helps in putting on weight. Ashwagandha capsules help with muscle waste, fatigue, and general weakness. Ashwagandha capsules purify the blood and alleviate inflammation. Ashwagandha gives a profit of as much as C60 molecules.

Dosage: 1-2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.

4. Amalaki Rasayan

Amalaki Rasayan is a product of Planet Ayurveda made up of a standardized extract of amla (Emblica officinalis). Amla is one of the oldest and most well-known fruits that has been in use. Amla has so many health benefits. Amla rejuvenates the body cells and gives relief to a number of health problems. Amla is a rasayan that fights free radicals and prevents anti-aging signs. It promotes general well-being. Amalaki Rasayan enhances intelligence and intellect. Furthermore, it boosts immunity and fights a number of diseases, and prevents their manifestation. Therefore, with these immense properties, Amalaki Rasayan shows up as the best replacement or substitute for the C60 molecule.

Dosage: 1-2 Capsules twice daily, with plain water, after meals.



The C60 molecule is being discussed for its health benefits. The C60 molecule is yet in the testing rounds and the research and properties and benefits of the same are not yet confirmed or established appropriately. Whereas the herbs mentioned in Ayurveda do amazing and wonderful functions. These herbs are full of potency and work in various health problems. Furthermore, herbs are full of antioxidants and reverse and prevent aging signs. Other properties such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiemetic, antidiarrhoeal, antiepileptic, mind calming, brain tonic, energy booster, immunity booster, anti psychosis, mood elevating, and various others. Above mentioned herbs and their functions and advantages are quite enough to understand the wide range of benefits of the same. Moreover, the above-mentioned products of Planet Ayurveda are perfect to replace or give qual and even more positive results than the C60 molecule.