
Fungal infection is limited to the dead layers of skin but is usually encouraged by damp and warm weather. The infection can be transmitted from one person to another, through soil, damp shower floors or through pet animals. It may spread from one part to another by scratching or touching. Nearly 200 million people have serious fungal diseases which cause a major impact on their health or life. In this article, we are going to read about fungal infections and its ayurvedic correlation as Kushtha with treatment.

fungal infections


Fungal disease refers to a group of discomforts caused by fungal infections. Mycosis is a medical term for a fungal invasion in human beings. These infections may lead to the skin only or spread to tissue, bones, organs or affect the whole body. The most favourable condition for fungus to grow is Moisture. As per Ayurveda, the term Kushtha includes almost all the skin diseases and this is caused by the vitiation of the seven factors {3 doshas – Vata, Pitta, Kapha & 4 dushyas – Rakta (blood), Rasa (nutrient plasma), Mansa (muscles) and Lasika (lymphatic tissue).


Common Pathogenic fungi includes Aspergillus, Blastomyces, Candida, Cryptococcus. They affect different parts of the body such as eyes, ears, GI Tract, vagina, mouth, throat, nails, lungs and skin. In our classical texts , Kushtha roga is caused by:

  • Virudhashan – intake of wrong food combinations like sour curd and milk together, seafood and milk together.
  • Vishmashan – heavy food intake or eating speedingly.
  • Adhyakshan – excessive food intake.
  • Kledak Ahar – intake of oily foods, junk foods leads to increased kapha dosha.
  • Newly Harvested Food.
  • Suppression of the urge for vomiting or other natural urges.
  • Drinking cold water immediately after sun exposure or exercise.
  • Doing physical exercise after taking excessive food
  • Excessive intake of masha, tila, moolak, pishtanna.


Symptoms vary from person to person. Itching, redness, irritation, blisters, flaky or cracking rashes and nail discoloration are the most common symptoms. Asthma, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, joint pain etc. Kushtha roga, is classified as 18 subcategories; these are 11 Mahakushtha (major skin diseases) and 7 Kshudra Kushta (minor skin diseases). Another classification is Dadru (ringworm) and Alasa (athlete’s foot).


  • Fungal infections can be diagnosed by Inspection of the affected site.
  • Microscopic examination.
  • Fungal culture.
  • Biopsy can be needed.

As per Ayurveda, Kushtha can be diagnosed by Trividh pareeksha (Darshan, sparshana, prashana), Ashtavidh pareeksha (nadi, mala, mootra, jihwa, sparsh, drik, aakriti).


  • Antifungal tablets, creams, medicated ointments can be given.
  • Basic hygiene should be maintained.
  • Avoid sharing towels, clothes, sandals.

In Ayurvedic texts, Some classical procedures are said to include in our treatment process to get more efficacious results.

 Panchakarma procedures in Kushtha

  • Vamana is one of the major panchakarma procedures, in which various herbs are administered orally to induce vomiting. This procedure is done by drugs that are categorised under vamak and vamanopag dravyas eg. madanaphala.
  • Virechana is used in pitta dominant condition in kushtha. In this procedure herbs are administered to induce purgation by Trivrit, Danti herbs.
  • Asthapna basti (decoction enema) can also be given by Darvi, brihati.
  • Anuvasna Basti (fat enema) by madhuk, nimba, kutaja.
  • Prachann Raktamokshana
  • Nasya
  • Vairechnic dhoompana

Lepas are topical applications prepared from single herbs or polyherbal formulations.

  • Chitrakadi Lepa
  • Mamsyadi Lepa
  • Trapuadi Lepa
  • Kadaladi Lepa
  • Kushthadi Lepa
  • Sidharthaka Snana

Some single herbs for fungal infections

  • Rasona (Allium sativum) Garlic – acts as a detoxifier and has antiseptic properties that are helpful in various skin diseases.
  • Adraka (Zingiber officinale) Ginger – acts as an appetiser, increases digestive fire and promotes digestion,  balances vitiated Vata and lowers vitiated Kapha.
  • Haridra (Curcuma longa) Turmeric – It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties and acts as anti fungal.
  • Ashwagandha (withania somnifera) Indian ginseng – It is one of the main immune booster drugs that can be used in the management of candidiasis, one of the most common infections affecting  individuals with weak immunity. Also acts as an anti inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  • Tulsi (ocimum sanctum) Holy Basil – Acts on the nervous, digestive and respiratory systems and has antibacterial, anti microbial, antiseptic and anti spasmodic and pain relieving properties. Tulsi also helps in increasing the digestion process by destroying Ama.
  • Vasa (Adhatoda Vasica) Malabar nut- acts on respiratory, excretory, nervous and circulatory systems.This herb primarily acts on the respiratory system and is also very effective in treating fungal diseases. This drug efficiently works on the respiratory system.

Some Classical Ayurvedic formulations mentioned in classical texts

Ayurvedic Medicines For Fungal Infection

  • Mustadi Churan
  • Triphaladi Churan
  • Mustadi Churan
  • Patolamooladi Kshaya
  • Kritmalak Kwatha
  • Madhvasava
  • Triphalasava
  • Kanakbindvarishta

Ayurvedic Oil for Fungal Infection

  • Kushthadya Tel
  • Shwetakrveeryadya Tel
  • Shwetakrveerpallavadya Tel
  • Tiktikshwadi Tel
  • Kanakkshiri Tel

Ayurvedic Ghrita for Fungal Infection

  • Tiktashatpala Ghrita
  • Mahatiktaka Ghrita
  • Mahakhadeer Ghrita

Planet Ayurveda also gave some herbal remedies to give relief to the patient from ongoing disease.


Planet Ayurveda is a herbal manufacturing company that provides great treatment with miraculous results for every health concerned patient. Here , formulations are made under proper guidance by MD Ayurveda Doctors and these medications are 100% natural. There are no adhesives,  dyes,  fillers,  or adulterants used. There are no side effects of our formulations that are most effective herbal and natural. In fungal infections Planet Ayurveda gives many formulations to manage the diseases very well. These are





This is a single herbal capsule prepared by planet Ayurveda Consisting of Haridra Extract (Curcuma longa). Haridra improves blood circulation and blood tissue formation. This also helps to give efficient results in kushtha rogas by cleaning the blood streams.

Dosage– 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water, after meals.


This is a single herbal capsule mentioned in Ayurveda texts Consisting of Shuddha Gandhak (Sulphur).This is widely used for treating the fungal infections caused by Candida albicans. It can also help in treating various other skin related issues like itching, inflammations etc.

Dosage– 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water.


It is a detoxifying medicine that cleanses the blood. Consists of Manjistha Rubia cordifolia, Nagarmotha Cyperus rotundus, Kuda Holarrhena antidysenterica etc. The herbal formulation is prepared from natural extracts of many herbs that have a great impact not only on skin but also on hair. This formulation is widely used to treat infections of skin, mahakushtha rogas, kshudra kushta.

Dosage– 10-20 ml twice a day after meals with mixing in lukewarm water.


It is a herbomineral Ayurvedic classical preparation which helps in improving the infectious internal wounds . It is also an effective formulation for skin conditions. Consists of Parad (purified mercury), Gandhak (purified sulphur), Manshila (purified realgar), Sindhur (processed mercury and sulphur). This articulation helps to treat the twakgat roga mainly caused by fungal infections, alas, dadru etc.

How to use– Must be applied externally over the wound area after washing and drying it well. It can be applied 3-4 times in a day.


Fungal Infection can affect anyone, and they can appear on several parts of the body. Different types of fungi can cause fungal infections. Fungal infections commonly develop in moist areas of the body and show symptoms like itching, flaking or cracking of skin, rashes etc. we have already studied its correlation with Kushtha. Kushtha is widely classified in subcategories, these management begins by purification processes like Vaman, Virechana, Raktamokshana and Ahar – vihar regimens. Medications include topical as well as internal administrations. Ayurveda medications always give effective results in treating the fungal infections and if anyone is suffering from these conditions he must take guidance from a good Ayurvedic physician who can help to manage the condition effectively. For more details of our products check out our website and for queries you can send your queries to our email id