Complete Ayurvedic View on Maithun – Types, Effects and More
Maithun / Sexual intercourse is the basis of life cycle. Maithun is the base of creation of new progeny. It is broadly associated with union or mating of male or females. We can’t imagine a natural birth without the maithun kriya. This article contains the information about the maithun according to Ayurved, the effects of maithun, the drawbacks of excessive maithun and associated concepts.
Maithun is widely explained in various ayurvedic texts and classical granths. We all have heard the name of the classical grantha Kamasutra by Rishi Vatsyan. Maithun and its various aspects are broadly explained in the Kamsutra. According to modern day philosophy sexuality is basically the foreplay and coitus, but ayurveda and kamasutra philosophies show that sexuality is not only the foreplay and coitus. Maithun is the way of basic life and the concept of personage and associated with unbridled love. Ayurveda texts also mentioned the age for maithun and also the drawbacks of excessive maithun. Kama in terms of maithun should be in control according to Ayurveda, in excess it’s bad as it destroys the core of the body and many other losses are also associated. But due to western approach and the bad influence of TV media or social sites, our youth are unable to understand the power, the strength of celibacy and controlled kamvasna
For healthy individuals if they undergo above purificatory procedures in that particular season as per their dosha prakriti, then they will not only get non-specific immunity against the diseases but also become disease free. Therefore, to root out all the diseases and to maintain the health of an individual it is very essential to encourage and practice e the purificatory procedures which are mentioned above.
Ayurvedic view on Maithun/sex and celibacy
We all have heard about the Chaturashram, an Indian concept that explains the four stages associated with human life. These are Brahmcharya (celibacy), grihastha (home-makers), vanaprastha (forest dweller) and sanyasa (homeless renouncer).Each stage has its own importance, but here we will focus on first two concerned with sexual life.
Brahmchrya which is celibacy is broadly the abstinence of sex but minutely cover the variety of aspects. It is a broad term explained in a variety of classical texts. Avoidance of sexual act physically, mentally and verbally always under any circumstances is known as celibacy. Brahmacharya is in control over genital organ, which leads to a pleasant mind and helps to attain knowledge about Brahma i.e supreme God. The characters of celibacy are avoiding the steps of Maithun or sexual act. Food is ultimately transformed into shukra, so one should prevent the loss of shukra. Excessive loss of shukra leads to many diseases.
It is second in chaturashram, it is the time of marriage, responsibilities, increasing the progeny and respecting the parents or elders. It is the time from the end of Brahmacharya upto the vanaprastha. The people who have self control during the time of the Brahmacharya have a better life in Grihastha. On the basis of age, 24 years to the age of forty eight years is the age group for grihstha jeevan. People are allowed in classics to do the sexual intercourse during this period but it shouldn’t be on regular basis so to live a healthy life in next stages of chaturashram.
According to Bhavprakash
Man will have sexual desire everyday and supresses the urge is not good for the health of man and excessive intercourse will also create problem. Sexual intercourse is pure deed and during the sexual intercourse there is the meeting of two souls physically and mentally. The proper time of sex is night time, sex should be avoided at the day time but it is also season dependent.
Bhavprakash also mentioned the time for intercourse
- In cold seasons it should be done at night time.
- In summer seasons it should be done in the daytime.
- During spring any of the time can be suitable.
Also Bhavprakash (5/279) mentioned sexual intercourse shouldn’t be done on
- Evening time
- Purnima (day of full moon)
- New moon day
- During grazing of cows
- At midnight
- At midday
Various practices after sexual intercourse are bathing, milk with sugar, sugarcane recipes and soup of meat. According to Vagbhata, sexual indulgence should be more in winter than in any other season. The reason behind it is the strength of the body is more during the winter seasons. It is also said that during the winter seasons the sexual intercourse can be done daily after using aphrodisiacs. For other seasons, the person can indulge once in three days in sexual intercourse during spring and for summer and rainy seasons once in every two weeks. But the important point here is the person should be healthy, having good urges for sex and must be taking aphrodisiacs.
Excessive sexual indulgence depletes the aura and the ojas of the person. Ojas is very important as it helps to get a stable mind and enhance the disease-fighting capacity. It is mentioned in Charak sutrasthana 11/35 that life is endowed with strength, complexion and growth provided a person does not indulge in wrong activity. Food is ultimately transformed into Sukra, so one should prevent the loss of shukra. Excessive loss of shukra leads to emaciation, many diseases and even death.
Various rules associated with sex mentioned in Ayurveda are
- According to Ayurveda during a menstrual cycle of a female the sexual intercourse should be avoided. The sexual intercourse during the times of period may lead to various problems like endometriosis or trauma.
- Acccording to Ayurveda seasons influence the sexual life and couple should do sex only after cleaning the genital areas. The position which is ideal for sex is women face lying upwards. Also it is guided that it is important to loose the weight first for good sexual intercourse.
- According to Ayurveda, it is important to be loyal with the partner so to avoid the conflicts and maintain the good sexual life. Faithfulness is very important to avoid problems.
- Ayurveda is against sex during pregnancy or within few days after delivery. It is important to control the urges. Also it is guided that violent sex shouldn’t be there. Sex / Maithun is meeting of two souls. Love is for soul healing not for scaring the soul and body.
- Sex is a very natural urge and the use of sexual organs are justified only. The oral sex or any other kind of such other organs association is not mentioned in Ayurveda. Ayurveda advise to use sexual organs and also a gentle sexual intercourse. Sex should be avoided before defecation or urination.
- Ayurveda does not advocate the practice during festivals or on days of prime significance such as various eclipses, on a full moon or new moon nights, shivratri or other religious days.
- Sex should be avoided on an empty stomach or should also be avoided after taking heavy meals. In case of avoiding this rule, the vata, pitta or kapha doshas can be vitiated and may cause serious concerns like gastritis, abdominal pain, acidity, genital pains.
- Sexual intercourse should be avoided with aged women or with the children. It should be done as per rules mentioned in classical granthas at the proper age after marriage. The sex with animals is also unhealthy and it should be strictly avoided.
- Sexual intercourse should be avoided if person is physically or mentally unfit means sex should be done in comfortable position when both male and female partners are physically fit.
Types and brief detail
- Samaran (Remembering) — Samaran is related to remembering the expressions, gestures or appearances, remember some sexual activity or someone. In females it might be related to make-up items like flowers, sandalwood, perfume, lavender, garland etc., the samaran type of maithun is also associated with watching the picture. It is like mental sex, arousal via thinking.
- Shravan – Shravan is all about listening. Listening to the stories of man or woman appearances, expressions, gestures. It can also be related to listenu=ing about the beauty of organs or smartness of someone.
- Kirtanam (Talking) —Kirtanam is related to talking about someone. Talking about someone’s beauty, expressions. These talkings may act as aphrodisiac and increase the sexual arousal of person.
- Keli (Foreplay) —Keli is related to the way of arousal before the coitus. It can be designated as a foreplay. The foreplay is very important for proper sexual arousal. Foreplay helps to increase the sexual time and quality.
- Prekshan (Secret talks)— Talks which may be related the sex or its process. It can also be associated with praising each other or making some future promises.
- Guhyabhasahnam (Deciding to have sex)– Guhyabhasahnam can be the process just before the process of coitus. It may be associated with the positions mentioned.
- Sankalp (Beginning of the act)– the main sexual intercourse or the coitus. It should be on the basis of the concepts mentioned in the ayurvedic texts.
Effects of Maithun
Positive impacts
Here we will discuss the positive impacts of maithun/ sexual intercourse. Benefits of an organised and well regulated sexual intercourse are as it improve the immunity therefore disease fighting capacity of the body, enhance the libido, improve the muscle tone, maintain the blood pressure, enhance the cardiac health, a good stress buster, improve the chemistry among the couple, cut or lowers the cortisol level, decrease the chances of prostate cancer, enhance the strength of the female bladderand helps to burn the excessive fat.
Negative impacts or Effects of excessive maithun
As we have discussed in this article, ayurveda through its various texts discussed the side effects of excessive maithun karma or sexual intercourse. But our youth is still unaware about the rules or guidance about the sex and importance of semen in life. Due to increasing influence of western vibes, increasing influence of porn via social sites and depriving social values lead to the deprivation of our inherited culture as well as health. The excessive loss of semen leads to poor muscle and nerve growth. The associated problems like alcohol drinking, drug addiction, smoking associated with masturbation in young age leads to various problems. The concerned symptoms of semen depletion or excessive masturbation according to Ayurveda are pain in genitals, perineum, inability for sexual intercourse, erectile dysfunction etc. In females early excessive sexual intercourse may cause trauma or stress.
According to Ayurveda excessive sexual indulgence leads to aggravate the vata dosha in the body. Excessive vata may cause abdominal discomforts, pain in the genitals or other associated problems. It is important to follow the right time for sexual intercourse. It is important that we msut know that sexual energy is a vital power, a boon to mankind. If we save it or use it wisely it will be a base to our long and disease free life.
Concept of Vajikaran/Aphrodisiacs
We have discussed earlier in this article that sexual intercours can be done according to seasons, more in winter and less in other seasons. One should use the aphrodisiacs before sexual act, so to enhance the libido, the strength and stamina. Whatever is sweet, unctuous, vitalising, bulk promoting, heavy and exhilarating is known as an aphrodisiac. Hence one should indulge in sexual practices after having replenished with such drugs. After sexual intercourse one should take bath and then go to sleep after taking milk or meat soup, in this way the strength and semen get replenished. Some of the vajikarana dravyas are Satavari, Vidari, Kapikachu and Gokshura etc. Vajikarana dravyas are helpful to manage issues like erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, poor self esteem, premature ejaculation. Hence aphrodisiacs are associated with virility and enhancing the health of progeny. After regular and well directed intake of aphrodisiacs, one becomes good with physique, strength, potency and ambitions in life.
The man alone after marriage and without progeny looks like a tree having only one branch, shadeless, fruitless and without fragrance. A couple with good progeny is praised as auspicious, commendable, worthy, potent and numerously branched. Pleasure, strength, happiness, livelihood, expansion, large clan, fame, worldly attainments, and happiness at the end of life depend upon good progeny. Hence one desirous of progeny should have to follow ayurvedic principles. The principles who tell the idea of celibacy, proper sex time, conserve the semen and consumption of aphrodisiacs. Maithun we all know is the base of progeny. So the above discussed opinions to live a healthy sexual life should be followed properly. A long healthy life is the wish of every being. So be cheerful, follow the ayurveda and enjoy life at its fullest. Planet ayurveda provide the best herbal formulations to counter the problems associated with sex/maithun. These formulations are natural, herbal and result oriented.