An Ayurvedic View to Have Normal Delivery and Avoid C-Section?

Normal Delivery Tips To avoid C-section


Giving birth is considered to be one of the most wonderful experiences of a woman’s life. There are several emotions attached to it. A mother nurtures the baby in the womb for approximately 9 months with a lot of care and love. Similarly, she should be very careful about the diet during her pregnancy which plays a vital role in deciding the mode of the baby’s birth. The mothers are always concerned about her baby’s well being. The diet she consumes and the lifestyle she follows will ultimately decide the fate of both the baby and mother. Mothers who want to deliver normally should follow a healthy diet and lifestyle which will be detailed below.

Normal Delivery Tips To avoid C-section


The natural delivery refers to the vaginal delivery. It generally means that the baby is delivered naturally without medicines or other interventions. Delivery is known as parturition in medical terms. Parturition is the process of giving birth. When the birth occurs naturally through vagina, it is referred to as natural delivery. When the baby is delivered by giving incisions in abdomen and uterus it is referred to as a c-section i.e. caesarian section.

How to Increase the Chances of Normal Delivery?

There are various factors that affect the chances of normal delivery either directly or indirectly. It not only depends on the diet of the mother but also on the lifestyle she follows. There are various factors that contribute towards the health of the mother and the baby. The woman who wants to deliver her baby naturally i.e. without going under the blade can increase her chances by following means

1. Diet

She should maintain a healthy diet. The diet the mother consumes nourishes the body of both the child and the mother. It will strengthen the body and prepare the mother for natural delivery.

2. Sleep

The mother should get adequate sleep. She should sleep for approx 8-10 hours. A proper night’s sleep will help to get rid of the everyday tiredness and fatigue. It will help to keep the mother in a healthy state. She should avoid taking caffeine or caffeine containing products because they can result in disturbed sleep patterns.

3. Appropriate daily water intake

The mother should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. It is very important to keep the mother’s body well hydrated. Pregnant women are always prone to urinary tract infections (UTI), hence, drinking plenty of water will be beneficial. It will also help to relieve the edema that occurs in pregnancy.

4. Breathing techniques

It is very essential for the mother to practice breathing exercises right from the beginning of pregnancy. It is advised to practice breathing exercises because oxygen is very important for the proper growth and development of the baby.

5. Exercise

Regular exercise helps the mother to stay healthy. It will increase the stamina of the mother. This will increase the strength of the muscles of the body. It also promotes the overall health of the mother which will help combat the labor pains.

Ayurvedic View on Healthy Pregnancy Lifestyle

The pregnant woman who desires to give birth to a good-looking healthy baby should consume healthy food and refrain from consuming unpleasant food. She should practice good conduct and a healthy mode of life. It is advised to use jivaniya group of drugs both internally eg. Powder, decoction etc. as well as externally such as preparing water for bath. She should use butter, ghrita and milk.

Month Wise Regimen of Pregnant Women

First Month

As soon as a female conceives, she should become more conscious and aware about her diet and lifestyle. She should consume non medicated milk in considerable quantities. She should eat pleasant and healthy food in the morning and evening.

Second Month

The mother should consume milk medicated with madhura dravya. She should take a sweet diet. Her diet must contain an appropriate amount of liquids.

Third Month

The mother should consume milk with honey and ghrita.

Fourth Month

The pregnant woman should consume the butter extracted from milk.

Fifth Month

The mother should eat cooked sashti rice with milk, meat or wild animals .She should consume food mixed with milk and ghrita.

Sixth Month

The pregnant woman should consume ghrita prepared with butter extracted from milk.

Seventh Month

The diet advised in the sixth month should be continued in the seventh month also.

Eighth Month

Rice gruel must be prepared with milk and mixed with ghrita then should be given to the pregnant woman. It helps the woman to stay away from diseases. It also helps the mother to deliver a healthy baby naturally. The mother who follows this regimen will give birth to a healthy, energetic baby. He/ She will possess beautiful complexion, and healthy body parts.

Ninth Month

The mother is advised to use anuvasana basti. The medicated basti is given using oil prepared from madhura gan dravyas. She should consume meat-soup with cooked rice and fat.

Benefits of Following the Monthly Regimen

  • The fetus develops normally.
  • The pregnant woman remains healthy and delivery is natural
  • The child born is very healthy. All his/her body parts are disease free.
  • The baby’s skin and nails become soft.
  • The mother gains health and strength.
  • The fetus attains good growth.
  • The diet taken by the mother will nourish the baby and her own body.
  • The diet of the mother will ultimately be responsible for nourishment of the breast. This will result in the formation of breast milk.
  • The pregnant woman will be able to deliver the baby naturally without any need of c-section.


The healthy diet and lifestyle will promote the overall health of the pregnant woman as well as the baby. By consuming proper diet and following the above mentioned lifestyle, the mother increases her chances of delivering the baby naturally. So, if the mother wants to deliver the baby naturally, she should take care of the above mentioned facts. Hence, she can lead a healthy pregnancy eventually resulting in natural delivery.