How Ayurveda Can Help in Restoring Risks of Pregnancy After 35?


The human body contains many secrets. One of them is the birth of a new life. A pregnancy is considered a high risk when there are potential complications that affect the mother or the baby or both. In this article, we are going to discuss what are the reasons and the risks that arise through Pregnancy after 35.

Reason for Pregnancy after the age of 35

Geriatric pregnancy is the pregnancy that occurs after 35 or anytime a woman is over the age of 35. In part, the “fashion” for late childbirth came to India from European Countries, where it is customary to get married after 30 years and give birth to their first child even later. This is due to the fact that a woman must find herself in life, make a career, fully realize her potentials, and only then approach the moment of the baby’s birth with all responsibility.

Risks Arising During Pregnancy After 35

A woman needs to clearly assess the biological consequences of the decision to “postpone” her motherhood for an indefinite period. Each girl is born with a certain supply of eggs, by the time the girl reaches the most favorable age for conception – 22-23 years, the eggs become even half less. This, of course, is not a disaster either – about 200 potential lives are quite an impressive figure, but, alas, the “oocyte storeroom” continues to empty every year, besides, a quality factor is added – some diseases that fall into the body, a certain amount of precious cells can be rejected – they can no longer be fertilized.

Geriatric Pregnancy

It is clear that the older a woman is and the more ailments she has acquired: chronic diseases and sexually transmitted infections in the past, the more unusable eggs and the lower the likelihood of pregnancy. Smoking, alcohol, drugs, stress, and overwork – all these factors together cost a lot for the entire adult life. It is difficult to give up long-term habits – not every woman is able to quit smoking for the sake of the desired pregnancy, and the additional stress of the body as a result of this decision is again a blow to the reproductive system.

Although it would be wrong to sin only on diseases and an unhealthy lifestyle: there are also other factors that a woman cannot influence. This is primarily heredity. There is another danger of deviating health in women after 35 years: high blood pressure, especially in those who are overweight. It is also possible diabetes mellitus, venous vascular disease. But all of this is controllable.

  • Miscarriage-Pregnant women after 35 years of age are at risk of miscarriage, which is due to the likelihood of abnormal fetal development.
  • Genes are inexorable- If in a woman’s family in the female line, the diagnosis of “early menopause” has already been made at least once, and then the probability of recurrence is high.
  • High blood pressure- It appears more often in women over 35 years old. Researchers have found a delayed negative effect of late labor on the cardiovascular system. In women who gave birth after 40 years, the risk of stroke in the future was 60% higher.
  • Conceiving Problem-There is documentary evidence that after 35 years, the ability to bear children gradually decreases. It may take 6-12 months to conceive. Instead of 4. But the big danger that lies in wait for a primiparous older woman is associated with the birth of a child with genetic abnormalities, especially with Down’s syndrome.
  • Uterus Disorder-Women over 35 are at increased risk of developing problems with endometriosis and fibroids, which can affect fertility and pregnancy.
  • Difficulty in birth-Some women may have difficulty giving birth due to decreased muscle firmness and increased joint elasticity. A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise for pregnant women can save you from such problems.
  • The risk increases with age– chromosomal abnormalities are most often manifested in older women, their eggs are also not young, exposure to drugs, and infections etc. last a longer lifetime.

For a woman who decides to give birth after 35 years of age, there is a possibility that she may not get pregnant at all, since the ability of the egg to fertilize decreases with age. If you become pregnant, then such fears do not threaten you.

A woman who decides to become a mother should be aware that complications can be for both the mother and the fetus. According to many experts, the most common danger is the likelihood of having a child with heart disease, gastrointestinal tract.

How Ayurveda Can Help in Restoring Risks of Pregnancy After 35?

Ayurveda holds much accentuation on the health of a female before, after, and during pregnancy. The prenatal ayurvedic heeds secure proper growth of the fetus, makes sure the wellbeing of mother and child, and avoids complicated pregnancy. So Planet Ayurveda is here to restore risks through Ancient Ayurveda. The Natural Remedies for Pregnancy articulated by Planet Ayurveda provide a perfect blend of best quality herbs. These products are prepared by strictly following the principles of Ayurveda. These herbal remedies are free from any kind of side effects. All these herbal remedies are 100% pure and vegetarian

Natural Remedies for Pregnancy

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Product Description

1. Shatavari Capsules

These Capsules are prepared by using the pure extract of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) herb. This is the best herb to increase breast milk production and promotes natural lactation. These Capsules works without any side effects to the mother or the baby. It is purely herbal supplements for improving the strength of uterus and improves the overall health of females.

Dosage: -1 capsule daily, with plain water, after a meal.

2. Chandraprabha Vati

Chanderprabha vati tablets are classical ayurvedic preparation and described useful for both males and females in ancient Ayurvedic text. Some major ingredients of Chanderprabha vati are Shilajit (Asphaltum), Guggul (Commiphora wightii), pippali (Piper Longum), and Danti (Baliospermum montanum). In men, this herbal remedy is useful for genital organ problems, premature ejaculation, stressful condition, and diabetic conditions. In women, it provides relief in menstrual problems, urinary tract infection, lower back pain, and diabetic problems.

Dosage:-2 capsules twice a day, with plain water, after a meal.

3. Ashokarishta

It is an ayurvedic formulation, which is prepared through fermentation. It is beneficial for all kinds of female reproductive health problems. This magical liquid is devised by using the pure extract of Ashoka (Saraca asoca). It is helpful in managing Female hormonal problems. It can overcome female reproduction system problems such as pain in the genital tract, menstrual cramps, and leucorrhea.

Dosage:-2 teaspoon twice a day, with normal water, after a meal.

4. Spirulina Capsules

Planet Ayurveda provides the best quality Spirulina capsules formulated by using the pure extract of spirulina (Arthrospira platensis). It is a kind of dietary supplement that can be beneficial for maintaining overall health. Spirulina, being a source of various vitamins and minerals meets the greatest challenge of modern life health, that is, Malnutrition. It is 100% pure and vegetarian formulated by MD Ayurvedic Experts.

Dosage:- 1 capsule twice daily, with normal water, after a meal.


Planning a pregnancy and giving birth is best at an age that nature has determined as optimal. But life is a difficult thing, it is rarely possible to come to an agreement with it and demand some events according to a once planned plan. The good news is for women, even in the most seemingly hopeless situation, Ayurvedic remedies are ready to offer several ways to solve the problem and help become a mother. The most important thing is to remember that the parents have the right to choose the time of the birth of the child themselves when understanding comes that they are ready for this.