Natural Cure For Klebsiella UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
Urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of the urinary system which includes kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra. It is associated with the multiplication of microorganisms in the urinary tract. Most UTIs are caused by bacteria. This is the most common infections in humans. Mostly UTI is involved in the urethra and bladder. There are various bacteria which cause Urinary tract infection such as E. coli, klebsiella etc. So in this article we will discuss about Klebsiella UTI and its treatment according to Ayurveda.
Klebsiella UTI is an infection which is caused by the bacteria known as Klebsiella. This disease is common in females due to the short size of urethra. About 50 % of women suffer from a UTI once in a lifetime. Urinary tract infection is a painful condition and pain confined to the lower side of abdomen.
Ayurvedic perspective of Klebsiella UTI
In Ayurveda, we can correlate this disease with Mutrakrichra after seeing the clinical presentation of Klebsiella UTI.
The most common cause of this disease is Klebsiella bacteria itself. After E.coli bacteria, this is the second most common cause of UTI.
Nidana of Mutrakrichra
Excessive exercise, consumption of bitter and astringent food items, Excessive alcohol consumption, overeating, eating over indigestion, any trauma. These are the causes of Mutrakrichra.
Clinical features/Signs and symptoms
The person who is suffering from this condition presents following complaints
- Increased frequency of urination
- Burning micturition
- Dysuria
- Suprapubic pain (lower side pain in abdomen)
- Hematuria occurs occasionally
- Strong urge to urinate
- Cloudy appearance of urine
Lakshana (symptoms) of Mutrakrichra are
- Vankshana, vasti and maidra (acute pain in lower abdomen and penis)
- Swalpam muhura mutra (increased frequency of urine but decreased quantity of urine)
- Saraktam sarujam (bloody and painful urination)
- Sadaham mutra (burning micturition)
Risk factors
Following are the risk factors of UTI
- Females (Due to short urethra)
- Sexual activity (Increased the chance of getting UTI)
- Use of Catheter
Diagnosis is made on clinical presentation and some investigations. So doctor prescribes following test after going through your clinical complaints
- Quantitative culture of Micturating cystourethrography (MSU)
- Urine examination
- Blood culture (WBCs and ESR)
For the treatment of UTI one should start the antibiotic regimen to subside the infection.
Chikitsa (treatment)
For the treatment of Mutrakrichra, Ayurveda provides herbal medication for the treatment of this condition.
They offers two types of treatment protocol
- samshodhan
- samshaman
Samshodhan chikitsa (detoxification): In this we can do Uttar basti (Medicated enema through Penile and Vaginal route)
Samshaman chikitsa (Conservative management): There are various classical formulations such as
1. Rasa/Bhasma
- Chanderkala rasa
- Shweta parpati
- Tarkeshwar rasa
2. Vati
- Chanderprabha vati
- Vrikkashoolantak vati
- Gokshuradi guggul
3. Churna
- Eladi churna
- Yavakshar churna
- Vyoshadi churna
4. Kwath/Asava/Arishta
- Gokshuradi kwath
- Punarnavadi kwath
- Amritadi kwath
- Chandanasava
- Trikantkadi kwath
This is a painful condition which gives you discomfort. So by following these things you can get relief from UTI
- Drink plenty of water
- Avoid drinks which irritates your bladder
- Drink cranberry juice
- Wash your genital parts just after sexual intercourse
If this disease is not treated with time then person will face following complications
- Recurrent infections
- Sepsis
- Permanent kidney damage
- Urethral stricture
Herbal Remedies Provide By Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a GMP certified company which manufactures various herbal products. These products are natural and free from any chemicals and additives. Also these are made under expert physicians. This certified company offers following herbal products for the treatment of Klebsiella UTI
- Chandanadi Vati
- Punarnava Capsules
- Curcumin Capsules
- Chanderprabha Vati
Product Description
1. Chandanadi Vati
This is a classical herbal formulation used in urinary tract infections. It contains Shweta chandana (Santalum album), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) and many more and these herbs are best for burning urination and diabetes. This formulation cleanses the bladder and gives relief from the symptoms of UTI.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice a day with plain water after meals
2. Punarnava Capsules
This is the best herb for the treatment of UTI, water retention and edema. This is a single herbal formulation which is made up of the extracts of Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). It is the best natural herb for maintenance of kidney functions. It relieves water retention and also helps to promote healthy liver functioning.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice a day after meals with plain water
3. Curcumin capsules
It is a single herbal capsule. It is the best herb to fight against various infections. The herb Curcuma (Curcuma longa) purifies the blood and acts as antiseptic by nature. Also it works as a best adjuvant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties hence it relieves the inflammation in UTIs.
Dosage: 1 capsule twice a day after meals with plain water
4. Chanderprabha Vati
This is classical Ayurvedic formulation. This is an effective Ayurvedic remedy for UTI. This formulation has potent herbs for UTI, other kidney disorders, diabetes such as Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Chandana (Santalum album), Curcuma (Curcuma longa) etc. It is equally good for men and women.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day after meal with plain water
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We concluded that klebsiella UTI is a painful condition and allopaths provide an antibiotic regimen for the treatment of this disease. Antibiotics have their own harmful side effects. So it’s better to switch Ayurvedic treatment for better results without any side effects. Above mentioned herbal formulations of Planet Ayurveda are best for the treatment of this disease without any side effects.
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