Tag: Herbal Remedies for West Syndrome

West Syndrome Causes And Treatment With Ayurveda


Parents of children with West Syndrome have difficulty understanding and managing their child. West syndrome includes seizures with various other mental and physical disabilities in the child. About 7 from 10 children with West Syndrome have severe mental disabilities. However, symptoms can be controlled to become severe by managing West Syndrome timely. Through this article, you will get to know how your child gets to suffer from West Syndrome and how they react. We will also discuss how you can treat your child safely with Ayurveda.

Herbal remedies for west syndrome


West Syndrome is a rare form of epilepsy that begins in the first year of life in a child. It is also known as Infantile spasms or Epileptic Spasms. It usually begins between the third to the eighth month after childbirth. This syndrome can affect your child’s ability of thinking and disable their normal growth. The symptoms can be severe in many children which might land in complex disabilities and might cause death. But your child can live a normal life if the symptoms are managed on time and treated soon. The treatment completely depends on what caused West Syndrome in your child.

According to the symptoms, West Syndrome is characterized into three categories

  •  Symptomatic West Syndrome
  •  Cryptogenic West Syndrome
  •  Idiopathic West Syndrome

Ayurvedic aspect

In Ayurveda Epileptic Seizures are correlated to “Apsamar”. This condition occurs due to Vataj dosha and Rajas and Tamas Guna’s aggravation. Apsamar in infants occurs due to the aggravation of Vata dosha in the mother’s body which may affect the fetus. Continuation of the Vata diet after the delivery to the mother affects the child through dust breastfeeding. The still continuation of the Vata diet to the child further in his life aggravates the symptoms to a severe level. Discontinuation of improper diet and lifestyle is very necessary to improve the condition of the child. Along with it in Ayurveda Doctor prescribes various herbal medications to the child.

In Ayurveda, we can use various treatment protocols for better results which include 

  • Daivavapashrya chikitsa- Can be done by parents for their children.
  • Diet plans- The diet of the child is managed when the child is above the age of 7 years and the diet of the mother is managed if the child is below the age of 2 years.


Causes of West Syndrome could be

  •   Unknown
  •   Genetic causes
  •   Certain Metabolic disorders
  •   Lack of oxygen to the brain due to many reasons
  •   Brain trauma
  •   Infections leading to brain
  •   Malformation of the brain


Your child can show the following symptoms upon having West Syndrome

  •   Seizures
  •   Crying in an infant while or after the seizure attack
  •   Mental retardation
  •   Hypsarrhytmia (abnormal brain wave patterns)
  •   Loss of appetite
  •   Change in sleeping patterns
  •   Slow development
  •   Unable to understand things
  •   Difficulty in connecting to people


Diagnosis is completely made after complete evaluation and confirmation through-

  •   History taking
  •   Physical examination
  •   Watching seizures
  •   Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  •   CT scan
  •   MRI scan
  •   Urine test
  •   Blood test
  •   CSF biopsy
  •   Gene tests


The common treatment done for West Syndrome is

  • Medications
  •  Steroids
  •  Multivitamins
  •  Anti-epileptic drugs
  • Surgery

While these drugs may show adverse effects on your baby and hinders their normal physical growth. Do not compromise your child’s health knowingly, while you have safer options in Ayurveda.

Herbal remedies for West syndrome by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is a certified company for preparing herbal medicines according to Ayurveda principles. The herbal medicines prepared by the company are prescribed by doctors for many health benefits and diseases. These medicines are completely herbal with no adverse effects. Also while formulating these medicines, proper care is taken of not adding any color or chemical to them. Planet Ayurveda’s Brain tonics and herbal medicines used in the treatment of West Syndrome are

Products List

1. Neurogenic Capsules

2. Saraswatarisht

3. Neuroplan Syrup

4. Kumar Kalyan Ras

5. Brahmi Ghrit

6. Anu Tailam

Herbal remedies for west syndrome

Herbal remeddies for west syndrome

Products Description

1. Neurogenie Capsules

These capsules are made from extracts of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) – whole plant, and Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). These herbs are very efficient in treating brain-related disorders.

Dosage  Have 1 capsule two times daily with water

2. Saraswatarisht 

This ayurvedic arista strengthens the mind and is prepared with herbs like – Twak (cinnamon), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Shunti (Zingiber officinalis), Dhataki (Woodfordia fruticosa), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Vidari (Pueraria tuberosa), etc. The arista acts as an antidepressant and is effective in several mental conditions. It helps improve the condition of children with West Syndrome by strengthening the brain.

Dosage  Take 2 tablespoons (10 ml) twice daily by adding water.

3. Neuroplan Syrup

This patent ayurvedic syrup is prepared from Mandukparni (Centella asiatica), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Marich (Piper nigrum), Madhuyashti (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus), Bhojpatra (Betula utilis), Pippali (Piper longum), etc. All these herbs are very efficient in strengthening the brain and enhancing its activity of the brain by repairing damaged brain cells. The syrup also enhances nerve impulse transmission which improves the condition of your child naturally.

Dosage  Have 2 teaspoons of syrup twice daily

4. Kumar Kalyan Ras

This is a herbal mineral ayurvedic formulation that is a mixture of herbs Kumari ras (Aloe vera juice), Swarna bhasma (Gold calx), Makshik bhasma (Copper calx), Shudh parade (Purifies mercury), Mukta bhasma (pearl calx), Abhrak bhasma (processed mics). This ayurvedic medicine is manufactured for treating various brain disorders in children including epilepsy seizures. Proper dosage of the medicines reduces the symptoms of West Syndrome.

Dosage  Take 1 Vati twice daily.

5. Brahmi Ghrit

The ghrit is prepared from Danti (Baliospermum montanum), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Saptala (Acacia sinuata), Pippali (Piper longum), etc. It is used in improving learning skills and intelligence.

Dosage  3 drops of ghrit twice daily for children below 7 years of age and half a teaspoon twice daily for children above 7 years of age.

6.  Anu Tailam

This ayurvedic herbal oil contains Til tail (Sesame oil), Devdaru (Cedrus deodar), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), etc herbs. This medicated oil is indicated for maintaining healthy function of the ears, nose, and throat. The oil strengthens the nerves of the brain and nostril passage using oil with proper dosage and procedure.

Dosage  Put 2 drops of oil in each nostril daily. It is recommended only if the child is above the age of 7 years.



Ayurvedic medicine is an ancient healing system with natural herbs. These ayurvedic medicines offer the opportunity to understand the nature of the mind in every individual and treat them accordingly. Ayurveda is the safest option to treat your child. For any queries contact us at www.planetayurved1a.com


Treatment for West’s Syndrome (Infantile Syndrome) & Lennox Gastaut Syndrome


West syndrome is a type of epilepsy which mainly affects babies. Infantile spasms are the type of seizures that are linked to epileptic condition known as west syndrome. Epilepsy is a chronic communicable disease of the brain that affects 50 million people around. It is characterized by recurrent seizures with involuntary movement including the whole part of the body and sometimes partial with loss of consciousness and bladder control. These are the result of excessive electric discharge in brain cells. Epilepsy is two or more unprovoked seizures, different parts of the brain can be the site of discharge, they can vary from brief lapse to jerks for prolonged convulsions. In ayurveda it can be correlated with apsarmara. In this condition we will discuss its causes, signs, symptoms and its ayurvedic aspect to maintain a healthy life.


West syndrome (infantile spasms, epileptic spasms, hypsarrhythmia) causes seizures which last for a few seconds but they happen in bunches called clusters. 150 seizures in a cluster but babies have 60 clusters in a day. There is a triad of infantile spasms with changes in EEG known as hypsarrhythmia. This syndrome is caused by brain dysfunction whose origin can be prenatal, perinatal, postnatal. This can be seen in older patients known as epileptic spasms. Infantile spasms are linked with mental delays. These spasms begin in the early months after birth and sometimes get relief by medications. They are known as flexor spasms due to their appearance. Infants often cry during and after seizure. Babies who have infantile spasms stop developing, or they lose skills like sitting, rolling, lose their interest in surroundings and they interact less socially. Most infantile spasms start by 1 year of age and stop by 2-4 years of age.

west syndrome


  1. Epilepsy is a chronic non communicable disease of the brain that affects all age groups.
  2. 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy.
  3. It is estimated that 70% of people living with epilepsy could live seizure free if treated well.
  4. 80% of people with epilepsy live in low and middle income countries.
  5. The risk of premature death is three times higher than the general population.


  1. Metabolic disorders
  2. Brain infection
  3. Brain injury due to lack of oxygen
  4. Malfunction of neurotransmitter
  5. Alteration in GABA transmission process.
  6. Hyper production of corticotropin releasing hormone.
  7. It can be divided into 3 groups-
  8. Symptomatic- epilepsy is a known or suspected disorder.
  9. Cryptogenic- The cause is hidden, it is presumed to be symptomatic
  10. Idiopathic- No underlying cause, possibility of hereditary factor.
  11. Patients with down syndrome- 1 to 5% of infants with down syndrome appeared with west syndrome. Difficult to treat, as seizures are very difficult to control.
  12. Cryptogenic- When the cause is not known the case is referred to as cryptogenic west syndrome. Most commonly seen in boys is X linked hereditary.


  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Regression
  3. Upper body bending towards knees.
  4. Head thrown back
  5. Knee curled toward body
  6. Lightning attack- Severe myoclonic convulsions on the entire part of the body and legs are bent.
  7. Nodding attacks- Conclusion of throat and neck flexor during which the chin is jerked towards the breast and the head is moved inwards.
  8. Salaam/ jackknife attacks- Rapid bending of the head, raising and bending of the arms with partially hands in front of the chest.


  1. History of child development
  2. Neurological examination
  3. EEG (Electroencephalogram)
  4. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
  5. MEG (magnetoencephalography)
  6. CT Scan


  1. ACTH Hormone
  2. Vigabatrin ( a seizure medication)
  3. Steroid like prednisone
  4. Vitamin B6
  5. Ketogenic diet- High in fat and low in carbohydrate.
  6. Surgery- if a scan shows some lesion then the baby undergoes brain split surgery. After surgery there might be seizures but the intensity will be lower. About 7-10 babies might get autism, tuberous sclerosis complex ( a condition caused by non cancerous tumors in the body and brain) Usually seen before 10 years of age.


In ayurveda epilepsy is correlated with apasmara. Epilepsy is a condition where there is transient loss of consciousness for a certain period of time which lasts for a few seconds to minutes. It is generated from cerebral neurons. It may be associated with loss of memory, feeling of entering a dark room with involuntary movements. Aggravated doshas get accumulated in the brain which exerts illusion of mind, hallucination, seizures, tonic clonic movement of limbs. Later on this phase passes and the person goes back to sleep. In apasamar doshas are vitiated and are related to vata and rajo dosha. The main feature is impairment of memory (smriti).

Causative factors

  1. Consumption of unwholesome food and habits.
  2. Debilitated mind
  3. Over excited doshas
  4. Subconscious fear
  5. Delusion of mind.


  1. Contracted eyebrows
  2. Auditory hallucination
  3. Fatigue
  4. Fainting
  5. Giddiness
  6. Expiratory dyspnea
  7. Head retraction to one side
  8. Involuntary speech
  9. Dribbling of saliva
  10. Red and black discoloration on the body.


  1. Vataja apasmara- Due to vata dosha which is characterized by-
  2. Trembling
  3. Vomiting froth
  4. The patient aura is rough, black.
  5. Rigorous breathing
  6. Pittaja apasmara- Due to pitta dosha which is characterized by-
  7. Yellowness in limbs, face, eyes
  8. Visual aura yellow red spots
  9. Thirst
  10. Heat
  11. Kaphaja apasmara- Due to kapha dosha which is characterized by-
  12. Feeling of coldness
  13. Heaviness
  14. Patient aura is white
  15. White color foam of body, face and eyes.
  16. Shalaismika – Due to kapha dosha.
  17. Sannipatika- Due to imbalance of three doshas.


  • DOSHA- Vata dosha predominant with raja and tama dosha
  • DUSHYA- Smriti nash( loss of memory)
  • ADHISTHANA- hridya and manovaha srotas
  • SROTAS- Manovaha and sangyavaha.


This restores the activities of heart, channels and mind which are blocked by doshas by remedies like vamana.

  1. For vataj apasmara- Basti
  2. For pitaja apasmara- virechana
  3. For shlaismika apasmara- vamana


1. Brahmi

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is the best remedy for epilepsy, has anti aging, anti diabetic and antioxidant properties. It is useful in depression, manic depressive disorder, insomnia, hearing and vision loss. Bacopa is useful in treating high B.P so controls stress and anxiety which further protects nerves and blood vessels. It improves the digestion power, in skin diseases, and in spleen disorders. Act as a good cardiac tone, reduces blood sugar level due to its antioxidant property and improves cell tissues. It is a natural detoxification herb and extensively used in ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). It is used as an anti stress tonic.

2. Shankhapushpi

Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) is used to improve memory and intelligence. Has tikta (bitter) taste, coolant in nature, and has snigdha and picchil properties. Shankhapushpi balances pitta and kapha doshas. Improves life expectancy, useful in cough, cold, mental disorders and depression, in skin disease, induces sleep. It has mild diuretic action so relieving fluid retention, treating migraines, and high blood pressure. It improves hair growth and quality of hair.

3. Choraka

Chorka (Angelica glauca) is used in treatment of various skin diseases and in psychiatric disorders. Has ushna guna, katu (pungent) rasa. It reduces the vitiated kapha and vata dosha, strengthens the heart muscles and induces alertness. Helpful in many skin diseases, bites from poisonous animals. It is a shrub growing in himalaya region having green white flowers. Used to treat rhinitis, to control fever, improves the memory of a person, induces appetite, improves the evacuation of bowel movement.

4. Jyotishmati

Jyotishmati (Celastrus paniculatus) has katu, tikta rasa, ushna veerya, used as medhya rasayan. It balances vata and kapha dosha, improves digestion, and intelligence. Useful in liver disorder, anaemia, herpes virus. It relieves constipation and helps in quick healing of wounds. Mainly found in Punjab and kashmir. Induces vomiting, improves memory. It has a strong pungent taste.

5. Rasona

Rasona (Allium sativum) Eliminate the mercury out of the urine. It offers hepatoprotective effect, Garlic has the whole taste except sour taste. It induces motility, causes diarrhoea, and increases pitta dosha. Balances vata and kapha, Has ushna veerya, useful in treating skin diseases and relieve worm infestation and used in infected wounds. Has anti inflammatory action, and has tissue rejuvenating property, used in treatment of fractures and further strengthening bone, Reduces cholesterol level improves blood circulation.


Planet ayurveda is a GMP certified hub for manufacturing of ayurvedic products. It has many branches overseas, products are made according to classical ayurvedic texts. The products formulated by planet ayurveda are free from any conservatives, resins, colors, the products made are free from any animal origin, they are pure and completely vegetarian. The products are free from any side effects and provide many health benefits to one being.


  1. Neurogenie Capsules
  2. Saraswatarisht
  3. Neuroplan Syrup
  4. Kumar Kalyan Ras
  5. Brahmi Ghrit
  6. Anu Tailam

herbs for west syndrome

Treatment of West Syndrome


1. Neurogenie Capsules

They are polyherbal capsules formulated by planet ayurveda using ingredients like – Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). These capsules are helpful in improving both mental and physical health. It reduces the free radicals which are helpful in removing toxins out of the body. Neurogenie capsules are reducing vata dosha and are effective in  neurodegenerative disorders. It has brahami which improves memory and reduces anxiety and ashwagandha has the property of improving the activity of brain memory.

Dosage– 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Saraswatarist

It is an alcoholic preparation which is formulated by planet ayurveda by many herbs consisting of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Harad (Terminalia chebula), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) and many more. It is a nerve tonic used in treatment of epilepsy and memory weakness. It promotes brain sharpness, improves immunity, cures digestive and bowel problems. Useful in both males and females fertility, and quality of semen. It helps to improve digestion and voice.

Dosage– 2 tsp twice a day with equal amount of water.

3.Neuro Plan Syrup

It is polyherbal syrup which is formulated by planet ayurveda consisting of ingredients like Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica), Bhojpatra (Betula utilis), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Madhuyashti (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and many more. This syrup is used as a nerve tonic for calming and relaxing effects on the brain. It manages the symptoms of eye blinking, shoulder movements ( elevation and rotation), lip contraction, opening and closing of mouth.

Dosage– 2 tsp twice a day with equal amount of water.

4. Kumar Kalyan Ras

It is herbal mineral ayurvedic formulation in the form of tablets  prepared by planet ayurveda using ingredients like- Mukta bhasma (Calx of pearl ), Swarna bhasma (Calx of gold), Loha bhasma (Calx of iron) and many more. It is used to treat pediatric (fever, jaundice, vomiting, digestive power) and heart related ailments. Kumar kalyan ras balances pitta dosha.

Dosage- 1 tablet once daily with plain water after meals.

5. Brahmi Ghrit

Brahmi ghrit is classical ayurvedic preparation formulated by planet ayurveda using ingredients like-  Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Kutha (Saussurea lappa), Ghee (cow’s ghee), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) and many more. It balances tridosha (vata, pitta, kapha). Used in the treatment of improving intelligence and learning skills. Brahmi ghrit is useful in skin diseases, myalgia, and stress disorder.

Dosage– 3 drops of brahmi ghrit twice daily, but if the child is 7 yrs of age then 1/2 tsp with warm milk.

6. Anu Tailam

It is ayurvedic herbal oil used as nasal drops to maintain healthy organs, which is formulated by planet ayurveda using ingredients like-  Til tail, Aja dugdha, Jivanti, Ushir, Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Agar and many more. Anu tailam is used as nasya (nasal instillation) strengthens the ear, nose, tongue. Balances tridosha, used in the treatment of headache, hairfall, premature graying of hair.

Dosage– 2 drops in each of the nostrils (if child is above 7 yr of age)

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


West syndrome is a type of epilepsy which mainly affects babies. This syndrome is caused by brain dysfunction whose origin can be prenatal, perinatal, postnatal. This can be seen in older patients known as epileptic spasms. In ayurveda epilepsy is correlated with apasmara. Here we discussed many herbal remedies by planet ayurveda which show effective results in patients.