Herbal Remedies For Ticks In Dogs and Understanding and Managing
Ticks are common in dogs because the tiny, spider-like parasites can easily adhere to their coats while out for walks. Since ticks cannot jump or fly, they wait at the tips of grass and plants for an opportunity to brush against human skin before crawling to a cosy location and consuming blood from mammals. Ticks can infest humans, sheep, deer, cats, hedgehogs, and other animals. The spring and autumn months are often when they are busiest. After a walk through dense vegetation or in the woods, it is crucial to check your dog’s fur for ticks. Ticks are generally not harmful, but they can still hurt your pet. Lyme disease, a dangerous and disabling disorder that is difficult to detect, can infect dogs. Everything you need to know about ticks on dogs is provided here.

Ticks are blood-feeding parasites that can cause a variety of health problems in dogs, including Lyme disease, Q fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, etc. These fall under infectious disorders, which typically manifest as the spring and summer months approach. At this time, we must take precautions to safeguard our animals from harmful parasites. Tall grass or wooded regions are common places where ticks are found. Usually, they adhere around the skin creases on the legs, toes, and ears.
Ticks are parasitic, opportunistic insects. They are drawn to warmth and movement, which indicate the presence of a warm-blooded host. A dog will probably do one of the following to come into contact with a tick and maybe get bitten:
● Enter areas of tall grass, woods, or shrubs where ticks are likely to be waiting for potential hosts (this is known as “questing”).
● Throughout the warm months of the year, roam freely outside.
● Locations that deer or other wildlife commonly visit
● Chills
● Fever
● Headaches
● Fatigue
● A rash
● Skin bumps
● Scratching
● Scabs or crusted areas on the skin
● Flu-like aches and pains in the body
● Joint swelling
● Anaemia
● Clumsiness
● Weakness
● Red patches or red circles with a bullseye form on the skin.
● Embedded brown or black ticks can be as big as marbles or as small as a millimetre.
● Paralysis
Although most ticks are harmless, your dog may experience pain. There are, however, some diseases that can be transmitted from dog to tick. They comprise:
● Lyme diseases
● Tick paralysis
● Rocky Mountain spotted fever
● Anaplasmosis
● Anaemia
Visit your vet for a checkup and diagnostic tests if you see a red bump, weeping sore, or bullseye-shaped rash where a tick bit your dog. To identify the presence of antibodies that signify the presence of Lyme, ehrlichiosis, or other bacterial tick-borne infections, your veterinarian may run a blood panel and a specialised test known as the 4DX. Other revealing symptoms, including fever, swollen lymph nodes, and joint swelling, may be found during a medical examination. Additional tests could be carried out to look for kidney damage, a dangerous side effect of systemic infection.
If you reside in an area where ticks are prevalent, it is crucial to frequently examine your pet. An allopathic doctor can advise on these typical therapeutic goals.
● Antibiotics
● Anti-inflammatory medications
● Topical or oral treatments
● Removal of Ticks
The ancient healing knowledge of Ayurveda is an excellent path to follow for both humans and dogs if you’re on the path to natural health and wellness. The medicines and techniques of Ayurveda, the world’s oldest medicinal system, have been utilised successfully for thousands of years. Acharya Charak specifies the total number of twenty Krimi, which are classified into two major groups, in Ayurveda: Bahya or Malaja Krimi (External) and Abhayantara Krimi (Internal). According to Acharya Charak, Yuka and Pipilika are Bhaya Krimi and Shleshmaja (7) , Purishaja (5), Raktaja (6) krimi are Abhayantara Krimi. Ticks might be categorised as part of Krimi Roga’s Bahya category. Their presence is mentioned in the Charaka Samhita about hair, eyelashes, and any other portion of the body or clothing. The habitat of external krimi’s (Malaja) is similarly described in other books like Ashtanga Hridaya. Acharya Charaka mentioned Trividh Chikitsa for Krimi Roga in Vimana sthana in Vyadhitarupiyaadhyaya
1. Apakarsana Chikitsa
Krimi extraction is defined as having two methods.
● Hasta/Yantra (manual extraction): Krimi can be manually retrieved utilising Yantra, such as sandamsha (surgical instrument), etc.
● Bhesaja Apakarshana (therapeutic extraction): To force the extraction of Krimi, Shodhana therapies may be used alone or in conjunction with the extraction process. Virechana, Asthapana basti, and Shiro Virechana are three possible Shodhana therapies.
2. Prakriti Vighata Chikitsa
When krimighana medications with the attributes of katu, tikta, kashaya, kshara, and usna are used, the environment becomes unfavourable, which is the opposite of what is needed for krimi to flourish. Thus, the treatment prevents krimi from growing. The Prakruti Vighata also offers recommendations for rules on what to eat, drink, wash, and maintain a hygienic environment. The krimighana medications that can be utilised in Prakriti Vighata Chikitsa, including Gandira, Vidanga, and Marich, as well as Danti, Dravanti, tilvaka, and udallaka, also have advantageous effects.
3. Nidana Parivarjana Chikitsa
The causal elements must be addressed in this strategy. Virudha-ahara should be avoided, hygienic circumstances should be maintained, and sweet and sour food should not be consumed, according to the recommended therapy. Instead of treating patients, therapy places more of an emphasis on preventive measures.
● Vidanga : It is one of the powerful anti-parasitic herbs of Ayurveda. It is also called False black pepper because it mimics pepper in appearance. Its taste is Astringent (Kashaya) and Pungent (katu). It has a special Prabhava (effect)– Krimighana (relieves worm infestations). It has a Rejuvenating action- It promotes general wellness and increases bodily energy. विडड्गं कृमिघ्नानां।। (च. सू. २५/४०) – Vidanga is the most effective herb for worm infestations.
● Turmeric : Turmeric’s primary component, curcumin, combats free radicals, which are known to cause several abnormalities. Additionally, it has been demonstrated to support a strong immunological response and to have antioxidant properties. Fats, which make up a significant portion of a healthy pet’s diet, are broken down by turmeric to assist good digestion.
● Neem : Neem is frequently used to treat many kinds of skin irritations. Neem is frequently employed in traditional Ayurveda to cleanse the blood, support healthy skin, advance oral health, and support the good operation of the heart and liver. Neem is very balanced for Pitta dosha due to its cooling impact. Pests like fleas and ticks can be repelled whether applied topically or taken orally. The internal environment in your pet’s stomach may also benefit from being kept healthy and balanced. Neem powder can be beneficial for dogs when used in moderation.
● Ginger : With its bitter and astringent properties, ginger may help drain out extra moisture in the respiratory system in addition to alleviating joint pain and promoting easy mobility. Ginger has a reputation for energising and motivating both animals and people who may be feeling drained, heavy, or introverted. Those who are experiencing a kapha imbalance, in other words.
Planet Ayurveda is a GMP-certified company that produces high-quality Ayurvedic products. All the products are free from preservatives, side effects, chemical substances, etc. MD Ayurveda experts who oversee the quality and characteristics of the herbs and plants used in medicine preparation run our business. The products described below are excellent for treating ticks in dogs and improving their overall health and strength.
1. Neem Oil And Tea Tree Oil
Neem oil is made up of Neem (Azadirachta indica), and Terpinen-4-ol, terpinene, limonene, and many more are the primary active components of tea tree oil. Neem is excellent for preserving skin health since it balances the inflamed dosha and serves as an insect repellent. Tea tree oil has anti-microbial and bactericidal properties. One of the essential oils for dog scratching is tea tree oil. In addition, tea tree oil for dogs has the following advantages: Enhances damaged and dry skin, treats and prevents fleas and scabies, and calms inflamed or itchy dog skin.
Application : Apply a mixture of the two to the affected region.
2. Gandhak Rasayan
This is a single herbal formulation that is made up of Shuddh Gandhak (purified sulphur). Both people and dogs can benefit from its use in the treatment of skin conditions and infections. It is used as a rejuvenator, which promotes positive health and immunity. In addition to being antiviral, it is also antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antipruritic. It is an excellent blood purifier (Rakta Shodhaka).
Dosage : 4 tablets with feed, two times a day.
3. Dermo Plan Syrup
This is a polyherbal syrup that is made up of Shahtara (Fumaria officinalis), Khadir (Areca catechu), Shobhanjan (Moringa oleifera), Chopchini (Smilax china), Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), and many more. It is helpful for a variety of issues brought on by blood impurities. Additionally, this syrup stimulates the latent liver and aids in blood purification. The skin becomes healthier, shinier, smoother, and less prone to infections and disorders as a result of blood purification. This syrup supports the body from the inside out, acting as a natural tonic for the skin.
Dosage : 1 teaspoon, two times a day.
4. Neem Leaves Decoction
This is a fantastic removal method that also serves as a tick repellent. Neem is a microbicidal substance used to detoxify and clean the skin. Neem leaf mixture (no more than 50 leaves in two litres of water) should be boiled until the water becomes green and the leaves soften and change colour. Store the filtrate in bottles. To get rid of whiteheads, acne, and skin conditions, add around 100 ml to the bath.
How to use : Heat up the leaves in water, then utilise that water for the shower.
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Not every soul partner is a person. Pets are our best friends and our four-legged soul mates, with whom we form unbreakable ties. Many times, the bonds people develop with their pets rank among their strongest and most fulfilling. It is upsetting when our cherished pet friends become tick-infested and endure needless tedium and suffering. Both humans and dogs need a balanced diet to support good health and a long, disease-free life. So, the health of animals should never be taken lightly, hence they should be checked regularly.