Tag: Herbs

Clinical Significance of Rasa preparation in management of disease


Ayurveda is a science which originated 5000 years ago, which is known for its holistic approach to words treating, curing & preventing aspects. It comprises a unique branch which mainly deals with the preparation of Ayurvedic medicine, i.e. Rasa shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana. Rasa shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana comprise two identities. First Rasa shastra i.e. study of Parada (Mercury) along with those metals and minerals and its preparation is called Rasa aushadhis which are indicated in many diseases. The other is Bhaishajya Kalpana, which mainly deals with pharmaceutics, i.e. preparation of Curna, Kasaya, Vati etc. Which include herbal or Herbo mineral products. Rasa shastra illustrates many metals and minerals, including poisonous plants like Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox), Bhallataka (Seme carpus anacardium), Gunja (Abras precatorius) etc. There are mainly 4 types of Rasa kalpas i.e. Kharaliya, Parpati, Kupipakwa, Pottali Kalpana along with that a Bhasma, incinerated product of metals and minerals. These play an important role in treating diseases. The significance of rasa preparation in the management of disease lies in its ability to enhance the bioavailability and therapeutic action, this can be achieved by proper purification & preparation makes them easy for assimilable by the body for better absorption and utilization for its healing activities.


Importance of Rasaushadhis

अल्पमात्रोपयोगित्वात् अरूचेरपसंगतः ।

क्षिप्रमारोग्यदायित्वात् औषधेभ्य़ोअधिको रसः ।।

  • Rasaushadhis show quick action even in a minimal dose.
  • Targeted drug delivery.
  • Efficient drug release.
  • Ability to cross the blood brain barrier.

Significant action of Rasaushadhis in diseases

Metabolic disorders like Diabetes millets, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Obesity, these are root causes for many other diseases. Rasaushadhis like Vanga, Tamra, Swarna makshika bhasmas, Shiva gutika etc. Play a significant role by correcting the metabolism of the body providing long term relief by managing the symptoms. Endocrine disorders like Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, PCOD etc. Rasaushadhis help to regulate hormonal imbalance giving the desired effects. Best example Shilajatu, containing fulvic acid increases the absorption of iron which is essential to metabolize thyroid hormone. Other examples like Swarna vanga, Chandraprabha Vati, Praval pishti, Vasant Kusumakar rasa etc.

Neurological disorders like Sciatic, Epilepsy, Alzheimer, Bell’s Palsy, Neuralgia Neuromuscular related conditions like Myasthenia gravis, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease etc. Rasaushadhis help to restore nerve conduction, promoting and enhancing the process of endogenous remyelination, act as an immunomodulator and neuroprotective by further reducing the disability. Example; Tamra Bhasma, Brihat Vata Chintamani Rasa, Rasa Raja Rasa, Ekanga Veera Rasa, Swarna Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma etc.

Respiratory diseases like Asthma, Bronchitis, chronic cough etc. Rasaushadhis act as bronchodilators and expectorants by expelling the phlegm, congestion. Rasaushadhi has antihistamine properties which helps to relieve cold, runny nose and strengthens the respiratory system. Rasaushadhis like Swasa Kutara Rasa, Haratala Bhasma, Rasasindura, Shata Puti Abhraka Bhasma, Samira Pannaga Rasa, Kapha Ketu Rasa etc. Helps in the management of respiratory disease.

Skin diseases like Eczema, Psoriasis, SLE, Acne Voulgaris, Dermatitis, etc. Rasaushadhis have antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, these help to relieve from itching redness, burning sensation, inflammation and helps to improve the skin condition by promoting wound healing action and restoring the normal texture of the skin. One best Example is Gandhaka Rasayana which contains purified Sulphur along with medicated herbs helps in reducing itching redness and has distinct keratolytic property that is why it is very much effective in treating psoriatic conditions.

Chronic diseases like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc. Rasaushadhis act as anti-inflammatory which helps to relieve pain inflammation condition also helps in preventing further deterioration of joints and helps to rejuvenate by strengthening the joint structure. Example; Simhanada guggulu, Yoga raja Guggulu, Kaishora Guggulu etc.

Rasaushadhis also act as

  • Boosting Immunity; Rasaushadhis helps to strengthen immunity by enhancing the body’s defense mechanism, improve the resistance power against the infection and various diseases and act as immunomodulator in chronic diseases.
  • Strengthens the digestive system; Rasaushadhis are believed to be Deepana i.e. it increases the Agni (Digestive fire), which is important for digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
  • Rejuvenation and Anti-aging; Rasaushadhis helps to slow down the aging process by restoring the tissue damage, improving cellular function. Overall promoting human wellbeing.
  • Strengthens mental health; Rasaushadhis strengthens memory power by improving mental stability, focusing, by calming the mind, which is most useful in anxiety, depression, insomnia etc.

Ayurvedic home remedies

They play an adjuvant role in enhancing the activity by increasing its assimilation and absorption of rasa preparation and also help in detoxification of the rasa preparation. The best example is Dugdha (Milk) which is given along witha Gandakha rasayana which helps to enhance its activity and also detoxify. Amalaki and Haridra churna with honey along with Swarnakshika Bhasma is the most useful in diabetic conditions. Darbha juice is taken along with Gokshuradi guggulu used in Renal stones. Gumutra taken along with Navaka guggulu is useful in Hyperlipidemia, Obesity conditions. This home remedies useful in many conditions when taken along with rasa preparation gives desired effect in diseases.

Apart from intake of medicine it important to modify our lifestyle by following Ayurvedic principle

  • Dinacharya is a basic routine step that includes yoga and meditation, exercise – strengthens the body. Insomnia, depression, anxiety,
  • Massage (abhyanga) with herbal oil which nourishes the skin. Which helps to prevent skin diseases.
  • Kavala and Gandusha i.e. gargling & oil pulling which helps to strengthen the jaw & teeth. Which is useful in Trigeminal neuralgia, dental cavity, and also helps to strengthen the face muscles.
  • Diet and Nutrients; balanced diet plays a very important role in maintaining health and management of diseases through proper diet. It’s very important to include all Shad rasa i.e. sweet, sour, salt, astringent, pungent, bitter. Which helps to balance the doshas bringing out normalcy.

Classical Therapies

Panchakarma, includes Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Rakta Mokshana.

  • In case of endocrinal disorders that are kaph Gatha vyadhis, Vamana is the major line of treatment.
  • Pitta janya vyadhi, respiratory disease virechana is the best line of treatment.
  • Vata janya vyadhi, Chronic diseases like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis etc. Basti is the best line of treatment.
  • In the case of Dushita Rakta, Rakta Mokshana is the choice of treatment.
  • Mental disorders like anxiety, depression, insomnia shirodhara is the best line of treatment.


Conclusion can be drawn as rasaushadhis is the best choice for the management of diseases. Rasaushadhis are also best used in emergency conditions because rasaushadhis are independent of Dosha, Dushya, Kaala, Rogi. Shodhana therapy and Samanaushadhis should go hand in hand along with Pathya (Diet) in disease conditions which gives a desired effect.

Top 10 Ayurvedic Secrets for a Healthy Life


Top 10 Ayurvedic Secrets for a Healthy Life

Ayurveda, a holistic science that has been originated in India and a well-renowned science that has influenced the entire globe with its effective and safe treatment by its natural ways either in the form of medicines (the natural herbs) or in the form of diet and lifestyle management. As we know, in today’s era our diet and lifestyle are the major culprits for various ailments that not only affect our body but also affect our mind. All these things were analyzed thousands of years ago by our prestigious Ayurvedic scholars hence they mentioned a proper daily routine that too with respect to seasons.

Here, let us start with the secrets!


(Reference – Ashtanga hridyam / Sutrastahanam / Dinacharyadhyam / Shloka no.1)

The meaning of this quotation goes as – Those who have the desire to achieve a healthy, long and a disease-free lifespan, they should get up in the ‘Brahma mahurta‘ (early morning). Brahma mahurta time is around 4-5 o’clock.

In fact, you are always advised by your parents to get up early, the reason behind that is to achieve a health and wealth along with a sparkle vital force that makes you active throughout the day.

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Even researches have shown that those who wake up early are quite intelligent and smart in their works.


  • It is clearly mentioned in our classics that after wake up, eliminate the toxins and debris from the body by getting rid of natural urges (Vega nivarna), brushing (dantadhavana), gargling (Gandusha), applying collyrium (Anjana karma), Nasal instillation (Nasya), etc.These regimens help you to prevent diseases if you perform them on a daily basis.


(Reference – Ashtanga hridyam / Sutrasthanam / Dinacharyadhyaya / Shloka no.8)

  • The meaning of this quotation goes as – Daily massaging your body with the oils, helps you to alleviate tiredness (Shrama), all the Vataja diseases, and also prevents ageing (Jara). It helps to enhance vision (drishti prasada), nourishes the body (pushti), aids sound sleep (swapna), nourishes the skin (sutwak), maintains muscle tone (dadyakrit) and provides long life (Ayu).
  • The whole body massage is recommended but especially one should massage the head region, and foot.

Avoid massage while suffering from fever, indigestion and kaphaja roga.


  • The best thing you can do to maintain a healthy life is–’workouts’. You can perform either Yoga or Exercise. All these things just not only make you physically healthy but also support your mental health.
  • Performing daily exercises make your body light, increase the working potential, improve digestive fire, and also improve the body built.
  • Avoid over exercise because it may lead to depletion of healthy body tissues and also avoid strenuous exercises in old age, instead of providing health it may give rise to various problems. So do exercise according to one’s capacity.

Healthy Shower


(Reference – Ashtanga hridyam / Sutrasthanam / Dinacharyadhyaya / Shloka no. 16)

  • In our classics the benefits of bath are explained, they are – Improves digestive fire (deepana), enhances virility (vrushya), provides a long life (ayushya), fills energy (urja), improves strength (bala prada).
  • It also helps to alleviate – itching (kandu), debris (mala), tiredness (shrama), excessive sweating (sweda), laziness (tandra), thirst (trid), burning sensation (daha) and disease (paap – a synonym of roga).



  • Our diet plays an important role in maintaining good health. In otherwords, the existence of our life totally depends upon our diet and this diet directly impacts our Ojas (essence of all the dhatus) which in turn boosts our immunity, hence provides a healthy lifespan.<
  • Nutritious diet should always be consumed according to one’s capacity. Prefer shadrasayuktahara ahara (a diet that includes all the tastes that nourish our body). Always consume after the digestion of previous meals and avoid overeating.
  • Your diet should be rich in all the micro and macro nutrients that do not affect your digestive fire (Agni) as agni is the prime factor that aids healthy health.


  • Every season directly impacts the panchamaubhutas, the five elements that composed the whole universe thus affects the humans as well as other creatures of the surroundings.
  • Moreover, Season variation is the peak time that affects one’s health. These climatic changes are the reason that decline our immunity and our weak immunity is the cause of the origin of various diseases in our body. We can achieve a powerful immunity by altering our dietary and lifestyle habits. Always take  diet and follow regimens according to particular Ritu (season).This will help you to attain good health.


(Reference – Ashtanga hridyam / Sutrasthanam / Rogaanutpadniya adyaye / Shloka no. 1)

  • In our classics there is a clear reference that we should never suppress the natural urges.Those urges are – Apana vata (Flatus), vin-mutra (Feces and Urine), trit (Thirst), kshuda (Hunger), nidra (Sleep), kasa (Cough), shwasa (Respiration), jrimbha(Yawning), ashru(Tears), chardi (Vomiting), retas (Sperms). Suppression may lead to accumulation of toxins inside the body which gives rise to various diseases.
  • But always try to suppress anger, grief, greed and jealous.


  • A major factor that gives rise to various diseases and responsible for declining health is stress. Stress and strains are the part and parcel of our life. So never consider them a burden, face them with the positive energy and tackle accordingly.


  • Our personality is known by our habits which directly impacts our health.Try to adopt some good habits and the wrong habits should be kept at the edge. Develop a healthy habit to drink plenty of water that helps to detoxify the body. You can devote sometime of your life in somerighteous acts. Remain positive and stay happy as happiness is the key to a good health.


  • Healthy secret of living a healthy life is to give importance to your own life and share some time with your loved ones. That will ease the way of living with a healthy lifespan.
  • These regimens help  you to prevent diseases and provide a healthy life so one should try to incorporate these things in  daily routine.


Moreover the main aim of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy individual i.e ‘स्वस्थस्यस्वास्थ्यरक्षणं.. So, those who have the desire to achieve long and healthy life, they should follow the rituals mentioned in Ayurveda,-a holistic incomparable andunbeatable science.

Give a try this will improve your way of living