Shatavari Helps In Sexual Frigidity In Women After Childbirth!

Motherhood is a delightful stage of life in which a woman experiences feelings, love and motherly instincts that she has never felt before, but it is more than simply lovely babyfaces and the joy of the first grin, first steps, first set of teeth and so on. The first phases of parenthood, namely the postpartum period, are more challenging than the pregnant period. You must care for both a delicate newborn and a postpartum body that is significantly more vulnerable. Your body goes through tremendous changes as a result of rapid reductions and highs in hormone levels, not to mention the sudden shift in everything around you. You have to care for a newborn regardless of your physical or mental health, which will sap even more energy, especially if you don’t have anyone to support you, which often happens in nuclear families. Even if your body or life cannot be restored to their pre-pregnancy state, you and your partner may be attempting to return to your pre-conception sex life where you may face several glitches. Low libido following childbirth can be caused by a number of circumstances. Sleep deprivation and stress from caring for a newborn infant, low estrogen levels, post-partum depression, being conscious of one’s post-partum body and several other mental and physical reasons can all contribute to post-partum low sex drive.
Ayurveda and Sutika paricharya
Ayurveda offers detailed sutika paricharya or postpartum care for a woman to reestablish her body’s normality. It is never less than neonatal care that is explained. The sutika kaala starts from the detachment of placenta to approximately one and a half months or more if the delivery has complications. The postpartum body will be delicate and will require time to recover before engaging in vigorous activities such as sex. Even though sexual intercourse is advised after 6-8 weeks after delivery, it can vary from person to person depending on how complicated was their labor. factors influencing can be hormones, mental state (postpartum depression), how she is taken care of by those around her, etc.
Postpartum hormone changes
- Progesterone suddenly drops after the removal of the placenta.
- Prolactin levels are high, which stimulates the production of breast milk. This can operate as a dopamine antagonist, resulting in a slowed metabolism, poor energy and moodiness.
- Low estrogen levels lead to diminished libido and vaginal dryness causing painful sex.
Role of Shatavari in after-birth care
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus, Asparagaceae family), often known as wild asparagus, is widely utilized in Ayurvedic treatment. This drug improves the health of both male and female reproductive disorders, as well as other ailments. Being an Adaptogenic herb, shatavari helps in the body’s adaptation to physical and mental stress. Shatavari is an ayurvedic medicine staple that is used as a general health tonic to boost energy for generations. Its benefits is listed below
- Helps in regulating hormonal levels.
- Act as a galactagogue i.e., Breast milk production can be increased or induced.
- Alleviates stress and fatigue.
- Help the body in regaining its normalcy.
- Act as an aphrodisiac.
Shatavari as an Aphrodisiac
- Shatavari, known as the “queen of medications,” contains phytoestrogens, which help to regulate hormones and sustain reproductive health. It aids in the prevention of vaginal dryness, which causes painful sex, poor energy, low libido and postpartum psychiatric difficulties.
- Shatavari stimulates the synthesis of brain chemicals with anti-anxiety, anti-stress and anti-depressant qualities, hence removing psychological barriers to sexual arousal.
- Shatavari has been shown to boost blood flow to the genitals, resulting in heightened sexual feelings and vaginal lubrication.
- Shatavari helps women in overcoming exhaustion and regaining strength. It also aids the reproductive system in returning to normal size and functioning quickly and effectively. These remove the physical impediments to sexual desire.
How to consume Shatavari?
- Shatavari root powder has generally been ingested by combining it with warm milk or honey or processed with ghee.also available in tablet form for easy intake.
- According to Ayurveda, powdered form is the best method to absorb herbs since the digestive process begins with the tongue.
- Some medicines contain Shatavari along with other incredible drugs in the forms of tonic, tablets, powder, lehya (semi-solid consistency) which can help through postpartum difficulties.
- An ayurvedic doctor can help you in finding the right medicine and its dose for you after closely considering all the relevant factors.
Due to its multiple advantages, Shatavari is a good herb for fertility and postpartum healing. In moderation, regular ingestion can help relieve stress, enhance immunity, regulate hormones, increase milk supply in nursing mothers, restore strength and libido.
Contraindications for consumption of Shatavari
- Being a part of the asparagus family, anyone with an allergy to asparagus can react to Shatavari too. Consumption must be done with caution and should probably do an allergy test.
- Also contraindicated to those who suffer from congestion, feeling of heaviness in the body, and indigestion.
To Summarize
Shatavari is beneficial in assisting women to cope with postpartum issues and in restoring libido after childbirth. Regular use of this medicine can benefit in a lot of formats, with hardly any difficulties or side effects. Shatavari is a must-have medicine for new mothers to help with postpartum discomfort. It is a medicine that improves all aspects of your new life, helping you to appreciate this stage. For more queries, you can send your queries to our email id