How to Maintain Oral Hygiene in Ayurvedic Way
Before starting the article on oral health firstly we have to understand what oral cavity is. Oral cavity refers to the mouth which is an oval shaped cavity inside the skull. Mouth is the important part for eating, drinking and speaking. Oral cavities include the lips, vestibule, gums, teeth, hard and soft palate, tongue and salivary glands. This cavity represents the first part of the digestive system. This cavity is also known as buccal cavity and it initiates the process of digestion by secreting the saliva and propulsion of the bolus into the pharynx. In Ayurveda they have explained 65 diseases of the oral cavity which includes diseases of mukha (mouth), diseases of austha (lips), diseases of danta (teeth), diseases of jihva (tongue) etc. But in this article we will only discuss how to maintain oral health by Ayurveda.
We have to maintain good hygiene to live a healthy life. For that we have to take care or our oral hygiene or health. Oral health means health of gums, teeth, lips and tongue. Any defect or any disease which affects our oral cavity makes a person uncomfortable to talk or to smile or even eat. Also if there is any problem in the oral cavity then it becomes difficult for a person to take any kind of food articles. So it is most important to take care of your oral cavity because this is the first part of our digestive system.
Maintenance of Oral Cavity or Maintenance of Oral Hygiene
Ayurveda has a solution for every problem. This is the vast ancient science which has been treating patients for 5000 years for maintaining oral health or treating oral cavity related conditions, then we have to follow following regimens
1. Brushing of Teeth (Dant Dhawan)1
One should brush their teeth two times a day i.e. in the morning or at night before going to sleep. Brushing should be done with twigs of Arka (Calotropis procera), khadira (Senegalia catechu), karanja (Millettia pinnata) and arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). The breadth of the twig is about our little finger and length is about 12 angula (12 fingers). The taste selection for the brushing of teeth is tikta (bitter), katu (pungent), kashaya (astringent). In absence of twigs we should use Triphala powder, trikatu and trijataka. It clears all the toxins from the mouth because the mouth is the main source of infection.
Technique of Brushing Teeth
Brushing of teeth in the vertical direction from bottom to top.
Benefits of Brushing of Teeth
Brushing brings freshness, takes away the bad odour from the mouth and removes coating on teeth. Brushing also removes the remaining food pieces from teeth.
Don’t brush when you are suffering from fever, indigestion, vomiting, dyspnea, cough, thirst, eyes problems etc.
2. Tongue cleaning (jihva nirlekhan)3
After brushing our teeth, we should take care of our tongue too. Tongue cleaning should be done with a soft and smooth instrument which is made of svarna (gold), rajat (silver) and loha (iron). The length must be 10 angula.
Benefits of Tongue Cleaning
Tongue cleaning removes bad taste, bad odour, stiffness of the tongue and gives good taste to the tongue
3. Gandush (gundusha)4
Gandusha means mouth is completely filled with dravya and kept for about 5 minutes without any movement inside mouth.
Benefits of Gandusha
Practice of Gandusha enhances resonance of voice, gives strength to the mandible, nourishment of face, gives good taste and increases appetite. It prevents dryness of mouth, throat, prevents cracking of lips, prevents decaying of teeth and makes the teeth strong.
4. Kavala (Mouth Wash)
kavala means medicated liquid which easily moves in the mouth. Method and benefits are the same as Gandusha, but the only difference is that in kavala the amount of liquid is less.
Maintaining Oral Hygiene in Ayurvedic Way
If oral cavity health is affected then it also affects our digestive system. So to enhance or to take care of oral hygiene Planet Ayurveda provides an effective oral thrush care pack for maintaining oral hygiene. Planet Ayurveda is a leading manufacturing company which manufactures various herbal products. These products are made from the standardized extracts of potential herbs. The products offered by Planet Ayurveda are totally herbal and have no side-effects.
This Pack Includes
- Arjun saar
- Gum care powder
- Gandhak rasayan
- Acido plan syrup
- Manjishtha capsules
1. Arjun Saar
This is an Ayurvedic formulation. This is made from the standardized extracts of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) and amla (Emblica officinalis). It provides freshness to the mouth and takes away the bad odour.
Dosage: 2 teaspoonful with equal amount of water two time a day
2. Gum Care Powder
This is a herbal formulation. The ingredients in this formulation such as Sunthi(Zingiber officinale),haritaki (Terminalia chebula),is helpful in cleansing oral cavity and provides good taste to the mouth and also reduces the inflammation of the gums.
How to use: use this powder over gums twice a day.
3. Gandhak Rasayan
These tablets are prepared from pure Gandhak (purified sulphur) with proven anti-inflammatory properties and anti-bacterial properties. It removes the toxins from the mouth and gives freshness to the mouth.
Dosage: 2 tablet twice a day after meal
4. Acido Plan Syrup
This herbal syrup is effective in digestive problems. It contains herbs like
- Patola (Trichosanthes dioica)
- Ghritkumari(Aloe barbadensis)
- Saunf(Foeniculum vulgare)etc.
They are beneficial in improving digestion
Dosage: 2 teaspoonful twice a day after meals
5. Manjishtha Capsules
This is a single herbal Ayurvedic formulation. It purifies blood naturally. It treats all skin ailments and allergies. It is made from the standardized extracts of Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia). It maintains the skin lusture
Dosage: 1 capsule twice a day after meals
We concluded that oral health is very important for our health as it is the first part of the digestive system. By following the Ayurvedic regimen and taking these herbal products of Planet Ayurveda we can take care of our oral hygiene
- Ashtanga Hridaya sutrasthana 2/2-3
- Ashtanga Hridaya sutra sthana 2/4
- Sushruta chikitsa sthana 24/13-14
- Charaka sutra sthana 5/78-80