Tag: kidney failure herbal remedies

Ayurvedic Treatment of Kidney Disorders – Avoid Dialysis


Kidneys are reddish-brown bean shaped organs in our body. It is located on both sides in the retroperitoneal space at a slightly oblique angle. Right kidney is slightly lower than the left kidney and also smaller in size than the left. Kidneys receive about 1300ml of blood per minute. Kidneys contain approximately one million Nephrons, which is the structural and functional unit of kidneys. The main functions of kidneys are to filtration the blood and excrete the waste products through urine and maintain electrolyte balance in our body. In this article we will discuss the Ayurvedic Aspect of Kidney Disorders.


Kidney disorders means your kidneys are unable to filtrate the blood normally or unable to remove the waste particles from our body. Kidney problems include various health conditions such as glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, kidney stones, ureteric stones, chronic kidney disease, urinary tract infections, nephrotic syndrome and ultimately leads to kidney failure.

Kidney disease affects the body system badly. It will affect the body’s ability to filter the blood and extra water from your body and hampers the blood pressure. It also affects the red cell production and vitamin D metabolism. In kidney disorders our kidneys are not able to excrete out the waste from the body. So that the waste products and fluid can build up in your body and cause swelling in your ankles, face.

kidney failure


Kidney disorders are generally caused in these conditions

  • Diabetes
  • Family history
  • Recurrent kidney infections
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Cardiac disorders
  • Aging
  • Any kidney injury
  • Drug toxicity
  • Smoking
  • Prolonged obstruction of urinary tract due to any ureteric stone or prostatitis or cancers

Clinical Features/Signs and Symptoms

Kidney disorders easily go unnoticed until the symptoms become severe. So the common clinical features of kidney disorders are:

  • Poor appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fluid retention
  • Constant fatigue
  • Increase or decrease in the frequency of urine
  • Hyponatraemia (decrease sodium level in blood)
  • Hyperkalemia (rise in potassium level in the blood)

Ayurvedic Aspect of Kidneys

In Ayurveda we termed kidneys as Vrikka. Vrikka is made from rakta (blood) and medha (fat) dhatu. Vrikka is the source for Medovaha strotas. So anything which affects the Rakta and Medha dhatu will affect the functioning of the kidneys and one example for this is Prameha (Diabetes). When kapha dosha blocks the strotas (channels) i.e. mutravaha strotras which further leads to various kidney problems. Now we will discuss the Raktavaha and Medovaha strotas dushti.

Raktavaha Strota Dusthi (Blocked Blood Channels)

Causes Of Vitiated Raktavaha Strotas1

Kidney Failure

This shaloka states that when a person eats unfavourable or contaminated food, consumption of excessive hot or liquid food stuffs, excessive exposure to sun and fire and wind then raktavaha strota get vitiated and cause kidney disorder.

Medovaha Strotas Dusthi (Vitiated Fat Tissue)

Causes of Medovaha Strotas Dusti2

Kidney Failure Treatment

This shaloka states that the medovaha strotas are affected due to lack of exercise, day sleep, intake of too much fatty food and excessive alcohol consumption.

Treatment for Vrikka Roga (Kidney Disorders)

Ayurveda is a part of ancient traditional medicine which is derived from knowledge and wisdom of Ayurvedic Acharyas and this path has served the patients since 5000 years. Ayurveda is the ancient and pure form of treatment which treats the disease from its root cause.

This ancient pathway treats the patients without any side effects. Allopathy doctors believe that kidney disorders are neither reversible nor they do have permanent treatment. They said that disease progress could be slowed but after reaching the end stage the only solution for this disease lies in dialysis and at last kidney transplant.

But Ayurvedic experts believe that kidney diseases are not only reversible but also treatable if detected earlier. Ayurveda divides the human body according to doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) and dhatus (rasa, rakta, mansa, meda, asthi, majja, sukra). Unlike allopath, Ayurveda doesn’t focus on treating the symptoms of the disease but also treats the whole body. For the treatment of kidney disorders we have to manage or open or clear the blocked channels of Raktavaha and Medovaha strotas

Treatment of Vitiated Raktavaha Strotas3

Kidney Failure Herbal Remedies

This shloka states that in the diseases caused by vitiated Raktavaha strotas (kidney disorders) one should do the treatment which evacuates the blood and do procedures like purgation, fasting and blood-letting.

Treatment of Vitiated Medovaha Strotas4

Kidney Failure Herbal Remedies

Above quoted shaloka means that for this condition we should do emesis, purgation, blood-letting, physical exercise, fasting, sudation, herbal formulated smoking. Use of haritaki (Terminalia chebula) powder with honey and mostly use rough food grain.

At Last We Have To Follow Pathya or Apathya Ahara-Vihar To Manage This Disease

Pathya Ahara (Favourbale Food)

People Who Are Suffering From This Condition Must Follow The Following Diet Chart

  • Red rice
  • Wheat
  • Raddish
  • Ochra
  • Goat milk
  • Ghrit
  • Amla (Emblica officinalis)
  • Banana
  • Grapes
  • Coconut water
  • Jaggery

Apathya Ahara (Unfavourable Food)

Patients Must Avoid Following Food Items

  • Tila (Sesamum indicum)
  • Urada (Vigna mungo)
  • Kulthi (Macrotyloma uniflorum)
  • Curd
  • Salt
  • Sour products
  • Avoid fish consumption

Pathya Vihara (Favourable Lifestyle)

One Must Follow This Lifestyle for Managing Kidney Disorders

  • Do light exercises
  • Morning and evening walk
  • Apply sandalwood paste over body
  • Detoxification of body by vamana (induced vomiting)
  • Get exposure to cold wind

Apathya Vihara (Unfavourable Lifestyle)

One Must Avoid These

  • Exposure to sunlight and fire
  • Suppresses the natural urges
  • Heavy exercise
  • Sudation therapy

Some Yogasana And Pranayama Are Also Helpful In Kidney Disorders. Some of the Yogasana and Pranayama Are


  • Chakraasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Dhanurasana


  • Bhastrika pranayama
  • Kapalabhati
  • Nadi shudhi

These Asana Are Followed By 5 Minutes Of Shavasana. These Must Be Done For Approx 5-10 Minutes.

Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda provides herbal products for the treatment of kidney disorders.This is the manufacturing company which manufactures various herbal products for the treatment of various disorders. These herbal products are made from pure and standardized products of natural and potential herbs and made under the guidance of expert ayurvedic physicians. These are 100% natural and vegetarian products. All these herbal products are made from natural herbs with ancient time tested formulas.

Planet Ayurveda provides 2 packs for kidney disorders.

  1. Revive kidneys pack
  2. Revive kidneys pack for advanced stages

1. Revive Kidneys Pack

Herbal Remedies for Kidney Failure

Herbal Remedies for Kidney Failure

This Pack is Beneficial in Mild Symptoms of Kidney Disorders.

This Pack Includes

  1. Varunadi vati
  2. Mutrakrichantak churna
  3. Rencure formula
  4. Punarnava mandoor

2. Revive Kidneys Pack for Advanced Stages

Herbs for Kidney Failure

Herbal Remedies for Kidney Failure

This Pack Is Helpful In Severe Cases of Kidney Problems

This Pack Includes

  1. Mutrakrichantak churna
  2. Varunadi vati
  3. Rencure formula
  4. Punarnava capsules
  5. Phyllanthus niruri
  6. Echinacea capsules
  7. Nephralka capsules


At last we concluded that by following these ayurvedic regimens one can get permanent relief from kidney diseases. As said above that according to allopath kidney disorders are irreversible and have no permanent treatment. But in Ayurveda there is a treatment for kidney disorders without any side effects. These herbal remedies are very effective in the Treatment of Kidney Disorders and save patients from harmful dialysis and transplantation procedures.


  1. Charaka vimansthan 5/13
  2. Charaka vimansthan 5/15
  3. Charaka sutrasthan 24/18
  4. Charaka sutrasthan 23/8-9

Top 7 Tips to Keep your Kidneys Healthy and Happy Naturally

Home Remedies for Kidney FailureWhy it is Important to Keep the Kidneys Healthy ?

The kidneys are a pair of organs which are located in the small of the back; one kidney on each side of the spine. It is vital to ensure the health of the kidneys and to improve kidney functions naturally with the help of healthy diet and lifestyle habits.

Keeping the kidneys happy and healthy is important for good health because kidneys perform some extremely crucial functions. Some of these functions include:

  • Filtering and eliminating waste products from the body (in the form of urine)
  • Maintaining the health of the bones
  • Controlling the blood pressure
  • Removing drugs from the body
  • Balancing the body’s fluids
  • Releasing hormones which regulate blood pressure
  • Controlling the production of red blood cells
  • Regulating the body’s salt, potassium and acid content
  • Promoting strong and healthy bones by producing an active form of Vitamin D.

7 Tips to Protect Kidneys Naturally

Kidney health is directly related to the overall quality of a person’s life. In order to protect the kidneys and improve kidney functions naturally, it is advisable to consume a healthy diet and bring some changes in your lifestyle. By taking a little extra care of your kidneys in terms of having a healthy and robust daily routine, you can improve kidney function notably and, consequently, improve the quality of life.

1) Eat a Healthy Diet

The most important thing to bear in mind in order to improve kidney functions naturally is to consume a balanced diet which is good for the kidneys and the heart. Such a diet should ideally include an abundance of vegetables and fruits, as well as foods which are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids including walnuts, canola oil, flaxseed oil, and cold water fish like salmon, lake trout, albacore tuna, and sardines.

Moreover, a kidney-healthy diet also means that the sodium content in the diet should be appropriate, and the consumption of processed foods should be avoided. In addition, the intake of foods like eggs, cheese, fried foods, and whole milk should also be avoided because they are high in saturated fats and cholesterol.

2) Consume Plenty of Fluids

Kidney function can be notably enhanced by increasing fluid intake and keeping the body hydrated. Water and other fluids can help the kidneys eliminate urea, sodium and other toxins from the body; thereby significantly reducing the risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

Although there is still no consensus about how much intake of water and other fluids is ideal for the maintaining kidney health, it is believed that the daily consumption of water should be around 2 litres.


3) Increase Physical Activity, but don’t Overexert

Regular physical exercise has several health benefits. It can keep the body weight in check, make the muscles strong, lower blood pressure, promote good sleep, increase insulin sensitivity, and reduce blood fat levels (cholesterol and triglycerides).

However, while making physical activity a part of your daily lifestyle, it should be remembered that exercise should be done in moderation. Any kind of overexertion can lead to excessive breakdown of muscle tissue and can also put a strain on the kidneys.

4) Keep Blood Sugar Levels in Check

Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels in the body can also improve kidney functions naturally. Since the risk of developing kidney damage is fairly high for people suffering from diabetes, it is all the more important for such people to keep blood sugar levels in control.

High blood sugar levels not only damage the kidneys, but can also have an adverse impact on the eyes, heart, nerves, and blood vessels. To stop the damage or to slow it down, it is essential to control blood sugar.

5) Monitor your Blood Pressure

Blood pressure levels should also be kept in check at the normal 120/80 level in order to ensure a healthy functioning of the kidneys. Blood pressure generally increases when fluid builds up in the body because of improper fluid and sodium (salt) limits in the body.

High blood pressure is one of the most common causes of kidney damage, even though it is usually considered to be a causative factor for a heart attack or stroke. To control blood pressure, people with kidney disease are recommended the use of pills which are categorised as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs).

6) Limit Alcohol Consumption

Limiting the intake of alcohol can also be beneficial for overall health of the kidneys because alcohol is essentially a toxin which needs to be filtered from the blood. It is advised that men should not take more than two drinks a day, while women should restrict their alcohol consumption to one drink a day. The ‘measure’ of one drink, by definition, is 12 of beer, or 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor.

Consuming alcohol in excess amounts has a dehydrating effect on the body, and also a harmful impact on the normal functioning of the kidneys. Furthermore, kidneys are also indirectly affected by consumption of excessive alcohol because it increases the risk for high blood pressure and liver disease.

7) Quit Smoking

Smoking can lead to heart and kidney disease because it can damage blood vessels, thereby decreasing the blood flow in the kidneys. Inadequate blood flow prevents the kidneys from functioning at their optimum level. Hence, it is important to quit smoking in order to improve kidney functions naturally.

Smoking can increase the risk of kidney cancer and nephrosclerosis, or hardening of the kidneys. Moreover, smoking can also cause coronary artery disease because it can cause the hardening of the arteries of the smokers. So, by quitting smoking, a person can reduce the risk of heart and kidney disease.


Kidney health can be maintained naturally by keeping the body healthy with the help of balanced diet and regular exercise. By taking proper care of your body, you can keep your kidneys safe, and also reduce the likelihood of developing a health condition which can potentially damage the kidneys. Moreover, since other health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure can have an adverse effect on kidney health, it is important to get regular kidney function screening, especially if you are at risk of developing kidney problems.