Natural Cure For Mixed Expressive Receptive Disorders


Mixed expressive receptive disorders in which there is communication disorder. In this disorder there is a problem in both the receptive and expressive area of communication. In this article we are going to discuss about mixed expressive receptive disorders in detail and also the Ayurvedic aspect of disease as well as Ayurvedic treatment of mixed expressive receptive disorders. So be with me till the end.

Mixed expressive receptive disorders


Mixed expressive receptive disorder is a problem with communication. In this disorder there is difficulty understanding words and sentences. In Mixed expressive receptive disorder there is a problem in both receptive and expressive areas of communication. Due to this defect there is reduced ability to form sentences, impaired potential to have conversation, improper capacity to explain or describe something, repeating questions while answering, leaving in-between words, saying words in wrong pronunciation etc. The cause of mixed expressive receptive disorder is unknown. Certain factors such as genetics, nutritional deficiency, hearing problems, brain injury, damage to the central nervous system, autism etc are some of the causes of Mixed expressive receptive disorder. Medical History, physical examination, blood tests, hearing tests, CT scan, MRI etc are some of the diagnostic criteria for diagnosis of mixed expressive receptive disorder. Speech therapy, language therapy, teaching communication skills etc is the main line of treatment.

Symptoms of Mixed expressive receptive disorders

The symptoms of Mixed expressive receptive disorders are listed below

  • Reduced ability to form sentences.
  • Impaired potential to have conversation
  • Improper capacity to explain or describe something.
  • Repeating question while answering
  • Leaving in-between words
  • Saying words in wrong pronunciation

Causes of Mixed expressive receptive disorders

The causes of Mixed expressive receptive disorders are listed below:

  • Unknown cause
  • Genetically
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Hearing problem
  • Brain injury
  • Damage to central nervous system
  • Autism

Diagnosis of Mixed expressive receptive disorders

The diagnosis of Mixed expressive receptive disorders is listed below:

  • Medical History
  • Physical examination
  • Blood tests
  • Hearing tests
  • Ct scan
  • MRI

Treatment of Mixed expressive receptive disorders

The treatment of Mixed expressive receptive disorders is listed below:

  • Speech therapy
  • Language therapy
  • Teaching communication skills

Ayurvedic Treatment of Mixed expressive receptive disorders by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is a globally recognized firm that provides best herb remedies to the patient because it extracts pure raw materials from the herb and best overall result since 20 years. Planet Ayurveda offers the best quality herbal remedies along with lifestyle and dietary guidelines. On planet Ayurveda Mixed expressive receptive disorders are cured by all natural herbs which are 100% natural and pure vegetarian. All the products are free from chemicals, colors and additives. All the products are manufactured under Ayurvedic board guidelines. In the Ayurveda, one of the best methods to overcome mixed expressive receptive disorders is to normalize the dosha in the body. And planet Ayurveda provides the best Ayurvedic medicines to treat the imbalanced tri dosha. Ayurvedic medicines help in removing the disease from its root and maintain a healthy life. By Ayurvedic medicines the reoccurrence of disease is less and there is no side effect of the treatment. Its products are pure vegetarian and naturally extracted from the herb and medicinal plant. Planet Ayurveda strictly follows the government guidelines for making their product best.

The following herbal remedies for mixed expressive receptive disorders from Planet Ayurveda are:

  1. Medhya Churna
  2. Neurogenie Capsules
  3. Brahmi Ghrit
  4. Saraswatahrist

mixed-expressive-receptive-disordersHerbal Remedies for Psychomotor Retardation

Product Description

1. Medhya Churna

Major ingredients are Brahmi (bacopa monnieri), Vacha (Acorus calamus) Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Marich (piper nigrum), Pippali  (piper longum) etc.  Medhya churna is best in brain disorders as it boosts up the memory and helps in anxiety disorders. It also enhances the cells generation and is also beneficial in mental disorders like depression etc.

Dosage: 1/4 teaspoon once daily with 1 spoon of Cow Ghee (Clarified Butter).

2. Neurogenie Capsules

Neurogenie capsules contain Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) and Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Neurogenie capsules help in relieving headache, anxiety, migraine attacks as it helps in strengthening the brain nerves.  Neurogenie capsules help in strengthening the nerves of the brain and help in calming the brain. These capsules help in improving the brain strength and also nerves in the brain.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after a meal.

3. Brahmi Ghrit

Brahmi Ghrita is a classical preparation prepared under strict ancient Ayurvedic guidelines. Brahmi Ghrita is very effective in improving learning skills, enhances memory and helps in improving the brain functioning and working. Brahmi Ghrita is very effective in strengthening the brain muscles. It also rejuvenate brain cells and increase the efficiency of brain. Brahmi acts as an antioxidant property and prevents the cells from mutating that forms the cancer in future.

Dosage: 1/2 tsp twice daily with warm water.

4. Saraswatarisht

Saraswatarisht is an alcoholic preparation which is prepared from herbs which helps in sustaining the good working of the central nervous system. It helps in acute anxiety, fatigue, insomnia etc. Saraswatarisht helps in reducing stress as well as helps in improving metabolism in the body.

Dosage: 2  teaspoon twice daily with equal amount of water after a meal.


In this article we discussed about mixed expressive receptive disorder, Ayurvedic aspect of disease and also the Ayurvedic treatment of the mixed expressive receptive disorder. Ayurvedic medicine has no side effects with best results over the years. Ayurveda treats patients with ancient methods and effectively cure the patients. So the above mentioned medicines of herbal Ayurveda are best to treat this because all the medicines are free from any preservatives and other chemicals agents that affect your health. All the herbs are purely vegetarian and made up of 100% naturally occurring organic herbs. For more details of our products check out our website and for queries you can send your queries to our email id For more queries you can contact us on