How to treat Plaque Psoriasis in Ayurveda-Home Remedies for Plaque Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a systemic inflammatory disease of immune dysfunction whose obvious clinical feature is plaque elevated and inflamed skin. Plaques are generally scaly, red and bumpy areas of skin that cause itching. They are often found on the scalp, knees and elbows. Plaque psoriasis is quite common among all types of Psoriasis. It is prudent to seek medical help in Psoriasis to confirm the diagnosis of Psoriasis when the disease begins. According to modern medicine, Psoriasis is not the curable disease in the usual sense.
Allopathic treatment options are chosen that are appropriate to the severity of the condition. Localised and mild psoriasis is treated with topical therapy while more extensive and severe disease will require systemic and potentially hazardous treatment. In addition, topical steroids of various potencies, tar and Vitamin D like molecules are recommended. UV light is administered under controlled conditions by a modern physician of various wavelengths. All these treatments when stopped, the psoriasis will typically return so there is a need of alternative treatment which cures the plaque psoriasis from its root.
Plaque Psoriasis according to Ayurveda
- In Ayurveda, EkaKushta and Kitibha are the generalised terms which are used to describe Psoriasis. In Ayurveda, 18 types of skin disorders have been mentioned. Among these, the clinical representations of these two types of Kushta resemble the symptoms of plaque psoriasis. These are—Kitibha Kushta and Ekakushta or Charama Kushta. .
- The lesions of Eka kushta resemble upper layer of fish that are scaly in nature and thick, hard which resembles the skin of an elephant. Plaque Psoriasis also can enter deep into the tissues causing damage of those tissues which include—bone, joints and muscles. .
According to Ayurveda,
- Plaque psoriasis is predominantly caused by the vitiation of Kapha and Vata doshas in the body. If Vata dosha is predominant, then excessive dryness and flaking is noticed but if Kapha dosha is predominant, there is silvery wet scaling with lot of itching. When the lesions get dry and on itching, the flakes fall in the form of dust wet lesion, Kapha dosha is vitiated. Again, the flakes are formed and the condition looks like a Vata dosha predominant one. Thus, both Vata and Kapha symptoms are present together at any given point of time.
How to treat Plaque Psoriasis
- Ayurvedic treatment includes application of paste made from seeds of radish, mustard seeds, lac (laksha ras), turmeric, Berberis aristata, seeds of Cassia tora, extract of Pinus roxburghii, ginger, pepper and Saussurea lappa made in cow’s urine must be applied locally or the paste made from Chakramarda (seeds of Cassia tora) and twak (Cinnamon) in milk should be applied. The roots of Kasamarda (Cassia occidentalis) should be grounded with Sauveerka (fermented herbal wine) should be applied locally.
- Various Panchkarma therapies like—Vamana followed by Virechana is always the best option in treating Plaque Psoriasis. Snehpana can be considered in excessive scaling and dryness condition but Snehpana can be considered as pre-treatment procedures for Vamana and Virechana.
Various single drugs which are quite beneficial in psoriasis are:
- Neem(Azadirachta indica)
- Chandana(Santalum alba)
- Khadira(Acacia catechu)
- Sariva(Hemidesmus indicus)
- Manjishtha(Rubia cordifolia)
- Chandana(Santalum alba)
- Raktachandana(Pterocarpus santalinus)
- Patola(Trichosanthes dioica)
- Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia)
- Patola(Trichosanthes dioica)
- Yashtimadhu(Glycrrhiza glabra)
- Haridra(Curcuma longa)
- Daruharidra(Berberis aristata
- Indian gooseberry(Amla)
- Kutaja(Holarrhena antidysentrica)
- Yashtimadhu(Glycrrhiza glabra)
- Patient suffering from Psoriasis dominated by Vata is administered with medicated ghee internally.
- Patient suffering from Psoriasis dominated by Pitta imbalance is given Virechan- emetic therapy.
- Patient suffering from Psoriasis with more vitiated doshas is given Shodhana therapies for several times with lot of care.
What are the causes of Psoriasis and risk factors?
- Prolonged intake of aquatic animals
- Intake of Pippali(Long pepper) with curd
- Intake of radish with jaggery
- Excess intake of radish
- Excess intake of garlic
- Excess intake of green leafy vegetables along with milk
- Repeated and excess intake of food intake irrespective of hunger
- Unwholesome food
- Intake of barley, millets and grains along with milk
- Excess intake of sour and salty food together
- Food poisoning
- Suppression of vomiting etc.
- Genetic/Environmental factor
What are the symptoms of Plaque Psoriasis?
- The characteristic cutaneous finding in Psoriasis is small, scaly red bump. These bumps join together into elevated plaques of skin and are visible on the knees, elbows, scalp although any area of skin is involved. These plaques are quite itchy. In rare cases, the skin surface is affected.
Home Remedies for Plaque Psoriasis
- Simple herbs like– neem is very useful in skin conditions like- eczema and psoriasis. .
- Taking 20-30 ml of bottlegourd juice twice daily provides relief in skin diseases.
- Taking Aloe vera juice helps in providing relief in variety of skin conditions. It helps to cool down the system and cleanses the system and hence helps in getting rid of toxins. Applying Aloe vera gel on area affected with psoriasis also provides relief in itching. It is one of the most simple home remedy for psoriasis..
- Seawater helps in relieving itching and pain due to psoriasis. Bathing or swimming in sea water is quite beneficial.
- Avoid acidic diet like– fried food, junk food, frozen food and alkaline diet must be followed as it is caused due to the imbalance of fire energy and acidic diet increases the fire levels in the body thus worsening the condition.
- Massaging the affected part with olive oil and calendula oil is recommended. This is a wonderful treatment for psoriasis.
- Applying mudpacks on the psoriasis patches can provide relief from pain and swelling. It is one of the simple remedies for psoriasis.
- Applying cashew nuts oil is an effective natural treatment for psoriasis..
- Applying fresh cabbage leaves is one of the natural remedies of psoriasis.
- Drinking coconut water regularly provides relief from psoriasis.
Diet for for Plaque Psoriasis
- Red rice, green gram, easily digestible food, bitter and astringent food, warm water must be included in the diet.
- Almonds are the rich source of Vitamin E. Soaking 7 almonds per day and taking regularly are good for psoriasis. Also include carrot juice, beet root in your diet as these are the rich source of Vitamin A.
Things to be Avoided
- Alcohal, garlic, fish, incompatible food stuff like- fish with milk, spicy food, stress, fear must be avoided.