Tag: Natural treatment of diabetes

Top 5 Diabetes Natural Supplements in Ayurveda


Diabetes means no to sugar. In 21 century at least there are 1-2 members in a family who have diabetes. It has become the eminent health issue all over the world. Diabetes means increased blood sugar levels in our body. If you are diabetic, then don’t take it lightly because it may lead to multiple organ failure like heart failure, kidney failure, blindness, damage to nervous system and various other problems like  gum diseases  and hypoglycemia.



Diabetes is the condition which is characterized by insufficient production of hormone insulin which is responsible for the conversion of glucose into energy.  How to manage the diabetes? Diabetes natural supplements are safe and easy way to get rid from this problem. Diabetes natural supplements are prepared from the pure extracts of herbs and don’t result in any side effects on health.

In Ayurveda, diabetes is known as madhumeha which is due to the aggravation of vata dosha. Imbalance of vata causes the destruction of dhatus (body tissues).  So in Ayurveda, main cause of diabetes is the impaired digestion. Due to this digestive impurities get accumulated in pancreatic cells and decrease insulin production.

Note – If you have these symptoms like excess hunger, increased thirst, frequent urination, sudden weight loss, slow healing of sores or wounds then you can be diabetic. So don’t ignore the symptoms and go for a medical attention.

Top 5 Diabetes Natural Supplements in Ayurveda

Ayurveda has become the new ray of hope these days to manage the various disorders. Diabetes Treatment in Ayurveda is very safe and effective way to get rid from this problem. For the diabetes management Planet Ayurveda offers the diabetes care pack which contains the five Diabetes Natural Supplements to manage this problem. All the supplements are prepared from the pure extracts of herbs and free from any preservatives, color, starch and yeast.

List of products

  1. Dia-Beta Plus
  2. Karela Capsules
  3. Madhumehantak Churna
  4. Fenugreek Capsules
  5. Diaplan Tea

Diabetes Care Pack


  1. Dia-Beta Plus : 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water after meals.
  2. Karela Capsules : 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water after meals.
  3. Madhumehantak Churna: 1 teaspoonful twice in a day, ½ an hour before meals with plain water.
  4. Fenugreek Capsules : 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water after meals.
  5. Diaplan Tea : 1 Cup of Diaplan Tea, Once Daily.


1. Fenugreek capsules

Fenugreek capsules is an effective diabetes natural supplement. This natural supplement is prepared from the pure extracts of herb Methi (Trigonella Foenum Gracecum). Methi which is commonly known as the fenugreek and considered as an effective herb to manage the diabetes naturally. It helps to reduce the increased levels of blood sugar. Methi seeds help in the absorption of sugar and fats from blood. This herb is quite beneficial to increase the glucose tolerance of our body.

2. Karela Capsules

Planet Ayurveda offers the Karela Capsules for the treatment of diabetes. These capsules are prepared from the pure extracts of herb Karvellak (Momordica charanita). This herb is commonly used as vegetable in Indian kitchen. Regular use of this herb is quite beneficial to manage the problem of diabetes. This herb contains the two compounds – charatin and momordicin which are quite effective to decrease the high levels of blood sugar.   Seeds of this herb   are packed with polypeptide – P which mimics like insulin thus helps to maintain the blood sugar levels.

3. Dia-Beta Plus

Dia-Beta Plus Capsules are also an amazing natural supplement to manage diabetes in a natural way. This product is completely safe for the use and various patients are benefitted with this product. This natural supplement is an amazing blend of various herbs which are given below


  • Gurmaar (Gymnema Sylvestrae)
  • Karela (Momordica Charnatia)
  • Saptrangi (Salacia Oblonga)
  • Vijaysaar (Petrocarpus Marsupium)
  • Tulsi (Ocimum Tenuiflorum)

Benefits –Herbs mentioned above are packed with wonderful properties to manage the problem of diabetes. These herbs help to pacify the vitiated vata dosha. Moreover these herbs help to enhance the production of insulin hormone. These herbs help to maintain the good blood sugar levels and also support the good functioning of pancreas.

4. Madhumehantak Churna

This is also an effective supplement to manage the Diabetes in ayurveda. It is prepared by the combination of various herbs which are listed below


  • Saptrangi (Salacia Oblonga)
  • Vijaysaar  (Pterocarpus Marsupium)
  • Bilva patra (Aegle Marmelos)
  • Gurmaar  (Gymnema Sylvestrae)
  • Daruhaldi (Berberis Arsistata)
  • Neem patra (Azardirachta Indica)
  • Methi  (Trigonella Foenum Graceum)
  • Jamun (Syzygium Cumini)
  • Karela (Momordica Charantia)
  • Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum)
  • Sadabahar (Eochnera Rosea)
  • Babool (Acacia Arabica)

Benefits – Herbs used in the formulation of madhumehantak churna are helpful to manage the problem of diabetes. These herbs help to balance the aggravated vata dosha which is the main cause of diabetes in Ayurveda. These herbs also help to maintain the good blood sugar levels in a natural and safe way.

5. Diaplan Tea

Diaplan Tea is a herbal tea manufactured by Planet Ayurveda mainly for regulating high blood sugar levels. This tea is made up of various ingredients, some of them are Green Tea (Camellia sinensis), Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum gracum), Cardamom (Elettaria cardamom), etc. This tea consists of various chemicals which assists in slow digestion and absorption of sugar and carbohydrates. It also helps in improving the usage of sugar by the body and increases the release of Insulin.


  • Include whole grains in your diet.
  • Avoid sweet fruits like grapes, pineapple and mangoes etc.
  • Avoid oily and spicy foods.
  • Consume dairy products.
  • Take the small meals 4-5 times in day rather than eating in bulk.

Ayurvedic medicine for Type 1 Diabetes Treatment


Type 1 diabetes is also called as an insulin-dependent diabetes in which the pancreas secretes little or nil amounts of insulin. This disease is caused as a result of the failure of the pancreas wherein it loses its abilities to secrete insulin. Insulin aids in the conversion of energy from sugar and transfers it to the body cells. With the sudden rise of sugar levels in the blood it gives rise to Type 1 diabetes.

Prostate Disorder


  • The fundamental reason for this type of diabetes is the auto-immune condition which causes the immune system of the body to attack the pancreas cells of its own body. These cells produce insulin in the body.
  • The genes of a person play a significant role in occurrence of this disease.
  • Environmental conditions and viruses can also contribute towards this disease.
  • Other autoimmune diseases like Grave’s disease, vitiligo etc.


  • Increased thirst and hunger
  • Dry mouth
  • Pain in the lower body region
  • Frequent urination
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Vision impairment
  • Anxiety and restlessness
  • Dry skin
  • Insomnia
  • Infection in the skin, vagina or urinary tract

Complications related to Type – 1 Diabetes

Complications of Type 1 diabetes can be disabling, alarming and life-threatening. Below are some of the complications

  • Disease related to heart and blood vessel
  • Damage of Nerves (diabetes neuropathy)
  • Damage of Kidneys, Eyes and foot
  • Skin and mouth ailments
  • Complications in Pregnancy

Ayurvedic Medicines for Type-1 Diabetes

Diabetes Care Pack is an effective combination of finest Ayurveda herbs which are known to provide quick and permanent relief from Type 1 diabetes. These premium quality herbs are handpicked and combined to give you one of the best cures of the symptoms and complications associated with this disease. It is completely herbal, safe, and vegetarian with no added chemicals and preservatives.

  1. Karela Capsules
  2. Fenugreek Capsules
  3. Diabetes Plus
  4. Madhu Mehantak Churna
  5. Diaplan Tea

Diabetes Care Pack

Products Description

1. Karela Capsules

Karela Capsules contain pure extract of bitter gourd. It is very significant in the treatment of Type 1 diabetes. These capsules have a useful compound called lectin that reduces high levels of blood glucose efficiently. Karela Capsules also aids in maintaining normal blood pressure levels in the body. Polypeptide present in these capsules acts as an insulin that helps in fighting diabetes. Intake of these capsules increases immunity power, stamina and energy in a person. It brings down excessive weight and helps to restores the optimum weight of the body.

2. Fenugreek Capsules

Fenugreek capsules are made using fenugreek seeds and silica gel pouch which works as a dessicant to soak moisture. These seeds have ample amounts of iron, phosphate, choline, trimethylamine, lecithin and triginelline which help in lowering blood sugar and urine sugar levels naturally and easily. It also stimulates the secretion of insulin hormone in the body.

3. Dia-beta Plus

Dia-Beta Plus is a pure and herbal formulation that is a mixture of amazing herbs like Gurmar, Karela, Saptrangi, Ashwagandha, Tulsi and vijaysaar. This herbal formulation maintains healthy levels of glucose in the blood stream in a safe way. Thus it acts as a highly useful solution for people suffering with high blood sugar problems.

4. Madhu Mehantak Churna

This churna comprises of various herbs effective in successful treatment of Type 1 diabetes. It contains Saptarangi, Vijaysaar, Bilwa Patra, Giloy, Gurmaar, Daru haldi, Neem Patra, Methi, Jamun, Karela, Tulsi, Amla, Sadabahar, Babool. Regular consumption of this churna improves strength, vitality and immunity power. It helps in delaying the absorption of complex carbohydrates and sugars so as to control the rising sugar levels in the blood.

Type 1 diabetes is becoming an epidemic in the society. With more and more people getting affected by this disease it becomes very essential to take proper measures, precautions along with medication to stay protected from this disease. These are some of the very useful herbs which are proven for the natural treatment of type 1 diabetes. It helps in curing the disease from root level and giving permanent relief to a person. A well disciplined approach can go a long way in preventing this disease.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.