Let Nature Help You in Healthful Living Even After Menopause


Every Woman in their life goes through both physical and mental changes. Their body goes through several changes like having periods, getting pregnant, and after that menopause. At every stage of life, women forget to take care of their health and issues, we feel embarrassed talking about our personal health issues. We all know that menses causing problems but no one talks about the problem faced by women after menopause when their menstrual cycle has completely stopped. Yes, you heard it correct women also go through changes and difficulties during their menopausal time. This should not be ignored and let’s discuss more the changes and difficulties they face.


Menopause occurs when the women stop bleeding for 12 months straight and after that, they cannot become pregnant naturally. It commonly occurs after the age of 45 to 55 years but can also occur after or before that. About 1 percent of women begin to experience menopause even before the age of 40. There are three stages which every woman goes through and that is:-

  • Peri-menopause, where they start to experience irregular menses like they may skip menses or periods, appears late. The flow of menses become lighter or heavier.
  • Menopause where the menstruation cycle does not appear for one year straight.
  • Post-menopause when the periods have not appeared even after one year.

Symptoms of menopause


Every woman experiences different and unique problems. Symptoms may occur suddenly which would last for a shorter period of time. Clinical symptoms seen are

1. Endocrine System

Menopause causes a lack of estrogen and progesterone which leads to hot flushes. Hot flush results in a sudden feeling of hotness where the skin becomes flushed, red along with sweating. They may last for a minute or longer than that. Hot flushes can be triggered by consuming hot and caffeine beverages.

Menopause results in weight gain because the body tries to collect energy more and it won’t burn calories.

2. The Reproductive System

The ovary stops to produce eggs and the women can’t get pregnant anymore. The vagina becomes dry which affects their sexual life because there is a lack of lubrication. The breast becomes less and hair becomes thin with increase hair growth on the face, chest, neck, and upper back.

3. Excretory System

Due to lack of estrogen level the bladder may become sensitive and they may suffer from urinary incontinence. They may leak urine while laughing or working out or having frequent urge to pass urine.

4. Nervous System

Lack of menstrual cycle may also affect the overall mood of the women. Sometimes they might feel happy and in the next few seconds, they might feel sad. Mood swing is very common and causes irritation where they might experience depression and anxiety.

They suffer from insomnia and sleeping becomes a challenge for them. For an unknown reason, this also affects their memory where they forget things very easily.

5. The Cardiovascular System

Estrogen gives a protective effect to the heart and low levels increase the risk of developing the cardiovascular disorder. The lack of estrogen may result in high cholesterol which increases the risk of a heart attack.

6. Skeletal System

Reducing bone density is very common after menopause. Women have a greater risk to have osteoporosis as compared to men.

7. Muscular System

The rate of losing the muscle mass increases and the joint becomes achy and itchy.


It is a natural process which is faced by every woman and they produce fewer hormones. The levels of a hormone which decreases are

  • Progesterone
  • Estrogen
  • Testosterone
  • LH (Luteinizing hormone)
  • FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone)
  • Other reasons for menopause include injury or surgical method which includes
  • Oophorectomy where the ovaries are removed surgically.
  • Pelvic radiation
  • Injury of the pelvic which may have damaged the ovary.


Firstly you will notice the absence of menstrual cycle for one month straight and other test includes

  • A blood test which determines the level of Estrogen and FSH.
  • Other blood tests include
  • KFT (Kidney function test)
  • TSH (thyroid function test)
  • LFT (Liver function test)
  • BLP (Blood lipid profile)
  • hCG test will help in confirming the levels of progesterone, testosterone, and Prolactin


In Ayurveda menopause is considered as “Rajonivrutti” which means end of the “Artava Pravrutti” that is the menstruation has stopped. Menopause is caused due to violation of the Vata Dosha further leading to an imbalance of all the three Dosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). One of the excellent herbs which can be given to any woman from menarche to menopause is pure extract of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)

Shatavari main quality is that it is Guru (heavy), Snigdha (unctuous) which tastes both Madhur (sweet) and Tikta (Bitter) form. It has Madhur (Sweet) resultants/Vipak. Its therapeutic effect is Rasaya meaning rejuvenation. It helps in balancing the Vata and Pitta Dosha and puts effect on Rasa, Rakta and Shukra dhatu.

Shatavari can be applied both internally and externally. It helps in reducing weakness and helps in toning the nerves. Due its laxative and astringent property, it is very effective for indigestion. It acts as Rakta Dhatu which is helpful in bleeding disorders and also works as a cardiac tonic. Helps in promoting lactation and reduces the risk of threatened abortion, suppressed lactation, menorrhagia, and also increases sperm count. Consumption of Shatavari helps in giving strength to the urinary tract and reduces the risk of developing UTI or UI especially noted in menopausal women.


Planet Ayurveda gives 100 percent pure herbal medicine. All the medicine is vegetarian and is free from chemicals, preservatives, and additives. Each and every herbal remedy is clinically tested and made under the supervision of MD Ayurvedic Doctors. They are all safe to use and free from side effects.

These are the list of Herbal Medicine


menopause herbal treatment

Alternative Treatment for menopause


1. Female Health Support

It is made from one of the excellent herbs called Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) and Ashoka (Saraca indica) which helps in supporting female health totally. It is very useful for women who have menstrual problems or are going through the menopausal phase. It is useful in balancing the hormones and aids in reducing excessive bleeding. Female health support helps in female infertility and improves sexual desire.

Dosage: – One to Two capsules twice daily with water after meals

2. Pradarantak Churna

It is a combination of herbs like Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Udumbur (Ficus glomerata) etc which are very effective in leucorrhea and excessive bleeding. Regular use helps in reducing the ailments like hot flushes, heaviness in the breast, painful legs, and fatigue which is commonly faced after menopause. This herbal formulation is also very helpful in ovarian cyst and premenstrual syndrome.

Dosage:– One to two teaspoonfuls twice daily with water

3. Nari Kalyan Churna

This churna is composed of herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) and many more. Especially it is given to young girls who lack nutrition. It is one of the best herbal supplements during the menopause phase and helps in treating low bone density. Improves memory health and reduces weakness, anxiety, stress also blood pressure.

Dosage: – One to two teaspoonfuls twice daily with water

Healthy Tips for Women after Menopause

  • Eats food that is rich in Calcium and Vitamin D like green leafy vegetables, tofu, beans, yogurt, milk, etc in your diet
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight by doing regular exercise or yoga which is more effective.
  • Avoid too much spicy or sugary foods
  • Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks as it will trigger the symptoms
  • Eat flaxseed, sesame seeds, or soybeans which will help in maintaining the blood pressure, cholesterol levels and will also help in reducing hot flushes.
  • Drink adequate amount of water which will help in reducing bloating and also weight loss.
  • Never skip meals or follow a strict diet because it will lead to a deficiency of nutrition and resulting in more complications.


Somewhere in life every woman goes through this phase and it is important for them to maintain good health even after menopause. Planet Ayurveda provides naturally way to treat all the ailments faced after menopause, all the herbs as mentioned above are safe to use and does not produce any other complication. Your health is your priority whether you are having your menstrual cycle or not and all women have the right to live a healthy life even after menopause.