Tag: Swelling

Intussusception Treatment with Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies


Intussusception is a serious medical emergency which results from the obstruction of the intestine, due to which food or fluid cannot pass through the intestine. In this condition, blood supply to the affected portion of the intestine gets cut off and causes perforation (a tear in the bowel), infection and loss of bowel tissue. The intestinal obstruction which marks the occurrence of Intussusception can be described as the telescoping (infolding or sliding) of a portion of the intestine within an adjacent portion. This condition mostly affects children aged between 3 months and 3 years it rarely affects children under 3 months, older children or adults. The condition can prove to be fatal if it is not treated in time.


In Intussusception, the telescoping of the intestine (usually the small intestine) results from an abnormal growth (a polyp or a tumor) in the intestine. The abnormal growth, called lead point, is grabbed by the normal wave-like contractions of the intestine; and the lead point, along with the inside layer of the intestine, gets pulled into the bowel ahead of it. In most cases of Intussusception, the exact cause of the condition cannot be identified. However, most of the children affected by Intussusception generally develop the condition after a recent attack of gastroenteritis or stomach flu.

Risk Factors of Intussusception

Some of the known risk factors of Intussusception are :-

  • Age (the condition mostly affects young children below 3 years of age)
  • Sex (the risk of the condition is higher in boys as compared to girls)
  • Intestinal malrotation (abnormal formation of intestines at birth)
  • Past history of Intussusception
  • The Family history of Intussusception.

Symptoms of Intussusception

In the affected children, the most common symptom of the occurrence of Intussusception is an acute abdominal pain because of which they may suddenly start crying loudly and pull their knees to their chests. The episodes of abdominal pain mostly occur after every 15-20 minutes. However, as time passes, the painful episodes occur more frequently and also last much longer.

Besides abdominal pain, some of the other symptoms of Intussusception are :-

  • A lump/distention in the abdomen
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Dehydration
  • Tiredness and drowsiness
  • Vomiting up yellowish-green fluid
  • Bloody stools; or stools mixed with mucus.

In rare cases when adults are affected, the symptoms of Intussusception generally overlap with the symptoms of some other conditions and are thus difficult to identify. Nonetheless, the most common symptom of Intussusception in adults also is abdominal pain which comes and goes, along with vomiting and nausea.

Treatment of Intussusception

Intussusception is a condition which requires emergency medical care. When the doctors suspect that a child is suffering from Intussusception, they immediately send the child to the emergency room, where the intestinal blockages are spotted with the help of X-ray or an abdominal ultrasound. If damage to intestines is identified, the child is taken to the operating theatre straightaway to correct the bowel obstruction.Generally, two types of enemas an air enema or a barium enema are helpful in diagnosing as well as treating Intussusception in serious cases.

For effectively managing Intussusception in a safe and natural manner, Planet Ayurveda herbal manufacturing company offers some extremely beneficial herbal products which are prepared from 100% pure and natural herbs. These products are prepared under the expert guidance of renowned Ayurveda practitioners, and can be very useful in managing the symptoms of Intussusception, without any side effects. The herbal products for managing Intussusception include:

1. Digestion Support Capsules

These capsules are prepared from a combination of some potent herbs which have the ability to enhance the health of the digestive system. These herbs, widely known for their beneficial properties, include Amla (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Pippali (Piper longum), Jeerak (Cymium cumium), Sounf (Foeniculum vulgare), Dhania (Coriander sativum), and Bahera (Terminalia bellerica).

The use of Digestion Support capsules is beneficial in managing Intussusception because they are helpful in maintaining the natural PH of the stomach, supporting the digestive process, improving appetite, maintaining proper metabolism of the body, boosting the immune system, rejuvenating the body, and balancing the body’s three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas.

Dosage of Digestion Support capsules for managing Intussusception: One capsule twice a day, with plain water, after meals.



2. Mahasankh Vati Tablets

For the preparation of these tablets, some well-known herbs and other natural ingredients with immense medicinal value are used. These herbal components with proven appetizer, digestive, analgesic, and antipyretic properties — include: Pippali (Piper longum),Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica), Danti (Baliospermum montanum), Yavkshar (Potassium Carbonate), Sarjakshar(Sodium Carbonate), Shudh Parad(Purified Mercury), and Shudh Tankan(Purified Sodium Biborate).

These tablets have the capability to alleviate intestinal pains, maintain the health of digestive organs, relieve gastritis, manage digestion-related disorders, improve appetite, reduce inflammation, and maintain the balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas of the body.

Dosage of Mahasankh Vati tablets for managing Intussusception: Two tablets with plain water, two times a day, after meals.

3. Vatsakadi Churna Mixed with Vara Churna

Vatsakadi churna is an excellent herbal powder which is very beneficial for managing intestinal disorders, particularly the conditions associated with excessive diarrhoea and dysentery. This churna can manage flatulence, gas and irregular digestion, and can also treat irritable bowel syndrome, unexplained intermittent diarrhoea, Crohn’s disease, and Ulcerative colitis. The herbs used for preparing this churna include: Saunf(Foeniculum vulgare), Bilv(Aegle marmelos), Dhania(Coriander sativum), Anar (Punica granatum), Chhoti Elaichi (Elletaria cardamomum), and Jaiphal(Myristica fragrans).

For managing Intussusception, it is beneficial to mix Vatsakadi churna with Vara churna (also called Triphala powder), which is another amazing herbal powder for treating several digestion-related conditions. Vara churna is prepared from three potent, multipurpose herbs Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), and Bhibhitaki (Terminalia ballerica). These herbs have the ability to eliminate toxins from the body, treat constipation, provide colon cleanse benefits, treat vision problems, reduce high cholesterol, and treat some other common conditions like acidity, migraine, obesity, and general weakness.

Dosage of Vatsakadi churna mixed with Vara churna for managing Intussusception: 1-2 teaspoons daily, with water, after meals.


Planet Ayurveda’s herbal products for Intussusception are completely safe to use. These products are pure vegetarian formulations, which do not contain any chemicals, preservatives, starch, yeast, colors, binders, fillers, or additives.

Amazing Home & Herbal Remedies for Swollen Feet

We generally across swelling in different local areas such as – face, feet etc. or throughout the body. Even though it usually appears as a symptom but in also in so many diseases related to vital organs like – liver, kidney, uterus, brain etc.
Swelling may appear as individual disease itself due to imbalanced dosha. Due to the causative factors, the Vata dosha, blood, Kapha and Pitta are vitiated and they are lodged in veins which start circulating in the body and extremities. Due to defect in circulation, the muscle and skin are badly affected and ultimately become hard and elevated swelling is resulted. According to Ayurveda, inflammation or swelling is of three types. Master Charak has explained it in the 18th chapter of Sutrasthana.

Three types of swelling according to Charak Samhita

  1. Vataja – arising due to Vata dosha imbalance
  2. Pittaja – arising due to Pitta dosha imbalance
  3. Kaphaja – arising due to Kapha dosha imbalance.

It is again of 2 types

  1. Nija – Due to internal causes within the body (due to endogenous factors)
  2. Agantuja – Due to external causes like – injury (due to exogenous factors).
    Aetiology of exogenous swellings-Agantu Shotha Nidaana-
  • Excision wounds
  • Incision wounds
  • Fracture
  • Grinding
  • Exposure to excessive pressure
  • Tight tying
  • Twisting by snake/ tight wrapping
  • Compression/squeezing
  • Piercing
  • Bristles of poisonous insects/creepers/harmful leaves

Endogenous and Exogenous Swellings

The exogenous swelling is diagnosed by the characteristic etiology, signs and symptoms whereas the endogenous swelling starts with the vitiation of doshas and bring about pain. The exogenous swelling on the other hand, starts with the pain and brings about the vitiation of doshas.

Aetiology of Endogenous Swelling

Endogenous swelling is caused due to

  • A chronic disease
  • Due to fasting
  • Walking long distance
  • Suddenly consuming exceedingly heavy/sour/salty food
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Consumption of meat of marshy or aquatic animals
  • Excessive intake of salt
  • Adoption of improper regimen after delivery and excitation of doshas in females
  • Pressure on gravid uterus in females

Clinical features of Vataja swelling – By the intake of cold, non-slimy, exertion, unctuous light food, fasting for a long time Vata in the body gets aggravated and afflicts the skin, flesh, blood etc. and causes swelling. The swelling thus may appear and disappear disruptly. Swelling is either of blue or reddish in colour. It is mobile and it throbs. The skin and hair over the swelling part are rough, hard and broken. Due to this, the pain due to swelling resemble cutting, splitting, pressing, pinching by needles, crawling by ants etc.

Clinical features of Pittaja swelling – By the intake of pungent, bitter, alkaline, hot, saline, sour, salty and heavy food and exposure to heat, fire, sun, the Pitta gets aggravated and affects the skin, flesh and blood and thus the swelling is caused. It may be black, blue, yellow and coppery in colour and hot and soft in touch. It appears and disappears abruptly. The hair on the swelling area becomes coppery and light gray and due to this there is a feeling of hot sensation, pain, emission of smoke, steaming and sloughing and it is not able to stand hot touch.

Clinical features of Kaphaja Swelling – Due to the intake of heavy, sweet, cold and unctuous diet, lack of exercise, excessive sleep, Kapha dosha gets aggravated and it affects skin, muscles, blood and causes Shlaishmika type of swelling. Such type of swelling takes a long time to manifest and cure. Swelling is apparently pale white colour, heavy, smooth, unctuous, immobile and have white hair in the border. It withstands pressure and heat.

According to the etiology there are 3 more types of swellings due to the combined morbidity of the Doshas- (Vata-Pittaja, Vata-Kaphaja and Pitta-Kaphaja).

There is only one Sannipatika type of swelling arising due to combined morbidity of all the three doshas and it manifests signs and symptoms of all 3 doshas.

General symptoms of swelling

  • Thinning of the affected skin surface
  • Numbness
  • Red or black discoloration
  • Roughness
  • Occasional pain
  • Soft oedematous lesions
  • Vertigo
  • Fever
  • Thirst
  • Sepsis
  • Black or yellow coloured lesions
  • Severe burning
  • Instant ulceration
  • Tastelessness
  • Nausea
  • Excess sleep
  • Stable and thick oedema
  • Oedema worsening during night time

Simple home remedies for swelling

  1. Regular consumption of 1 pinch of turmeric along with half teaspoon of ginger and honey relieves swelling.
  2. Erandmoola, Jeeraka and Gokshura are taken in equal quantity and decoction is prepared. This is capable of providing relief from swelling.
  3. 1 teaspoon of Punarnava, turmeric and ginger are taken in a vessel. 2 cups of water are added, boiled and reduced to half. 20 ml dose of this preparation must be taken 2 times a day before food with a small piece of jaggery.

Herbal Remedies for Swollen Feet

Punarnava capsules of Planet Ayurveda for swelling

punarnava-capsulesPunarnava capsules of Planet Ayurveda are very helpful in the treatment of swelling or oedema due to any reasons as it reduces inflammation in a natural way without any side effects. Punarnava capsule of Planet Ayurveda is a pure herbal product. The herb Punarnava helps to promote health of the urinary tract and also helps to maintain efficient kidney function. It helps in water retention caused by any reasons which can be liver, kidney, heart problems or even venous insufficiency.

Single drug recommended in swelling – Castor root, ginger, Punarnava, Tribulus, cumin seeds, Shilajit, turmeric, shallaki etc.

Unwholesome diet – salty, dry vegetables, heavy food, pulses, spicy food, long walk, curd, sour substances must be avoided.

It must be noted that swelling is a simple health complaint if it is localised one or is of recent origin whereas the generalised swelling with chronic history denotes serious underlying pathology. So one should take immediate attention towards such problems.