Tag: ulcerative colitis treatment in ayurveda

How Herbo-Mineral Formulations are beneficial in the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis?


Severe chronic IBD affects both the colon and the rectum. The exact cause of IBD is unknown, but it can be caused bya variety of factors, including hereditary, environmental, and immune dysregulation. These factors are thought tocontribute significantly to the pathogenesis of UC. This is a chronic condition that causes inflammation in thecolon and rectum. These complications may even raise the risk of bowel cancer. There are numerous pharmaceuticaldrugs that help treat this disease. However, chemical-based drugs are not always suitable for humans. PlanetAyurveda produces plant-based herbal drugs. Which is entirely made of herbs and treats digestive disorders. Dr.Vikram Chauhan created one of the best Herbo-mineral Uc Pack that includes all of the essential herbal supplements andproduces excellent results.

Ulcerative Colitis


This is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in which the immune system’s abnormal responses cause inflammationand ulcers on the large intestine’s inner wall. This causes inflammation and ulcers (sores) in the digestive tract.The colon is the large intestine (bowel), and the rectum is the section of the bowel where faeces are stored. Smallulcers on the colon’s lining can bleed and secrete fluids. Ulcerative colitis can affect people aged 15 to 30. Inrecent years, the number of UC cases has increased in developing countries in the Middle East, Asia, and SouthAmerica, implying that lifestyle and environmental factors contribute to the disease.


This definition has its historical basis in Wilks and Moxon’s first alleged description of the disease over centuriesago. They described a case of bloody colitis that was not caused by dysentery pathogens. Later, they discoveredoccasional cases of severe colon ulceration caused by tuberculosis, typhoid fever, or malignant disease. Theevidence that gastroduodenal disease is caused by an infective agent, Helicobacter pylori, has been used to destroythe stomach. If only a few thousand bacteria can cause gastritis, we can be sure that billions of bacteria is livingin the colon

Causes of Ulcerative Colitis

The exact cause of ulcerative colitis remains unknown. Ulcerative colitis is believed to be genetic, with abnormalimmune reactions, the microbiome, and the environment all playing a role. This infection is caused by a virus orparasite. Numerous bacterial and viral infections can be the primary causes of colitis. Salmonella, Shigella, E.coli, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis are some of the bacteria that can cause colitis. Noroviruses, rotaviruses, andadenoviruses are all types of viral infections. Colitis may also be caused by a parasitic infection or arectum-specific STD.


  • Abdominal pain, strange intestinal sounds,
  • Found blood in the stools—this is a major problem. This reduces the number of red blood cells in your body, and you will notice your body shaking.
  • Fever
  • Weight loss and reduced appetite. Your metabolism is unbalanced, so whatever you eat will not be absorbed.
  • Sores in the mouth and other places on the body.
  • Fatigue: You will experience an unusual symptom, such as the urge to empty your bladder, whether it is emptyor not. You will need to use the restroom after each meal, which is obviously not ideal. However, these severeconditions can occasionally be harmful because they wake you up in the middle of the night and disrupt your sleep cycle.
  • Eye pain, difficulty seeing bright objects, and an inability to see lights all cause your eye muscles todeteriorate.

The table below shows foods to take or not during a disorder.

Food to avoid

Food to eat

1. Sugar products

dairy products like milk, cheese, and yoghourt. The market offers artificial products and beverages that you must avoid.

2. Meat

Eating red meat or processed meat can also lead to more severe symptoms.

3. Alcoholic beverages and carbonated drinks

wine, beer, gin, rum, whisky, and canned drinks—these all may lead to irritation in the stomach, make gas in it, and enhance the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

4. fiber food

The raw green veggies . Nuts, grains, and sprouts may lead to abdominal cramps, and you will experience some gas in your stomach.

5. Tangy and hot-flavored food

6. Sugary food: cakes, candies

7. Gluten

The first thing to avoid is gluten. This may lead to a disease called celiac. A study reported that almost 60% of people who take a gluten-free diet are cured of IBD.

One must take a healthy diet and consume vitamin, mineral, and nutrient-rich foods.

1. Omega-3-rich foods

Walnuts, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, seaweeds, and algae are vegetarian foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

2. Fortified food (probiotics)

The best drink rich in gut bacteria is “YAKULT,” as everyone is familiar  with the name, which promotes LAB ( lactic acid bacteria) in the gut.

3. Refined grains

the refined grains that are enriched in  potatoes, white rice, oatmeal, and cornmeal.

4. Drink plenty of fluids

As discussed above, diarrhea leads to dehydration. So take fluids regularly, which may help in proper digestion, and toxin is also excreted.

5. Cooked vegetables

Eat boiled or cooked veggies without skin. Peel the outer skin and eat the inner part of cucumbers, carrots, beet roots, asparagus tips, and some watery fruits as well.


Planet Ayurveda has the best herbal remedies. It focuses on natural herbs that are extracted from plants. This disease is associated with the Purishavaha srotas, which means all the excretions made throughout the body, especially the solid waste. This may absorb liquid, glucose, and minerals produced by the faeces. It excretes heavy metals. And it has a major role in nourishing Ashti Dhattu. In Ayurveda, raktatisara, which is a type of hemorrhagic diarrhoea that shares certain symptoms with UC, is mentioned as an above-stage stage of pittatisara. Pittaja grahani shows symptoms that bear resemblance to collitis. Ayurveda described various treatments for the management of UC, such as yoga sana, herbal supplements, herbal therapies, and meditation. Many of the doctors have studied the patients who live in OPD, and through these studies, they found many strange kriyas and doshas. The symptoms are so complicated in the beginning, so every individual is proceeding towards Ayurvedic treatments. For ulcerative colitis, Planet Ayurveda offers the best Herbo – Mineral UC Pack, which contains specified mineral compositions that show beneficial effects. These herbal formulations are made from natural herbs and contain no artificial preservatives. These are completely vegetative formulations. These herbs have specific explanations in ancient Ayurvedic literature; they have no side effects and were developed by MD Ayurveda experts.

The Planet Ayurveda Herbo – Mineral UC Pack consists the following products, as discussed below

Product Items

  1. Praval panchamrit
  2. Kamdudha Ras (Moti yukt)
  3. Chandrakala Ras
  4. Kutajghan Vati
  5. Atisaran Mukti
  6. Heart Burn capsules
  7. Acido plan syrup
  8. Diarho plan syrup
  9. Vatsakadi Churna

Herbo-mineral Uc Pack

Product Description

1. Praval Panchmrit

This herbal drug is available in tablet form. This relieves stomach ulcers, indigestion, burping, and bloating. It is also effective in the prevention of gastro-intestinal disorders. Panchamrit rasa’s ingredients include pearl bhasma (mukti bhasma), conch shell, pearl coral bhasma, albhasma, and calotropis procera (arka latex). These are the main herbs present. Praval is basically a combination of Agni Deepak and Pittashamak.

Dosage : Take two tablets twice a day with plain water, after meals.

2. Kamdudha Ras (Moti Yukt)

It comes in tablet form. Kamdudha ras contains the following key ingredients: Mukta pishti, Praval pishti, Shukti pishti, Kapardak bhasma, Shankh bhasma, Shuddha sonageru, and Giloy Satva. Kamdudha is primarily used to treat bleeding disorders and gastritis. This is primarily used to treat female disorders such as leucorrhea.

Dosage : 1 tablet twice daily with plain water, after meals.

3. Chandrakala Ras

Chandrakala Ras comes in tablet form, and its main ingredients are cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), camphor
(Cinnamomum camphora), amla (Emblica officinalis), nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), silk cotton tree (Bombax malabricum), purified and processed mercury, and Tin Bhasma. Iron Bhasma, guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), and honey. This also addresses the complications of bleeding. This ras balances the pitta, vata, and dosha.
Dosage : Take two tablets twice a day, with plain water, after meals.

4. Kutajghan vati

This is in tablet form and contains the herb Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica). This vati suppresses diarrhoea by increasing digestive fire. Because of its absorbent and astringent properties, this thickens the stool and controls water loss.
Dosage : 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.

5. Atisaran Mukti Capsules

These are in capsule form. A variety of herbs and their parts, such as bark, fruit, seeds, tubers, and fruit peels, are used. Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica), Bilwa (Aegle marmelos)(Foeniculum vulgare), Dhaniya (Coriandrum sativum), Nagarmotha (Cyperus scariosus), Anar (Punica granatum), Chhoti elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum), and Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans) are the ingredients present in this herbal medicine. This will regulate bowel movement, aid digestion, and improve gut health.
Dosage : Take one capsule per day with plain water after meals.

6. Vatsakadi Churna

The best churan for digestion consists of pure herbs like kutaz (Holarrhena antidysenterica), bilva (Aegle marmelos), saunf, jaiphal (Myristica fragrans), Dhania (Coriandrum sativum), Choti Elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum), Anar (Punica granatum), and Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus).
Dosage : 1 teaspoon twice daily with plain water.

7. Acido plan Syrup

This helps to reduce the agni (digestive fire) of the stomach, also known as stomach burn. Contains the natural ingredients that trigger its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. Ingredients in Acido plan syrup are; patola (Trichosanthes dioica), sajjikshar (Soda-bi-carb), Ghrit kumari (Aloe barbadensis), triphala (Terminalia chebula, T. bellirica, Emblica officinalis), kokum (Garcinia cambogia), Pitta papada (Fumaria indica), and shatavari (Asparagus racemosus).
Dosage : Take 2 teaspoons twice daily with plain water after meals.

8. Diarho plan syrup

This syrup is intended to strengthen the digestive system. Ingredients of Diarho plan syrup include Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Dhanyaka (Coriandrum sativum), Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica), dadima (Punica granatum), Dhatki (Woodfordia fruticosa), Avartani (Helicteres isora), saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), and sugar free syrup. This diarrhoea syrup from Planet Ayurveda soothes the Pitta dosha while gently igniting the digestive fire, or agni.
Dosage: Take 2 teaspoons twice daily with plain water after meals.

9. Heart Burn Capsules

The heart burn capsules of Planet Ayurveda are made with Praval pishti (coral calcium), Akkik pishti (agate calcium), Mukta pishti (pearl calcium), the stem extract of Giloy satva (Tinospora cordifolia), and a few ayurvedic calcium compounds like Jahar mohra pishti and Kamdudha ras. It basically provides relief from acidity, removes toxins from the body, and also neutralises the acid in the stomach.

Dosage : Take one capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


UC cannot be compared to any specific condition described in the Ayurveda Samhita. This disease can cause symptoms such as agni (digestive fire), Rakta Atisara, and Pittatisara. These terms have similarities to ulcerative colitis. And in Ayurveda, agni is the primary component that regulates all metabolic activities in the body. Ulcerative colitis is an idiopathic, chronic inflammatory disease of the colon mucosa. It begins in the rectum and gradually spreads to other areas of the colon. Doctors are usually unable to determine its cause. It has common symptoms that can be difficult to diagnose. If a patient notices bleeding in his stools or during urine pass out, he should consult his doctor and take the prescribed medications. Although modern science has created numerous antibiotics to treat UC,. However, this disease may not be completely cured, putting the patient at risk of developing it again. The root cause is unknown. This herb-care pack contains all of the significant herbs. and gives excellent results. It contains nine herbal supplements that are beneficial for gastrointestinal disorders. With these, you must eat a nutritious diet. Avoid eating junk food outside during your Ayurvedic treatment.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.

Mesacol Side Effects & Safe Alternative Treatment for IBD (Crohn’s Disease & Ulcerative Colitis) in Ayurveda


The intestinal illness known as ulcerative colitis is treated using an anti-inflammatory medication called Mesacol Tablet. By lessening intestinal inflammation, it aids in the reduction of symptoms including diarrhoea, bleeding, and stomach discomfort. Mesacol is used in this autoimmune condition of IBD (Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease). When the immune system unintentionally destroys healthy cells in the body, it results in autoimmune illnesses. Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and some thyroid disorders are among the types. Let’s discuss this in detail.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease


What Is Mesacol?

Mesacol contains mesalamine, a drug that belongs to the salicylates class of medicines. In patients with mild to moderate ulcerative colitis, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, Mesacol tablets are used to treat and prevent the condition. It is also used to lessen the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, which often manifests in afflicted persons as diarrhoea, rectal bleeding, or stomach discomfort.


Mesacol helps to manage and avoid mild to severe ulcerative colitis, minimises ulcerative colitis symptoms, which often manifest in afflicted people as diarrhoea, rectal bleeding, or stomach discomfort.


  1. In Ulcerative Colitis
  2. The condition known as ulcerative colitis causes swelling and redness in the lining of the large intestine (colon) and rectum. Abdominal discomfort, regular diarrhoea, and bleeding may result from this.

  3. In Crohn’s Disease
  4. Crohn’s disease is an intestinal inflammatory condition that is chronic (long-lasting). The two most typical symptoms are diarrhoea and abdominal discomfort. Mesacol Tablet aids in symptom relief, inflammation reduction, and symptom prevention.


For those who are afflicted with ulcerative colitis, Mesacol tablets relieve symptoms by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are chemical messengers that cause inflammation in the intestines. This reduces inflammation and ulceration.


  1. Pain in the stomach or epigastrium
  2. Flatulence
  3. Headache
  4. Vomiting
  5. Emesis
  6. Stomach ache
  7. Rash


  1. Exhaustion, drowsiness, or vertigo
  2. Swelling and contusions
  3. Shaky or trembling, sore muscles
  4. Earache, throat pain, and hair loss
  5. Heartbeat in rapid motion
  6. Pancreatic inflammation accompanied by symptoms such as upper abdominal discomfort, nausea, or back pain
  7. Constipation or bleeding are indications of a non-cancerous growth in the back canal called a rectal polyp.
  8. Red, scaly welts with acne
  9. Face swollen


  1. Kidney Malfunction
  2. Highly susceptible to infection (because of a significant decrease in white blood cell counts)
  3. Photosensitivity (the term used to describe the skin’s enhanced sensitivity to UV and solar rays)


In Ayurveda, it is correlated with Raktatisaar and Khasataj Atisaar. Ayurvedic philosophy states that an imbalanced dosha can lead to a stoppage of prana, the life energy, which can result in waste accumulation and digestive problems. Pitta Pradhana Ulcerative colitis is thought to be caused by vata doshas, an imbalance between pitta and vata in which vata is heightened by strong and bitter flavours.

  1. Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) : It is agni deepak (appetising), pachak (digestive), grahi (absorbent) in nature.
  2. Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) : It is grahi (absorbent), Sheetal (cold), and rakta stambhak (helpful in bleeding disorders).
  3. Durva (Cynodon dactylon) : It is Sheetal (cold), Raktskandan (blood coagulation) in nature.
  4. Ushir (Vetiveria zizanioides) : It is Sheetal (cold), stambhak (restraining) in nature.
  5. Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus) : It is deepan (appetising), pachan (digestive), grahi (absorbent) in nature.
  6. Arjuna (Arjuna terminalia) : It is sheet (cold), and raktsangrahik (helpful in bleeding disorders) in nature.
  7. Naagkeshar (Mesua ferrea) : It is sangrahi (absorbent), rakt sangrahak (helpful in bleeding disorders), and Aam Pachak (purifies toxins) in nature.
  8. Bael (Aegle marmelos) : It is helpful in grahi (absorbent) and deepan (appetising) in nature.
  9. Lajwanti (Mimosa pudica) : It is sangrahi (absorbent) in nature.
  10. Annar (Punica granatum) : It is grahi (absorbent), rochak, raktashodhak (blood purifier), and Sheetal (cold) in nature.


The greatest herbal products are produced by Planet Ayurveda, an herbal pharmaceutical firm. The business has GMP certification. Planet Ayurveda offers genuine, natural goods. The items don’t have any additional pollutants or impurities. The results of Planet Ayurveda’s products are what make them most well-known. The following goods are a few of the top substitutes for Mesacol.

  1. Kutajghan vati
  2. Vatsakadi churna
  3. Pitta Balance
  4. Arjuna capsules

Ulcerative Colitis Care Pack


1. Kutajghan Vati

Kutajghan vati is the formulation of Planet Ayurveda which consists of only a single herb, Kutaj (Halorhena antidysentrica). Kutaj is an effective herbal remedy in case of diarrhea and dysentery. Due to astringent and absorbent properties, it improves gut functions hence beneficial in IBS and ulcerative colitis. It reduces intestinal motility thus, tackles diarrhea and dysentery. It has the potency to improve digestive fire and is an effective medicine in case of blood disorders, and hemorrhoids.

DOSAGE : 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.

2. Vatsakadi Churna

Vatsakadi churna is the preparation of Planet Ayurveda which consists of many herbs like kutaj (Halorhena antidysentrica), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), and some others also. It is an effective herbal powder for IBS and gastritis. It is useful in Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis, and abdominal discomfort.

DOSAGE : 1 teaspoon twice daily after meals with plain or lukewarm water.

3. Pitta Balance

Pitta Balance is the preparation of Planet Ayurveda which consists of Praval pishti (coral compound), Akik pishti (Agate compound), and some others. These capsules balance the fire element in the body, unusual heat feeling in the body, burning feet and hands, aggression, anxiety, and anger management.

DOSAGE : One capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.

4. Arjuna Capsules

Arjuna Capsules are prepared by Planet Ayurveda and consist of only a single herb that is Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna). It is an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory medicine that helps in preventing infection. It is very effective in the treatment of piles, ulcers, and diarrhoea. It improves the metabolism of the body and helps the body to recover from all digestive problems.

DOSAGE : 2 capsules twice daily after meals with plain water.


When the immune system of the body unintentionally targets and kills healthy bodily tissue, it might result in an autoimmune illness. An anti-inflammatory drug called Mesacol Suppository is used to treat ulcerative colitis, a kind of colon illness. It is used when proctitis, or inflammation of the inner rectum’s lining tissue, occurs. By lowering intestinal inflammation, it helps to lessen symptoms including diarrhoea, bleeding, and stomach discomfort. There are many alternatives of mesacol in Ayurveda that help in the treatment of IBD (Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease). This article includes all the main points and information regarding the best alternatives and treatments for IBD in Ayurveda.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.