Tag: Water Retention

Amazing Home & Herbal Remedies for Swollen Feet

We generally across swelling in different local areas such as – face, feet etc. or throughout the body. Even though it usually appears as a symptom but in also in so many diseases related to vital organs like – liver, kidney, uterus, brain etc.
Swelling may appear as individual disease itself due to imbalanced dosha. Due to the causative factors, the Vata dosha, blood, Kapha and Pitta are vitiated and they are lodged in veins which start circulating in the body and extremities. Due to defect in circulation, the muscle and skin are badly affected and ultimately become hard and elevated swelling is resulted. According to Ayurveda, inflammation or swelling is of three types. Master Charak has explained it in the 18th chapter of Sutrasthana.

Three types of swelling according to Charak Samhita

  1. Vataja – arising due to Vata dosha imbalance
  2. Pittaja – arising due to Pitta dosha imbalance
  3. Kaphaja – arising due to Kapha dosha imbalance.

It is again of 2 types

  1. Nija – Due to internal causes within the body (due to endogenous factors)
  2. Agantuja – Due to external causes like – injury (due to exogenous factors).
    Aetiology of exogenous swellings-Agantu Shotha Nidaana-
  • Excision wounds
  • Incision wounds
  • Fracture
  • Grinding
  • Exposure to excessive pressure
  • Tight tying
  • Twisting by snake/ tight wrapping
  • Compression/squeezing
  • Piercing
  • Bristles of poisonous insects/creepers/harmful leaves

Endogenous and Exogenous Swellings

The exogenous swelling is diagnosed by the characteristic etiology, signs and symptoms whereas the endogenous swelling starts with the vitiation of doshas and bring about pain. The exogenous swelling on the other hand, starts with the pain and brings about the vitiation of doshas.

Aetiology of Endogenous Swelling

Endogenous swelling is caused due to

  • A chronic disease
  • Due to fasting
  • Walking long distance
  • Suddenly consuming exceedingly heavy/sour/salty food
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Consumption of meat of marshy or aquatic animals
  • Excessive intake of salt
  • Adoption of improper regimen after delivery and excitation of doshas in females
  • Pressure on gravid uterus in females

Clinical features of Vataja swelling – By the intake of cold, non-slimy, exertion, unctuous light food, fasting for a long time Vata in the body gets aggravated and afflicts the skin, flesh, blood etc. and causes swelling. The swelling thus may appear and disappear disruptly. Swelling is either of blue or reddish in colour. It is mobile and it throbs. The skin and hair over the swelling part are rough, hard and broken. Due to this, the pain due to swelling resemble cutting, splitting, pressing, pinching by needles, crawling by ants etc.

Clinical features of Pittaja swelling – By the intake of pungent, bitter, alkaline, hot, saline, sour, salty and heavy food and exposure to heat, fire, sun, the Pitta gets aggravated and affects the skin, flesh and blood and thus the swelling is caused. It may be black, blue, yellow and coppery in colour and hot and soft in touch. It appears and disappears abruptly. The hair on the swelling area becomes coppery and light gray and due to this there is a feeling of hot sensation, pain, emission of smoke, steaming and sloughing and it is not able to stand hot touch.

Clinical features of Kaphaja Swelling – Due to the intake of heavy, sweet, cold and unctuous diet, lack of exercise, excessive sleep, Kapha dosha gets aggravated and it affects skin, muscles, blood and causes Shlaishmika type of swelling. Such type of swelling takes a long time to manifest and cure. Swelling is apparently pale white colour, heavy, smooth, unctuous, immobile and have white hair in the border. It withstands pressure and heat.

According to the etiology there are 3 more types of swellings due to the combined morbidity of the Doshas- (Vata-Pittaja, Vata-Kaphaja and Pitta-Kaphaja).

There is only one Sannipatika type of swelling arising due to combined morbidity of all the three doshas and it manifests signs and symptoms of all 3 doshas.

General symptoms of swelling

  • Thinning of the affected skin surface
  • Numbness
  • Red or black discoloration
  • Roughness
  • Occasional pain
  • Soft oedematous lesions
  • Vertigo
  • Fever
  • Thirst
  • Sepsis
  • Black or yellow coloured lesions
  • Severe burning
  • Instant ulceration
  • Tastelessness
  • Nausea
  • Excess sleep
  • Stable and thick oedema
  • Oedema worsening during night time

Simple home remedies for swelling

  1. Regular consumption of 1 pinch of turmeric along with half teaspoon of ginger and honey relieves swelling.
  2. Erandmoola, Jeeraka and Gokshura are taken in equal quantity and decoction is prepared. This is capable of providing relief from swelling.
  3. 1 teaspoon of Punarnava, turmeric and ginger are taken in a vessel. 2 cups of water are added, boiled and reduced to half. 20 ml dose of this preparation must be taken 2 times a day before food with a small piece of jaggery.

Herbal Remedies for Swollen Feet

Punarnava capsules of Planet Ayurveda for swelling

punarnava-capsulesPunarnava capsules of Planet Ayurveda are very helpful in the treatment of swelling or oedema due to any reasons as it reduces inflammation in a natural way without any side effects. Punarnava capsule of Planet Ayurveda is a pure herbal product. The herb Punarnava helps to promote health of the urinary tract and also helps to maintain efficient kidney function. It helps in water retention caused by any reasons which can be liver, kidney, heart problems or even venous insufficiency.

Single drug recommended in swelling – Castor root, ginger, Punarnava, Tribulus, cumin seeds, Shilajit, turmeric, shallaki etc.

Unwholesome diet – salty, dry vegetables, heavy food, pulses, spicy food, long walk, curd, sour substances must be avoided.

It must be noted that swelling is a simple health complaint if it is localised one or is of recent origin whereas the generalised swelling with chronic history denotes serious underlying pathology. So one should take immediate attention towards such problems.

How to Reduce the Swelling of Your Body During Pregnancy


The decision of having a baby is pivotal. At the stage when a child is born, the child’s mother is also born. A female exists before, but not as a mother. This feeling is something new and different. With this new experience, new problems are also felt and one of the problem is swelling of ankles, feet and sometimes of other parts. This problem of swelling can be reduced through natural and ayurvedic ways. These ways include the combination of home remedies and herbal remedies. But before this you should know about the conditions and reasons of this problem during pregnancy.


What exactly the pregnancy swelling is?

During pregnancy, you get a mild swelling all over your body but especially around your feet and ankles. The range of swelling can fluctuate according to the different conditions.

Why this swelling occurs?

This swelling is due to accumulation of body fluids in both, baby and mother. The body fluids increase to accumulate in the tissues which results in increase blood flow and pressure on the uterus, pelvic veins and vena cava, the large vein. This flow and pressure cause swelling of body parts, particularly of feet and ankles due to gravity. The hands also get swollen.

At what time you feel this condition of swelling?

This problem of swelling arises between the weeks of 22 to 27 of pregnancy. This condition remains as it is until a women gives birth to a child.

Risks that can be associated with this swelling

The mild swelling of feet and ankles is normal. But with this swelling, your hands and face also experience swelling and your face just looks like a puffy bean with other symptoms such as high weight, high blood pressure and high protein in urine, are a thing of concern.

The problem of swelling can be treated through natural ways and some lifestyle changes. Now, what do you mean by natural ways. The natural ways includes the things of nature. These are herbs, trees, natural minerals and nutrients. Plants play major role on earth, not only in providing oxygen but also to cure for various diseases. A medicinal system that uses these herbs as a remedy to treat ailments is known as Ayurveda.

AYURVEDA is an ancient medicinal form of India that treats the disorders by using the combination of herbs, body type and the disease type. This form is the treatment that provides relief in all aspects, body and mind. The basis on which this works is the five elements e.g. air, space, earth, fire and water. These elements combine to form three doshas that control body functioning.

Air and space – vata doshas, this controls nerve impulses, respiration and elimination.

Fire – pitta doshas, controls growth and protection.

Earth and water – kapha doshas, controls the metabolism.

Ayurvedic view of Swelling during pregnancy

In Ayurveda human conception is compared with germination and sprouting of a seed and its transformation into a plant. Same as a seed form and sprout, human’s male and female seeds unite and garbha (embryo) is created. In Ayurveda, there are around total nine diseases that originate in pregnancy. One of them is swelling of feet and ankles it develops in the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy. This should be treated with mild herbal formulations that don’t harm fetus and mother.

Planet Ayurveda has herbal formulations for swelling during pregnancy.

Planet Ayurveda provides following formulations that consists of fruitful herbs which has significant effect in pregnancy swelling.

  1. Amla Saar
  2. Shatavari Capsules
  3. Spirulina Capsules
  4. Coral Calcium Complex

Herbal Formulations For Swelling During Pregnancy

Product Description


Amla saar is made up from a magnificent herb, amla that consists of properties like anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant etc. These properties help amla to cure the problem of swelling.

Regular consumption of amla saar reduces the swelling of hands and feet.

Dosage : 3 teaspoon two times a day with equal quantity of water.


Shatavari is known to treat the problems related to reproductive system. This helps to boost up the immunity, tones uterus and helps to increase the flow of vaginal fluids. These overall functions helps to remove extra fluid from the tissues and lowers the swelling during pregnancy.

Dosage : 2 capsules two times a day.


Spirulina is enriched with various properties like anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, vitamins and minerals that helps to lower down the swelling, fights with free radicals and stress (mental and physical).

So these are given in the case of pregnancy swelling.

Dosage : 2 capsules two times a day.


Coral calcium complex is a natural formulation hat is rich with calcium component that helps to maintain body health, immunity and muscle health during pregnancy. This provides way to fight against infections and inflammation or swelling problems. So this is very beneficial in case of pregnancy swelling.

Dosage : 1 capsule two times a day after meal with plain water.

Expect these, there are some home remedies that can be acquired to treat the problem of pregnancy swelling

1. Use contrast hydrotherapy

  • Fill two to three foot tubs, one with cold and other with hot.
  • Soak the feet in warm for 3-4 minutes.
  • Then immediately after in cold for one minute.
  • Continue the process for 15 minutes, two times a day.

2. Do massage regularly with ginger oil, mustard or olive oil.

3. Consume some ginger tea every day.

4. Take coriander seeds. Soak them in one glass of water and then boil. Drain and cool it down. Consume this once in a day.

5. Relax yourself and put your legs and feet slightly elevated in an anti-gravity mode. This helps to provide relief from swelling in the pregnancy.