Tag: Weight Loss Supplements

4 Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies to Treat Obesity At Home

What is Obesity?

It is a condition which is characterized by accumulation of excess fat in the body resulting in other health problems.

By measuring the BMI (body mass index- the measurement of body fat on the basis of weight and height), obesity is determined. In case if the desirable BMI is between the range of 18.5-25. One is overweight, if this range is 25-29.9. One is obese, if the range is 30 or more than that.

What Are the Causes of Obesity?

  • Weight gain occurs due to poor choices of lifestyle, oversized food portions, lack of sufficient sleep, lack of physical activity, excessive drinking, unbalanced diet, insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, medications, psychological issues, Cushing’s syndrome and social issues.
  • Hormonal issues and genetic factors can also lead to weight gain or obesity.

Weight loss Herbal Supplements

What Are the Complications of Obesity?

  • Obese people are at greater risk of developing high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gout, gallstones, arthritis, insulin resistance, heart diseases and certain cancers.

Herbal Treatment for Obesity

  • Herbs are natural, safe and effective and you can definitely take help for weight loss. If we talk to someone, we will be advised with a lot of natural foods and herbs along with some exercises which helps in reducing weight.
  • Here are some beneficial herbal home remedies which helps in reduction of excess weight.

Top 4 Herbal Remedies For Weight Loss

Green Tea for Weight Loss

  • Green tea is rich in anti-oxidants as well as thermo-genic properties which helps in reducing the accumulated fat in the body.
  • The process of heat production in the body is known as thermogenesis. It increases the fat oxidation as well as increases the consumption of energy which helps the body to burn fat faster.
  • EGCG in the green tea helps in reduction of fat in the body which is absorbed by the body while eating. The benefits of green tea are not limited to weight loss but it also helps in reducing the cholesterol levels.

How to make Green Tea

  • Put 1-2 teaspoon of good quality green tea in the cup. Add hot water over it and allow it to brew for sometime. Taste this tea. Let it brew for another few minutes, if it is not strong enough as per your taste buds. Taste it again.
  • You can brew your tea for more time if you want to raise the strength of green tea. Normally many people brew green tea for 3-5 minutes.
  • After brewing strain the tea and add a teaspoon of honey (if you want to sweeten the tea) and drink this tea on regular basis.
  • In morning have this tea instead of regular tea. It helps in burning more calories throughout the day as it will speed up the metabolism in the morning.
  • Daily intake of at least 4-5 cups helps in making you feel full and helps to avoid over eating. Having a cup of this tea prior or after meals is a wonderful idea.

Ginseng for Weight Loss

  • Ginseng has been used as a traditional medicine by Chinese since years for improving stamina, energy as well as overall well being.
  • According to some researches, it is proved that ginseng is very effective in loosing weight as well as controlling diabetes.
  • Ginseng has the ability to reduce the capability of fat storing of the cells.
  • It helps in improving the body’s ability to deal with emotional, physical as well as environmental stress because ginseng is an adaptogen.
  • Ginseng is available in dried as well as fresh form.
  • Ginseng helps you in 2 ways to deal with weight loss.
  • Firstly, ginseng will load you with energy so that you can be more active and spend more calories.
  • Secondly, it will boost up your metabolism so that you will store less fat in the body.

How to Make

  • Add water in a pan and start boiling it.
  • Add ginseng to this boiling water.
  • Leave it and simmer it for an hour and and strain this drink.
  • One can add cinnamon or honey to this drink as cinnamon will make it aromatic and honey will decrease the bitterness of ginseng herb.

Weight Loss Herbal Remedies

 Guggul Herb for Weight Loss

  • Guggul also helps in weight loss and gum guggul contains guggulsterone which helps in lowering the cholesterol levels of the body.
  • Guggul stimulates thyroid functioning which makes your metabolic rate to come at optimum level which further results in easy weight loss.
  • It is a safe herb for weight loss as it does not stimulate central nervous system.
  • Guggul is available in the form of tablets. Take 25mg as a single dose and total 3 doses of guggul.

Hibiscus Tea for Weight Loss

  • The flowers of hibiscus tea can be used in the treatment of obesity. It contains amylase inhibitors which helps in reducing the absorption of fats as well as carbohydrates.
  • Hibiscus helps in breaking down the fat as well as carbohydrates so that they can easily be flushed out of the body.
  • Hibiscus flowers reduces bloating and sheds weight as it is a mild diuretic.
  • Hibiscus is rich in anti-oxidants and gives your body the advantage of strong immunity.
  • Hibiscus can be used in the form of tea.
  • The tea can be consumed as cold or hot.

How to Makeet fresh hibiscus flowers, separate the petals and place it on a paper.

  • Allow the flowers to dry and leave for few days.
  • When dried take a cup of dried petals of hibiscus flowers. Put them in water for 2 days then strain it and keep in the refrigerator.
  • Whenever you want to have a cup of hibiscus tea, prepare it and add honey, cinnamon or lemon juice to it for better taste as well as aroma.

Obesity/Overweight Risk Factors and Causes -Weight loss Herbal Supplements

Obesity is the problem which can bring the boredom, disappointment and inferiority complex in you. Everyone wants to look in a perfect shape and wants to wear all type of outfits. But if you are obese then you have to be very particular while choosing a dress. Besides this risk factors of obesity affect the people of all age groups (children, adults, middle aged and old aged people). Obesity is the problem in which extra fat is deposited in body.


Obesity may lead to severe health complications like diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, arthritis, joint pain, liver problems, kidney problems and reproductive complications etc. So take care of body and if you are suffering from obesity nothing could be better than Ayurvedic treatment. Mostly it has been seen that people are so fed up with obesity that they try various kinds of products available in market these days. But result of using such kind of products end up the people in serious troubles like kidney failure or other health issues. So be very careful while using such kind of products.


  1. Vrikshamla (Garcinia cambogia)
  2. Mustak (Cyperus rotundus)
  3. (Haritaki) Terminalia chebula
  4. (baheda)  Terminalia belerica
  5. (amla)  Emblica officinalis
  6. Guggul (Comniphora mukul)

These herbs are very effective to resolve this problem without resulting in any side effects on health.  Though the herbs take some time to show their effects but their effects are long lasting without causing any harm to our body. So you have to be patient if you are looking for Ayurvedic treatment.


  • In Ayurevda, obesity is known as Medorog and Sthaulya. There are three energies vata, pitta and kapha which are essential to maintain a healthy body. Obesity occurs due to the aggravated kapha dosha. Kapha dosha in responsible to maintain the body weight by building up nutritive fluids, blood, fats and bone marrow.
  • In the balanced state of kapha dosha, it provides the nutrition to the tissues by several micro channels. But in the imbalanced state, kapha dosha results in toxin (ama) production in the body. Accumulation of these toxins occurs in the weaker passage of body which leads to blockage. In obesity, toxin gets deposited in the medovahi srotas (fat passage) and there is an increased production of fat tissues (Medha dhatu).



  • Ayurvedic treatment for obesity by the Planet Ayurveda contains the “Thinner Youth Pack”.This pack contains the four herbal products which are prepared from the standardized extracts of herbs.

List of Products




  • It is an effective herbal remedy of Planet Ayurveda for overweight.  This herbal product is quite effective and various obese people are benefitted with this.  It is quite good Ayurvedic treatment which helps to increase the fat metabolism and also helps to burn the extra fat from body.  This herbal product is prepared from the pure extracts of   three herbs  which are listed below

Vrikshamla(Garcinia cambogia)

  • This herb has the great medicinal importance to reduce the obesity from ancient times. Vrikshmala is the herb which is mostly found in the western regions of India. It helps to suppress the appetite hence good to control obesity.

Mustak(Cyperus rotundus)

  • Mustak is known to be very effective herb to resolve the digestive problems. It helps in reduction of the fat deposition in the body tissues, hence considered as an effective herbal remedy for obesity.

Myrobalans or Triphala

  • It is the combination of dried fruits of Terminalia chebula (haritaki), Terminalia belerica (baheda) and Emblica officinalis (amla). It is good natural remedy for metabolism, digestion and absorption. It accelerates fat metabolism in body.

DOSAGE – One capsules two times in a day with plain water after half an hour of meals.


  • Planet Ayurveda offers the Garcinia capsules to manage the obesity. Thus herbal product is available in the form of capsules and prepared from the pure extract of herb  Garcinia cambogia. This herb is also known as gamboge. Use of this herb is quite beneficial to reduce the weight. This herb helps in the burning of fats and also enhances the metabolism of body.

DOSAGE – Two capsules, two times in a day with plain water after half an hour of meals.


  • Planet Ayurveda’s guggul capsules is a good Ayurvedic treatment for obesity. These capsules are prepared from the standardized extract of herb Guggul (Commiphora mukul). This herb also helps in weight loss in natural way without causing any negative impacts on health.

DOSAGE – One capsule, two times in a day with plain water after half an hour of meals.


  • This herbal product is an amazing blend of various herbs which are given below


  • Mustak (Cyprus rotundus)   
  • Chirbilva (Haloptela integrifolia)
  • Balbach (Iris ensata)
  • Babool (Acacia Arabica)
  • Ashok (Saraca indica)
  • Triphala (Myrobalans)
  • Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)  
  • Jamun (Syzigium cumini)
  • Vidang (Embelia ribes)
  • Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica)
  • Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)
  • Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanica)
  • Sonth (Zingiber officinale)  

BENEFITS- Herbs explained above are packed with amazing properties.  These herbs help to pacify the kapha dosha which is main cause of obesity. These herbs are quite good to resolve the digestive disorders. Besides this these herbs help to increase the fat metabolism and also reduces the fat deposition in the tissues. Thus stholyantaka churna is an effective herbal remedy to reduce the weight without causing negative impacts on health.

DOSAGE – 1 teaspoonful, two times in a day with plain water after meals. Decoction can also be prepared by mixing 1 teaspoonful of powder in glass of water and boiling is done until it get reduced to ¼ quantity.


  • Avoid the fatty and fried foods.
  • Avoid junk foods.
  • Take diet which is rich in antioxidants.
  • Physical exercise, yoga and pranayama are good for overweight people.