Tag: What is hereditary motor sensory neuropathy

HMSN (Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy) And Its Ayurvedic Management


There are a number of hereditary conditions that children get from their parents. Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy is one among them. Oftentimes, the name HMSN is given to a bunch of different neuropathies which are characterised by their impact on efferent and afferent neural communication. Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy is also called Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy. It is an inherited and progressive disorder of the nerves which is characterised by numbness and weakness more pronounced in the legs. In the following section, we shall discuss HMSN in detail and its management in the contemporary system of medicine as well as in the traditional system of Ayurvedic medicine. Let’s discuss!!

Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy, What is hereditary motor sensory neuropathy


HMSN (Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy), which is also known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, is an inherited peripheral polyneuropathy. It comprises a group of progressive, inherited, sensory and motor peripheral disorders with properties of degeneration of axons, demyelination or both. It is grouped by clinical characteristics, type of inheritance, metabolic effects, specific gene markers and electrophysiologic features. In Ayurveda, the correlation of the condition can be established with vata dosha vitiation as all the neurological and movements of the body is governed by vata dosha, hence in HMSN the vata dosha is vitiated and therefore can be managed by correcting the vata dosha imbalance.

Causes Of HMSN

  • Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies are inherited.
  • Chromosomes 1 and 17 are mostly with mutations.
  • The condition can be inherited in an autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant or X-linked.

Sign & Symptoms

  • Onset in early age (childhood) or young adults.
  • Motor symptoms are more pronounced than sensory.
  • Fatigue
  • Pain
  • Imbalance
  • Lack of feeling
  • Lack of reflexes
  • Lack of hearing and sight
  • Arched feet
  • Foot drop
  • Foot deformities
  • Hammer toes
  • Scoliosis


  • Physical evaluation for weakness, atrophy, sensory and motor responses
  • Electromyography
  • Motor nerve conduction test
  • Final confirmation is by genetic testing

Management of HMSN

  • There is no pharmacological treatment for hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy.
  • Physical therapy
  • Stretching
  • Braces

Ayurvedic Management of HMSN

  • The condition of HMSN is caused by the vata dosha vitiation therefore the management is based on the pacification of the vata dosha. There are a number of herbs available that are known as vata dosha pacifiers. Single herbs include nirgundi (Vitex negundo), erand (Ricinus communis), rasna (Pluchea lanceolata), gambhari (Gmelina arborea), patla (Stereospermum suaveolens), shyonak (Oroxylum indicum) etc.
  • The formulations which pacify vata dosha are vata vidhwansan ras, vrihat vatchintamani ras, yograj guggul, rasraj ras, trayodashang guggul etc are available. These are beneficial in HMSN.

Herbal Remedies for Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is an ISO 9001:2015 certified, GMP certified and US-FDA registered Ayurvedic Company, which adheres to the objective of manufacturing quality Ayurvedic products as mentioned in a number of ancient texts of Ayurveda. Formulations are manufactured without additives and preservatives and other kinds of chemicals or artificial flavouring agents which can have a number of side effects on the human body. Products manufactured at Planet Ayurveda are pure and devoid of any kind of adulteration. The products are purely organic and vegetarian and gluten free and halal certified. Planet Ayurveda extends its products that are useful in managing Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy.

Following is the list of formulations that are helpful in Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy:


Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy, What is hereditary motor sensory neuropathy

Products Description


Ashwagandhaghan Vati are filled with the effectiveness of the herb ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) that possesses rasayana properties. Ashwagandha provides overall wellness. It rejuvenates the body cells. Further it strengthens the muscles and helps in the demyelinating and degenerative conditions of the neurons. Therefore by this property it helps in alleviation of associated symptoms of the above said conditions. Further it improves neurological impulses thus helps in proper movements and sensations. With all these actions, Ashwagandhaghan Vati is helpful in managing Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy.

Dosage: Two tablets twice a day with lukewarm water.


Atirasadi Churna is a blend of various medicinal herbs that helps in strengthening overall structures of the body. Atirasadi Churna is comprised of kesar (Crocus sativus), talmakhana (Hygrophila spinosa), jaiphal (Myristica fragrans), safed behmen (Centaurea behen), varahi kand (Dioscorea tuberosa), gokshur (Tribulus terrestris), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), vidari kand (Pueraria tuberosa), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), kali musli (Curculigo orchioides) etc. Atirasadi Churna helps in proper conduction of the nerve impulses. All the herbs are known to strengthen the nervous system. Being a nervine tonic it helps in Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy and relieves symptoms associated with it.

Dosage: One tsp twice a day with warm milk.


Kumari Saar is the juice extract of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis). It is used as a nervous tonic. It gives strength to the neurological system and helps in healing of the damaged nerves. Furthermore, it alleviates pain and corrects the neurological dysfunctions as it helps in proper functioning of the neuromuscular structures by strengthening them.

Dosage: Two tsp twice a day after meals.


Tribulus Power is a beautiful herb that is beneficial in a number of conditions. Tribulus Power contains the strengthening and energising properties of gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). Tribulus pacifies vata dosha therefore manages the vata disorder Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy. In the case of Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy, Tribulus Power is of much help.

Dosage: One capsule twice a day with plain water after meals.


Musli Strength Capsules are filled with properties of gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) and safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum). Both the herbs pacify vata dosha. As the name suggests Musli Strength Capsules strengthens the muscles and improves nerve conduction. The capsules help in the atrophic condition of the muscles and heals the damaged neurons. Therefore, Musli Strength Capsules are helpful in managing Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy.

Dosage: One capsule twice a day with plain water after meals.


Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras is a classical Ayurvedic mineral formulation. The formulation is composed of Rajata Bhasma (silver calx), Swarna Bhasma (gold calx), Loha Bhasma (iron ash), Abhrak Bhasma (mica ash), Suta Bhasma (compound of purified mercury and purified sulphur), Mukta Bhasma (pearl calx) and Pravala Bhasma (coral calcium). It also consisted of juice extract of Aloe vera. It is helpful in demyelination conditions of nerves. It alleviates the neurological pain. It is useful in neuropathies. As the name of the formulation indicates it is useful in vata dosha conditions, the product alleviates the symptoms of the nervous system degeneration. With above said functions Vrihat Vatchintamani Ras is a product of choice in Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy.

Dosage: One tablet twice a day to be chewed after meals.


Neurogenie capsules composed of the herbs which are known to be medhya. These herbs promote and improve neurological functions as per Ayurvedic texts. The formulation contains the herbs brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) and ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). As these are beneficial in promoting muscle health and nerve conduction and their coordination. Neurogenie Capsules are therefore helpful in numbness, pain, reduced motor and sensory function and other conditions of the neurological system. Hence by all the above said actions Neurogenie capsules are best used in Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy.

Dosage: One capsule twice a day with plain water after meals.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


As we discuss Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy, the condition is inherited which is characterised by fatigue, numbness in the extremities and lack of motor functions etc. The disease progresses over time. Hence the management should be started as soon as the condition is diagnosed. As there is no permanent cure or treatment available for the ailment in the contemporary system of medicine whereas the Ayurveda offers promising results in the management of the same. Formulations mentioned above are helpful in pacifying the vata dosha and also provides strength to the muscles and nerves. By strengthening the musculoskeletal and neurological system the products help in alleviating symptoms associated with Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy. Hence Ayurveda has much to offer in so many conditions related to every system.

Ayurvedic Prescpective Of Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy(HMSN)


Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy commonly known as charcot marie tooth disease – is an inherited as well as progressive disorder. This condition is associated with the nervous system, the nervous system is the controlling center of the all body commands. It controls all the movements of the body and controls all processes of the body such as digestion, puberty, breathing and all other body processes. All the activities we perform, anything we feel, we say, all these are under the control of the nervous system. So if the nervous system is working properly then your whole body is healthy. But there are several conditions that are associated with the nervous system, among which one is HMSN disease, which is an inherited nervous disorder we are going to discuss in this article.


Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy is an inherited nervous disorder that is also called as Charcot marie tooth disease. This disease is progressive in nature in which nerve cell deterioration is the main pathology. This concern is majorly seen in the legs and less commonly in the arms. The muscles of feet and hands get weak as the impulses towards these muscles are hampered. In addition to this there are a lot of symptoms to be faced that we will discuss further, so before studying the symptoms of HMSN let’s discuss the causes of HMSN.


There is no certain cause of HMSN, this disease is inherited. Chromosomes 1 and 17 seem to be affected chromosomes with mutation. It is inherited in autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant and the x-linked manner. Beside this there are some risk factors of HMSN such as Americans worldwide and in the generations children are more affected.       

Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy


The symptoms of HMSN can vary from person to person and it’s not possible to predict the age at which symptoms may appear. There are some early symptoms, main symptoms and later symptoms of HMSN, let’s discuss further.

Early symptoms of HMSN

In the early stages it is difficult to mark symptoms, they are usually evaluated when it gets worsened. Following are some symptoms that are noticed in the early stages:

  • Uncoordinated
  • Face difficulty while walking as the affected one may face problems with raising their feet up from the ground.
  • There is a kind of foot drop noticed, while lifting their feet the toes drops forward.

Main symptoms of HMSN

The main symptoms of HMSN are seen in the middle of 5-15 and the symptoms are not developed clearly until an affected one may lead to the middle or later ages. So below are the main symptoms of HMSN

  • Weakness of muscles in the legs, feet and ankles.
  • Feet are highly arched that leads to unstable ankle
  • Hammer toes (curled toes)
  • Lack of sensation in the feet and lesser than that in arms.
  • Poor blood circulation leads to cold hands and feet.
  • There is a wasting of muscles occurring in the lower legs that can lead to bottle shaped legs.

There are some additional symptoms that are noticed in some persons

  • Tremor (uncontrolled shaking)
  • Scoliosis (abnormal curvature of spine)
  • Dysphagia (problem while swallowing)
  • Difficulty while speaking
  • Difficulty breathing

Later symptoms of HMSN

As the HMSN proceeds to the later stages the weakness in the muscles and the sensation loss get worsened  that can start to affect the hands and arms the most. There is difficulty in performing even small tasks such as buttoning the shirt and performing day to day activities such as bathing, walking, sitting, etc. When they walk it puts strain on the muscles that further lead to joint and muscle pain. With growing age the mobility gets worse and a person may need an aid for walking.


The diagnosis of HMSN is done with the motor nerve conduction test and EMGs. A person to be diagnosed with HMSN should undergo a complete diagnostic and a clinical evaluation. The clinical diagnosis is done for the muscle weakness, atrophy and all types of sensory responses. For more clear diagnosis a blood DNA test is to be done.


As we read earlier the HMSN is an inherited disorder, so as per ayurveda it is correlated with beeja dosha, which means the condition occurs with the defect in beejbhaga (sperm and ovum). Ashudh shukra and Ashudh artava (defected sperm and defected ovum) are considered as  the main causes of this condition. If there is any defect in the gametes (sperm and ovum) of parents then the child should inherit the disease. Beeja dosha due to the fact that if the mother conceived when her uterus or artava (gamete) is not totally vitiated but troubled by imbalanced doshas because of her improper diet intake. If there is any defect due to beej bhaga then cause beeja dosha and the deformity will occur in the fetus. As it is an inherited disease, we may manage the symptoms of the disease and there are some natural herbs that manage the symptoms of the disease and make the affected person’s life better by improving the quality of life.


Planet Ayurveda is a GMP certified clinic which provides treatment for a wide range of diseases. All their remedies are formed under the guidance and supervision of M.D. ayurveda doctors and 100% purely vegetarian. Also while formulating their remedies they take care that any kind of added synthetic material should not be added to it like any sort of resins, fibre, colour, preservatives and all. For managing HMSN Planet Ayurveda listed 7 herbal remedies. Further we are going to discuss all about these herbal remedies and how it benefits the HMSN patients.


Ayurvedic Treatment For Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy

Herbal Remedies for Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy



Ashwagandhaghan vati by Planet Ayurveda is a herbal remedy in tablet form which consists of a single herb Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). As we discussed earlier the HMSN is an inherited disease so we can focus on managing the symptoms of the person and making the day to day life more ebay. So mainly the vata dosha is responsible for maintaining the neurological symptoms. Ashwagandha ghan vati helps in balancing vata dosha this helps in maintaining the symptoms of the HMSN.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily after meals with plain water.


Atirasadi churna is the herbal remedy in powder form prepared by Planet Ayurveda. It consists of various balya (strengthening) herbs such as safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), kali musli (Curculigo orchioides), gokshura (tribulus terrestris), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and various others. This herbal remedy boosts up the overall strength of the affected person and helps in preventing muscle wasting, muscle strain, pain in the muscles and nerves, etc. Thus makes it easier to perform day to day activities.

Dosage: 1 tsp twice daily after meals with warm milk.      


Kumari saar is a herbal juice preparation formed by Planet Ayurveda with the help of juice extract of kumari (Aloe barbadensis) leaves. As we know the patients affected with HMSN need a perfect rejuvenation for leading a good quality life. This herbal remedy helps in providing that rejuvenating property to the patient and helps in boosting the immunity which makes the quality of life improved in the patient of HMSN.

Dosage: 2 tsp twice daily with plain water after meals.


Tribulus power is a herbal remedy in capsule form that is formulated by Planet Ayurveda under the strict guidance of M.D. Ayurveda doctors. These capsules consist of pure herbal extract of gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) which contains various properties such as immunity-boosting and rejuvenating. So both these properties help in assisting the management of HMSN symptoms.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Musli strength capsules are available in capsules form and consist of standardized extracts of  safed musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum)  and gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). Safed musli is known for the rasayana (rejuvenates cells) and bruhmana (nourishing) properties. Gokshura consists of madhura rasa (sweet taste) which is  also nourishing in nature.   Both these herbs are very best in providing strength to the muscles and hence prevents the progressive muscle wasting in HMSN.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.


Vrihat vatchintamani ras is a classical ayurvedic formulation in tablet form. This is a herbo-mineral remedy which is prepared by Planet Ayurveda as per the method of preparation available in the classical texts. It consists of ingredients such as swarna bhasma (calyx of gold), rajat bhasma (calyx of silver), abhrak bhasma (calyx of mica) and various others. All the ingredients present in this ayurvedic formulation consists of miraculous vata balancing effects as the name suggests along with that it is balya in nature (strengthening) which provides strength to the muscles and nerves that alleviates the symptoms of HMSN.

Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meals.


Neurogenie capsules by Planet Ayurveda consist of the standardized extract of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) and Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) consists of antioxidant properties that aids in preventing the degeneration of the nerve cells thus restricting the further progress of the disease HMSN. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) contains wonderful rejuvenating and strengthening properties that help in managing the symptoms of HMSN such as muscle pain, difficulty in breathing, difficulty in lack of sensation, difficulty while walking, etc.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

Contact Planet Ayurveda to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214040 Or Check Website – www.PlanetAyurveda.com


HMSN is an inherited disorder that is also called as Charcot marie tooth disease which is progressive in nature that includes nerve cell deterioration as the main pathology. . It occurs by the mutation (change) in the Chromosomes 1 and 17. In general the condition occurs due to transfer of defective genes from both the parents. According to Ayurveda HMSN is correlated to beeja dosha, which means the condition occurs with the defect in beejbhaga (sperm and ovum). Progressive muscle wasting, Severe disability, Disturbed gait, Decreased stability, Frequent falls, Difficulty in climbing stairs, Difficulty in walking, in short a person is unable to perform day to day activities. So if you are facing these issues, you must choose ayurveda treatment. It will improve your quality of life and make you better to perform day to day activities. For this purpose Planet Ayurveda is there for you with a miraculous list of herbal remedies, then stop worrying and start taking Ayurvedic medicine to improve your day to day life.