October 4, 2016
Ulcerative Colitis Treatment & Management-Approach Considerations
Nowadays people suffer from number of health issues due to change in diet and lifestyle. Due to increased stress, unhealthy diet, increased consumption of fast and packaged food which causes problem in digestive system and impaired digestion. Ulcerative colitis is one of the most common problem in the society. It affects any age group but age between 15 -30 and 50-70 years are at higher risk. It is the disease of large intestine and rectum. There are various herbs present in nature that help to treat the ulcerative colitis such as kutaja, arjuna, bilva, coriander, aloe vera, giloy etc.
What is ulcerative colitis?
It is disease that affects the digestive tract in which inflammation and ulceration of inner lining of the colon and rectum occurs. It is characterized by number of symptoms like abdominal cramps, Bluish or yellowish undigested stool, Irregular bowel movements, Weight loss, Lack of appetite, burning sensation in chest and throat etc. The main cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown. But the numbers of factors may be involved in case of ulcerative colitis such as genetic factors, autoimmune factors, food allergies, collagen disorders.
Ayurvedic outlook
As per Ayurveda it is known as pittaj grahani. The main cause of Ulcerative colitis as per Ayurveda is mainly due to the imbalance of pitta dosha with involvement of imbalanced vata dosha in some cases. The main reason of aggravation of Pitta dosha is consumption of pitta aggravating foods which results in the damage to rakta dhatu (blood tissues) and mamsa dhatu (muscle tissues) and Stress, Anxiety, Irregular eating habits, irregular sleeping habits, fear, anger, hatred, jealousy are other feelings which cause imbalance of Vata and Pitta. As per Ayurveda, treatment of ulcerative colitis involves balance of all three doshas and eliminating ama (toxins) from body, restore healthy digestion and make bacteria friendly environment in body. After that treatment mainly focus on healing of ulcers through herbs. Herbs used in treatment of ulcerative colitis provide relief from ulcers and heals in a natural way. There are very good results in natural treatment of ulcerative colitis after using herbal remedies. As per Ayurveda digestive tract is the very first place to get affected when imbalance of tri doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) occurs in the body. This imbalance may affect the digestive tract, especially the colon i.e. Vata place. There are numerous herbs present in nature that provide relief from ulcerative colitis such as Saunf, Dhania Arjuna, Kutaja, sonth, amlaki, aloe vera etc. Planet Ayurveda offers the different herbal medicines which are packed in the form of “ulcerative colitis care pack” that contains the four herbal products which are free from any side effects. These are listed below:
These results in the formation of ama (toxins) in the intestine and causes inflammation of colon.
According to modern science ulcerative colitis is considered as auto immune disorder which involves immune reaction of the body to its own gastro-intestinal tract.
Ulcerative Colitis Treatment Management
ULCERATIVE COLITIS CARE PACK : It is combo pack that provides complete solution to all types of problems related to digestive tract inflammation. It is combination of herbs which has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, astringent, cooling and anti-allergic properties and provides relief from ulcerative colitis such as arjuna, kutaja, coriander, giloy etc. This pack improves the stool consistency, reduces the blood and mucus in stools and also reduce the urgency to go to toilet. Besides these it also improves energy and hemoglobin level in body.