July 22, 2019
What can be the different causes of chest pain?
Whenever a Chest Pain happens, the first thought that comes to every body’s mind is a heart attack, as it can prove fatal for you. I know never ever ignore it, but many things are culpable for causing it. In majority cases, there is nothing to do with the heart, but by a problem in your tightened lungs, esophagus, ribs, and muscles or due to nerves getting disturbed.No doubt, a few conditions can be serious and threatening, while the others vanish within a few minutes. The only risk is that you don’t see a doctor for these minor pains. But if the pain doesn’t relieve and keeps lingering, you better pay a visit to your doctor.
You might feel the pain in your neck to your upper abdomen, it all depends on the pain’s severity. It could be:
- Sharp
- Dull
- Aching
- Stabbing
- Burning
- A tight squeeze or crushing sensation
A chest pain can make you uncomfortable or it can also be threatening. Its symptoms can last from a few seconds to days or weeks. Chest pain does accompany some complex medical conditions like heartburn, anxiety, angina or it might be a heart attack, and it gets more important for a visit to the doctor who evaluates it in a better way.
Besides pain varies in severity and duration, the location of chest pain varies from person to person. Like when someone complains about chest pain, it could be due to the ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or it could be due to a slipped disc.
Pain might begin in the chest and can gradually move (radiate) to some other part of the body. Like in angina the patients often complain about feeling pressure or constriction in their chests, which most of them explain as an elephant is riding on their chest or that they are wearing very tight clothes. Such a pain begins in the chest and radiates to their shoulders, arms, neck or lower jaw.
What Are The Symptoms of Chest Pain
No doubt chest pain is uncomfortable, and a person does feel some symptoms like
- Trouble in breathing normally
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Palpitations
- Malaise
- Weakness
- Feeling fatigued
What Are The Causes of Chest Pain
Causes: There can be many reasons why the pain begins in the chest. But both doctors and patients check the heart initially. Blood gets clotted in the arteries that hinder the smooth flow of blood to the heart. Most of the heart attacks happen due to clotting of blood in the blood vessels or they get torn. Most of the time a heart attack occurs due to blood vessel spasm.
Certain symptoms of a heart attack can be
- Chest pain or feeling of discomfort
- Sweating
- Dizziness or light headedness
- Nausea
- Fatigue
Many more kind of symptoms can occur during a heart attack, and all symptoms differ among the males & females. If you have a heart attack certain things that we as humans can’t change are:
- Age. If you’ve passed 65, you run the risk for having a heart attack is more easily.
- Sex. Males are more at risk than females.
- Family history. If you have a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity or diabetes, you become more prone to having a heart attack.
- Race. People of African descent are more prone to have an attack.
Modifiable risk factors, which we humans can change include:
- Treat Obesity
- Quit Smoking
- Exercise regularly
- Lower the high level of cholesterol
- Alter diet and alcohol consumption
- Reduce stress
Eating Right With Heart Disease
You can use some of the homely foods to avoid a heart attack by having Pomegranate juice, get habitual to drinking green tea, certain herbs that contain Omega-3 fatty acids like Flaxseed, Walnuts, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Green leafy veggies like kale, Spinach & Collard, Chia seeds, Basil,Hemp seeds, dried herbs like cloves & oregano, Olive oil, walnut oil and mustard oil.
Herbs like coriander, Parsley, Basil, Dillweed, Turmeric are rich in lots of potassium and magnesium, which makes the heart healthier.
What is Angina?
Angina is a different kind of chest pain that happens due to reduced flow of blood supply to the heart, it lacks the oxygen too. Such pain begins due to physical activity or emotional stress.
Some of the symptoms of angina include:
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Pain in the arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back with chest pain
- A burning sensation in the chest
- A sensation of pressure or squeezing
- A feeling of fullness in the chest
- Sweating
- Vomiting
- Unusual fatigue
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Becoming lethargic
Many different methods can be used to avoid angina like quit smoking & alcoholic beverages, acupuncture, doing regular exercise or you can practice Yoga.
Heartburn often happens with the burning sensation in your chest and you get a sore taste in your mouth & throat. It can happen when you overeat something or lie down shortly after having meals. Mostly such symptoms can be treated at home. If these symptoms keep recurring too frequently, better consult your doctor.
High blood Pressure
When the blood vessels get narrower making the heartbeat faster to enhance the flow of blood that is passing through these narrow vessels to different organs of the body. At that very time, the pace of the blood gets hectic and is called high blood pressure. You run the risk of getting dizziness, lazy, sweating, obese & weight gain, the temperature of your body enhances making you lose your temper quite frequently.
According to Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda eating some herbal remedies can help you to control over your blood pressure like getting habitual to having Arjuna tea, Ashwagandha, Jatamansi, Punarnava, Triphala, Trikatu & Gotu Kola, etc can be included in your diet. Get used to having a natural diet in your daily meals to prevent various ailments and restore healthy living.
There are many other remedies that treat chest pain. If you are still perplexed, visit planetayurveda.com which is run by a reputed & qualified Ayurvedic doctor and discuss with him/her on what’s up number provided on the official web site