August 23, 2023
What is Encephalomalacia? – Symptoms, Causes and Ayurvedic Treatment
Encephalomalacia is a disease in which loss or softening of tissue of the brain later causes cerebral infarction, craniocerebral trauma, cerebral ischemia, infection or other injuries. Multicystic encephalomalacia indicates the multiple cyst cavities with different dimensions in the cerebral cortex of infants and neonates after injury. It is also known as cerebral softening. So today we will read about encephalomalacia in brief in this article.
Encephalomalacia is a fatal disease of damaged brain in which brain tissue gets softening. It is very difficult to cure and no such treatment is available for this disease because brain cells cannot regenerate again. That is the reason the brain is a very important organ of the human body. Surgery can be done in most severe cases to remove affected brain tissue.
- Stroke
- Ischemia
- Cerebral infarction
- Infection
- Abnormal collection of the blood
- Brain injury
- Craniocerebral trauma
- Hemorrhage
There are three types of encephalomalacia
- Red softening:- It is red in color due to hemorrhagic infarct. It is also termed as red infarct.
- White softening:- It is another type of brain softening. This happens in that place where there is a poor blood supply. It is also termed as anemic or pale infarcts.
- Yellow softening:- Brain softened area has the appearance of yellow color because of atherosclerotic plaque
- Extreme drowsiness
- Severe headache
- Sleep walking
- Vertigo
- Head spinning sensation
- Mood swings
- Memory loss
- Decreased coordination
- Problem in vision
- Dizziness
- Coma
- CT (Computerized tomography) scan revealed volume loss, hypoattenuation.
- MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) reveals facilitated diffusion.
Ayurvedic overview
In Ayurveda, we can correlate the encephalomalacia disease symptoms closely related to vitiated tridosha (Vata, pitta and kapha) symptoms. This disease is caused by abhighataj that means the disease is caused by injury that comes forth where the body is injured with whip, wood stick, brickbat, weapon, fist, teeth, slap, or other such means. In such conditions blood (Rakta vaha srotas dushti) produces along with pain, swelling, abnormality of color and distress.
Vata dosha, pitta dosha and kapha dosha are the vital root or the base for the starting of all pathogenic events, because of their signs and symptoms. As we know the whole universe will never exist without satva, tamas and rajas. In the same way the diseases occurring in the human body never exist without pitta, kapha and vata dosha. Vata, pitta and kapha present all over the body and manifest good or bad consequences in the entire body during normalcy or aggravation.
Treatment of encephalomalacia is not available at present. Only supportive treatment will be given in this condition to delay the progression of condition and increase the quality of life. Planet Ayurveda gives some supportive herbal remedies which are described as follows.
Herbal Remedies for Encephalomalacia by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda made various kinds of herbal remedies from various kinds of effective herbs for various diseases. They strictly follow all the basic principles of Ayurveda given in the ancient textbook. All the medicines are GMP certified and safe to consume by humans. All the herbs used in preparation of medicine are pure, natural and high in efficacy. The medicines do not contain any preservatives, yeast or additives and no side effects. All the products are vegetarian. Planet Ayurveda give supportive treatment for encephalomalacia which are described below:-
- Gotu kola capsules
- Brahmi capsules
- Ashwagandha vati
- Curcumin 95% capsules
- Telo-extension
- Swarn vasant malti ras
1. Gotu kola capsules
It is a single herbal capsule made from gotu kola (Centella asiatica). It is bitter in taste. It is light and cold in effect. Its bitter taste pacifies kapha and pitta dosha. It contains dietary fibers, proteins, fats, vitamin A, B, C, fats, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, tannins, carotenoid, magnesium, etc. It has anti-inflammatory, immune enhancer, anti-diabetic, anti seizures, antiulcer, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal properties. It is a wound healer. It induces sound sleep due to its sedative properties. It has anti-aging and rejuvenating properties. It improves body strength.
Dose:- 2 Capsule twice daily along with plain water after food.
2. Brahmi capsules
It is a single herbal capsule made from brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). It is bitter and astringent in taste. It is light and slightly hot in effect. It pacifies all the three doshas-mainly kapha and vata. It possesses antioxidants and has great ability to enhance learning and memory capacity and concentration. It binds the mind to carry cognitive functions and intellectual pursuits. It is a tranquiliser, anti-convulsant, muscle relaxant, antipyretic, digestive and carminative agent. It is indicated in depression, anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, insanity, hysteria and mental retardation. It is beneficial in all types of epilepsy. It simultaneously calms and invigorates the mind, it is a very good medicine for reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety. It is also very effective in treating attention deficit disorders in hyperactive children and age related mental disorders in old persons.
Dose:- 2 Capsule twice daily along with plain water after food.
3. Ashwagandhaghan vati
It is a herbal tablet made from ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). It is sweet, bitter and astringent in taste. It is unctuous, hot and light in effect. This medicine is referred to as balya (Tonic), rasayan (Rejuvenating) and atishukrala (Potent spermatogenic). It has a very good tonic effect on the brain and the nervous system. It has anti inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, mildly sedative and aphrodisiac properties. It regulates hormones and the immune system of the body. It is indicated in various diseases like emaciation, arthritis, insomnia, impotency, hypertension and low backache. It improves general alertness and prevents all types of debility and enhances stamina and strength of the body. It is useful in chronic fatigue. It helps in induce sound sleep. It is useful in relief from stiffness, pain and inflammation in the joints.
Dose:– 2 Tablets twice daily with lukewarm water.
4. Curcumin 95% capsules
It is a capsule with a single herb that is Curcuma longa (Haridra). It is pungent and bitter in taste. It is dry, hot and light in effect. It pacifies vata and kapha. It is a digestive, astringent, anti-diabetic and helpful in blood formation. This medicine is very good for the skin. It contains protein, vitamin A, carbohydrates and minerals. It has antibacterial, anti-allergic, diuretic, antioxidant and carminative. It is indicated in burns, liver disease, blemishes and acne. It inhibits tumors of the skin and colon. It is an excellent antibiotic. It reduces the inflammation from the body.
Dose:– 1 Capsule twice daily along with plain water after food.
5. Telo-extension
It is a polyherbal capsule made from ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), amla (Emblica officinalis), grape seed (Vitis vinifera), etc. It contains minerals, fibre, calcium, iron, carotene, vitamin B, C, phosphorus, carbohydrates and protein. It pacifies all the three doshas that are vata, pitta and kapha. It helps to protect from diseases and also keeps away manifestations of premature old age. It is an excellent antipyretic, astringent, antacid, diuretic, laxative and hemostatic. It also acts as a booster for all physiological systems of the body. It is indicated in anemia, edema, cough, jaundice, eye problems, general emaciation, leucorrhea, asthma, fever, hyperacidity, peptic ulcers and genital tract diseases. It is very effective in recurring infections of the urinary tract. It acts as a good antioxidant and also indicated in many chronic and wasting diseases.
Dose:- 2 Capsule twice daily
6. Swarn vasant malti ras
It is a classical ayurvedic medicine made from swarna bhasma (Gold calx), trikatu (Black pepper, long pepper and dried ginger), loha bhasma (Iron bhasma), etc. It is pungent in taste and unctuous, light, sharp and neither hot nor cold in effect. It pacifies vata and kapha but promotes pitta. It is a powerful stimulant for both the digestive and the respiratory systems. It is digestive, carminative, antipyretic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, immuno-stimulant and a tonic. It clears the sinuses and helps in relieving various respiratory problems like spasms, infection and allergies. It is indicated in anorexia, piles, constipation and improved function of spleen and liver. It increases the blood in the body.
Dose:- 1 Tablet twice daily with honey
In this article we read about the encephalomalacia in which the brain tissue gets softened. In Ayurveda, we can correlate this disease with vitiated tridosha-vata, pitta and kapha due to abhighata that means through external injury. There is no such treatment for this disease. Only supportive management will be given to the patient according to the patient’s symptoms and severity to balance all the three doshas to delay the progression of the disease.