March 25, 2023
What is scleritis? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment with Ayurveda
Witnessing the creation of this beautiful world is only possible with a healthy pair of eyes. Eyes are the sense organ through which we see the environment. Some of the constituents of the eye are cornea, sclera pupil, etc. All these components should be in a normal state for the eyes to function properly. There can be several disorders that can affect the eyes negatively and can cause vision difficulties. Scleritis is one such abnormality. What is scleritis? What is its ayurvedic perspective? The answers are detailed in this following article.
As mentioned earlier, the eye contains various parts such as the cornea, iris, pupil, sclera, etc. The white part of the eye is known as sclera and it plays a vital role in normal functioning of the eye. Most importantly, it protects and maintains the eye ball shape. The inflammation of the sclera of the eye is known as Scleritis. The characteristic feature of scleritis presents is the pain and redness of the eye with or without vision loss. Depending on the region affected, Scleritis is classified into two types named as- Anterior Scleritis and Posterior Scleritis, described as follows-
- Anterior Scleritis –In this type of scleritis, inflammation occurs in the anterior portion of sclera. Further, it can be subdivided into necrotizing, diffuse, and nodular. The most severe one is the necrotizing form as it causes extreme pain and severe tenderness.
- Posterior Scleritis –As the name suggests, inflammation in this type of Scleritis affects the posterior portion of the sclera. This can worsen and lead to other consequences for instance retinal detachment, folds of choroid, etc.
Ayurvedic Aspect
Eye disorders are grouped under the category of netraroga in ayurveda. Acharya Sushruta mentions 76 types of netraroga. One such netraroga is sirajala. This disease is known to exhibit very similar features as that of scleritis. In ayurveda, sirajala is known to affect the Shukla bhag i.e. the white part of the eye. The white part of the eye is covered with web-like reddish lines. Sirajalaisa results from dushti or abnormal levels of the rakta dosha in the body. The line of treatment will target the rakta dosha in the body. Sirajal is considered to be ashastrakritai.e. shastra or invasive treatments can not be done. That implies, sirajala needs to be treated through rakta pacifying herbal formulations. There arevarious ayurvedic formulations available to balance the vitiated rakta dosha and improve scleritis will be described as follows.
The cause of a disease will differ from patient to patient but the most common is described as follows
- The most common cause estimated for the Scleritis is-
Other conditions observed to be associated with Scleritis can be
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Scleroderma
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- Joint swelling,
- Connective tissue disease
- Eye infection
- Trauma can also be a causative factor for Scleritis among many cases seen.
The symptoms seen in Scleritis patient are
- Pain in eye and nearby regions
- Tenderness
- Swelling in the white region of the eye (sclera)
- Redness in the eye
- Diminished or blur vision
- Lacrimation
- Scleritis can also present other difficulties such as-
- Light sensitivity
- Headache
- Painful jaw
- Facial ache
The scleritis can be diagnosed through clinical evaluation and slit lamp examination. Posterior scleritis is comparatively rare to anterior scleritis. Posterior scleritis requires advanced instruments to be diagnosed. In cases, doubtful of infectious scleritis, smears or biopsies may also be required. For better and confirmatory diagnosis-
- CT scan (computed tomography)
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), can also be done.
When the confirmatory diagnosis is done, immediate treatment is required. The management of scleritis will depend on the individual case as per the requirement. The general line of treatment includes-
- Antibiotics
- Corticosteroids
- NSAIDs (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs)
- Immunosuppressive drugs, etc.
- Surgery in severe cases or in case of failure of these drugs and steroids
But are there any other options available to avoid use of steroids and surgery? Ayurveda can deal with Scleritis, as described below.
Herbal Remedies for Scleritis by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda provides very effective treatment for the management of Scleritis with Ayurveda medicines that are prepared by the company using authentic ways and natural herbs. The drugs prescribed in Scleritis are very effective in promoting the general eye condition of the patient and arresting the disease stage effectively. The medicines will also reduce the risk of further complications by reducing risk factors.
Planet Ayurveda has a group of patent medicines used for the management of Scleritis. The detailed description of those medicines are as follows-
- Septrin Tablets
- Neem Capsules
- Amalaki Rasayan
- PanchatiktaGhrit Guggul
- Gandhak Rasayan
- Jasnoor Eye Drops
1. Septrin Tablets
Septrin tablets are manufactured from the natural extracts of various beneficial ayurvedic herbs such as Haridra (Curcuma longa), Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), etc. These herbs allow the body to fight with infectious toxins and improve the quality of blood. It will also help to boost the immune system of the body that will help to recover better.
Dosage – Take two tablets twice daily.
2. Neem Capsules
Neem is a very helpful and famous herb in protecting the body from toxins and thus it will protect the eyes from a variety of infections agents. Thus these Neem capsules are prepared from the extracts of herb Neem (Azadirachta indica) that can be useful in the condition of Scleritis by balancing the pitta dosha.
Dosage – Take one capsule two times a day.
3. Amalaki Rasayan
Amla (Indian gooseberry) is a very beneficial herb for general health of the eyes along with all types of eye disorders. Amalaki rasayan is prepared by Planet Ayurveda through the standardized extracts of the Amla (Emblica officinalis). Amla helps to pacify the excessive Kapha dosha and Pittaj Dosha, hence managing Scleritis.
Dosage – Take one capsule two times a day.
4. PanchatiktaGhrit Guggul
Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu is a patent tablet formation of Planet Ayurveda that is prepared using Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium), Goghrita (Cow’s ghee), etc. These herbs will surely purify the blood and will remove its impurities. It is very effective in improving eyesight and managing various eye related difficulties.
Dosage – Take two tablets two times a day.
5. Gandhak Rasayan
Gandhak Rasayan is effective in managing all the types of netraroga (eye diseases). Gandhak rasayan tablets are prepared using Shuddha Gandhak (Purified Sulphur). It has ushan virya and acts as a Rasayan for the human body meaning it rejuvenates the body. Thus, will also improve eye condition by removing Scleritis causative factors.
Dosage – Take two tablets two times a day.
6. Jasnoor Eye Drops
Jasnoor eye drops are especially prepared with natural herbs to help improve the eyesight and manage several eye disorders. It contains marvellous Ayurvedic herbs that will pacify vitiated tridosha and thus will improve vision and promote healthy eyes.
Dosage – Put three drops in each eye.
All the above information leads to a conclusion that Ayurvedic formulations prepared for Scleritis management are potent enough to recover the natural eyes health. We treat the patient naturally without any side effects. Thus, patients should surely visit us to stay healthy by obeying ayurvedic lifestyle and dietary tips given by our experienced doctors. For more related queries visit us at