What is the difference between Scheuermann’s disease and scoliosis?


Scheuermann’s disease is known as Scheuermann kyphosis or juvenile kyphosis, Scoliosis is sideway curvature both are spinal diseases which refers to condition which impairs backbone, Vertebral column is aggregate of segments and its main function is to support a man in a upright position and balance the stress of gravity and assist in movements. The head is located over the body of the sacrum and the spine is in an upright position which supports the body, loss of this spinal balance is a biomechanical disadvantage. Various spinal deformities include idiopathic adolescent scoliosis, congenital scoliosis and post infective kyphosis. Spinal deformity is treatable if it is detected on time, screening is done with the help of X- ray, MRI scan. The Spine is a column of 24 moveable bones known as vertebrae that are connected to one another by various ligaments. Bones are separated by discs which further act as a shock absorber and provide flexibility to the spine. It includes pain and stiffness in the mid to lower back, numbness and weakness. It is due to degenerative discs and facet joint syndrome results in the loss of normal alignment. It is common in older adults and can affect younger people. In this article we are going to discuss in detail about different types of deformity.

Scheuermann’s disease and scoliosis


Scheuermann Kyphosis and juvenile kyphosis is an abnormal excessive curvature of the spine, which is identified by anterior wedging of greater than or equal to 5 in vertebral bodies. The hyperkyphosis is compensated by a lumbar and cervical hyperlordosis. who suffer from cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. Kyphosis is the weakness in the spinal bones that causes crack in spinal bones. Whereas in Scoliosis is a sideway curvature of the spine which is mainly diagnosed in adolescents. It is mainly seen in patients’ curves that can reduce the amount of space within the chest making it difficult for the lungs to function properly. Kyphoscoliosis is an abnormal curve of the spines on two planes; it is a combined spinal abnormality that is kyphosis and scoliosis. This condition can occur at any age including at birth, 80% of cases are idiopathic. Scoliosis causes the spine to curve abnormally on the coronal plane meaning it twists sideways and kyphosis is the curve of the spine abnormally on the sagittal plane that is it twists forward and gives back a hunched appearance.


  • The spine is split into 5 sections that are cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx.
  • There are 120 muscles in the spine, 640 muscles the largest being gluteus maximus, and smallest the stapedius.
  • Spine is ¼ cartilage which helps to expand and contract allowing to bend the spine in every way.
  • There are arches in feet because of the spine, helps to take weight of the body and balance allows one to walk upright.
  • Only humans have an S shaped spine in an upward arch which curves backwards at the top of the thoracic region and is curved forward just before the lumbar.
  • Only apes to get Scoliosis.
  • Scoliosis is not caused by any bad posture, in most of the cases is idiopathic. Bad posture can lead to serious health problems and unrelated issues.
  • Young women are more prone to get scoliosis than men
  • It can run in families about 30% of the people diagnosed have their family history.


In kyphosis the vertebrae in the back becomes more wedged shaped and this shape is changed by various causes-

  • Fractures – Broken vertebrae are the result of curvature in the spine, compression causes weakening of the bones.
  • Steoporosis – This causes weak bones to cause curvature, and develop compression fractures, which are on corticosteroids for a long period of time.
  • Disk regeneration – Soft, circular disks act as a cushions when this flatten up causes worsening of the kyphosis.
  • Scheuermann’s disease – Here is the growth of spurt before onset of puberty.

In Scoliosis it appears to involve in hereditary factors,

  • Neuromuscular conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy
  • Birth defects
  • Previous surgery on chest wall
  • Spinal cord abnormality


  1. Scoliosis include-
    • Uneven waist
    • One hip is higher than other
    • Rib cage is jutting forward
    • Nech part is bent forward
  2. Kyphosis include
    • Mild kyphosis does not produce any symptoms but excessive curvature leads to back pain and excess stiffness.


  1. For Scoliosis –
    • Neurological examination
    • Plain X-ray
    • MRI
    • Ultrasound
  2. For kyphosis-
    • X-ray
    • CT Scan
    • MRI
    • Nerve Test
    • Bone density test


Scoliosis treatment vary on the basis of severity and factors include are- Maturity, severity of curve, Sex. Treatment includes are

  1. Braces
  2. Surgery-
    1. Spinal Fusion
    2. Expanding rod
    3. Vertebral body tethering

Kyphosis treatment depends upon causes and severity on condition it may include-

  1. Pain relievers
  2. Bone strengthening medications
  3. Various therapies –
    • Exercise
    • Bracing
  4. Surgery –
    • Spinal fusion


  1. Kyphosis may cause –
    • Limited physical functions
    • Digestive problems
    • Poor body image having round back
  2. Scoliosis may cause –
    • Breathing problem
    • Back problems
    • Uneven hips and shoulders, with prominent ribs


Asthi means bone or the entity which does not get broken so easily, Asthi dhatu is a body component which is similar to osseous tissue. It provides stability to the body and forms a skeleton. The physical properties of asthi dhatu are heaviness, hardness and bulkiness. Agni mahabhuta and vayu mahabhuta play a major role in the solidification and roughness of the asthi by prithvi mahabhuta. Scalp hair and body hair are the waste products of asthi dhatu. When dhatu gets vitiated by various doshas causes asthi pradoshaj vikara, asthi kshaya resulting in bhagna. Three dhatus beholds strength and energy and provides energy to shareera. Dhatu (ashraya) carry out functions and maintain life. Dhatu and asharya are correlated with each other, Vayu takes place at asthi dhatu as vata doshas increases, and if vata doshas decrease, asthi gets nourished. If pitta dosha vitiation occurs it leads to bone infection (osteomyelitis) and inflammation. Kapha vitiation leads to excessively thick and dense bones.


  1. Vatala ahara – Ruksha, sheeta, laghu, katu tikta kashaya rasa pradhan dravya.
  2. Vatala Vihara – Ati vyayama, ati jagarana, chinta, veg dharana.


  • Nidana – vata prakopa nidana
  • Dosha – Vata
  • Dushya – Asthi dhatu, updhatu and malas of asthi dhatu
  • Srotas – Asthi Vaha
  • Sroto Dushti – Sanga, vimargaman
  • Agni – Jatharagni
  • Roga Marga – Madhyama

Herbs Useful For Scoliosis and Scheuermann’s Disease


Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) is a beneficial herb used in the treatment of urinary ailments like dysuria, relieves constipation and acts as a tonic to maintain vision, physical strength and complexion of skin. Amalaki is beneficial to patients who are suffering from itchy skin, uncontrolled thirst and anorexia. It acts as an antioxidant and being anti kapha helps to reduce weight and used in various liver ailments, good gastritis. Helps to balance tridoshas and act as a rejuvenative.


Bhrinraj (Eclipta alba) is an ayurvedic herb used widely in the treatment of hairfall, liver disorders and skin diseases. It helps to make hair silky and shiny. Bhringraj usually has hot potency, katu (pungent), tikta (bitter) taste. Balances vata and kapha doshas. Bhringraj is an anti-inflammatory drug, which is applied on the wounds to reduce pain, relieves infection and pain.


Guggul (Commiphora mukul) is an most important ayurvedic herb used as binding agent which helps to decrease the levels of cholesterol and relieves the joint inflammation. It has an enormous effect on the musculoskeletal system, Guggul has a rejuvenating property hence helps to improve digestion and strength. Helps to balance tridosha and is used in blood thinning which helps to clear the channels.


Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa) helps in the treatment of chronic fever, skin disease and is a useful herb for virechana therapy. It has a cooling agent which has the ability to pacify the pitta and kapha dosha, without interrupting the digestive fire. Balances kapha and pitta doshas, usually has hepatoprotective and anti diabetic agents. Helps to normalize liver enzymes and high cholesterol.


Planet ayurveda is an ayurvedic clinic which provides great treatment with many great results. The formulations provided by planet Ayurveda are prepared under strict guidance of the expert doctors. The formulations prepared are free from any kind of preservatives, resins and colors. For this disease ayurveda provides many herbal remedies which will provide great benefits to a person for healthy living and provides great relief from pain.



Herbal remedies for Scheuermann’s disease and scoliosis


1. Bone Support Capsules

Bone support capsules are poly herbal capsules which is formulated by planet ayurveda using ingredients such as Shudh Laksha (Laccifer lacca), Suhanjana Beej (Moringa oleifera), Hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis) and many more. These capsules are used in the treatment of bone pain, joint pain and in fractured bones. It helps to reduce pain and reduce swelling and treat muscular spasms, and helps to modulate immunity.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily after meals with plain water.

2. Yograj Guggul

Yograj Guggul are herbal tablets formulated by planet ayurveda using ingredients such as Guggul (Commiphora mukul), Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica), Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), Cumin (Nigella sativa) and many more. It helps to maintain vata dosha and various types of arthritis. These tablets increase digestion power, strengthen immunity. Yograj Guggul helps to deal with splenomegaly and abdominal tumors.

Dosage: 1-2 tablets daily with lukewarm water.

3. Boswellia Curcumin

Boswellia Curcumin are poly herbal capsules formulated by planet ayurveda using ingredients such as Shallaki (Boswellia serrata), Curcumin (Curcuma longa). These capsules have the property of anti-inflammatory which helps to provide relief to joints and are used as a supplement for arthritis. Helps to reduce the stiffness and swelling. Boswellia Curcumin has haridra which helps to clean the liver and fight against many kinds of arthritis which further increases mobility and reduces stiffness.

Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with plain water after meals.

4. Ashwagandha Capsules

Ashwagandha are single herbal capsules formulated by planet ayurveda using standardized extract of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). It helps to maintain stress, fatigue and provides strength to muscles and calms down the system. These capsules help in all types of joint pain and in arthritis of all the types. Helps to reduce blood pressure and in diabetic neuropathy. It helps in erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculations.

Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

5. Moringa Capsules

Moringa Capsules are single herbal capsules formulated by planet ayurveda using Moringa (Moringa oleifera). These capsules help to balance vata and kapha doshas, helps to cure abscess, burning sensation and in cardiac disorders. Moringa Capsules are widely used in bleeding disorders and stimulate digestion and act as a purgative. Helps to reduce pain and lymphadenitis. It is an antioxidant which prevents infection and prevents our body from free radicals.

Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice daily.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4040 (India), +91-172-521-4040 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 842-749-4030.


Scheuermann Kyphosis and juvenile kyphosis is an abnormal excessive curvature of the spine. Kyphosis is the weakness in the spinal bones that causes crack in spinal bones. Whereas in Scoliosis is a sideway curvature of the spine which is mainly diagnosed in adolescents. Asthi means bone or the entity which does not get broken so easily, Asthi dhatu is a body component which is similar to osseous tissue. It provides stability to the body and forms a skeleton. There are many herbal remedies formulated by Planet Ayurveda which provide great relief to bones and will provide strength to it without causing any side effects.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan


Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com.

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