January 21, 2025
Yoga and Pranayama: A Holistic Approach for Fatty Liver Treatment
Non alcoholic fatty liver disease is a leading cause of worldwide liver disease. In today’s era pharmacological medications are ineffective and in this condition lifestyle changes and regular exercise is the effective and commonly used treatment for Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Regular practising of Yoga and pranayam can reduce liver inflammation and hepatic steatosis, changes body composition, increases cardio-respiratory fitness and also improves vascular endothelial functions. The role to evaluate the yoga and pranayam without medication. Daily practice of yoga and pranayam in fatty liver patients for some time provides very good results. Practising Kapalbhati pranayam, Dhanurasana, triangle pose are effective yoga interventions for the best and effective results in the patients of NAFLD.

Fatty liver is also known as steatotic liver disease and also hepatic steatosis is a condition where excess fat accumulates in liver cells. Diabetes, obesity, smoking, high triglycerides, and non alcoholic fatty liver disease is also a risk factor that cause liver cancer. NAFLD represents the spectrum of the disease which starts from simple stenosis to fibrosis and is commonly present in 70% of patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes are at higher risk.
Causes Of Fatty Liver
Fatty liver is also caused by various factors like Obesity: excessive weight can lead to a disproportionate fat muscle ratio:
- Alcohol Consumption: For long term alcohol use can worsen the liver and increase liver disease and cancer.
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: High sugar level in the body can promote accumulation of liver. It can lead to inflammation or formation of scar tissue.
- High Triglyceride Changes: High levels of triglycerides in the blood can cause fat build up in the liver.
Symptoms Of Fatty Liver
There may be some symptoms:
- Abdominal discomfort
- Tiredness, fatigue
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite
- Dark urine
- Itching
- Jaundice (Yellowing of skin and eyes)
Stages Of Fatty Liver
- The first stage is Stenosis: A harmless buildup of fat in the liver.
- The second stage is Non Alcoholic Steatohepatitis: A more serious form of NAFLD where the liver may be inflamed.
- The third stage is Fibrosis: Persistent inflammation causes scar tissue around the liver and nearby blood vessels.
- The fourth stage is Cirrhosis: It will be the last and most severe stage of fatty liver. In it the liver will be most affected.
- Viral markers
- Liver Biopsy
- Eat a healthy diet, limiting sugar and salt in diet, plus eating lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, Dark chocolate, blueberries, olives and plums. And must avoid a high protein diet, avoid dairy products and processed and packed food, sugary beverages etc.
- Regular physical activities, aerobic exercises.
- Avoid alcohol and quit smoking.
Fatty liver refers to accumulation of excessive fat in the liver. In ayurveda it is termed as Yakrit Roga (Liver disease), many conditions come into Yakrit Roga, from simple steatosis to hepatomegaly to liver disease. They may be due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha. It helps in digestion of food. So we need to balance pitta dosha by flushing out toxins from the body. In contrast with kapha dosha which is known to be its cold and heavy qualities, it can reduce pitta efficacy in the liver when present in excess amounts. Ayurvedic medications are best and effective. Regular practice of Yoga and Pranayam is preferable for preventive and curative management of NAFLD. Yoga and pranayam are interlinked with ayurveda. Yoga is one of the best philosophies that means for self improvement by gaining the full potential of one’s body, mind and soul. Pranayam (Breathing exercise), Asana (Yogic postures), Dhyana (Meditation) are the popular techniques. Yoga is preferably effective in obesity or to control your diabetes and also corrects liver functions. Surya namaskar on NAFLD is quite difficult so therefore other yogic practices like kapalbhati, dhanurasana, Bhujangasana are beneficials.
- Udarashoola (Pain in abdomen)
- Aruchi (Loss of appetite)
- Utklesha (Feeling of nausea and vomiting)
- Hritkantahadaha (Heartburn)
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to reversing the fatty liver. Plan a proper routine to practice yoga and pranayam in your day to day life. It may also help rejuvenate your liver and promote healthy functioning of the liver. Many people can follow this routine: yoga and pranayam, exercises and a balanced diet for fatty liver. Doing yoga for fatty liver may also build strength and boost blood flow also helps in improving digestion. It can also address underlying factors like stress and sedentary lifestyle.
- TRIANGLE POSE (Trikonasana): This is a standing pose which improves the blood flow of the body and targets the liver and also helps in detoxification.
- SPINAX POSE (Salamba Bhujangasana): This asana helps in core strength, stimulates the abdominal muscle and helps in relaxation.
- COBRA POSE (Bhujangasana): This asana helps with spinal flexibility, blood flow and also improves the core strength.
- BOW POSE (Dhanurasana): This pose strengthens the abdomen and compresses the liver which helps in detoxification and enhance immune system.
- HALF LORD OF FISHES (Ardha Matsyasana): This is a twisting pose which helps in massaging your abdominal organs and also livers.
- PASCHIMOTTANASANA: This poses manage the spleen, liver, kidney and pancreas.
In Pranayam
- Kapalbhati Pranayam: This asana enhances blood circulation and stimulates the liver and is very useful in liver disease.
- Anulom Vilom: It is very beneficial and can help treat various liver issues. This involves alternating between inhaling one nostril and exhaling to the other one.
- Sit cross legged on the ground
- Inhale deeply
- Exhales forcefully through your nostrils
- Reduces Fat Depositions: Yoga can help reduce fat deposition in liver by using them as a energy during yoga poses.
- Improves Liver Functioning: Can stimulate liver enzymes and improves functioning.
- Strengthen the Liver: The kapalbhati pranayam, bow pose, fish pose can strengthen the liver.
- Improves Blood Flow: Yoga can improve blood flow and oxygenation which helps remove harmful substances from the body.
- Helps in Digestion.
In this article we are studying about how yoga and pranayam are effective for treatment of fatty liver. In this we start from introduction then we study their causes, symptoms, investigation, treatment further we see the ayurvedic overview then symptoms according to ayurveda at last we study treatment and yoga and pranayam we do for fatty liver benefits of yoga and Pranayam in Fatty liver patients.