Yogic Exercise and Pranayam to keep Heart Health


Doing yogic exercises is the best way to enhance your body’s flexibility, strengthen your muscles, boost stamina, erase stress from your mind, get more disciplined and rejuvenate the whole body. Yoga helps in cleaning the whole body, both from inside and from outside, boosting your immune system and keep a check on the health of other organs.

It enhances the blood circulation as well as it is a tonic for weight loss, a major problem the whole world is facing these days. Any posture you choose, enhances your heart’s health. Most of its postures require you to be stagnant at a particular position with deep breathing. Today we are going to discuss some of the yogic exercises and pranayams that help in keeping the heart healthy.

Yoga for Healthy Heart

Anjali Mudra:

  • Just like you do namaste, sit cross legged on the floor with your palms together and your fingers stretching out near the center of your chest (heart chakra). This posture represents the harmony of your body’s both sides,left & right. Now close your eyes at a snail’s pace and inhale slowly & deeply, hold your breath for as long as you can and then exhale slowly. Keep repeating this pattern for a few minutes, the longer, the better.

Anjali mudra

The Warrior Pose (Veerabhadr-asana):

  • This posture means going into a mountain pose. Stretch one of your legs to the backside, but the leg has to be straight and the other leg should be carried forward and bend at a 90° and stretch your hands with palms joined right above your head towards the sky (or the roof, if you are exercising in the indoors). Now inhale slowly & deeply with closed eyes and hold your breath and hold it for as long as you can and exhale slowly. Repeat this pattern for some time.
  • You can do this posture in another way, here you bring your folded hands in front of your chest. Bring your back side leg to point outwards, while your folded leg remains at the original position. Now stretch your hands outside that they are parallel to the earth but are stretched farthest.
  • Now close your eyes and inhale slowly & deeply, hold your breath for some time and exhale slowly. This pattern can be done by altering the both legs. Spend some time doing these postures. It will help in retaining heart’s health.

The Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana):

  • Lie on your back, with hands stretched out sideways. Fold your knees and raise your body from the pelvis area. Stay there for as long as you can or take the support of your hands if you are finding staying at that position is getting difficult. Inhale slowly when you are rising your body, try to hold for as long as you can, exhale while coming back or when your body remains up. This posture is extremely beneficial for your thighs, hips, stomach and back.

Triangular Pose (Trikonasana):

  • Begin by stretching you left leg out. Now stretch your left hand that it touches your left foot and your torso comes above the left leg and is parallel to the earth, now rotate your face and your eyes look at the sky (or the roof, if you are exercising in the indoors).
  • Stretch the right hand keeping the arm straight to the other side, towards the sky. Hold on for some seconds or minutes and do deep breathing. You can also alter the legs & arms.

Surya namaskar;

  • A very popular and widely practiced posture, surya namaskar means saluting the Sun. It has 12 different poses that enhance the health of different organs, and boosts the health of the whole body. All these 12 poses are encompassed into one posture, known as surya namaskar,. You have to stay stagnant in such poses and breath deeply and at a sluggish pace.

Surya namaskar

Bhujang-asana (cobra pose)

  • This is a pose which works wonderfully for spine, shoulder, abdomen, also relieves your stress & fatigue. Lie down on your stomach while keeping your hands on the ground, right next to your chest. Now slowly lift the front of your body upwards after getting the help of your hands. Hold it when your arms become straight. Concentrate on your breathing and feel  the stretch in your abdomen, also feel the fatigue going through your spine and vanishes in the hips.

Seated Forward Pose (Paschimottasana):

  • Just sit on the floor with legs stretched, but both are joined together. Now try to reach the feet with your hands, without folding your legs at the knees. Bend so much that your head comes over your knees, keep practicing,
  • One fine day you can touch your forehead with your knees. This pose is great for enhancing the flexibility. It facilitates by bringing down a fast heart beat and relaxes your whole body. When your hands touch your feet, try deep breathing.

The Mountain Pose (Tadasana):

  • This one is very easy to do and is one of the basic ones. This pose eradicates stress and concentrates more on deep breathing. Stand with your legs slightly apart, bring your hands folded near the chest. Take deep breaths and stretch your body.


  • Just lie on your back with arms resting alongside body and palms facing the sky or roof. Let your ankles fall outward. Inhale slowly, but deeply as you feel melting into the floor with every breath, than exhale sluggishly. Do this pose for more than 5 minutes.

Natural Ways to Prevent Heart Disease

  • If you have a difficulty in doing these different postures, take the help of yoga expert. Planet Ayurveda’s Heart Care Pack is wonderful in heart related ailments. Take Planet Ayurveda’s Heart Care Pack, which is made from the extracts of best quality, herbal plants.
  • It is 100% made of natural & authentic herbal, which is free from any chemicals, additives and preservatives. It is the best remedy for your heart to function normally and it doesn’t cost a fortune. Well, what are you waiting for? Its available online at planetayurvda.com

Dr. Vikram Chauhan


Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com.

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