September 22, 2021
Liver is the prime organ of detoxification and the main organ involved in regulating the chemical levels in the blood. The main job of the function is filtering the blood coming from the digestive tract and then passing the purified blood to other parts of the body. Due to regular intake of unwholesome articles like alcohol and use of other modern medications (such as steroids and antihypertensive drugs etc.) for a longer duration of time and other causes lead to the gradual alteration in the liver tissues which result in the loss of functions of liver and ultimately leading to liver disorders. In this article we’ll discuss the common clinical features and general causes/risk factors for the liver disorders along with the best herbs for preventing & treating the liver disorders.
The clinical manifestation of the liver disorder depends upon the degree of damage to the liver or severity or chronicity of the disease. However, the common clinical picture of various liver disorders may appear as yellowish discoloration of eyes and skin (jaundice), abdominal pain and swelling specifically in right hypochondriac region and severe itching, chronic fatigue, abnormal appetite (mostly reduced or loss of appetite) with difficulty in digestion resulting in multiple and frequent episodes of nausea and vomiting, darkening of the color of urine and edema in legs and ankles.
There are numerous causes that lead to liver disease. The most common causes/ risk factors for developing liver disease include genetic predisposition, heavy alcohol intake, obesity, diabetes mellitus (type 2), viral infections, unprotected sex, blood transfusion, overuse or long term use of modern medicines having hepatotoxic side effects, etc.
Various liver disorders are categorized under the general term yakrit roga in Ayurveda. Yakrit rogas ranges from kamala (jaundice), halimak (green texture in stool; a complication of kamla), kumbh kamla (ascites due to jaundice/liver cause), yakrit vidradhi (hydatid cyst), yakrit vridhi (hepatomegaly), yakridalodar (cirrhosis of liver), yakritarbud (tumors of liver) and other such diseases. The main vitiated doshas involved are tridosha with the predominance of pitta.
1. Bhumyamlaki
(Phyllanthus niruri) contains the phytochemical Phyllanthin in the leaves which have hepato-protective activity. It has been indicated in kamla (jaundice), yakrit-pleehavridhi (hepatomegaly-splenomegaly) and other blood disorders along with urinary tract related disorders and respiratory disorders. This herb is proven to have anti-inflammatory properties in various hepatitis conditions and has significant results in reducing the AST- ALT levels.
(Reference- Bhavprakash Nighantu Haritkyadivarga 152)
2. Katuki
(Picrorhiza kurroa) It is rich in picrorhizin, along with other phytochemicals that include deepak appetizer, pachak digestive stimulant, and pitta virechak (aids in pacifying pitta). It functions mainly on the liver and intestines. Also, its bhedni guna is very beneficial in breaking down the accumulation of endotoxins and then removing those through purgation.
3. Kalmegh
(Echinacea- Andrographis paniculata) is another beneficial herb for liver problems such as fatty liver, alcoholic liver disease. This herb is used in liver disorders as it removes the accumulated toxins within the liver and contains phytochemicals such as alkaloids that promote the regeneration of the damaged liver cells.
4. Makoy
(Solanum nigrum) is a small weed-like herb with amazing healing properties. It also acts primarily on the liver by bringing down the raised level of alkaline phosphatase, due to underlying liver diseases such as alcoholic liver damage, fatty liver and all types of hepatitis and side by side fastening up the regeneration process of the liver cells.
5. Punarnava
(Boerhavia diffusa) is the best herbal diuretic herb. It aids in removing the excess fat and fluid from the body. Obesity as mentioned above is the main risk factor for developing liver disease and its diuretic action aids in getting relief from the ascetic or hepatomegaly conditions resulting from various liver disorders.
6. Kasni
(Cichorium intybus) has the unique ability to heal the liver cells even in the worst conditions of the liver. It is the blood purifier, thus helping in reducing the excess load on the liver, preventing the liver cells from further damage by free radicals and also providing time for the better and faster healing of the liver in various liver disorders.
7. Sharpunkha
(Tephrosia purpurea) is the most effective herb for enlarged liver and spleen. It helps in the regeneration of liver cells and also regenerates the capacity of the spleen to hold blood. Sarpunkha is a natural alkalizer that helps in reducing abdominal discomforts such as hyperacidity and flatulence due to liver problems.
8. Bhringraj
(Eclipta alba) has been a well known herb for hair related problems since ages. But latest research shows that this herb has a wonderful role in normalizing the liver functions and helps in regeneration of new liver cells. It is beneficial in liver damage due to excessive toxins, fatty liver and other such conditions.
9. Haritaki
(Terminilia chebula) is the best herb for detoxification of the body as it removes the toxic material by breaking up the blockages in the channels in the intestines, and other ducts, cleansing the body and reducing strain from the heart and other body organs. This will ultimately enhance the human body’s capability to recover from the ongoing disease and also make the action of herbal drugs more effective. It is used for therapeutic purgation, removes the toxins directly from the intestine reducing stress on the liver and promoting the faster recovery of the liver from various liver disorders.
Planet ayurveda is a globally emerging manufactures and supplier of herbal formulation that are made with the strict adherence to ancient ayurvedic texts.
Planet Ayurveda’s experts made the combination of herbal formulations for various liver disorders under the name of LIVER CARE PACK andThese packs contain a combination of 4 efficient formulations i.e. Yakrit Plihantak Churna, Echinacea Capsules, Phyllanthus Niruri, and Liver Detox Formula.
1. Yakrit Plihantak Churna
It is an amazing classical polyherbal blend beneficial for various liver and spleen related disorders. Its ingredients include katuki, bhumyamalaki, kalmegh, makoy, sarpunkha, kasni, bhringraj etc
Dosage-1 tsp twice daily with plain water after meals
2. Phyllanthus Niruri
these are the standardised extract of bhumyamalaki prepared in the house of Planet ayurveda. It has hepatoprotective properties due to which it detoxifies liver cells.
Dosage– 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
3. Echinacea capsules
Echinacea capsules are single herbal formulations prepared using standardized extract of Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata). It is also a very good herb for managing Liver disorders.
Dosage– 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
4. Liver Detox Formula
it is best product made by Planet Ayurveda’s team for the detoxification of the liver and the whole body. It contains hepatoprotective herbs such as kalmegh, makoy, punarnava and purgative drugs such as haritaki and katuki along with other herbs.
Dosage– 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – or call at +91-172-5214030 Or Check Website –
Liver is one of the unique organs having the regeneration capabilities in the hepatocytes even after damage due to diseased condition, if adequate nourishment is provided to the liver along with these herbal supplements, one can prevent or treat various liver disorders.