Ayurvedic Treatment for Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma

Swarna Bhasma Tablet


Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma (ESS) is affecting 1-2 per million women globally every year and young women are more prominent in this disease than older ones. According to the surveys and research, only about 10% turns out to be uterine sarcomas and 0.2% of uterine malignancies. The first-line treatment for ESS is with hysterectomy and adnexectomy which will undoubtedly have its own side effects. (2) (3)

What is Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma?

Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma (ESS) is a rare form of malignant tumor causes due to uncontrolled and abnormal growth in the uterus. This is reviewed to make 0.2 % of major uterine malignancies and tends to mimic like endometrial cells in initial stages. Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma can be of three types i.e. Endometrial Stromal Tumors (ESN), Low-Grade Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma (LGESS) and Undifferentiated Endometrial Sarcoma (UES). (1)

Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma?

Some of the noticeable signs are as follows-

  • Lumps in vagina
  • Abdominal pain
  • Frequent urge for urination
  • Vaginal discharge due to infection or other reason
  • Pain in the pelvic region
  • The feeling of fullness in the belly (Dyspepsia)
  • Vaginal bleeding other than menstrual bleeding

Risk Factors of Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma

There are some factors that may trigger the disorder are-

  • Some medications like Nolvadex which affects the estrogen levels.
  • Exposure to radiation in previous years to pelvic or uterine region.
  • Polycystic disease

Diagnosing Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma

The common clinical tests that can confirm the endometrial stromal sarcoma are-

  • Biopsy
  • Endometrial biopsy
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Dilation & Curettage
  • Endometrial tissue testing
  • Transvaginal ultrasound
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
  • CT (Computerized Tomography) scan
  • PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan

Ayurvedic Treatment for Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma by Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda is offering an amazing range of herbal products for the effective treatment of Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma. All the products are 100% pure, natural, vegetarian and free from all kinds of chemicals, preservatives, and additives. Some of the products are discussed as follows-

  1. Female Health Support
  2. Punarnava Mandoor
  3. Gandhak Rasayan
  4. Kanchnaar Guggul
  5. Manjishtha Capsules
  6. Graviola Capsules
  7. Suvarna (Svarna) Bhasma Tablets

Herbal Supplements for Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma

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Product Description

1. Female Health Support

Female health support has been formulated with Ashok (Saraca Indica), Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) and Lodhra (Symplocus Racemosa). These herbs work efficiently in maintaining Pitta and Vata doshas that are responsible for irregular menstruation and heavy bleeding. Ashok and Lodhra both work effectively in relieving menstrual pain, premenstrual tension, excessive menstruation, etc. Shatavari plays a significant role in regulating hormonal imbalance and improves lactation after pregnancy.

Dosage– 1-2 capsules two times a day with plain water after meals.

2. Punarnava Mandoor

Planet Ayurveda’s Punarnava Mandoor is a classical Ayurvedic formulation of enormous herbs like Punarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa), Shunti (Zingiber Longum), Pippali (Piper Longum), Maricha (Piper Nigrum), Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), Chavya (Piper chaba), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Vidanga (Embelica ribes), Chitrak mool (Plumbago zeylanica) and Ferric oxide calx (Mandoor Bhasma). This product improves blood circulation, blood count and flushes out toxins from the body. Boerhaavia Diffusa and Zingiber Officinalis are very beneficial in reducing symptoms of Asthma, Edema, Anemia, Jaundice, Cardio-vascular disorders, etc. Mandoor Bhasma which is purified iron rust is an amazing diuretic and haematinic agent, that effectively treats anemia, menorrhagia, jaundice, fluid accumulation, etc.

Dosage-1-2 tablets two or three times a day with lukewarm water.

3. Gandhak Rasayan

Gandhak Rasayan is a Planet Ayurveda’s classical formulation containing purified Sulphur (Shuddh gandhak). This is an amazing natural supplement for rejuvenation as it is packed with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties. It is very effective in liver disorders and skin ailments like acne, leprosy, and ringworm. Purified Sulphur plays a significant role in blood purification, improving digestion and is a great carminative agent.

Dosage– 1-2 tablets two or three times a day with lukewarm water.

4. Kanchnaar Guggul

Kanchnaar guggul of Planet Ayurveda is a classical Ayurvedic formulation which includes various medicinally important herbs like Kachnar bark (Bauhinia variegata), Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Pippali (Piper longum), Black pepper (Piper nigrum), Varuna (Crataeva religiosa) and Ginger (Zingiber officinale). The main ingredients of this product are Kachnaar and Guggul which play an important role in treating fibroids, ovarian cysts, and thyroid disorders. The amazing herbal combination in the product helps in treating various disorders like obesity, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), lipoma, liver cysts, boils, and fistula. It supports detoxification and the healthy functioning of the lymphatic system.

Dosage-1-2 tablets two or three times a day with lukewarm water.

5. Manjishtha Capsules

Manjishtha Capsule is a herbal remedy made up of pure extracts of Manjishtha (Rubi cordifolia). This herb is known for its blood purifying action which further helps in treating many skin ailments and improving complexion. It possesses anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. This product is very beneficial in reducing symptoms of anxiety disorders, joint problems (high uric acid, arthritis, and gout), leprosy and hyperpigmentation. This has proven effects in balancing impaired Kapha and Pitta doshas and enhancing immunity.

Dosage– 1-2 tablets two times a day with plain water after meals.

6. Graviola Capsules

Graviola capsules have been formulated by high-quality Graviola (Annona muricata) possess anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant and analgesic properties, beneficial in treating infections, digestive problems, and high blood pressure. This herb is an enriched source of essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B2. Graviola capsules are beneficial in treating lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer.

Dosage– 2 capsules daily with plain water.

7. Suvarna (Svarna) Bhasma Tablets

This is the metal-based formulation of Planet Ayurveda containing purified gold (Ash of gold or calcined gold) which is packed with various therapeutic properties. This is very effective in treating diseases like Irritable bowel syndrome (IBD), Jaundice, tuberculosis, diabetes, etc. Purified gold efficiently works in enhancing the immune system, memory and reduces symptoms of various disorders like depression, epilepsy, and other mental disorders. This product works tremendously in balancing impaired Kapha and Vata dosha that ultimately prevents various disorders.
Swarna Bhasma Tablets

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Dosage- 1 capsule daily to 123 chew with lukewarm water.



  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3385272/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30317238
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2941598/

Dr. Vikram Chauhan


Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of http://www.PlanetAyurveda.com, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit - www.planetayurveda.com, www.alwaysayurveda.com

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