Chandramrit Ras – Benefits, Usage, Indications, and Dosage


Rasashastra is a supreme branch of ayurvedic classics. There are a lot of rasagranthas in Rasashastra, explaining the rasaushadhi in very detail. Parada and gandhaka are well known minerals having ample benefits. The mode of action of rasaushadhi is fast and is result oriented. Rasaaushdhis are associated with parada and gandhaka. This article contains information about one of the most important rasaushadhi Chandramrit ras, its therapeutic values and method of preparation and actions.


Chandramrit ras manages the aggravated vata dosha in the body and helps to manage diseases like paralysis. It is mentioned in Aushadh guna dharamshala. It is one of the most useful herbomineral combinations to  manage the tremors or parkinsonism. It is loaded with a variety of health benefits after purification. As the name indicates Chandramrit ras is to enhance the lungs strength, immunomodulator and anti-pyretic in action.


  • Shudh parad
  • Shuddha gandhak
  • Loha bhasma
  • Abhrak bhasma
  • Suhaga kheel
  • Sonth
  • Pippali
  • Kali mirch
  • Amla
  • Harad
  • Baheda
  • Chavya
  • Dhaniya
  • Jeera
  • Sendha namak

Bhavna dravyas

Adusa (Adhatoda vasica)

Description of Main ingredients

Shudh Parada

Shudh Parada is one of the main ingredients of  Chandramrit ras. Shudh parada is purified mercury is one of the potent health boosters, promoting the healthy blood cells in the body. Purified mercury increases the sperm quality and nourishes the muscles. It enhances better assimilation and absorption of minerals and nutrients in the body.. The multiple benefits of Parada is mentioned in ayurvedic texts. Parada is known to balance all the three doshas (vata, pitta, kapha). It acts as immunomodulator and rasayan (rejuvenator) and acts as Ropan. Parada is best as it increases the potency of ingredients assimilated with it. Parada is associated with many spiritual thoughts as mentioned in rasagranthas.Rasa is related to lord shiva and  has spiritual entities. It increases the quality and efficiency of all the ingredients in this herbomineral formulation.

Shudha gandhak

Shudh gandhak is detoxified sulphur. Shudh gandhak is sweet in taste and katu (bitter). Properties associated with gandhak are its agni-deepak (promotes digestion), hot  potency and clean out the toxins.  It helps to cure the ailments associated with various skin disorders. It can manage ailments like psoriasis,eczema etc. Gandhak is a potent brain booster,opens the body channels,boosts the immunity and manages the allergic conditions. Gandhak is known to increase the immunity and disease fighting capacity of the body. Other associated actions of the purified sulphur increase the semen count. As it increases the overall metabolism of the body, it enhances mental strength, promote calmness. So it is one of the chief ingredients of the Chandramrit ras. Gandhak (purified sulphur) is a potent detoxifier, boosts the immunity and it is beneficial in conditions of allergy. Rasa sindoor promotes the vata anulomana (drains the aggravated vata), acts as kaphanisarak (pacifies the aggravated kaph), agni deepak(promotes digestion).

Loha bhasma

Loha bhasma is one of the main ingredients of Chandramrit ras. Loha is nourishing, sour, and sweet in properties. Loha is heavy in property and cool in nature. Loha is known to improve the strength, immunity, skin texture and quality of life, a potent immunity modulator in the body, promotes the healthy blood cells and known to manage conditions like anemia. Loha promotes sperm quality and muscle nourishment. Loha bhasma promotes long term weakness, anti-inflammatory, anti cancer and helps to reload the normal status of the body.

Abhrak Bhasma

Abhrak is purified Mica. It is cold in potency,sweet in taste, smooth in purified form. Abhrak is known to increase the strength,age and act as a brain tonic. Abhrak also acts as an aphrodisiac and rejuvenator. It can be helpful to manage the problems like cough, breathlessness, anemia, tuberculosis, indigestion, swelling, piles and vertigo. Other actions of mica are keshya (promote hair growth), hridya (improve the cardiac tone) etc. netrya (promote better vision). Abhrak is an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunity booster. Abhrak is helpful in managing and promoting good lung health and promotes the functions of alveoli. In Chandramrit ras abhrak bhasma enhances the potency of this formulation multiple times.


Suhaga is Borax. It is antimicrobial in action, suhaga is antimicrobial in action. Also Suhaga manages the dandruff problems and other associated skin issues. Suhaga is pungent in taste and hot in nature. Also suhaga balances vata and increases digestive power. Suhaga promotes all these actions when assimilated in Chandramrit rasa.


Sonth is Zingiber officinale. Sonth is hot in potency. The properties of Sonth or adrak are katu (pungent), guru (heavy), ruksha (dry), teekshna (strong) and madhur in vipaka. It promotes digestion as it is helpful in promoting the digestive fire. Also sonth is hot in potency so it is also useful in managing conditions like cough, cold and fever.


Pippali is Piper Longum. Prevalent throughout the plains of India. Pippali is adaptogenic, potent nervine tonic, antispasmodic in properties. Also pippali helps to calm the thought process, maintain the sleep wake cycle and help to maintain the cortisol hormone in balance. Katu , laghu, teekshna, hot.

Kali Mirch

Kali mirch/black pepper is Piper nigrum. Black piper is Katu (pungent) in taste. Kali mirch is laghu (light), tikshna (astringent), sukshma (invade the deep channels and drain out the toxins), ushna (hot in potency) and balance kapha and vata. This herb enhances the properties of Chandramrit rasa.


Amla is emblica officinalis. The amla fruit is cold in potency, guru (heavy) and madhur (sweet) in taste. Amla has five tastes: pungent, sour, sweet, bitter, and astringent. It is tridosha shamak and helps to balance the aggravated vata, pitta and kapha. Also amla is an immunity modulator and anti-inflammatory agent.


Harad is Terminalia chebula. Harad is pungent, bitter and astringent in nature. It is a well known herb to balance the vata, pitta and kapha. The rasa (taste) of harad is bitter, astringent and sweet. It is a well known digestion promotor and detoxifies the system. Harad also have anuloman properties (drain out the vata).


Baheda is Terminalis billerica. Baheda is kshaya (astringent), ruksha (dry), laghu (light), sheet(cold) in sparsh (touch), madhur (sweet), and ushna (hot) in potency. Baheda is also a well known digestion promoter. Also baheda balances the vata, pitta and kapha in the body. Baheda has laxative actions and helps to manage chronic constipation.


Chavya is piper retrofractum. The properties of Chavya are laghu (light), ruksha (dry), katu (pungent), and hot. Chavya is best to manage problems like Constipation, neuralgia,bloating,and paralysis. Therefore chavya also manages the abdominal pain and fullness.


Dhaniya is coriandrum sativum. Dhaniya is Astringent, light, bitter, and unctuous. It can manage the problems associated with poor digestive fire and excess pitta. Dhaniya also manages the burning sensation, vomiting, unctuousness, and fever. It provides the chandramrit rasa a soothing effect.  


Jeera is cumin. Jeera is  Laghu (light), katu (pungent), and ushna (hot). The jeerak promotes digestion, helpful to cure the hyperacidity, burning gut, dizziness, bloating, vomiting and skin diseases. Jeera also promotes a soothing effect. It is very common in Indian households.

Sendha namak

Sendha namak is rock salt. It is deepaniya (promote better digestion), chakshushya (improve vision), vidahi (cure the burning sensation in the gut), improve taste, aphrodisiac, relieve infection, enhance the body tone. It is hikkanashna (means to manage hiccups).


Pippali is piper longum. Improve digestion,manage cough and cold. Improve the digestive fire. It is hot in potency, katu, laghu, tikshna. Vata and kapha pacifier. Pacify the spleen related problems and promote hunger.

Bhavna drvyas

Adusa (Adhatoda vasica)

Adusa is also called as vasa. Vasa is one of the best medicines to manage the conditions of respiratory problems. It is beneficial to manage the abdominal discomfort. It manages the excessive cough and problems like ulcerative colitis or crohn’s disease. The bhavna of vasa in Chandramrit rasa enhance the properties multiple times and therefore help to load the Chandramrit rasa with respiratory detoxification properties.

Preparation method

First add the 1-1 tola of each ingredient. After that, crush the ingredients properly after making the kajjali of parad and gandhak. Make powder of every ingredient and give bhavna of Adusa leaves. Make tablets of 3 ratti each.


This rasa is loaded with multiple potent and effective ingredients to manage the conditions of aggravated tridosha. Chandramrit rasa is very helpful to maintain good health and helpful in painful conditions.

  1. Asthma
  2. Breathlessness
  3. Blood mixed cough
  4. Poor digestion
  5. Gulma (abdominal discomfort)
  6. Haridyaroga (cardiac tone)
  7. Pandu (anemia)
  8. Jeerna javar (intermittent fever)
  9. Dry cough
  10. Cough
  11. Cardiac issues
  12. Vertigo
  13. Daha (burning sensation)
  14. Scleroderma.

Dosage:  125 mg twice daily


Avoid self med. Chandramrita ras should always be taken after the advice of an ayurvedic physician. Avoid self medication in children also. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should avoid it. Overdose can cause serious concerns.

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Chandramrit ras is one of the useful herbal remedies to manage digestive and respiratory issues. Chandramrit ras promotes the functioning of alveoli and CNS. It balances the vata dosha and manages the conditions like bronchial asthma problems. This rasa has potency to manage the various respiratory issues. In conclusion we can say that Chandramrit ras is a potent rasaushadhi to manage various health concerns.

Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is a Globally Renowned Ayurveda Physician with Expertise of more than 25 Years. He is the CEO & Founder of, a leading Ayurveda Brand, Manufacturing, and Export Company with a Chain of Clinics and Branches in the US, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, and other parts of the World. He is also an Ayurveda Author who has written Books on Ayurveda, translated into Many European Languages. One of his Books is "Ayurveda – God’s Manual for Healing". He is on a Mission to Spread Ayurveda All Over the Planet through all the Possible Mediums. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of the Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit -,

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