September 28, 2021
Herbal Remedy for Thoracic outlet syndrome
The thoracic outlet region is at the lower part of the neck. It begins from above, behind the clavicle and extends all the way to the upper part of the arm. The thoracic outlet is located next to the large muscles which run vertically to the neck and are known as the sternocleidomastoid muscle. In front, there is a muscle which runs back to the neck and is called the trapezius muscle. The lower portion of the thoracic outlet extends behind the clavicle. It is known as the pectorals muscle. There are many nerves and vessels which pass through the Thoracic outlet and supply the shoulders as well as arms. They are together known as the Brachial plexus and control the muscles and also provide sensation to specific areas over shoulders and arms. The compression of these arteries leads to pain and hence the occurrence of thoracic outlet syndrome occurs. In this article we will mainly discuss the details of thoracic outlet syndrome and how its management can be done in Ayurveda.Introduction
This condition emerges due to compression of blood vessels and nerves which are present in the spaces between the collarbone and first rib. It results in severe pain in the shoulder associated with numbness in the fingers. The condition is named after the thoracic outlet which, as mentioned before, is present between the lower neck and upper chest. Most of the blood vessels, as well as nerves, are located in this area. The commonest cause for the syndrome is repetitive injury or a traumatic car accident and certain types of defects. The term Thoracic Outlet Syndrome was first given by RM Peet. 1965.Epidemiology
- Incidence of thoracic outlet syndrome is common in only 1-2% of the population.
- It is mostly seen in patients between the ages of 20 to 50 years
- Females generally suffer from thoracic outlet syndrome more than men.
Sign and symptoms of Thoracic outlet syndrome
Following are the common clinical features that are observed in this condition depending on the type. It includesVascular thoracic outlet syndrome
This condition is seen in the condition in which veins of the lower neck and upper chest are damaged. The condition generally develops after excessive exercise and common signs like swelling in fingers, arms and hands along with heaviness associated with weakness in arms and neck.Neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome
Neurogenic type of thoracic outlet syndrome is related to the abnormality which is present in the soft as well as bony tissue. It is generally seen in the region of the lower neck. This causes compression and irritation of the brachial plexus. Generally the nerves are responsible for motor and sensory response. This can result in symptoms like numbness and weakness of the hands, the size of muscle is decreased and tingling along with a pricking sensation is observed.Arterial thoracic outlet syndrome
It is one of the least common types and has higher severity than others. This is the congenital type which means it is present from birth and mostly seen in the lower neck as well as upper chest. Soreness in fingers along with poor circulation of blood around arms, hands and fingers is commonly observed. Cold sensation in fingers and arms is also common.
Causes of Thoracic outlet syndrome
The Exact cause for the thoracic outlet syndrome is not known but it is understood that it is due to nerve compression. The causes for nerve compression can include things likePoor posture
Holding the head for too long or dropping the shoulder instantly can result in compression of the thoracic outlet area.Anatomical defects
Congenital defect which is present from birth due to mutation or can be an inherited condition results in abnormal tightening of the fibrous band connecting the spine to the rib.Trauma
Trauma can be the result of a car accident or can be due to a fall, damage to the shoulder thus resulting in compression of nerves or vessels in the thoracic outlet syndrome.Repetitive activity
Doing an excessive amount of the same action or exercise every day may lead to wearing and tearing of the tissue. Mostly activities like typing, lifting, swimming, or playing basketball can also lead to compression of nerves in the thoracic outlet.Pressure on the joints
Obesity or being overweight will put pressure on the joints or carrying an oversized backpack can do the same, thus compressing the nerves or vessels in the thoracic outlet.Risk factors
Below are two factors that may increase the chances of developing this condition. It includes Sex:- Females are more likely to suffer from the disease as compared to males. Age:- Adults between the ages of 20 to 40 years of age.Diagnosing thoracic outlet syndrome
The diagnosis of this condition is generally done by doing examination of the patient and after examination certain scan tests can be guided to the patients- Physical examination showed depression in the shoulder and swelling of the arms.
- X-ray
- Ultrasound
- CT-scan (Computed tomography)
- MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging)
- Angiography
- Arteriography and venography
- Nerve conduction study
Treatment for Thoracic outlet syndrome
Physical therapy
In neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome, physical therapy is the kind of treatment that is usually preferred. The patient is asked to perform certain exercises which helps in strengthening and stretches your shoulder muscles to open the thoracic outlet and hence improve your range of motion and hence improve your posture.Medications
Generally anti inflammatory is prescribed along with some analgesics. Sometimes clot-dissolving medication is also given, they are called anticoagulants.Surgical options
It is only advised when conservative treatment is not effective.Herbal formulations by Planet Ayurveda
Planet Ayurveda is a leading Ayurvedic firm which deals with the manufacturing of herbal formulations. These formulations are prepared using potent herbs which are really effective in managing many conditions. The formulations prepared by Planet Ayurveda do not contain any kind of adulterants, dyes, additives, fillers etc. These medications are too potent to manage many conditions and are very fruitful hence giving positive noticeable results. The medication or formulations offered by Planet Ayurveda for the management of thoracic outlet syndrome is as follows- Yograj Guggul
- Boswellia Curcumin
- Aamvatantak Churna
- Vrahat VatChintamani Ras
- Bone Support