December 20, 2022
How to deal with a Narcissistic Partner & How can Ayurveda help?
Narcissists lack empathy and attention seeking behavior is usually one of the first things noticed by their partners. They will want all the attention on them, destroy your self-confidence, and make themselves feel more worthy than others. First of all, understand that they have a different personality and temperament. If you are in a relationship with a Narcissist and wonder how to deal with it ? This article will provide information and ayurvedic formulations which will be helpful in this scenario.
Narcissistic personality is the most common type of the personality disorder, but there are many other types of these people. If a person has certain characteristics like low self-esteem or a sense of suffocation it makes them more vulnerable to depression and anxiety but it is not their fault and they will only get in trouble if this person is taken advantage of. Narcissists want to control every aspect of the relationship. They can come off as charming, charismatic, and confident. They will make you feel like you are the luckiest person in the world and that they are the one for you. They will be intensely interested in your life, and try to get deep into your past. They will want to know everything about your past relationships along with any details regarding sex and love affairs. They will try to make you feel insecure about your looks, weight, and appearance. When one gets emotionally connected, even the slightest things possess great impact. Being around a narcissist can be very draining for your mental state so how can you deal with such a person? The following are the tips.
The first step is recognising narcissist behavior patterns. The narcissistic personality is very attractive and attention drawing in the beginning. But with time you may suffocate emotionally. You will have to start speaking up for yourself. Try to set clear emotional boundaries to protect your peace of mind. Narcissistic behavior is not just a normal behavior but a mental condition namely narcissistic personality disorder. This type of condition may require medical attention. So, it will be advised to seek professional medical help regarding the same. Let us discuss the ayurvedic perspective of narcissistic personality disorder.
Ayurvedic literature presents a very vast description of various types of health related conditions. The concept correlated to the condition of narcissistic personality disorder in ayurveda will be discussed now. Ayurveda’s branch Bhutavidya contains detailed descriptions related to various types of psychiatric and psychological disorders. Ayurveda texts mention plenty of ayurvedic formulations to deal with the condition appropriately. It correlated this condition with the vitiation of vata dosha along with the vitiation of the mano guna i.e. satwa, raja, tama. The condition of asura satva is correlated with that of narcissism. The features of aasura satva are described as follows. These types of people are very conscious regarding their reputation and image. They care only about their benefit. People of aasura satva are observed to be very bold and courageous, they even get very aggressive very often. They face anger issues. Depending on the severity of the scenario, they can be very cruel and terrifying also. It is very important to provide proper medical attention to such patients. The useful ayurvedic formulations effective for the condition of narcissistic personality disorder are detailed as follows.
Planet Ayurveda provides various formulations of natural herbs such as brahmi capsule, maha paishachik ghrita, saraswatarisht, etc. which provide numerous health benefits improving the overall condition of the body. These ayurvedic formulations are prepared using authentic ways and provide great results in improving the condition of narcissistic personality disorder. The formulations are prepared strictly according to the procedures described in the samhitas (classical texts) and therefore are very effective in promoting the health of the patient and managing the diseased state effectively. The products beneficial for improving the condition of narcissistic personality disorder are described as follows –
- Brahmi Capsule
- Maha Paishachika Ghrita
- Saraswatarisht
- Stress Support
1. Brahmi Capsule
Brahmi capsule is being prepared by Planet ayurveda. It contains natural extract of a wonderful ayurvedic herb known as Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). It is an excellent neurotonic. Brahmi is very effective in managing a variety of disorders related to psychological health. It helps to improve the neurological state of the body. Hence, it will be beneficial for managing the narcissistic personality disorder.
Dosage: One capsule two times a day.
2. Maha Paishachika Ghrita
Maha Paishachika Ghrita is an effective ayurvedic formulation which contains a variety of advantages for health. It contains a paste of various medicinal herbs such as vacha (Acorus calamus), jatamansi (Nardostchys jatamansi), haritaki (Terminalia chebula) prepared in ghrita. This incorporates the medicinal properties of these herbs into the ghrita. Maha Paishachika Ghrita is beneficial in various neurological and psychological disorders, it will help to manage the narcissistic personality disorder effectively.
Dosage: 1 tsp two times a day with warm water.
3. Saraswatarisht
Saraswatarisht is being prepared by planet ayurveda. It contains plenty of natural ayurvedic components such as brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), adrak (Zinziber officinale), etc. This combination of ayurvedic components helps to pacify the excessive vata dosha from the body and hence, improves neurological health. Saraswatarisht shows great results in managing various personality disorders also and can manage the condition of narcissistic personality disorder efficiently.
Dosage: Two teaspoons two times a day.
4. Stress Support
Planet ayurveda is preparing stress support capsules for improving the neurological well being of the body. These capsules contain a combination of three beneficial herbs namely brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and tagar (Valerina walichi). It supports the nervous system of the body. These herbs are very helpful in managing the excessive vata dosha and hence bringing back the healthy state of the body.
Dosage: One capsule two times a day.
So, in a nutshell, all the above described information can be compiled and it can be concluded that the condition of narcissistic personality disorder can be managed effectively with the appropriate use of ayurvedic formulations. The ayurvedic principles believe to rectify the disease right from its roots rather than just managing the symptoms. So, by restricting the causative or aggravating factors and following a healthy diet chart along with the administration of ayurvedic formulations The condition of narcissistic personality disorder can be managed effectively.