February 20, 2020
Treatment of Afibrinogenemia in Ayurveda
Fibrinogen is a soluble glycoprotein and a clotting factor (factor I) which is an essential component for clotting present in plasma. This plays an important role in the breaking down of fibrinogen to fibrin by the enzymatic action of thrombin. Inherited fibrinogen disorders can be divided into two types i.e. afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia. This condition can be fatal if not managed properly by the Ayurvedic medicine system.
What is Afibrinogenemia?
Afibrinogenemia is a rare coagulation disorder which is also referred to as congenital afibrinogenemia which is usually inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. This condition is generally characterized by the virtual absence of plasma immune-reactive fibrinogen (Factor I) which can be measured by antigenic or functional assays. The prevalence of this disease is estimated in one to 1,000,000 and male or females, both can get equally affected. (1)
What are the Possible Causes of Afibrinogenemia?
There are two factors which can trigger this condition –
1. Mutation Afibrinogenemia
It is generally caused by fibrinogen deficiency in plasma which is triggered by homozygous or heterozygous mutations; affecting any of the three fibrinogen genes i.e. FGA, FGB, and FGG). This mutation results in the partial or complete absence of fibrinogen. Each gene is responsible for making a part or subunit of protein.
2. Inheritance Afibrinogenemia
The parent of an affected infant with an autosomal recessive condition carries one copy of the mutated gene. These individuals are termed carriers and have abnormal levels of fibrinogen in the blood. (2)
How to Recognize Afibrinogenemia?
The fibrinogen levels below 0.1 g/L; represents bleeding abnormalities which may range from mild to severe. It was studied that if bleeding occurs from the umbilical cord just after pregnancy; this can be an early alert to afibrinogenemia.
Some of the other Symptoms Include
- Nose bleeding which can be difficult to stop (Epistaxis)
- Bleeding in the mucous membrane
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
- Postpartum hemorrhage and menorrhagia
- Heavy bleeding after injury
- Spleen rupture
- Intracranial hemorrhage (rare)
- Miscarriage
- Prolonged menstruation in females
- Swelling and inflammation in joints
- Bleeding gums (Gingival bleeding) (3)
How Afibrinogenemia Can be Diagnosed?
Doctors usually look at a person’s medical history, physical examination and certain laboratory assays are performed for the confirmation. A person with afibrinogenemia the results are based on the fibrin which is a product of fibrinogen. The tests include Thrombin time (TT), Prothrombin time (PTT), Reptilase time and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT).
Beneficial Ayurvedic Herbs in Afibrinogenemia
1. Lodhra (Symplocos Racemosa)
This traditional herb is beneficial in pacifying Kapha dosha and balancing Pitta dosha. Lodhra works effectively in bleeding disorders and is considered an amazing coagulant which reduces bleeding and effectively healing wounds.
2. Ashoka (Saraca Indica)
Ashoka is very helpful in controlling internal bleeding and hemorrhagic bleeding.
3. Lotus
Lotus which is commonly known as Kamal kakdi has astringent properties so it is a proven natural remedy for bleeding disorders.
4. Priyangu
Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla) can effectively decrease the clotting time of blood.
Ayurvedic Aspect of Afibrinogenemia
According to Ayurvedic principles, afibrinogenemia is considered as sejvikaras or congenital which gets triggered when there is one or more raktadhatu is absent. This ultimately results in interference to raktastambhak action of blood.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Afibrinogenemia by Planet Ayurveda
For Afibrinogenemia, Planet Ayurveda is offering 100% pure, natural and vegetarian herbal formulations which have been manufactured under the strict supervision of MD Ayurveda experts. Some of the herbal products include Pitta balance capsules, Cloto plan syrup, Kamdudha ras, and Mukta panchamrit ras. All these medicines will not result in any kind of side effects.
- Kamdudha Ras Moti Yukt
- Amalaki Rasayan
- Amla Saar
- Kaharva Pishti
- Shonit Stambhak Vati
- Giloyghan Vati
Products Description
1. Kamdudha Ras Moti Yukt
Kamdudha Ras (Moti yukt) – This is a classical herbo-mineral formulation manufactured by Planet Ayurveda consisting of Guduchi satva (Tinospora cordifolia), praval pishti (calx of coral), mukta bhasma (Calx of pearl) etc. this formulation helps to pacify pitta dosha and rakta dosha, it also helps to relieve various GI issues like bloating, acidity and all other digestion problems.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily before meal with plain water.
2. Amalaki Rasayan
This is a classical herbal formulation consisting of the single herb Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis). Amla is very effective in all blood disorders, it is rich in various health supplements, helps to balance all the doshas, and is having cardio-protective, hepatoprotective, and immune booster in nature.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily after meal with plain water.
3. Amla Saar
This is also a classical herbal formulation consisting of single herb manufactured by Planet Ayurveda in a classical manner. Amla (Emblica officinalis) is the main ingredient in this product which is rich in Vitamin C, which helps to boost immunity and delays the aging process. Amla provides strength to the body, pacifies tridoshas and is very effective in treating various digestive ailments.
Dosage: 2 teaspoons twice daily after meal with plain water.
4. Kaharva Pishti
Kaharva pishti is an ayurvedic herbo-mineral preparation manufactured by Planet Ayurveda consisting of Amber (Trikanta mani) and rose water (Rosa grandiflora). This preparation helps to maintain a healthy bloodstream and a good digestive system. Kaharva pishti is very effective in reducing rakta pradoshaj vikar like epistaxis, GI bleedings, intracranial hemorrhage, prolonged menstruation in females, and pacifying pitta dosha.
Dosage: 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meals.
5. Shonit Stambhak Vati
This is a patent herb-mineral formulation consisting of Nagkesar (Mesua ferra), Shuddha Laksha (Laccifer lacca), Doorva (Cynodon dactylon), and many more. As the name suggests this articulation is very effective in controlling bleeding disorders and is very good in the pacification of pitta dosha so is used in Afibrinogenemia.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.
6. Giloyghan Vati
Giloyghan Vati is a single herbal formulation prepared by classical methods in Planet Ayurveda consisting of Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). It acts as an anti-oxidant, which is very useful in protecting our various organs from the free radicals, having anti-inflammatory properties and this herb is very effective in protecting from various infections and also acts as an immunity booster.
Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily with plain water after meals.
In order to conclude with this information, it is crystal clear that this rare bleeding disorder can get managed naturally with Ayurvedic herbs and herbal supplements from Planet Ayurveda.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4956798/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27164460-congenital-afibrinogenemia-identification-and-characterization-of-two-novel-homozygous-fibrinogen-a-and-b-chain-mutations-in-two-tunisian-families/
- https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/5761/afibrinogenemia